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12:10 AM
reactiflux moved to discord
yuk I only get get one github gh-pages across all my repos?
wait, yea
discord is cool
@SuperUberDuper You can make a site for each repo, plus one for your user
12:22 AM
Hello guys, I have a very broad question regarding HTML/JS. Is anyone free to help ?
@Paramone Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I'd like to 'catch' what happends when I click on a page's thumbnail. It basically 'changes' the sites look without the actual link changing.
Anyone have an idea on how I could do that?
People who're good with css (like @rlemon): I have a container with children, each one being a container for more grandchildren. I want to flex the outer container, but also the inner ones; so sort of like the children are table rows, and grandchildren are columns.
I'm too stupid to do that.
I don't know flex
if you give me a visual example I may be able to do it without
It's the classic form tbh
I want them aligned :(
12:29 AM
how come things like <link rel="import" href="../bower_components/polymer/polymer.html">
work locally, but not on gh-pages?
@Zirak learn 2 html
use labels not spans
also not p, that makes no semantic sense, use divs
You can't link a label to two inputs
"no semantic sense, use divs, the most generic element of all"
because it is a generic container
I used p because each one is an entity of its own, and it looked okay.
p is for paragraphs
those are not paragraphs
12:31 AM
It's pretty paragraphic
But who cares
I started going down the display: table avenue before wanting to gouge my eyes out
use <li> (without <ul> ofc) :p
Why on earth would I do that
12:32 AM
You're just stupid
Go away
I don't like you right now
those are known facts :)
also flexbox, sry just wanting to say it
I'm trying to do it with flex, no success so far
* {
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;
  box-sizing: border-box;
form, /* just fixed width the container */
form p {
  display: block;
  width: 100%;

form input,
form span {
  display: inline-block;
  width: 33%;

form span {
  text-align: center;

form p input:last-child {
  width: 32%;
it should be possible, (some flexbox refs 1 2) flexbox = no moar dirty %
@rlemon ew
12:36 AM
bite me
you use shitty elements and structure, you get shitty css
has a feeling you'd have spewed shitty css no matter what
you would probably be right.
but I get results.
Who cares
You're useless to me
you love me
next week we should see a movie
hold on Z, trying to make your shit
12:40 AM
@rlemon Which one?
(ps I'm starting to think of floats)
and you said ew to me?!
I'll use display: table before doing the fucking width: 32%
is it tabular data? why not just use tables
12:42 AM
It's not really tabular...it just looks like a table
Classic form
Is object.freeze performance saavy ?
Maybe you'll have a better idea, actually
p {
	display: flex;
form span {
	text-align: center;
I want to display "the value should be between X and Y"
I can do this
12:43 AM
or I misunderstood
otherwise. no
@crl That's...pretty good
Is there a better way to display that form, though?
ohh so you like him and not me?
:runs and cries:
It's really a bunch of:
- input < some crap < input
- input < some other crap < input
You specify a range
No there's no control...
p > *:nth-child(3){
that if you want a big last input
12:47 AM
So there's no good way
@crl Thanks, you're better than @rlemon. I'll work with that.
I HATE YOU! SHUT UP! I'm sorry...
Did you hear an annoying buzz in the background?
@Zirak nope, looks interesting though
took me the last hours to do jsfiddle.net/crl/z8fMr/371, but I can't figure out how to hide that silly dropdown (uikit lib) when you click on it. I don't trust anything using jquery anyway
12:50 AM
my friends and I use mumble currently
ermm... wow... I'm stupid
so, this morning my phone broke (it's almost 1am now), and I gave it to some guys to repair it. In the meantime I have no alarm
and tomorrow I need to go to school at 8am
everybody in the house is already asleep and they will probably still be asleep when I would normally go to school...
so I can't leave them notes asking them to wake me up...
I pretty much wake up everyday at same hour, with no alarm, just sleep and trust your biological alarm
@towc Take one of their phones, set an alarm for yourself, return to them when you wake up
@crl it does happen to me sometimes, but I just ran 10km, I'd rather not risk it :P
or setTimeout in JS
12:55 AM
@crl that was kinda my plan
Also, get a regular (non-phone) alarm clock, will save you some future headache.
but how reliable is it? What if my computer decides to update or go sleep?
Feb 12 '13 at 18:27, by copy
Linux Tip of the Day: Turn off your computer to wake you up in 7 hours with Deep Purple - Lazy: rtcwake -m mem -s 25200; firefox https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oIwcUcZWJbI
@Zirak yeah, I'll have to do it
12:56 AM
1 min ago, by Zirak
@towc Take one of their phones, set an alarm for yourself, return to them when you wake up
@Zirak but that's just creepy, they won't be ok with it, trust me
@copy interesting
@copy holy shit you saved my day!
and my next day technically..
so it's basically a wait on the whole system achieved by the command line?
It sets the rtc clock alarm in your computer (the one that is connected to a battery) and then suspends the computer
I wonder if making my own wysiwyg in react would be good.. github.com/Voog/wysihtml is the best I've found, but don't like too much their complexity, they enforce html rules (basically not put block element inside inline ones etc..) but I don't think it should matter too much, and their api is complex because of that..
@copy so cool! Thanks for sharing!
btw, FF?
any particular reason?
Whatever browser you prefer
1:05 AM
and I'm asking why do you prefer ff over chrome, just as a separate question ;)
you know your shit and always flipped the way I view things, so...
let x = (() => {
for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
 try {
  return i;
 } finally {
  if (i != 3) continue;
firefox maybe less use memory, if it matters, but I like too much chrome's console personally
continue “cancels” return
@towc I'm using Addons that Chromium doesn't support. Vimperator, Tab Mix Plus, Noscript, …
I guess it's more the try finally, the issue, let me try
1:08 AM
@copy fair enough
also, vim vs emacs?
Both are great choices
I wonder what else can be aborted via finally
(() => {
for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
 try {
  return i;
 } catch(e){}
  if (i != 3) continue;

