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@SomeGuy and all that work, for a story I had already read
still awesome though
@Zirak can it not adjust?
var a = 42 at which point, when writing this, will a semicolon need to be inserted?
@Zirak when you drop to a new line
var a = 42[ENTER] <- ; inserted
How can you leave a line open like that?
it isn't the case for that
it is the case when ST3 closes my array or object and I need to add it
which is more keystrokes than it leaving it out
@rlemon what if you're opening a function (or closing it) or an if?
@Cicada3301 that is a different case.
so like I said. shhh now.
If you really want, try and make that plugin. There are a few cases which you don't need one. I don't really see the point, but then again, I'm not a fan of auto-pairing either, so...
I wasn't. but it seems like it is handy so i'm giving it a shot
And at worst, <end> ; <return>
@Zirak I like it in xml/html
@jurka maybe.
I might just disable it soon though. I'm finding it quite annoying
I have my own patterns that conflict with the pairing.
// I write this
function() {

// ohh shit ST3 added its own for me so I end up with this
probably the most annoying so far
@rlemon (but mom... it is actually getting into a new line... then you should have it check if the character before the enter was a bracket or if the word before the opening normal bracket of the parsing bracket of your curly bracket is a function or if what I just said but before another word... doneable... but there are many other cases)
otherwise, excellent editor
I ended up turning off the brackets for a while
@Cicada3301 the editor is capable. look at all the other shit it does.
ok mom, sorry
and when I explicitly call out "arrays and objects" there is no point stating functions and other blocks.
they are easy enough to identify
wow it has speech recognition? maybe I will try it
@SomeKittensUx2666 yea I am going to give it till monday - if I haven't broken my own habits I will axe it
I have 'em back on now, but the semicolons still irk me.
this is what I mean when I say 'advanced editors/ IDEs get in my way'
they make me stumble, re-think shit I shouldn't have to
give me vi, give me freedom ;)
as someone who has known only windows forever, I can't get used to how unaesthetic vim and emacs look
will I get over it?
What are you, a little girl?
I like pretty things
My emacs is spanking beautiful, thank you very much.
VIM is pretty
what I do wrong when calling the getCalendar function gist.github.com/riston/c0a2871e0d8309f470d5 ?
nothing is printed
and its hubot script
!!Is Active Record an antipattern?
@jurka Oh yeah, how's Hubot?
getCalendar = function(url, cb) {
  return robot.http(url).get()(function(err, res, body) {
    return cb(JSON.parse(body));
doesn't look valid to me
Caprica doesn't want to talk to me...
@Zirak @rlemon I use them with X11, looks pretty bad
and the console versions are...
!!afk dinner
I want to be a poweruser
How's that not pretty? Just text upon text upon text with a nice colour theme.
but the menus
I bet you don't even use menus
What menus?
I need menus
Then you're doing it wrong
I'm used to menus
(tool-bar-mode   -1)
(menu-bar-mode   -1)
(scroll-bar-mode -1)
learning curve too stronk
Disable the menus, read the Emacs intro, and set yourself free.
@Zirak uggh... that spacing... function complete ( resp ) {
they don't even have linux where I work
we have linux here... somewhere
@canon I know...
I got a funny look when I asked
I think one of the printers has it
@canon it helps reading for one of the dumber lexers (like mine)
I think i fixed the callback isse but still not working properly as in javascript
Next to shouting lady in bus
Want to kill her
who was going to help me with xslt
ok found out the problem
So, valentines tomorrow - what're you all doing?
@BenjaminGruenbaum The thing I do every night, Benji. Try to masturbate over the world.
Im doing nothing special
@Shmiddty I had thought of almost exactly that but thought it would be too lame to actually type
going out to dinner
but we do that every fridya
14 inches of snow.. it's been a while since I've seen that much
@BenjaminGruenbaum Concluding another sprint, playing some video games, playing hockey. The usual.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Unlimited pinball night with the wife.
@RUJordan I see 14 inches everytime I look at male porn
^ was going to say myself but lets be realistic
ba dum tsss
@Loktar I actually believe the Guinness record is around 13.5 inches
Supposed to get another 1-3 inches tonight
@Loktar Yeah, no need to portray yourself as less than you are.
@RUJordan where are you at again?
@KendallFrey haha
Near washington DC
seems like the whole US is getting slammed with snow
we are at 50 degrees in Nebraska..
@Loktar ahem.
@RUJordan That doesn't sound as nice considering the current topic of conversation
@SomeKittensUx2666 is the western half not getting hit?
@Loktar 64 and sunny.
@Loktar Some parts of england are flooded out :/
hah nice
13 inches? that's impossible
@JustDon't yeah man i saw some pics of that..
saw the one of the guy who was trying to save his house
@JustDon't yep, its pretty bad down south and more to come.
@Cicada3301 We've got 10 feet in places
I'm pretty lucky, All i've had is some hail stones
That's about it
@KendallFrey some people just aren't blessed man :P
I need to get my pants custom made :)
remarks about built-in sling, etc.
then changing the subject
So, the weather
Canada won today's game
@KendallFrey Wooo go canada
@OctavianDamiean Your country will be next to lose
@KendallFrey what game?
Canada's national sport, the almighty HOCKEY.
Well, do you have anyone else to play against?
@KendallFrey Austria already lost today.
Today it was Finland
!!afk home
Seems like a good game, but i don't know many countries that play it
@OctavianDamiean Well, but they're going to play Canada tomorrow
canada got dumped from their initial position as highest total
I knew it wouldn't last
@KendallFrey have you faced Russia?
@rlemon wth?
@KendallFrey We'll totally kick yer asses.
hur hur
@Loktar No, I don't think so
US gets to face Russia next, that'll be fun
@KendallFrey gotta drop the GF off at the dentist for 4:15
Go Miller!
takes 30 minutes to get back to work
@SomeKittensUx2666 Nice
so fuck that
yeh the Russians seem pretty good
@rlemon ah well, glhf
considering most play in the US anyway..
Is Ovechkin playing on Russia?
@Loktar Yeah, they're serious contenders for gold

