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strict mode would have prevented it
That would be an error
@phenomnomnominal ok, so in short use strict is useful when coding, in order to force better practice instead of lazy coding ?
So do you think it is useful indeed for my project here ? Would you add it ?
It's always useful. You should get in the habit of using it everywhere
@phenomnomnominal ok. Do people use it always, even in production ?
I do
@Basj I was possibly a bit misleading when I replied to this as 'indeed', because it's not quite the whole picture. It also protects you at runtime by throwing errors. Obviously you'd hope to pick most of them up in dev, but they can still happen in prod.
i asked u a question :c
did you?
@phenomnomnominal ok!
scroll up
@Apoph1s you're kinda the worst aren't you?
you can see it all
it's all client side
Let's keep the signal-to-noise ratio up.
I figured...
I thought i maybe some other server side ish
A little thing about github again : I have a pull request which is now waiting... I will merge it but later.... (not sure about everything in it). Can I do some more modifications on my side in the meantime? Will there be conflict when merging ? Because the pull request has some new things .... and I do have some new things ... How to handle that ?
@Apoph1s @Basj could one of you change your avatar?
@Basj Depends on the modifications. If there are conflicts, you'll have to resolve them locally.
Kind of busy sorry bruh
@SomeKittens What do you mean by resolve locally ?
@Basj as in, not on GitHub
How to resolve locally? In a text editor? By copying / pasting things from the other branch into mine ?
I understand what is git checkout -b newbranch (shortcut for git branch then git checkout)
But what means that :
git checkout -b newbranch master
It's Github's feature "This pull request can be automatically merged." (Merging via command line) that suggests me to do that ?!
What OS are you on?
Win7 but I want to use CLI
At this point, you'd be better off learning through the GUI.
git has a STEEP learning curve - the GUI helps you learn concepts without the fear of blowing everything up. It's how I got through the cliff.
@SomeKittens No, I prefer CLI... It will probably takes weeks, but I will really understand with CLI.
@Basj As someone who used to hold that opinion, no, you won't. It'll just complicate things.
Learn the concepts with GUI, and then learn how to implement those concepts with CLI.
No need for this fetishistic ONLY CLI EVER
You'll be on full CLI faster with a hybrid learning system.
@FlorianMargaine fixed the quality slider
true ;) but I just wanted to understand what's the difference between :
cc @KendallFrey
git checkout -b newbranch
git checkout -b newbranch master
@Basj the link explains that
@KendallFrey hum... not really explicit (or I haven't seen the right sentence?). it says the second argument is [<start point>] . Should I understand that without setting master it would create an empty branch ? and with this second argument, it would create a branch cloned on master? Is that right ?
simple question...been reading about benefits of using [] instead of {} as far as performance when storing numeric values. But how do you create non global array without closures, or getters setters which are also said to be slow.
@rancho var myArr = [];
@Basj Without setting master it'll default to the current branch as start point.
but say you need to access myArr at later time?
@rancho console.log(myArr[7]);
im not sure if im stating my question clearly
A code example would help
if i use 'var' inside function that creates array it cant be accessed again at later date
@rancho Yes, that's how function scoping works.
but if i need to update array at a later time.... how do i access that same array?
without using getters and setters, or closures
Code example?
function makeArr(){
var myArr=[1,2,3,4,5];
console.log(myArr[0]) --does not work
that is
function makeArr(){
var myArr=[1,2,3,4,5];
console.log(myArr[0]) --does not work
damn it
you cant write in msg box and use return
@Basj This is the important bit:
This is the transactional equivalent of

$ git branch -f <branch> [<start point>]
$ git checkout <branch>
So any questions about branch should be directed at the git-branch man page
ok i've added all the filter i'm going to add tonight
go get drunk
already am
damn I created such a great gif.. but I couldn't store it
its just rendered into an image as blob... ROBERT
been reading about performance benefits of using [] instead of {} for storing data
such as numeric values
unless you're writting an operating system or crazy high-end freaking performance shit.. forget about it
unless it's about pure curiosity
so the latter is true
need every millisecond i can scrape
then specify the question
@rancho How so?
i have a large array of integers that need to be occasionally updated and iterated over
first idea here to improve performance certainly should be, to split the array in several smaller arrays
and/or use Duff's Device algorithm for instance to iterate
before I'd even consider deep core questions if js objects or arrays are faster for certain operations
if thats not good enough, I'd ask myself several important questions, like.. "do I need to iterate sequentially?" or "do I have to iterate in a certain direction" ?
