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format your code properly, you pleb
does anyone here know how to tell babel to make my amd module into a require() call instead of a define()? I don't import the module anywhere else, so I need it to just run.
babel uses commonjs by default; who set it to amd for you?
@Nick I've already been using requirejs, so I kept using it.
require is probably converting your transpiled "require" calls to define, etc.
I don't use requirejs, so I have no clue
i used to. what's up? your code is written in AMD but you want to turn it into commonjs?
@Abhishrek Did you see my ping?
nope just came back
@MadaraUchiha no not like that
hear out my concept on miaou
I've had only 200 calories today, but filled with protein and healthy goodness
Why are you counting calories?
because I'm fat
and I'd like to not be fat anymore
my weight is ridiculous. I have a stocky build, so you don't really notice, but I'm way overweight
Same. I gained like 40 pounds while at university
Good to see you're wanting to make change - I know some people who wouldn't be arsed to walk 2 meters to get literal change (as in the coinage).
@Nick How much weight have you lost since we last talked
@Cereal same
once you reach the point where you're too lazy to eat, then the problem levels off a bit
@Meredith ALmost none... I've just started the process this past week...
I'm running/jogging twice a day (30 minutes each time). lifting a bit of weights (mostly just pushups), and eating mostly vegetables
Way less meat, almost no processed sugars, etc
How many calories are you eating a day?
Well, yesterday was like 1800
higher than I want
today is off to a better start
Wasn't 1800 about what you needed to lose a pound a week?
I think it was 1700
I had a lot of gatorade yesterday because my stomach has been feeling really messed up
but I'm just water today
Did you remember to count those calories?
I lost 40 pounds years ago. Was eating 1200 calories a day. I gotta say, I don't recommend it
It's like 120 calories a bottle; ridiculous
1200 is fine if you eat the right foods
You'll be starving if you eat 1200 calories worth of carbs
yes, and excercise
You're supposed to water it down
People keep telling me that weight training is more effective than running
for weight loss
I did both. 30 minutes of running a day + 30 minutes lifting.
+ hockey 4 times a week
That's kinda where I'm leaning
You're really not supposed to run when you're fat
Bad for your knees
I used an elliptical
why not? I know it can damage your knees, but it must be effective
No knee problems with an elliptical, also easier
Losing weight through diet is trivial
Especially when you're overweight
You really only need to exercise to lose weight when you're a healthy weight
I dunno, I saw someone make a list of what the most important things are, in order:
1. Nutrition
2. Nutrition
3. Weight Training
4. Cardio/running
ew cardio
@ʞɔᴉN pls
I'm fat
I like running; I can just only do it for so long before keeling over, lol
It's important to exercise, but it's not really required to lose weight
Yeah, eating less calories is most important
But yeah running 30 minutes at a time is good
@Nick It's easier to lose weight through excercise because you don't have to change your eating habits. Let's say you're 40lbs overweight. You eat 3000 calories a day. If you burn 1800 caloires a day, you'd be eating a net worth of 1200 calories a day, even though you still eat like a pig
*numbers dramaticized
That's what a lot of people are recommending these days, until you start training for really long races (like >10k)
I dunno, changing my diet was easier
I fucking love spinach...
Changing your diet should be easy
You can put that shit in anything, or just have a spinach salad
That's why you see so many athletes balloon when they stop. Go find a 40 year old who swam in highschool. Promise you they're a balloon
Unless you're under 18 and your parents are still feeding you
^ that's where my bad eating habits game from. My idea of a snack as a child was 4 PB&J sandwiches
4? Good god
How do you even eat that many lol
I don't even know. I used to eat 2-3 bags of popcorn at a time too
every day
jesus christ
Like 1 pb&j is like 400 calories
Jesus and PB&J sanwiches; that's what America is all about
Yeah. I was around 230lbs in grade 6
Room challenge: Find me the cheapest bulk candy (per pound, sent to San Mateo). Reward: Pictures of my boss when he opens a random giant box of candy from the internet
probably had a much faster metabolism back then
That's more than double what I weigh now damn
@SomeKittens Orange slices
I already did research on this
You might find cheaper candy, but those are the cheapest good ones
I weigh 210 now. I was 170 before university.

Then I went to live on banana bread and energy drinks, gained 40lbs
but taller than 6th grade
@Meredith smart, I'll check it out now
I lived on multiple enrgy drinks a day, deep fried food, taco bell, etc... I also gained about 40 lbs in the past 2.5 years...