})() //0
try { pregnancy() } finally { abort() }
1:14 AM
@crl yes, return doesn't throw, so catch won't run; what's your point?
not any, I never really used finally, so too inexperienced to say something :)
> The finally clause contains statements to execute after the try block and catch clause(s) execute, but before the statements following the try statement.
1:39 AM
@crl nope
just a friendly way to salute everyone in the room
ah ok
damn everytime I eat clementines, I can't sleep
@crl lol
how come?
vitamin C probably
2:01 AM
@towc Haha don't worry about it! Thanks, though
didn't know stackechange has a chat! this is a game changer!
@PauAI Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Is there a way to catch all types of thrown exception?
ignore the question there are no object types in js :peace:
2:16 AM
@PauAI In Firefox you can do try { … } catch(e if e instanceof TypeError) { … }
try {
    myroutine(); // may throw three types of exceptions
} catch (e if e instanceof TypeError) {
    // statements to handle TypeError exceptions
} catch (e if e instanceof RangeError) {
    // statements to handle RangeError exceptions
} catch (e if e instanceof EvalError) {
    // statements to handle EvalError exceptions
} catch (e) {
    // statements to handle any unspecified exceptions
    logMyErrors(e); // pass exception object to error handler
I'd love to see that in the standard
yeah what @copy said
me too @copy
In other browsers you have to do try { … } catch(e) { if(e instanceof TypeError) { … } else throw e; }
2:18 AM
btw does javascript have a standards documentation? I want to use what the world is using
yeah, what @copy said
@PauAI No, but mdn is very good
frt BlueBird allows something similar to this
you can .catch on specific error Classes
somePromise.then(function() {
    return a.b.c.d();
}).catch(TypeError, ReferenceError, function(e) {
    //Will end up here on programmer error
}).catch(NetworkError, TimeoutError, function(e) {
    //Will end up here on expected everyday network errors
}).catch(function(e) {
    //Catch any unexpected errors
^ main reason I don't use native promises
Bluebird has so many extra features and is incredibly fast
I can't see a good reason not to use it
well I can, but you know
2:26 AM
hello devs if chrome has canary for its bleeding edge development does mozilla offer one?
developer addition?
@rlemon cause it's pretty big to send to the client is one major downside
1 message moved to Trash can
@PauAI Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com or pastie.org
@phenomnomnominal yea, but really no. one image is usually as big as your largest lib.
@rlemon one large image doesn't stop the app starting
2:29 AM
do I have to do anything to set a cookie with a Set-Cookie header?
agreed, but that can also be circumvented with good development
size (today) isn't really an issue as long as you are keeping it sane.
@tomexsans, Firefox has more advancements regarding debuging animation easing and XHR replay(live header editing), hope chrome will update soon
@phenomnomnominal now otoh, you are working on a much larger site, much more than the average user.
it is unfair to use that as a comparison
(not that you did, but just saying)
2:48 AM
@rlemon oh yeah absolutely, and we optimise for mobile hard. We're still using bluebird cause the dev-time benefits far outweight the time cost per user
also we cache our libraries bundle pretty hard and don't take upgrading lightly
cards on the table, I'm drunk.
!!afk not here
rereads the conversation with added slurring
drunk and thinks size doesn't matter?
Canadians obviously have a different kind of drunk
for anyone who uses nodejs, does mongodb db insert updates in realtime?

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