If I could answer some of those questions with no, I'd think about using asyncronous loops to literally do parallel loops
splitting array will not help me in this instance
right now the getters and setters is the slow man in my function
@rancho shift+return, like in almost all msg box
i believe i understand under which circumstances using array is better. but i do not want to have global array floating around.
so my options are closures..which are slow..and getters and setters...which are also slow
i guess what i need to be checking is performance of array inside object
you're throwing so much random stuff in here that I don't think this is any micro-optimization, but rathermore a very basic lecture of ecmascript :p
but you're right in general, you don't want to clobber global object, ever.. for once
I'm not sure what you're saying with 'getters and setters', because you really only can have those in objects, not for arrays
which is incorrect technically, I'm sure you can drill those into an array (which is also an object of course), but that won't do much good I suppose
will setup proper in the am
love the last part
"Nuclear Bomb launching assurance - will work"
// am drunk, will fix later
s is borked
@jAndy That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
oh you are
getter setter is not 'in array'
27 secs ago, by rlemon
s is borked
it is what i am using to store array values
which is relatively slow compared to accessing global array
that's confusing then. JS actually has "getter and setter" methods defined, I guess you wrote your own functions which read and write to your array then
actually .. I have no clue what you're saying now :p
i wrote my own function
i am trying to reap the performance benefits of an array.
where that array resides should not be of any concern, performance-wise once you have a referenced variable
wether its within a closure or global should be irrelevant for single read and write operations
dont think so
accessing array values inside closure is kinda slow
@rancho premature optimization much.
He is not.
And don't worry, it happens to lots of guys.
too much assumption
i am trying to recover 1.5 seconds from page load time.
you really need to come up with some comprehensible example
either way, you're talking about sacrificing maintainability when it's a UI problem.
Problem solved.
actually it's only about 15 lines of javascript.
jsfiddle it
show us some beef tofu
i am searching for an old js.perf
We know it's slower. It just doesn't really matter.
We know it's slower ?
@rancho belligerence is not a good way to get assistance here.
@jAndy I remember seeing the fiddle he's talking about.
why does it not matter?
> where that array resides should not be of any concern, performance-wise once you have a referenced variable
Oh ^ i didn't see that
You're totally right
yea that's where I'm not understanding the performance issue anymore
Yeah it definitely feels like there would be a simpler solution.
@rancho making the page load quickly - that is, showing the user that something is happening - is important.
People will wait a second for something to load on a page.
that again sounds like my very first suggestion would fit very well there
talking about splitting, using smart algos and async operations
it's not length of array i am concerned about.
The go tutorial wants me to implement an equation and only has described half the variables.
@rancho that is the only thing that matters
its getting and updating hundreds of values
split the array by n, do the operations in n webworkers, problem solved.
the length is entirely irrelevant once you're accessing it asyncronously
at the moment getting and updating hundreds of xy coordinates is no problem. but updating and storing values using getter setter, or closures slows things down considerably vs using global array
there are a bunch of sites that speak of benefits of using arrays, but none of them that i have found speak on storing these values without loosing performance
all info i am finding are using global arrays in their examples.
all that performance starts to go down the toilet once you add closures to the mix
Do you have stats to back up these assertions?
that closures are slow?
maybe i am talking to the wrong person.
Your problem is algorithmic.
i dont think so phenom
@m59 because they discover, that there are too many dependencies to mock .. and instead of fixing the code, they give up and use real dependencies
the func calcs everything out quick.
too many dependencies = SRP fail
@rancho Define O(n log n)
@phenomnomnominal how much you want to bet his bottleneck is DOM operations?
@SomeKittens Yeah it's gonna be rendering
half credit if the lag is images loading
This is in the setup for some tests for watchify
fs.writeFileSync(files.main, [
    'var fs = require("fs");',
    'var src = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + "/lines.txt", "utf8");',
@m59 Maybe they're integration tests
@m59 That's amazing.
Oh yeah, I guess? Can that ^ be legit?
incidentally, this is the test that is hanging
good call
I figured I would fix it before submitting my pull request
maybe make it likelier they'll accept my other change.
yes i am re positioning elements... but operations are all done on non visible elements. one reflow one repaint.
say i have 200 raphael elements. i give the div containing paper a display of none. then i make calculations re position elements and then give div display of inline.
