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@Loktar lol this is a multiple times daily thing
> Hey guys just learning some jQuery really beginning to love web development can someone give me some help on an issue I'm having?
Why in the hell is calling oneself a hacker such a popular thing now a days on the internet. Really kind of pisses me off.
> Don't use jQuery learn the fundamentals of the universe first, then move on to learn http then maybe start learning pure JS
While I agree with the reply, the approach leaves MUCH to be desired.
not surprising Hatterismad
42, 200, typeof
posted on December 08, 2014 by kbironneau

/* by MarianoR */

Lol loktar any reasoning behind the bold?
haha you said you were pissed your username makes me expect no less :P
@Loktar got it
seal was broken :P
what about on the bag?
.. if this is a S4.. I swear on me mum
wait.. the s4's box seal was broken?
That would be only if you took the wrong definition of mad :)
I got it in a bag from amazon, I didn't even open it just threw it in a box and took it to UPS
S5* and yea
was it still in the shipping bag?
the bag was sealed, but the box seal for the actual phone was broke
call the IRS
CALL NSA, ask refund.
blame it on the a-a-a-a-a-alcohol
@darkyen00 just say NSA three times out loud while looking into a mirror, they will email you a response within one week with the tracking number.
battery is in, and it's booting up
splash screen said Galaxy S5
@HatterisMad Most the time.... The other times guy fawkes mask shows up. And you die
what ever happened to bloody mary?
seems okay
@someDoge you can still expect a tracking number in the mail tho :P
@NickDugger shes an nsa employee now, allows mirror to mirror spying capabilities.
@HatterisMad A death certificate number
Makes sense
She is now bored mary
Bloody Mary thing wasn't supposed to bring you bloody mary? Isn't it you'll see your future husband or bloody mary will come kill you or something lmao
Typhoid Mary
@someDoge wasn't that from Deathstalker ?
@tereško Typhoid mary is real..
.. or maybe "Nightside" books
yeah but now according to chat she is a nsa agent spying on you, occasionally partaking in killing you, other times sending you compensation for phones that were poorly shipped to you.
@someDoge She only brought drinks if you held up a shaker in front of the mirror
oh ..
@rlemon good
that is weird though so I wonder if it came from Amazon with a broken seal
since the bag seal was still intact
@Loktar UPS(sneakyMode)
haha maybe
Brown Santa does some weird shit
I had them ship me a tire and they just left it in the ditch down by the road..
Like 4 days I was going "Wonder if my tire will show up today" it wasn't even next to the driveway
LOL wtf
Idk I mean, I did have a tire shipped to my house, seems kinda stupid haha
lmfao - wonder if that ups guy has something against you
Idk for some reason we don't have a consistent UPS guy/gal it's always changing. One of the guys used to like jam things into the garage through the pet door
The girl sometimes put things in the toolbox on my truck!!! I was livid pissed. Who thinks they should put something in my vehicle as delivery to my house lol
Well, I can see that you've had some ups and downs with their service
someone pls badum my tish
check out what I snagged, ebay.com/itm/181509227296
for any classic pc game players (Heroes of Might and Magic first edition)
ebay's still alive?
(can't see, restricted to country)
oh lame
but yeah its the only place you can really get retro items anymore
unless you get lucky locally on Craigslist
I bought that on gog
err I mean might & magic
yeah I own it a few times, its a great game
ah yeah HoMM is a fun series if you like strategy games
I just wanted mandate of heaven
@NickDugger lol
no, not HoMM, just M&M
yeah I gotcha
I have Prime. So I buy everything even truck parts off Amazon. Usually ~20% cheaper for the same stuff.
I also own M&M but not the original physical vs tmk
@someDoge yeah prime is amazing
Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven, commonly abbreviated to Might and Magic VI or simply MM6, is a role-playing video game developed by New World Computing and published by 3DO in 1998. It is the sixth installment in the Might and Magic series, the sequel to Might and Magic V: Darkside of Xeen and the first of the Might and Magic titles to take place in the same world as Heroes of Might and Magic. It continues the storyline of Heroes of Might and Magic II, and takes place at the same time as Heroes of Might and Magic III in the series chronology. A critical success upon release, the game...
anything new I get on amazon, anything older than 2 years or so I get on Ebay
@someDoge Command loktarownsm&ms learned
@Loktar everything seems to be in the box
@FlorianMargaine I own that as a jewel case
charging the phone now, it booted up okay
couldn't play with it because I didn't wanna take off the plastic cover
its nice I can check my collection anytime now
since I took the time to record almost all of it
@rlemon awesome glad it finally got there, and safe
you have 122 atari games?! I wasn't aware they even made that many
there are over 600
there are so many atari games, its nuts
no one knows the exact number really but over 600 are recorded
what is your 1 wii game
oh I have a few I just didnt record them all yet
thats why its yellow
all the yellow ones are ones I was too lazy to go through still lol
you own 0 physical PS4 games?
yeah all digital
I've got 4 physical copies I think
I almost bought second son physical over black friday
eh, I wasn't a huge fan of it
it was fun, but got repetitive quick
same with watch dogs
> ohh look, another almost identical missions. yay.
hah yea
I havent bought that one yet either
they're both along the same lines as an "open world mission based game"
so you have N types of missions and you just go do those.
but there are only like 6 types of mission, so it can get boring
