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@rlemon what? People actually use QR Codes? I've never scanned one in my life.
@fauverism for a second I read pornhub
@towc lol
@NickDugger because you were burning your mouth on the pizza
I don't get it
how did the hipster burn his tongue? he ate the pizza before it was cool.
I'm not a hipster :(
but i'm going to tease you about being one anyway
Well, you're an emo kid.
@towc +1
you set yourself up for the jokes :P
Nick Dugger: He did everything after it was cool.
hm, it is really interesting how writing a gradient descent algorithm is much easier in function based programming languages than procedural
@rlemon Not a bad idea.
@KendallFrey actually, yes. I don't pay attention to trends, so when I see something that I like, it's usually old news by then lol
So, I'm a reverse hipster? What would that even be?
btw have you guys checked and discussed Nick Dugger's avatar yet?
@rlemon are QR codes cool yet?
@Shea they seem to be. Nick's never used one :P
oooooohhh burn
@rlemon Hahaha nice
QR code generator with image embedding
@Jhawins yea it was rather annoying
Can't you go to France and do a Masters degree for like < $2K/year
@Jhawins yes, if you know French
idk, in Canada it is similar to the states. shitload of money for an education
Oh right, French
@rlemon Have you been trying to pull off that joke for literally 1 and a half hours?
@Sippy no
I wish
@rlemon lol yeah I don't honestly understand how it's possible to go
Hey PLEASE help, how can I get a value from array nested in another array ?
I was gonna say, fantastic finish.
But oh well.
@Damkulul please specify
@Damkulul Hey PLEASE google it!
so far
@Damkulul usually like array[i][j]?
Hey PLEASE help, how can I write a social media like Facebook from scratch?
That's a bad idea, for many reasons
Basically if you live in the states you need to work full time to survive (or piggy back off family), if you work full time well good luck with school and you're still hardly going to be able to pay for it. If you don't work full time you'll have time but then you can't even pay rent let alone think about $15K/year to a college
@ziGi step 1) acquire a goat.
@rlemon I heard one yesterday about a guy who hid a fake moustache in his room. When he moved out he left it there, then 5 months later, his old roommate was clearing out the room for some reason and found this fake moustache in a little cupboard where a valve was. When he called the guy to ask about it, the guy said "Oh my god! You found my secret 'stache!"
once you've completed step 1 return for the next step
^ That solves everything
step 2) Give up and use a framework
Possibly the best setup joke of all time.
I have a goat
@rlemon isn't writing an AI that can program instead of you much more lucrative?
no, because you have to regression test it
and bots suck with code reviews
ahahhaa :D
@ziGi no because science
@rlemon do you know how to make regression tests?
@rlemon If you perfected sentient AI then ziGi would technically be right...
I was a SQA specialist for like 5 years. I better know about testing methodologies
@Sippy I can give a simple example with an AI learning to play chess better than the best chess player in the world, just that in programming you have much more combinations than chess
and rules of course
@ziGi That's not sentience.
@ziGi those have been around ;P
it is unsure if we will ever be able to create sentient life (via technology)
^ Scan
@ziGi : Hey PLEASE : THANKS :)
@ziGi: That's just self-teaching
Sentience is the ability to feel, perceive, or experience subjectively. Eighteenth-century philosophers used the concept to distinguish the ability to think (reason) from the ability to feel (sentience). In modern Western philosophy, sentience is the ability to experience sensations (known in philosophy of mind as "qualia"). In Eastern philosophy, sentience is a metaphysical quality of all things that requires respect and care. The concept is central to the philosophy of animal rights, because sentience is necessary for the ability to suffer, and thus is held to confer certain rights. == ...
There is no sentience in programming, just logic
if you are able to tell it what you want to build and what algorithms to use, then it should be much simpler for an AI to do it
for example
you can tell it
@ziGi If you wanna build the algorithms you go ahead.
Sentient AI isn't impossible imo.
@ziGi You forgot the most important step.
Dangerous, but not impossible.
get dat goat
"Just logic" sure, but it needs to be able to determine what logic to apply
@Jhawins it wasn't a waste of time. it reminded me I have a QR scanner on my phone
This is where the sentience comes in.
