@Basj I was possibly a bit misleading when I replied to this as 'indeed', because it's not quite the whole picture. It also protects you at runtime by throwing errors. Obviously you'd hope to pick most of them up in dev, but they can still happen in prod.
A little thing about github again : I have a pull request which is now waiting... I will merge it but later.... (not sure about everything in it). Can I do some more modifications on my side in the meantime? Will there be conflict when merging ? Because the pull request has some new things .... and I do have some new things ... How to handle that ?
@KendallFrey hum... not really explicit (or I haven't seen the right sentence?). it says the second argument is [<start point>] . Should I understand that without setting master it would create an empty branch ? and with this second argument, it would create a branch cloned on master? Is that right ?
simple question...been reading about benefits of using [] instead of {} as far as performance when storing numeric values. But how do you create non global array without closures, or getters setters which are also said to be slow.
first idea here to improve performance certainly should be, to split the array in several smaller arrays
and/or use Duff's Device algorithm for instance to iterate
before I'd even consider deep core questions if js objects or arrays are faster for certain operations
if thats not good enough, I'd ask myself several important questions, like.. "do I need to iterate sequentially?" or "do I have to iterate in a certain direction" ?
If I could answer some of those questions with no, I'd think about using asyncronous loops to literally do parallel loops
that's confusing then. JS actually has "getter and setter" methods defined, I guess you wrote your own functions which read and write to your array then
actually .. I have no clue what you're saying now :p
at the moment getting and updating hundreds of xy coordinates is no problem. but updating and storing values using getter setter, or closures slows things down considerably vs using global array
there are a bunch of sites that speak of benefits of using arrays, but none of them that i have found speak on storing these values without loosing performance
all info i am finding are using global arrays in their examples.
all that performance starts to go down the toilet once you add closures to the mix
yes i am re positioning elements... but operations are all done on non visible elements. one reflow one repaint.
say i have 200 raphael elements. i give the div containing paper a display of none. then i make calculations re position elements and then give div display of inline.
i am recalculating say 1500 bounding box attributes . x, y, top, left, etc. By storing some of the values on initial scaling i do not have to make these calculations on re scale, speeding up my function. Storing these values in global or local array works great. everything remains fast.
but if i try to store values using getters setters , or closures i experience noticeable drop in performance.
What I'm asking is this: Given a fixed list of 1500 elements, what kind of performance decrease are you experiencing when you do so using getters and setters vs direct storage, or closures vs direct storage.
Let's settle the second issue now. A decrease in performance over a large list is to be expected because the GC can't garbage collect very effectively while the loop is running. It doesn't have any way of knowing whether or not you're done with an element in a prior iteration.
By the time it figures that out, many iterations of the loop have passed. So you get a burst of GC in the middle of your loop at varying intervals.
You're iterating through the array using the ususal for(var i; i<size; ++i) approach; and in this loop you're re-calculating the values for that element.
It's like "I'm thinking of a situation when my non existent code would have a eird behavior and the speed would ultimately decrease when my array as 1000 entry instead of 500. But I'm just thinking of it. Why would that happen?"