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git saw -branch sitting_on
@GNi33 ohai
@GNi33 when are you coming here? It's all sunny in the south of france
is it as freezing right now as it is in Austria?
var todos = [
	"id" : 1,
	"description" : "sleep" ,
	"completed" : false
	"id" : 2,
	"description" : "eat" ,
	"completed" : true

app.delete('/todos/:id', function (req, res) {
	var todoId = parseInt(req.params.id, 10);
	var matchedTodo = _.findWhere(todos, {id: todoId});

	if (!matchedTodo) {
		res.status(404).json({"error": "no todo found with that id"});
	} else {
		todos = _.without(todos, matchedTodo);
I'm in t-shirt outside
is there anything wrong with that code?
but there's a good chance that I'll go to France for one or two matches of the EURO next year :)
postman's sending couldn't get response
@FlorianMargaine heh i am sweating
and the fan is on..
nice. It's sunny here right now, but it's freezing also
@Abhishrek aren't you at NYC?
I leave on 9th morning
@GNi33 depending on where and when you go, we might meet
@Abhishrek oh, in 5 days
and am honestely terrified
prepare your clothes properly.
about the cold am about to face.
@FlorianMargaine I packed enough to survive in Himalayas.
I'm not sure that'll be enough, but good luck
@FlorianMargaine I'd love to go to Marseille
@FlorianMargaine :-x
not a good joke, I am almost carrying 46 kilos of stuff :P (max allowed) and 80% are winter cloth.
@Abhishrek what are you going to do in NYC?
Going to move to herndon, va.
46 kilos? are you moving there?
oh, niiiice
that's awesome. did you get a job there?
or are you going to study?
latter, but more or less this visit is on a B1/B2
going to attend an investors event and get the rest of college stuff done
@GNi33 I'm on the way to here
Need a little help
@kirobo Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Can somebody?
@FlorianMargaine yeah, I know. I keep forgetting the name of the town though
Can somebody help me with little problem in scraping using JS
your facebook account is outdated on that matter, right?
@FlorianMargaine I'm glad you said that because @Mosho used it for static HTML pages - which we can agree should "obviously" be written in html. Now he's using React for static html pages though -_-.
@BenjaminGruenbaum oh.
yeah, I definitely agree with you there.
@Mosho you suck
And he's making a build script for everything.
Like, now for static pages we have a whole build script to generate them, and things go out of sync when pages get added.
you should use platform.sh :D
@BenjaminGruenbaum haha, I love that
posted on December 04, 2015

I made a mistake in yesterday’s article. Not a technical mistake, but an MDN-reading mistake. The reasons why I did so are moderately interesting for MDN users, and suggest a few improvements for the site. I said that https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/:-moz-placeholder did not mention opacity on placeholders. While that’s true, it turns out I really should have look

Q: Postman response : Could not get any response from server

nickBI'm trying to create a todo-list app and checking it with POSTMAN on every type of request. GET and POST requests are working fine. But PUT and DELETE are not working as expected. As expected means : It is not showing 404 neither showing results instead it's showing an error, i.e., Could not get...