Can we see the 15 lines?
It's fucking SVG.
And you think the JS is slow
it sounds so weird.. initially you were talking about array access times.. and now I'm hearing about SVG and reflows...
compared to that DOM stuff in cpu ticks.. array access looks like childs play
my coordinate values are stored in an array
And we can say that that is absolutely not the slow point.
no you cant
where is Obama if you need him
i have already tried removing any attribute changes and checked performance of calculating coordinates
> Hey, I can't lift this truck full of dumbbells, how do I remove the hubcaps?
as said above.....i have tested function only calculating coordinates...WITHOUT ACTUALLY APPLYING TO ANY ELEMENTS...
> Hey, my tied shoelaces make it really hard to run 100m, do you have nail clippers?
so many assumptions.
why don't you just setup a sandboxed example of your actual code or something
this whole discussion is pretty pointless unless that happens
@rancho and as you said, that bit was fast, yes?
hunger [ ------------x-------- ] laziness
its close... but still not there
@jAndy The Game
slows down when storing data using getters setters.
By 1.5 seconds?
it slows by about half
And what are you doing in your getters and setters?
And how many times are they called?
i am simply storing updated coordinates as well as height and width of elements
Honestly, @jAndy is right, this is a waste of everyones time until you front up with some code.
imagine mapping something such as this. ducatimeccanica.com/single_engine.jpg
loading one runs fine
Mhm? I'd do in 3D with WebGL, and it'd be faster than your thing.
ummm no
this is not for 3 dim graphics.
i am using 2d images
Yep, and that's why it's slow.
you have no idea what you are talking about.
By the sounds of it, you're not using 2d images either.
not to say that you are not intelligent....i am only saying that you speak in assumption
And you're a living breathing example of the XY problem.
that sounds cool
this question is out of you scope i have realized
Yep, the problem you're trying to solve is so complex I can't even comprehend it.
actually....it's the opposite.
the problem is very small...and your not trying to assumption it
make that you are trying to solve it with assumption
Of course we have to assume shit, you've basically come in here and said, "I have a problem in this black box, but you can't see it"
am not rendering picture of engine...only rendering text data on page. its a plain old image map
But it's not an image map, because you're using SVG.
@rancho. Start over. Re-describe the problem from the beginning.
i am recalculating say 1500 bounding box attributes . x, y, top, left, etc. By storing some of the values on initial scaling i do not have to make these calculations on re scale, speeding up my function. Storing these values in global or local array works great. everything remains fast.
but if i try to store values using getters setters , or closures i experience noticeable drop in performance.
So how much of a drop in performance are we talking.
id say tripling the number of elements results in about a 50% increase
that's not exact, but its close
That's a different issue than the one you described.
it is not
my limiting factor is the getters setters, or the closures.
In the first issue you said using getters and setters, or closures, vs using direct storage over a list of 1500 elements shows a performance decrease.

In the second issue, you said increasing the size of the list shows a performance decrease.
200 elements fast--- 500 elements kinda fast
What I'm asking is this: Given a fixed list of 1500 elements, what kind of performance decrease are you experiencing when you do so using getters and setters vs direct storage, or closures vs direct storage.
Let's settle the second issue now. A decrease in performance over a large list is to be expected because the GC can't garbage collect very effectively while the loop is running. It doesn't have any way of knowing whether or not you're done with an element in a prior iteration.
By the time it figures that out, many iterations of the loop have passed. So you get a burst of GC in the middle of your loop at varying intervals.
Better to break up your loop into smaller chunks.
ive already tried removing the actually element positioning from the script. leaving only the calculations and data storage
That, or make it clear to the GC that it's ok to clean
as was saying
removed elements. tried only working with calculations
@rancho Can you show me your code?
I'm having difficulty imagining your issue. Can you provide some sample code?
And we're back where we were an hour ago. Swell.
Are you using arrays or objects ?
for coordinates
@dievardump run.
i am using arrays dievadump
Sorry, he ran.
Without code, how about a description of the code? Let me try....
@rancho at least a reason why you won't show code!?
You have all your elements in an array. Each element contains coordinates that you need to update. Good so far?
You're iterating through the array using the ususal for(var i; i<size; ++i) approach; and in this loop you're re-calculating the values for that element.
now, other than the element, are there any objects involved in the calculation?
you need access to the actual code. Debugging like that is just dumb. And asking for help without providing code is the same.
elements are scaled to maintain position over background image. so background image height and width are needed
not really
@rancho you're wasting a lot of people time here and it's really rude.