I'm 6'1"
I think I should be...
not sure what my target weight should be
How much do you weigh? I'm aiming for 170 again
@Nick 145-150
ok, another question. (let me know if these are annoying). i'm working with a rest api that returns a 404 if a record with a given ID is not found. These 404 responses are getting logged in chrome console, but they're part of the normal execution of my script. Is there a way to let the 404 request go through silently?
I currently weig ~270... It's horrible, but I luckilly don't look this big
145 is way too small
Then hit the gym and try to add 20 lbs of muscle
No it isnt
Yes it is
I have a progress picture somewhere
That sounds like super twiggy
when I was ~162
I think 150 would be very thin
145 is a bmi of 19
Well, let's just lose 100 lbs, then. Sounds like a long road ahead of me
100 weeks
Actually talk to a doctor
They'll probably want you to lose more than a pound a week
Probably. DO I just go to my primary? Or do I go to some specialized doctor for fat people? lol
@Nick btw that's bad because it means the fat is around your internal organs, not right under your skin
Primary probably
Yes, I know.
primary. let them refer you, if needed.
That's why I'm fixing it
I've never had to lose 100 pounds so idk
@Nick haha yeah that's a bit low IMO
especially for your build
I just looked at those progress pictures. Now I feel fat. Oh god, I was so small
almost everyone's SO avatars broke now that imgur is filtered here
I was 145, like at the beginning of high school
Anything above a bmi >20 will look fat unless you have a lot of muscle
it was grotesque, since I'm 6'4"
150lbs at his height is right below bmi 20
is that assuming I have 0 muscles? Sheesh
@Nick get your muscles surgically removed
i believe i'm 165 @ 6'1, not sure what bmi that is
have 0 muscles
problem solved
You probably have almost no muscle
bye bye, heart
@ssube damn son
Or at least you will after you lose weight
@Meredith Right now? Yeah... it went bye bye
I'm pretty weak right now
@Nick you don't need a heart
if I only had a brain...
Hitler was tremendously successful for a very long time and clearly had no heart or soul.
@ʞɔᴉN 21.8
I don't put much stock in bmi, since different people do have different structures, but I do believe that I could lose 100 lbs
I don't look fat :(
Not really
mine's 15 apparently
@Nick yeah, bmi has been pretty thoroughly invalidated
we weren't even supporting it here for people's health profiles until some clients demanded it
It's really only misleading if you're muscular
the doctors we consult with were very against having it listed
i think the fact that it doesn't factor in bodyfat/muscle makes it a really poor indicator
yep, body fat percentage is much better
I dislike bmi
Body fat percentage is great
But it's not really any better when you're fat
how do you measure it?
BMI Doesn't account for:
@Cauterite run electricity through your feet
it's sweet
That ectomorph crap was proven false ages ago
@Nick that's why we've scrapped it
It isn't a thing
@ssube ah… naturally
bmi is usually wrong
Not for fat people though
Fat people are wrong.
You're all telling me opposite things; Let's all just agree that I'm fat, and can lose 100 lbs
there is no agreed upon formula for BMI
there's no single value, the few doctors that still use can't decide which is more accurate
Everyone just uses the first google result for bmi calculator
the whole thing is just silly, which is why we don't use it anymore
@Meredith is it any less accurate than other calculators?
the correct ones are supposed to take age into account, but most don't. There are a few other coefficients that they typically skip as well.
Who knows
I've looked at their javascript though and it's awful
@ssube when I was still with my trainer they had a machine do the feet thing.
he explained that if I was over or under hydrated that would also fuck up the results
so many things that can fuck up the results.
Is there a more accurate index than BMI, then?
look in the mirror
Not really
Yeah the mirror
happy? good.
not happy? probably maybe do something about it
@Callum yep, body fat stuff in a controlled environment
it's medically correct, which is the most expensive kind of correct
body fat percentage with a water displacement test is fairly accurate
But also watch out for visceral fat
So many guys think they're just muscular when their organs are being strangled by lard
@rlemon I think that's about the best you'll get
caliper tests can be accurate, depending on who is administrating it
I don't need to do tests to know I'm a god
@Meredith you can do both. They sell fried lard on a stick.
as long as I can be a macho man, I know I'm still in good shape.
if you can lift up women and cut down trees, you're fine
if you can cut down women and lift up trees, you're fecked
I can lift women, and I have recently cut down a tree.
You gotta be able to run down an antelope
I am a lumberjack
@Meredith can I break its legs first? :P
I was a lumberjack until I "trimmed" my beard last week
You just need to run 6 miles in 100 degree heat
by trimmed, I mean going from >1" to like 1/3"

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