@GNi33 I don't :D
@FlorianMargaine or just use HTML you know :P
build and chain everything. So I can sit in front of a project I'm new in and curse because I need to understand the build process for a small fix, that I told the project lead would only take 10 min max
click "Show all checks"
Oh, we can deploy from source control, and even a single commit - it goes out of sync because the build takes a few minutes and builds the whole thing and sometimes you just want to change a string because people asked and you end up updating both the output that's already uploaded and the local version.
Or you do something the build can't do yet manually and then catch up.
> A remote attacker can
exploit this flaw to crash any certificate verification operation
and mount a denial of service attack.
woo openssl!
@Lalaland Yep. Caprica is just a regular account. Code can be found in github.com/Zirak/SO-ChatBot, it's WTFPL, and it's quite terrible.
@FlorianMargaine Top kek
gawwwwd. what is wrong with postman. :/
Is anyone else a bit surprised how @ThiefMaster managed to post a message the second he started his talk but hasn’t come back since? I wonder if he is okay… ^^
maybe he has gone out for drinks and snacks
@BenjaminGruenbaum He had a short lightning talk earlier and posted a link to the live stream. And he was still chatting while already on stage the second he started
@poke maybe the device triggered an explosive at the end of the talk! :D
woo! You’re alive!
(nah, i sent the message right before getting up to start the talk, and then didn't check chat again)
You know, it’s an interesting coincidence that you’re talking about AVR, when just yesterday my Arduino arrived which I want to play with to learn all this stuff before I program chips directly ^^
@ThiefMaster I was all ears to listen to any notification sounds coming from the video.
@FlorianMargaine wait a fucking minute, isn't that the version of openssl that PHP7 waited for yesterday?
@AwalGarg yeah
I think it's fine
this is why shared libs exist
@BenjaminGruenbaum what's that StackOverflow teams thing?
and how can I join?
wow I'm not a member :o
u need 100k reps
uhhh a new elite team of javascript gurus I guess
@GNi33 only the best of the best may enter.. I'm afraid that's not for us
I've got a new role here
@jAndy :'(
@jAndy we're not part of the game I guess
indeed (fu)
I flagged the team
I've never seen a ninja using a shotgun
it has no sense
actually I've never seen a ninja :/
maybe they really use shotguns
because they're ninjas, duh
if you've ever seen a ninja, it was because he was a bad one
^ indeed
or you're a ninja yourself
@Neil Many have seen @JonClements, does that count? ^_^
@Neoares Then apparently you've never played CoD
@Shea ninjas on CoD?
nah, pretty sure the ninjas themselves converse without seeing one another
alright, changed my role. This fits better.
@GNi33 if you have an email, I'll send out an invite
@AwalGarg Why, is he a ninja?
> Resident Lithper
@Neil but they trained together
@FlorianMargaine they weren't ninjas when they were training
@FlorianMargaine shit, I'm registered with my horribly old email-address here
@BenjaminGruenbaum, @crl, @Luggage Added myself to map
@GNi33 no, it's to send a link
@Zirak I knew it :D
brugger.lukas [at] that one google thing.com then
I want to be in the elite team too !!!
I need to upgrade my ego
> We're not sure if you're the president, but you're already a member of the JavaScript team.
I had a dream we all had some kind of classy formal party, which is weird because I'm not classy, and have never in no way been formal.
I find my role particularly awesome
@GNi33 sent
@Zirak so, which city do you live in?
@FlorianMargaine It's pronounced as "flaming bicycle" in 7 languages
@Zirak does Iceland have people without mustaches too?
@AwalGarg No, it's forbidden by law
"hverageroi" seems to be the city's name
Iceland has laws?!
although the "o" is not an o, it's a weird letter
@Zirak it seems you're living on a volcano.
Says the man with apostrophes in their alphabet
A dead volcano!
@FlorianMargaine rawr
Gufudalsvöllur looks beautiful
whosoever is editing my description on that map will have to face my wrath soon >:(
your description is not so bad
kay, alphabetised the list. You're terrible people for not doing it earlier.
@Zirak T is after A now?
fix your sort()
Is there a functional equivalent of for...in (including properties on proto chain)?
He's just a dbag, his name doesn't start with a T nor a D
@AwalGarg don't you love zirak's description?
Neither does it with A :P
AFAIC your name is Awal Garg
@FlorianMargaine I don't see anything in his description
As far as I <what>?
!!urban afaic
Sweet definition
@rlemon didn't know you lived close to London!
fail :D
oh yeah the definition really is blank
no it shows up
it's s/care/concerned/ though
That's the example
!!urban afaic 1
@AwalGarg That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: fail
@AwalGarg AFAIC As far as I'm concerned.
I just saw Hunger Games Mockingjay 2...
and my honest and deepest thoughts are, it entirely sucks ass
was it any good
The first ones were better, like usual
@FlorianMargaine you ... are changing it right?! you bastard
@jAndy it might have been a lot better in book form
it didn't translate well on screen imho
@AwalGarg I did it once