Show some code or GTFO
@dievardump Sometimes, there are good reasons why someone can't divulge the code. If you're going to help people, you've got to be flexible.
i am no longer talking to you
@Arkain It seems it's hours he is trolling peple in here
@Arkain @rancho please consider making a room for just you two to discuss this further. edit mmmm-multi ping
Yes please.
@Loktar not sure how to do that from a web-chat client
I'm using chat.stackoverflow.com
click his name, and go to start new room with this user
@Arkain all of us are
itll make one for both of you and auto invite him to it
Don't have that option
i believe the general discussion room is empty we could go there
you don't see that option either?
maybe it's a privilege of higher reputation points.
just click all rooms at top
consider the conversation moved.
Since when not being able to detect a bad code without even code is a lack of imagination...
Pretty much.
let it go guys.
And yeah, listening to bullshit about not understanding something for 2 hours does get me to the end of my "flexibility"
It's like "I'm thinking of a situation when my non existent code would have a eird behavior and the speed would ultimately decrease when my array as 1000 entry instead of 500. But I'm just thinking of it. Why would that happen?"
It's like guess the bug. Pointless.
more like guess the design flaw, but that can be true even when you can see the code!
I don't say it can't happen, I say that without actual code the bug can be 10 different things.
More than that
And besides the point, insulting the people who are trying to help you is just plain shitty.
btw... why "phenomnomnominal"?
Troll is not happy
it took me a while to figure out the collision detection. If objects are located in a vertical list this is easy
but when they are scattered its a little more complicated. you have to monitor collisions for x as well as y
for rectangular objects
wrong room rancho.
you mean javascript room
oh sorry
@rancho I tried to help you for about an hour. And I'm the asshole.
I'm gonna kick him if he says anything else insulting, anyone got a problem with that?
no problem if you feel his comments to be rude.
@phenomnomnominal none at all
@phenomnomnominal He's got three flags on 'em
2 messages moved to Trash
@SomeKittens That's the biggest cat I've ever seen.
Ok, flipping the coin that is installing video drivers on Linux
we can update our entries into the challenge even after the initial pull request right?
wanted to see if I could use some of the cool threading features that go has into it later on
simply spouting nonsense is not necessary somekittens. if that was true you wouldnt be in here. and you are her arent you?
@rancho Umm, this message is what seems like nonsense to me.
English help ?
is here a single word for delivery van ?
@SomeKittens Mouses are too OP, all PC gamers uses trackpads.
@darkyen00 I don;t think so.
I've come to the conclusion that c# is more awesome than js :P
@towc What lead you to that?
@SomeGuy js looks just like a retarded version of c#, with less structure and features
it's also much much faster than js
its even cooler to think that the compiler for c#6 is written in c#
Just ah, gonna go ahead and remove that star.
We shouldn't be encouraging lies :P
how can I parse css selectors like ul>li*3 in javascript?
ghost beach - miracle, best song ever
its not about using querySelector
@argentum47 what do you mean then?
Do you mean, "How do I write a parser in JavaScript that can handle CSS selectors?"
I have to determine that the expression means 1 ul and 3 nested li, produce an o/p like
ul: {1: li, 2: li, 3: li} I am trying to write queryCreator :P
whats up
I am writing simple js game and need some feedback riston.github.io/defend-ukraine
@jurka awsome..
@argentum47, ty
I want to align all subdivs of "topPartId" div in Center horizontally.
how can I do it?
@jurka Tutorial and Play both end up taking you to the tutorial
currently if your first time visitor the play takes you also to tutorial page
in my example, only "topNavigationBarId" div aligns correctly.
I've used this in CSS for align in Center horizontally:
.centerAlign-horizontally {
    -moz-box-pack: center;
    justify-content: center;
    text-align: center;
1 hour later…
Question- Why is the largest 32 bit int possible 2 billion and a bit, and not 2^32?
32-bit signed ints go up to 2^31
The first bit is the sign bit
@rlemon Why isn't cam2gif on your Github?
@Deep Read this
@Deep -2bill to +2 bill
The first bit in the number is the sign, so that leaves 31 bits to the actual number.
Hi Meredith
What's up?
I'm hungry
@SecondRikudo ALLEGEDLY

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