Java, Spring,JPA, PHP, jQuery & Javas

This room is for Java, ,Spring Framework, JPA, Javascript, jQu...
@RUJordan Oh yes, of course
damn, 7 golds for german master race
Go Germany!
fwag fwag
(I don’t actually care)
^^^^^ new official JS room
@SimonSarris So you went into shock after reading my stories, and had to gouge your eyes out?
Ok guys, I am officially leaving this room, I found new room for jQuery & Java begginners that is helpful more than you guys, thanks
@canon I like the impassive guards
Bon Appetite
au revoir
@JustDon't Has anyone ever attempted to really port jQuery to Java? After all, the j in “jQuery” could easily refer to Java as well…
@Zirak rofl
@poke Yes, they have jsoup.org jodd.org/doc/jerry
I like how the title in the latter page is "The Unbearable Lightness of Java"
I would say we're very helpful.
@Zirak That is just awesome.
Someone, somewhere, sat down and said "Man, how could I combine the two things the JS room hates the most?" (it probably was okok)
doc.$("select option:selected").each(new JerryFunction() {
            public boolean onNode(Jerry $this, int index) {
                str.append($this.text()).append(' ');
                return true;
hi all, is it a good idea to mix asp.net mvc with angularjs at client? Basically my project's need is to render the html markup at server. However, all my views are partial and I want to make it work on ajax so that there is no page refresh involved and everything loads in one shell.
@Yoda You ask good question young padawan
*“Good question you ask young padawan”
I don't know what's worse, that this question exists, or that there's a duplicate. stackoverflow.com/questions/21765061/…
@poke Good ask you padawan, young question.
or should I just use asp.net mvc with jquery with one main div on main page as a shell and use library like history.js to maintain browser navigation ?
@Yoda you and @Batman should team up.
@SomeKittens It’s the same person asking them…
well guys, its a design decision of my application which I'm not able to make. I have done apps before by just modifying dom using jquery. no idea of angularjs. so thought to ask here.
@Yoda Having mixed ASP.NET with Angular... I'd probably stick to one or the other.
If, of course, you have the infrastructure to do so. If you don't have some sort of API with which to get your data, then you might not be able to go with a pure Angular app.
@RyanKinal yeah its not going to be a pure js based app because of the requirement to render the markup on server to protect IPR
!!urban ipr
Intellectual Property Rights?
How does server-side rendering do that?
> Instant Panty Remover
I got this new cologne... definitely an IPR.
Algorithm protection? Which an API would likely hide as well.
@SomeKittensUx2666 lulz
I'd like to see the situation where server-side rendering was an instant panty remover.
Hey, I type "moustache" too...
"Hey baby, I use Jade"
*clothes vanish*
@SomeKittensUx2666 David Caruso?
> Italian opera singer. He was the first major tenor to be recorded on phonograph records.
OSX, proving once again that it's really good at doing something I don't need.
:SomeKittensUx2666 I'm sure there's a "mustache (ride)" pun that could be made
something about a girl named Jade?

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