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@rlemon you know whats crazy.. is that is so true that situation
when i went to Detroit elementary schools the kids would form dance circles
One comment haunts me to this day
> Don't freak Jason hes white
At least it wasn't Jaysawn. That guy is way worse.
Or are we not talking about Crockford anymore
@Cerbrus aaand fb :)
Challenge completed.
and we're back!
@SomeKittensUx2666 copy is a bit late, he'll come at 8
@SomeKittensUx2666 How was it?
cigarette time
@FlorianMargaine apt-reference-695.appspot.com/1sq8x should be fine now
@Zirak can't clear it?
clear() and console.clear() both don't work
Weird, one sec
@rlemon Pushed fix, should be up in a few
Aaannnd deployed
@BadgerGirl I saw
Is he allergic to dogs?
@Zirak He was too junior. Basically was a one-man team and didn't know much.
Not that I know of, but he's allergic to everything else.
@BadgerGirl ...such as?
my problem is that i am trying to wrap each word from a div tag in a span tag so that i can highlight a few words. But since the div is content editable the text always comes out backwards with .innerhtml LINK: stackoverflow.com/questions/25943803/…
Grass, cats and php
Hello, my problem is that i am trying to wrap each word from a div tag in a span tag so that i can highlight a few words. But since the div is content editable the text always comes out backwards with .innerhtml LINK: stackoverflow.com/questions/25943803/…
does anyone here actually know any javascript?
trying to get that to run ;) no deal
is your console capable ?
It should be, getting any error? (I don't have a webcam to test)
Actually that's a lie
@BadgerGirl Got it.
@rlemon it's running?
no it's a snapshot in the console
just wanted to see if it would work
iz all dark
@rlemon I think it's to do with the iframe; on the phone, can't properly check, will get back to you
I've successfully re-enabled a single button, which I was having trouble with earlier, but I can only get it working in a demo fiddle. When I try and implement it into my real code, it doesn't work.
When you use $(this).one('click', processLike);, what useful debugging information can you print out, to see exactly what the this is (it should be the button I just clicked on!)? The toString()-s for $(this) and $(this)[0] (the raw element) are only printing [Object object].
By doesn't work, I mean the button-click event is never re-enabled. It only works once.
@rlemon Weird...
It's something to do with getUserMedia methinks
Got it. The scope of this is different in production code. :)
4 hours later…
hockey rocks
What's better than starting a season with a win? Starting a season with two wins in one night.
@copy @SomeKittens now kiss
Seeing this topic made me think of the Kittens Game
It's browser based using dojo and jQuery. I ended up building a script to play it by inspecting the dom and pushing clicks with jQuery.
If I had known 10 hours ago that I would be mentioning it here I would has saved the code as a gist on git hub.
function getNip() {$('#gameContainerId > div.tabInner > div > div > table:nth-child(12) > tr > td:nth-child(1) > div').click();}
That and a setInterval and your on your way. Ga night everyone.
@AbhishekHingnikar Hahaha, crazy shit
@Cerbrus Hahahaha that's hilarious
Badger loves being creepy
She found my address and mailed me a postcard when she went to Florida
@Cerbrus that'll just evaluate undefined, which won't do much
@SomeGuy I thought you were asian
@towc Indian, yeah. As I said, she mailed it
oh, woops
should I learn phaser?
or should I keep trying to learn how to make better engines myself?
I'd do the latter
(Which is what I am doing)
But using Phaser seems like it might be useful in letting you make a lot of games quickly, which can be good for portfolio building
@towc if you want to make games, certainly not.
1 for no, 1 for yes
anyone else?
@towc Do you want to make games or make engines?
If you want to make games, go and make games.
It's really as simple as that.
I'd like to do both
but I'm kind of tired of re-writing my engines everytime
even though I make them better everytime
@towc You can hardly do both at the same time
I wonder if I should wait until I know more geometrics and physics or keep trying
@towc if you don't know you prolly should
altought granted good engine is more about good code design
Hello guys I have one quick question... Can someone tell me which library firebase : firebase.com/pricing.html use for their tooltip on their pricing?
@Max Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Max maybe they wrote it themselves eh
you'd figure that firebase guys can code in js
Can be a waste of time to code tooltip ;)
@Max do alt attribute suffice for yoour case?
@JanDvorak nope I'm helping someone for his website and he wants these kind of tooltips....
I've just opened the dev console on that page. EEEugh
4x reference error: jQuery is not defined. WAT
also 404 when using an online error logger
the list of classes on html is ... impressive
the tooltip could be a twitter widget?
do search engines still even look at meta:keywords?
don't know :/
<meta name="viewport" value = "..., user-scalable:no"> -- GTFO
I'm not that good in JS...
as for the tooltip, it could be custom-made as well as a twitter widget.
I've opened the body... moar scripts
Yes I looked into it to find which one was it...
Messy code
rather, check if twitter widget include tooltips
Mmm don't think so :/
I might have to do it on my own :/// so lazy
2 hours later…
@Loktar ^
@BenjaminGruenbaum what do you mean
@Mosho oh you did it from home?
anything wrong with that? :X
@Mosho it's ok I just don't want you to wear yourself out and work on the weekends until we reach times where we have really right deadlines. Working during the weekend can cause a lot of wear and make the work less fun
I understand, but it's editing 2 lines in css in this case, so I went ahead
noted though
Reserve the weekend for playing with the tech that you don't get a chance to at work :D
@Mosho it's not that I don't appreciate it, I do, but it creates a culture where Ben will feel OK calling you on Saturdays asking for 2 line CSS changes and I don't think that's what you want :P
@monners already fapped today
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm confident in my ability not to turn into anyone's bitch :D
I know I'm a hypocrite by the way, I work weekends too every now and then but I don't like the notion of a work culture where people work weekends.