felt like the matrix effect.. the wrote a book / movie and it was really great and awesome.. million people like it. So they wrote a sequel without any concept just to continue
Where is the kick button
The execution scene, I saw that from a mile away
oh god this github mention bot will make me mad :( asking me to review PRs since morning like anything
i thought the books existed before the movies
they did
Partly because I was younger and more hormonal and crushing on Jennifer Lawrence
I can only imagine the books (which are actually just two) are way better and the movie sucks hard
@jAndy I thought it was a trilogy
it is a trilogy.. they stretched out the last book to make an additional movie like they did with lotr
or three books ? yea three
it had so many things going in the movie that there lacked a central theme for me
@Neil the Hobbit
but even then.. the story is really poor in my mind, especially the order of events at the end are just .. facepalming to death. But I don't want to spoil
@jAndy You liked the first book of The Hunger Games? I found it very shallow and boring
Like any other off-the-shelf fantasy with too much romance and not enough intricacies
in order for it to appeal to teens, apparently it has to appeal to emotion, with lots of romance and situations
romance sucks amirite
@Zirak well, I like it because the story was good and meaningful. It had a consistent logic within itself.. so yeah I like it I guess. The Problem with the "end part" of the story is like... hard to describe.. things happen just because it needs to end, at least it appeard to me like so
i don't mind romance, but not if it is entirely unrealistic and thrown in to appeal to a type of viewer
Romance is like any other story telling element: it's good when used well.
it felt unnatural in star wars 2 for instance
Necrophilia is never good
like they had to put it in the film in preparation for the third
though to their credit, they had a lot of content to fit in that movie
I didn't enjoy it, I liked the first movie (but not the others though) - the movie was more of a guilty pleasure than meaningful enjoyment.
most movies are dumbed down quite a bit, unless it is a film meant to appeal to the academy, in which case it is super-artistic to the point of not understanding it at all (tree of life comes to mind)
I actually like the hunger games books because of their social critics. They pretty much describe very well the society of western democracies in a way.
almost as golden as snowpiercer
hmm, so I was wondering, how/when did humans form the concept of naming things
They probably thought it's too hard to call everything by how it looks.
I just had the best idea for a WP plugin... but I don't know how to create plugins for WP.
<img src="http://i.imgur.com/sLJIS.gif"/>
@crl 50cent +1
@JacquesMarais but they'd have to name a "look" something as well...
It is distressing how bad this song is.. and you realize it over and over again
uhh the Youtube comments on the Snowpiercer trailer back me on my theorem nice :P "Bruh...this is the political plot of the Hunger Games....."
> Once established, the bidirectionality incorporated in naming extends across behavior classes such as those identified by Skinner as the mand, tact, and intraverbal so that each becomes a variant of the name relation. We indicate how our account informs the specification of rule-governed behavior and provides the basis for an experimental analysis of symbolic behavior.
> Furthermore, because naming is both evoked by, and itself evokes, classes of events it brings about new or emergent behavior such as that reported in studies of stimulus equivalence.
are there any ways that i can somehow find the timezone for a visitor? can i do in client-side js or server-side? i dont want to lookup IPs..
Not an answer to your question per se, but very interesting
@GeoPhoenix The browser usually knows it
!!> Date()
@AwalGarg "ime"
@AwalGarg "Fri Dec 04 2015 07:20:31 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time)"
hmm, I thought it will always be 3 chars
ok, I'm gonna ask here since php chat ignores me
do you know a good way to get browser and OS info from PHP?
without using get_browser()
^ @AwalGarg
I don't like how it works
@Neoares Change your sentence from "from PHP" to "from someone receiving an http request", and go from there
I need to maintain an up-to-date file on my system
Send yourself an http request and see what you've got
or was it $_SERVER?
@Zirak yeah well I can user user agent from any language ofc
babel - transformed file throw error saying "require is not defined"
I haven't been doing webdev with PHP for quite a while
So I'm looking for a good regexp.. maybe?
I am trying to load a module...
@AwalGarg I don't like PHP a lot but I have to do it :P
I love PHP, but I use it for shell scripts and meta programming now.
Is the sever user agent the same as client one?
@Neoares what is wrong with get_browser?
cause I already have a good JS regex for user agent :P
> I need to maintain an up-to-date file on my system
@AwalGarg ^
I don't want to do it :/
if the file gets deprecated then GG
you want browser and system info. get_browser gives it to you. Now do whatever the hell you want with it. I can't see the problem.
Q: javascript -use of return in function

