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@nickB do you mind me asking what your nationality is? I could guess... but I'm not great at that
My nationality is programmer. :D
lol. earthling
Guy Fawkesish.
All nicks belong to the Nickstan.
if we're comparing look similarities... :P It isn't completely out of left field.
@rlemon you are in sane !!!
> in sane
insane is one word
in sane means I'm inside of 'sane'
in the mem brane.
which sounds off.
Sound off?
@rlemon ok point ..!
and then there's @Jhawins
@rlemon Isn't that Schmiddy?
I removed Shmiddty's eye brows
I don't have a photoshop or similar right now
I just know madara and some other guys are from israel if i'm not wrong. I don't remember their names.
@nickB yea
wait... nickb isn't nick.
@ndugger LOOOOL
I have seen a picture of nick. @nickB sorry, I was confused.
absolutely not
we need a map of room regulars.
@ndugger Whoa wtf
@Luggage i'm regular duh
Who made that
I have never seen it
dugger is the artist in here
You've seen it; I made it quite a while ago
Is my face on the gnome too?!
No dude I have never seen that!
Someone in here made a picture of me with shit all in it
and my girlfriend's had it as her phone background ever since
or I was intoxicated and forgot
It's been like a year
hey i am back
Who's the guy on the bottom left @ndugger
@Cereal you should be proud
Hi, back
@ndugger Yeah that one
Why do you still have that
@Ben sorry for the inconvenience
@Jhawins it's David Tennant
@Jhawins Dr Who (*10th doctor)
Thats what I thought
@AwalGarg it is fine
That is a weird fuckin pic man haha
lol its awesome
you mean the one in doc who
it's a shame it's impossible (without time-travel machine) to follow the complete Dr Who.
not an exact location, of course.
to the town level.
i am here
but i am not here to flag
edit permission added
should we kick you just incase?
@rlemon but how could you confuse me with nick. I was asking you yesterday for quit smoking tips. :/
@ndugger you talking to me?
ugh, this app is ancient garbage... who the fuck has ever heard of the rowspan attribute of a TD?
now imagine that used for layout purposes
and interspersed with JSP scriptlets that control page layout
@ShotgunNinja rowspan, colspan, etc. Pretty basic tables, mang
I think I use rowspan in this app somewhere
Y'know, it might make sense in the development environment
i guess i have to change my name as well.
No, it's for making a spacer column.
Purely table-based layout
@ShotgunNinja ...most? :P
Swift just dropped the support for ++ operator.
Most who have worked on a terrible codebase lol
@ShotgunNinja that how we rolled back in the day.
Oh, I know, but holy crap is it a pain
we only had tables and we LIKED IT
My first site was table-based layout, back in like 2005
I now realize why people abandoned it as soon as something better came along
table-based since 1998 :P
not that div soup is much better, though
people still use it
i have seen
just like IE.
sounds like you just have a bad relationship with html in general :)
I very much do :(
Hey guys I know the LGPL v2 License says that the user can use my code has long as he doesn't sublicense or hold me liable, and it's required that he gives the license.
most of what I do is porting legacy web apps
@nickB You have less than a hundred messages in this room. That does not make you regular.
rowspan/colspan is pretty damn standard :P
Does this mean if he uses my API he can just leave the LICENSE.md in the jar and it'll be all good?
I'm familiar with colspan, just not rowspan.
@Trasiva I'm a regular in like.. all rooms :D
@Trasiva : define regular
haven't seen it until this app
@rlemon You're like a virus. You started in one room, and now you've infected all of them.
Just like spookwagen on NISLT
haha, cool name
@nickB Showing up, conversing, adding to the conversation, helping people with JS.
For a while longer than like two days.
@Trasiva funny thing is I've been lurking in like 10 rooms for like 3 years
@nickB well with 456 messages you have no prayer at being called a regular lol
With the LGPL v2, I know the user has to include the license but as long as it's in the jar file is it okay?
every once in a while one of you will notice and think it is new
For instance.... @rlemon has no life, he has 275K messages in here
@rlemon Lurking doesn't count. You aren't contributing. :P
He is #17
@Trasiva That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
Where are you checking message numbers?
Go to the info tab on any room
@Trasiva Well, I try my best. Most of the time I got other stuffs to do. Plus I came back here on a regular basis after a long time, it has been 2 weeks
Why doesn't Cap have that command yet?