I really appreciate the notion of a 9 to 5/6 workplace where everyone has a personal life that's not tied to their private life but I don't think that model fits me very well since I talk about my work and the technologies I use in my free time anyway
I theoretically think a 9 to 5/6 culture is better but in practice I like the culture where we have shots at 5 pm and work late for fun better :P
@user1506145 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I've created (yet another) code testing tool, jsexample.com
What do you think? :)
Does it do anything better than JSFiddle?
@BenjaminGruenbaum I liked that too :>
@BenjaminGruenbaum I much prefer the notion of a 7:30 to 4:30 workplace
I could win 2nd place for facebook likes on js13k 0.o js13kgames.com/entries/elements-out
@monners in the army they have 7 to 4 workdays at some places. I remember doing reserve service and getting out at 4pm and being like: "Huh, this is more of a 'get up' time than a 'leave work' time". Maybe it's just because I don't have kids yet.
anyone wants to help me out?
@towc Not to be an asshole, but I don't think so. Look at "Vier"
And "Turtles Can't Skate"
And "Best game of all time. ever"
in general, I think that as long as you do stuff because you enjoy them at some level rather than to just get ahead or make a deadline or stuff like that wearing out isn't even a factor
@BenjaminGruenbaum I used jsfiddle before, but I am trying to learn AngularJS now, and it is simple to use a web based editor.
@BenjaminGruenbaum But testing is too slow on jsfiddle...
1 message moved to Trash can
Mwa ha ha ha haaaa
@user1506145 plunkr ?
@SomeGuy didn't even check it... yeah, I guess I'm currently 4th on the list
Oooooh, Space Burn has one more like than the "Best Game of All Time. Ever"
Turtles can't skate didn't even work on my pc
ok, 5th then
didn't think that space burn would have gotten so popular
it seemed to simple to me as a game
@towc Yeah, it only kind of worked for me
not sure how it even got to 2 likes (turtles can't skate)
Haha yep, me neither
Probably made by someone who has a wide audience
Or just knows how to promote really well
@BenjaminGruenbaum Plunkr is a little too complicated, and no autoreload of code...
@user1506145 codepen?
@user1506145 if by autoreload of code you mean re-running when you edit, plunker has that
@SomeGuy wait... that means that you and mike might get 3rd!
Where is that set?
@user1506145 right area, "settings"
@towc Yeah, it's possible. There are probably other entries with more, though
@BenjaminGruenbaum I try it now, it is even with the refresh interval to 100 it is too slow..
@SomeGuy could only find Vier and turtles can't skate
checked the most relevant ones
Let's see!
I'm surprised: many good games didn't get much attention on facebook
Yeah, that happens all the time
Elemental Block Shooters is one of my favourites
well, there's PARIAH with 73 likes
@SomeGuy didn't have much to do with elements tho XD
they were only graphical, didn't have any purpose
@towc Haha, damn it! I thought we could make it for 3rd!
@towc Theme's optional, so it doesn't matter
I wouldn't have minded if it wasn't for the name
@SomeGuy you could try
burn the makers of pariah and you might get it
Well, them being dead wouldn't change the fact that their game has more likes
But I could just kidnap them and make them give me their prizes
Good idea. Thanks.
@SomeGuy possible solution XD
in PHP, 2 mins ago, by PeeHaa
I need a name for a library that lets you log in to services through php (without using the correct apis)
@SomeKittens at least you're guaranteed to win some special prizes XD.
Only 5 entries in the server category, and the special prizes go up to 5th place
Haha yeah, that's pretty funny
It's really awesome that the top 3 in the mobile category get Firefox OS phones
Is there a easy way to pause in JS without freezing up the page? I've found sleep functions and whatnot on SO but none of them stop it from freezing. My goal is to fake something loading so I need a time interval between percent gains.
@deadbeef The answer is almost in your sentence :P
... except setInterval fires repeatedly
ah yes. me being stupid again
You should know me by now :D
And if we don't know you by now, we wil never never never never know you?
I need to use the wait function inside of a while(val < 100) loop. So when I run it with setTimeout it takes forever for it to get to 100 and freezes everything up because the while loop just goes over and over.
On the side note it's very efficient at crashing your browser.
you can't
you can't just pause execution
you need to stop entirely and resume later
Oh, I see.
you can also add a factor to the settimeouts
or use setinterval without a while loop
or call a function with each timeout that sets a new one
@deadbeef yeah that doesn't do what you think it does :)
if you need to pause execution, only way to do that is with promises or callbacks
in combination with setTimeout
if(Bro(object).doYouEven('lift')) {}
var myURL;
        myURL = val;
This has epic written all over
Can I do promiseToAnArrayOfValues.map(functionThatDoesStuffOnValues).map(functionThatMap‌​sToPromises)?
@rlemon That is awesome
I'm using bluebird's promises
Barny Stinson would have enjoyed this
@rlemon heh
Actually, @Zirak and @rlemon will probably enjoy it too
But a lot of parts are in Hindi, obviously
ahahahahahahah I Just now watched the cnn video about 4chan
watch the video
he is a tech analyst for cnn
I assume you're talking about this:
in HTML / CSS / WebDesign, 2 hours ago, by Some Guy
@SomeGuy inb4 human

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