Partha RoyI am naive in Javascript and started just few days back.M furnishing a code below plz help me to sort this out. var nameString = function (name) { return "hi,i am" + " " + name; }; nameString("Partha"); when i run this code i am getting the output "hi,i am Partha" which is correct but gett...

Oh god.
@AwalGarg what do you call meta programming?
the problem is that in order to get your code working forever, you need to mantain a file updated in your server
@FlorianMargaine oh, sorry, not your standard "code with the code". For some reason I call "code generation" meta programming too :P
@BenFortune Answered by a 64k user :/
@BenFortune Praveen to the rescue
this guy
But that's the reason he's a 64k user. :P
and now he deleted it.. ahahaha
Lol deleted.
And he is a fullstack gold badge holder
Q: I write code by using css and JS which gonna firstly show list then hide it, but i cant do that someone can help me to improve it?

Artur Gevorgian arman arman arman arman function myFunction() {if(document.getElementById("myDIV").style.overflow = "hidden"){document.getElementById("myDIV").style.overflow = "visible"}} else(document.getElementById("myDIV").style.overflow = "visible"){document.getElementById("myDIV").style.overflow = "hidde...

Wow.. Just wow..
let's wait for Praveen before closing it :P
@Zirak nice video, never knew timezones were such a mess
nah, tbf, he has decent answers too. He just jumps on all low quality questions too
where are the decent answers?
where are the decent questions?
he is new
so doesn't know.
quite natural
let's see what happens if he asks a colleague / professor this way
btw, anybody had problem installing sqlite with npm?
i am having
and i give up
what does npm tell you?
@AwalGarg wasn't me
I almost changed nick's to dick nugger
.appendTo('<span class=\"input-err\">' +
                                <p>Please enter a valid email address !<\/p>
The above append code is invalid .. Why ? :(
@GNi33 this
We need to get @MadaraUchiha on that map for someone in japan
@AlexanderSolonik wrong method, use .append()
Every js tutorial should have a mandatory segment on opening the terminal
there is still an error
and how to read what it says
@nickB you got su rights on that, right?
in the HTML formation !
> /usr/bin/env: node: Permission denied
@Cereal I've gone past tat !
@AlexanderSolonik Strings can't contain newlines
oh, I thougt that was another input
inb4 smartass with template strings
@AlexanderSolonik So what does it say :o
1 message moved to JS trash
@GNi33 i do
since when do we have a room specific trash? o.O
Our trash is other people's gold
@Zirak I can haz write access to it?
It says "LOL"
kidding !
@Zirak u were right
@AwalGarg You don't need write access to move messages to the room
Strings can't contain newlines!
@Zirak smartass with template strings
@AwalGarg it was decided at a meeting, to be able to bring back messages if the move was considered unfair
@Zirak hm... I could write in the android room using that...
Hey guys, I'm trying to pass some data to my jade template file.
@GNi33 what will i do with su rights? i tried installing it as root also
It doesn't seem to show me the value.
Any help?:
write messages in my own room, move them to android room
app.get('/', function(request, response) {

    response.send(jade.render(__dirname + '/views/index.jade', {
        title: 'edit your blog',
        posts: "something"
doctype html
        h1 Welcome #{locals.title}
        p Welcome!
I fucking hate jade
Aug 11 at 15:19, by Awal Garg
Yeah I can open a new room, spam there, and move all the messages to the LoungeC++ room to help them improve the room quality.
What do you use then? @jAndy
Aug 11 at 15:19, by ssube
@AwalGarg or Android, which is an otherwise-protected room
@AwalGarg but C++ room is open
Aug 11 at 15:20, by Awal Garg
@ssube no you can't. me and lemon tried that ages ago. didn't work.
i hate jade as well. specially that error message. use either tab or space
@Zirak's hypothesis seems wrong but not sure, then.
What do you use then, guys?
@nickB this one is good. People mixing tabs and spaces deserve a special seat in hell.
anything BUT jade @HassanAlthaf
@AwalGarg Try moving this message to the js trash
Recommend me an alternative?
what if... I manually do a POST request
I'm wrong. Why aren't you using the template engine?
@FlorianMargaine : hahaa. but i really felt like, sometimes even there wasn't any problem, it showed that error message
it is not happening but could be because of my sucky internet :(
@BenFortune Which one? Isn't Jade a template engine?
@AwalGarg moves from js trash room to js trash room
@HassanAlthaf I'm talking about Express.
@HassanAlthaf use handlebars
use EJS
@Zirak lol shuddup
I'm so confused.
@rlemon whaaduup

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