my problem is that i am trying to wrap each word from a div tag in a span tag so that i can highlight a few words. But since the div is content editable the text always comes out backwards with .innerhtml LINK:…
Hello, my problem is that i am trying to wrap each word from a div tag in a span tag so that i can highlight a few words. But since the div is content editable the text always comes out backwards with .innerhtml LINK:…
I've successfully re-enabled a single button, which I was having trouble with earlier, but I can only get it working in a demo fiddle. When I try and implement it into my real code, it doesn't work.
When you use $(this).one('click', processLike);, what useful debugging information can you print out, to see exactly what the this is (it should be the button I just clicked on!)? The toString()-s for $(this) and $(this)[0] (the raw element) are only printing [Object object].
By doesn't work, I mean the button-click event is never re-enabled. It only works once.
@Max Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Mosho it's ok I just don't want you to wear yourself out and work on the weekends until we reach times where we have really right deadlines. Working during the weekend can cause a lot of wear and make the work less fun
@Mosho it's not that I don't appreciate it, I do, but it creates a culture where Ben will feel OK calling you on Saturdays asking for 2 line CSS changes and I don't think that's what you want :P
I know I'm a hypocrite by the way, I work weekends too every now and then but I don't like the notion of a work culture where people work weekends.
I really appreciate the notion of a 9 to 5/6 workplace where everyone has a personal life that's not tied to their private life but I don't think that model fits me very well since I talk about my work and the technologies I use in my free time anyway
I theoretically think a 9 to 5/6 culture is better but in practice I like the culture where we have shots at 5 pm and work late for fun better :P
@user1506145 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@monners in the army they have 7 to 4 workdays at some places. I remember doing reserve service and getting out at 4pm and being like: "Huh, this is more of a 'get up' time than a 'leave work' time". Maybe it's just because I don't have kids yet.
in general, I think that as long as you do stuff because you enjoy them at some level rather than to just get ahead or make a deadline or stuff like that wearing out isn't even a factor
@SomeKittens at least you're guaranteed to win some special prizes XD. Only 5 entries in the server category, and the special prizes go up to 5th place
Is there a easy way to pause in JS without freezing up the page? I've found sleep functions and whatnot on SO but none of them stop it from freezing. My goal is to fake something loading so I need a time interval between percent gains.
I need to use the wait function inside of a while(val < 100) loop. So when I run it with setTimeout it takes forever for it to get to 100 and freezes everything up because the while loop just goes over and over.