@Cereal The number in the bottom right by a user is the message count. Hover for full count
oh o.o 14.7k
!!tell Trasiva lana
holy shit @KendallFrey
when did you get up there?!
#6 most active user right now
hot damn
@rlemon How can you sort it that way
@Jhawins : then there must be a count. since you mentioned 456 messages.
@Jhawins there are three tabs to the right
I thought I was less active recently
@rlemon cap is 24th? ;O
@nickB Yes, like I said go to the info tab for the room and look at the bottom right of a user :P
I guess that's all-time
@SterlingArcher ^^
Move the decimal
@ndugger SterlingArcher is afk: meeting X.x
@rlemon What
recent / reputation / activity
top right
sort by activity
@rlemon Aww, <strike>I can't see that</strike> I'm an idiot.
@Jhawins 456 in 2 weeks amidst work and stuff. really isn't bad, if you look at it in a different way ;)
not in 2 years. lol
I've been here 3 years and 59K
!!> (365 * 3) / 59000
@Jhawins 0.018559322033898304
other way around, doofus
I'm surprised Caprica doesn't even make the first page.
yeah other way
!!> 59000 / (365 * 3)
@Jhawins 53.881278538812786
53 per day
Wait, how do you do strikethrough in chat?
@Trasiva ---text---
For every single day in 3 years lol
What can you expect from a walmart education?
@rlemon Ugh
@ndugger ?
Just making more fun of you, bro
@Jhawins that's 742 in 14 days. I am in 456 in 14 days. c'monn cut some slack here
your profile page, tells you how many
@rlemon that black background is too black.
@xandercoded says you
says i
@nickB Just because you're active now does not mean you will be. The regulars here have been regulars for an extended period of time.
i'm the voice of reason
@rlemon Yeah but that's not your average per day I guess.
I'm perfectly happy with the contrast I have now
@Jhawins sure is
Cause that would be my site-wide average
Quick Linux-y question; if I try to install node 5.x on Debian via package manager it will still install 0.10.x from the Debian repo. Why is that?
My average in only the JS room is higher than that
@ndugger nah. i'm active everyday. and will be. i hope
@Jhawins ohhhh yea for this room
@AwalGarg just for challenge/fun, why this wouldn't log only one jsfiddle.net/crl/1718sLsL/2?
my bad
Did I not just do the math?
your math was rough
@RoelvanUden use nvm
@rlemon Yeah but it's blatantly wrong. They must be looking at some other metric too
today isn't your cakeday
@nickB Just chill, dude. You haven't been here long enough for us to consider you a regular; stop bitching about it
@NathanJones Any tips?
Well I left out 3 months
So yeah it might be right on
@ndugger : I think you don't understand humour. do you?
Yeah it's right.
it could also take into consideration days active, not days since you joined
But it's site-wide
@rlemon I wondered if it did that but that would make the average drastically higher than it is so it can't be
@nickB I'll kick you, and you'll like it
@crl You stopPropagation after it has already propagated. There isn't a way to hijack it, atleast not like that.
for what?
If I add 90 days to my calculation you get ~48. It says 43. I bet it's spot on
@RoelvanUden nvm install 5.0 should get the right version of node installed
Also no more pinging me for for next 2 hours, kthnx. PHP7 has released.
To the "new version of PHP" bunker?
ok and how Awal?
Holy crap jsfiddle looks terrible today
@NathanJones nvm is in apt-get?
apparently I post on average 171 messages a day for the past ~1600 days
Maybe it's my colors but that's hard as hell to read. Who wants a dark grey background??
I need a life... holy shit
@RoelvanUden I think he meant "npm"
but idk
@RoelvanUden you'll have to run the install script github.com/creationix/nvm#install-script
@rlemon You stay on when you go home often.
@Jhawins did you have a stylish theme?
I don't or I would be up there
@rlemon this is your life, apparently
@AwalGarg Have fun!
Jsfiddle doesn't look too bad to me, personally.
my themes all broke with the update
made the site unusable until I disabled them
@ShotgunNinja nope, I did mean nvm github.com/creationix/nvm#install-script
@ndugger you have to kick me for no reason, then kick me. I got no problem. But you should try differentiate between serious statement and humour and keep you atti a little low.
rest is your problem
@rlemon Do you retheme a significant number of sites that you use?
@rlemon Really? Sure looks like they only changed styles
@rlemon What broke them? I thought it was a strictly front end update?
1 min ago, by rlemon
I need a life... holy shit
@nickB Excuse you?