lame, the most recent open world game I've played and loved was Shadow of Mordor
the missions in that never get boring
I can't even remember the last open world I really enjoyed
@rlemon watch dogs had two types of mission: "this is a politically correct mission where-in you do good things, see?!" and "this is a politically incorrect mission, in an ironic way, to lampshade a flaw in current societal opinions. NOTICE IT."
don't get me wrong, second son and watch dogs were fun, but they were not outstanding
Just Cause 2 was super fun
but I didn't do missions, I just got the MP mod and PK'd all day
THAT was a lot of fun
JC2 and Watch Dogs were both games were the plot was so poorly implemented that you may as well skip it and just blow stuff up all day
rotten tomatoes api is being weird :|
yea :P but JC2 imo was more fun as a 'blow shit up open world'
the only plot draw in watch dogs is that dragon tattoo type girl
watch dogs, if you enjoy the MP, could be fun
grats @FlorianMargaine
but I often didn't partake in the MP layer of it
the MP, especially racing, was a lot of fun
@rlemon thats what happened with me and the last of us on the ps4
I only played the MP
the rest of the game was nerfed by having to unlock stuff, which required putting up with their "plot" for a while
you guys look at Farcry 4 at all? (its also open world)
I'm waiting on a sale, but it sounds alright. I played 3 and 3 was too easy
my housemates and I just started watching the cutscenes in watch dogs for the lulz
I hear they fixed that in 4 at least
I've never played any farcry
@Loktar should I?
Its an open world fps
play 3, it had some great writing and voice acting
I'm also interesting in the new Borderlands
3 was just too easy though :/
but the story was good
borderlands 2 was pretty fun
new Borderlands
I've never been into those personally (borderlands series)
BL3 is good, not sure if I like it as much as 2
looks like the new one is more cartoonish
got sidetracked with other stuff before I could get too far in
which I don't really like
Borderlands is fun in the same way as GTA to me. Which is just to screw around. BL2 had a giant creeper on it lol
BL3 is a lot like 2, but more polished
Much more variety in environments and stuff, which is cool
i.sstatic.net/BN4mS.jpg : Like a big adventure game. It is kinda fun
Not a lot has changed with quests, though, which gets annoying
It is much better balanced than 2
the only GTA I enjoyed
@someDoge hah thats pretty cool
@rlemon yeah same here, that and 2
@rlemon have you played retro city rampage?
you'd like it if you enjoy the classic gta's
it's a top-down gta clone, indie game from a few years ago
I went and fought that creeper at like level <20 I forget where I was at. I was just piggy backing along with a bunch of vets online haha
if you like car games and smash em up type games, this is early access but already pretty damn fun: store.steampowered.com/app/228380
got that when it first went on steam. It's amusing.
> Wreckfest is a new demolition derby themed racing game with soft-body damage modeling, sophisticated driving dynamics and in-depth vehicle upgrading, featuring both demolition derbies and more traditional track races. It’s all about fun, breakneck racing and over-the-top crashes.
I'm waiting until its out of EA
I like free roam games... But they need to have vehicles with decent physics or I get bored.
@ssube I got it on the black friday sale
Driving with 2 or 3 wheels left is fun
the Flatout series is awesome, and that game reminds me of those
ohh yea, I played mostly the derby's but got into some races later on
They need some variety and a campaign and stuff
maybe some decent cars
I can't wait until they finish the 'upgrade' crap
and MP will be so sweet in that game
It's probably more fun than a demo derby is in real life! lol. Unless they sell something that makes your neck and back ache for 2 days
anyone know of a good way to skew a box with an image superimposed on it in js?
They can skip a lot of stuff, so long as you don't have to drive a fiat 500 forever
@corvid css transforms
@ssube there are 4 cars now
When my Buick Century blew a head gasket I said fuck it, bought my truck and took the car to the derby
oh derp. Thanks rlemon
@rlemon The US RWD, the fiat, and what else?
uhh there is two EU cars and two "American Muscle"
can't remember which, I'm not really a car guy
so nothing worth driving :p
no, but they are fun to crash!
(since their EU cars are small ones)
they are. The physics demo level is pretty fun for a bit.
the physics and the body models for the 'damage' are impressive
best review for the game :P
Reminds me of:
I need to go back to playing Beyond Earth
that and Shadows of Dorpadorp were what distracted me from BL3
then Shadows was the most boring thing since Watch_under_score_Dawgs, so I switched to Civ:BE
If you like Civ; Endless Legend is pretty neat.
and then sandworms :(
@Retsam I don't like the interface for tech/city/etc management
but yes, it's Civ5 meets HOMM
great game
just gonna take a bit of getting used too
that sounds like it'd be fun
The interface in general needs some polish. My #1 feature request is animation speed options to speed up combat.
I'd like more of a notification when a city completes a tech / worker / etc
Yeah, I describe it as Civ V crossed with Age of Wonders
IF you want a really nifty, sort of fun game with a terrible UI and plot, Lichdom: Battlemage is the best
and party management is FUBAR'd
the magic, once you figure out wtf is going on, is super cool
ugh Battlemage is terrible imo
cool concept but way too boring
@Loktar played Endless Legend??
@rlemon What part of party management is bad?
watch a few vids on it
no haven't played that
@Retsam just splitting / merging it isn't as transparent as it needs to be
Or get Endless Space and just imagine it's a fantasy setting.

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