@Trasiva it was... my front end theme :D
Chill out
@Retsam not personally, I find others dark themes
Ah. Just allergic to the light, then?
@nickB Chill dude, no reason to be an ass.
white backgrounds give me ocular migraines after a short amount of time
@rlemon Ohhhh, gotcha.
@rlemon I get those sometimes, I hate it, especially when I'm driving since I always lose vision.
@rlemon Eugh. That sucks.
headwayapp.co this is interesting. It basically says nothing at all. But jsfiddle is using it
@Trasiva you tell him to chill first. coz he replies like that everytime
@ndugger try not to be kick happy? it attracts unwanted attention
I haven't kicked anyone
@nickB I don't need to tell @ndugger to chill, because when I'm the voice of reason, it's time for things to mellow out.
okay, my bad @ndugger whoever is kicking nick
@Loktar I really hope that Thrustmaster's widget will be worth the €50 I paid for it today. I'll blame you if it turns out to be shit.
Not now Caprica.
goddamnit cap, lol
@rlemon Can you not look at the logs to see who's doing it?
we don't see that
its been patched
Mods do though, yea?
chat logs are remarkably sparse when it comes to who did what
as far as what high rep ROs can see
we can see deleted content in rooms we own
that is it
USED to be able to see a lot of leaked information being passed in the websockets.. but that has all been patched up now
nothing interesting in there anymore
@rlemon Lame.
@rlemon So...work is still forcing us to support older IE versions after 12 Jan :(
I pick my own browser support :D <3
latest everything + one prior version of IE
all I support
just alert('link to a chrome portable version')
@rlemon I envy you so much.
correction: I don't support Safari at all
Safari is the new IE when it comes to support
safari doesn't even have lambdas
@tereško :/
well for my sake I hope it's alright haha
In fairness though I was for the X52 pro :p
but that thing is crazy pircey
I got mine on sale
too many shiny lights
@Luggage someone defaced your map
Who wants to support Safari anyways?
my PC setup has only one like visible light: the driver/power status light on top of Define R5
@rlemon yeah I paid like $119 or so
@tereško haha mine is the total opposite
lights eveywhere
well .. at least you are prepared for xmas
the wind tunnel sound is from my ceiling fan
also now I have a christmas tree in my room as well :p
I also own a corsair k65 rgb so even more lights haha
is it made out of old GPU's youve fried?
I should take a pic of my room lit up, it's awesome
@Trasiva People with mobile visitors
@rlemon hah that would be sweet
user image
haha awesome
@nderscore That doesn't mean they want to support it.
@Loktar yeah, I have DasKeyboard, which has no lights
@nderscore ohh don't even get me started on mobile safari
that shit is even worse!
@tereško I even brought some modern lighting to my 1998 PC build imgur.com/FcmllFK
What about... Safari for Windows?
I honestly don't have any real qualms with mobile safari - at least it gets updates
@ShotgunNinja Show respect for the dead.
ok, in 1998 I haven't even seen a real PC yet
damn young people...
That isn't my original PC from 1998, I just built a dream 1998 system.. but I did have a PC in 98 :/
my first pc was 97 iirc
possibly 96
we didn't get internet till 97, that much I remember
that is when the pc got interesting :D
@rlemon That was about when I got WC II after begging for it for ages.
p2000 and amiga (etc.) were interesting as well.
Then I'd get yelled at for playing online with my friend over the modem when someone wanted to use the phone.
before we got internet, the only thing my computer was good for was commander keen
my father was middle management for a factory, they replaced his typewriter with a pc, and he brought it home because he hated using it and continued to use the typewriter
@nderscore Dude, back in the day that game was hard
Warcraft ii was a bitch
jagged alliance 2, or HOMM2 were my 'games' back in the day
we got internet later than most of my friends
I remember playing DotA: All Stars at my high school
some friends stuffed Frozen Throne on a flash drive
I started coding before I had Google
that wasn't until much later, though
@Trasiva WC2 LOOOVE IT
<- my name lol
water closet two
@KendallFrey he has to poop
when I was a kid, it was all about Knowledge Adventure games and Jump Start
plus Freddie the Fish and Putt-Putt
I remember getting Myst as a kid and hating it
when I was a kid, I took home CDs that I found in the trash at school
it was the first game I ever remember getting serious hype
@ShotgunNinja OMG YES
so much HE
@ndugger I sent that pic to my girl and she insists she doesn't see my face in the gnome
Which is astounding lol
fuck, maybe I had a pc before 96
I remember when Myst came out
Myst is on 3ds
@Jhawins new girl? this the mudding lady? or the back home lady? or are you pulling an Archer
@Loktar I figured, haha. That game was amazing, and then Reign of Darkness came out and make it that much more fun.
@rlemon Myst...so much rage and hatred for that game.
@rlemon It is my back home lady. It is definitely more complex than any movie drama relationship I have seen... But we're trying.
you mean Beyond the Dark Portal :p
Again lol.
my dad had a three-subject notebook full of Myst notes
@Jhawins good on you! best of luck
...either that or he was trying to start a cult
@Loktar You're right, yep.
@rlemon Yeah lol but if it comes full circle ever again you guys tell me to knock it the fuck off
Does $("") select anything?
@Jhawins I would already ;)
@BenCraig no
didnt think so
@Loktar Honestly, it's amazing how many of the heroes from back then have still made it through WoW without dying.
yeah, I hate WOWs lore though tbh
@Loktar Yeah cause you know the extent of the fuckery...
What's wrong here?
@Loktar It used to be so good though!
@Loktar well now. it can work out, in which case cool. or he can learn a valuable lesson most of us learned around his age ;)
$stateProvider.state("welcome", {
  url: "/welcome",
  templateUrl: "/welcome",
  controller: "AuthController",
.state("login", {
  url: "/welcome/login",
  views: {
    "container@": {
      templateUrl: "auth/login",
      controller: "AuthController"
either way. good luck right?
@Jhawins don't knock her off if it comes full circle again though...
I mean... the Pandas ugh come on
oh, speaking of WoW, the gf wants to start an MMO with me
@DemCodeLines And? Are you asking a question?
we're torn between WoW and FFXIV
@ShotgunNinja guild wars is not bad
@ShotgunNinja UO
If I go to localhost/welcome, it loads great. But if I go to localhost/welcome/login, it gives 404.
we did that for ~6 months with my wife
@rlemon My dad played UO and EU
@ShotgunNinja As someone who's played both, FFXIV really dissapointed me.
@Trasiva ^
@ShotgunNinja EU ??
@rlemon Entropia Universe
@DemCodeLines you really need to understand how http works
@ShotgunNinja tell your dad he's cool for playing ultima
I've sunk tens of thousands of hours into that game
my dad got me into PC gaming
@FlorianMargaine Possibly. What do you see wrong that makes you say that?
is @Loktar your dad?
@Trasiva Did you play FFXIV-post A Realm Reborn?
I remember as a little tot sitting next to him while he played the StarCraft: Brood War campaign
No, my dad's not a programmer
PC games > all!
he's a pilot
@ShotgunNinja s/Entropia/Europa
@DemCodeLines the way you describe your problems
@Retsam Yea. My problem is how horribly grindy it is.
@ShotgunNinja neither is @Loktar
BURN! #had2 #2.9
@Trasiva It's an MMO then?
@FlorianMargaine I was asking specifically about the code above, but that too.
@Loktar is a brogrammer #swag
I haven't played WoW though; I played FFXIV and GW2, and I greatly preferred FFXIV.
he's a flogrammer, because he spits dat fire.
yea I'll stop now
Found the toy for lemon this Christmas
@FlorianMargaine did your hosting thing upgrade to 7 stable yet? xD
@DemCodeLines exactly. http is not about code.
@Loktar YES!
@Retsam Oh, it's definitely an MMO. The problem comes in like with the gathering system for the end game gear. There's nodes that only pop one once every like....two hours I think it was, and you had to just have such stupid gear to even get there in the first place.
haha Robert Cop 2
@AwalGarg no, dotdeb is missing opcache in its repo :/
> I'll be back
was that on the reddit post of crap chinese knockoffs?
LOL so awesome
well I saw it on imgur
> the furniture of law enforcement
because Mouse Friends or w/e is terrifying
but I assume its linked from reddit lol
@FlorianMargaine Not an expert with this, but that doesn't stop you from compiling from source, right?
What is that toy lol
Some chineese knockoff I guess
entire album
@FlorianMargaine All I am saying is that when I browse to localhost/welcome/login, it says Error: Not Found
@Retsam To give you an idea, I was one of the earliest people to actually unlock the entire fishing when the last patch before Heavensward came out, haha.
@Luggage I added mine
In the Node console, it shows 404.

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