@rlemon ;)
I just use online ones usually
yeah, but if you tell it I need to make a social media for the states and europe it should be smart enough to know that it has to use distributed DB
that is really an oversimplified example
@Jhawins: That's not what sentience is.
I'd scan it, but then I could no longer claim that I've never scanned one before
That's just clever programming
> Sentience is the ability to feel, perceive, or experience subjectively.
Perception and experience are probably the more important ones for an AI
I think that Jhawins just uses those internet sex bot's that talk to him, and he understands their emulation of sentience as a real one
Dunno if they could do emotions, does science even know how emotions work properly in humans yet?
Sentience is awareness in short
I think zigi was born to an internet sex bot
@ziGi That joke wasn't even clever.
different cultures, bro, different cultures
emotions = effects of self preservation
Once again ziGi manages to make me frown within 20 lines of chat from him...
In what "culture" would that be seen as clever?
@Jhawins Why can I not see that in this chat ...
@Cerbrus wasn't your nick name the machine Dr. Xavier used to track mutants?
@Cerbrus He's good at something :P
I think it's an OK answer
@Sippy You probably have him on mute :p
@SomeGuy I can see all the other shit he's saying xD
@ziGi: That's "Cerebro"
Any idea why this would get a random downvote?
@Zigi learn to mesh with different cultures then. Like an adult.
Oh, in that case, check the console
It's happened to me before
@Jhawins don't be mad, me just joking
@BenjaminGruenbaum because people are dumb.
lol can't just blame everything on that, learn how to coexist.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Not enough jQuery
There's usually an error whenever a single message fails to show
@BenjaminGruenbaum: 'cause it's math. ;-)
It's my second random downvote today
@BenjaminGruenbaum The goats are conspiring against you.
for sure
@Jhawins We are not starting this discussion AGAIN.
@SecondRikudo What discussion?
I have no idea
@Jhawins The zigi one I assume lol.
@Jhawins The "my culture is different from your culture and that's why everyone hate you/me"
That one we have EVERY TIME ziGi joins the room.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Because OMG IT DIDN'T ANSWER THE QUESTION
Disclaimer: people are different. Everyone learn how to deal. ktnxbye!
I am not the one causing it by arguing, it is my existence in the room
@SecondRikudo lol I guess that's true it does. Well he shouldn't have said it again then
@RyanKinal what?
FYI, zig was the one to mention culture...
@rlemon exactly
Cerberus, stop
@BenjaminGruenbaum He's mocking the way people tend to think
don't talk about me please
@ziGi Wouldn't those two statements conflict?
@SomeGuy oh, ok. I've had a really shitty day so I'm kind of edgy :D
@BenjaminGruenbaum Sarcasm. Your comment is correct - it's trival to get the nth digit when you have the number itself.
that means both adapting yourself, and learning to be more patient with others.
How can we not talk about you when you're making less-than-funny jokes?
@Jhawins We have new hammers and I'm polishing mine
@SecondRikudo is it shiny yet? :D
@Sippy It's gonna be once it smacks someone.
Then it gets its shine
I just stright up pulled out a beard hair because it was knotted. Ouchy.
Where ma popcorn
Red shine?
@Cerbrus Just ignore him
@Cerbrus Deep red.
@SomeGuy: Where's the fun in that. But you're right
@NickDugger You're not a man until you can wax your beard without flinching.
I'm just waiting for my once chance.
want real pain? pluck a nose hair.
fuck my life with a pitchfork.
@rlemon Meh
@SecondRikudo are you emminem?
that hurts.
@Sippy: You're not a man when you've waxed your beard.
@Sippy why would I wax it? No beard = no manliness.
posted on October 01, 2014

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} New exclusive comic at The Nib!

That's like amputating your manlyness
@rlemon testicle punch
@BenjaminGruenbaum However, people are, as previously mentioned, dumb, and since the process of "getting the nth digit" was not completed, they might downvote.
big toe hair pluck also hurts like a mofo
@KendallFrey testicle FALCON PUNCH
@RyanKinal I don't think people are dumb
@rlemon Nah, try tweezing one of the moustache hairs right beneath your nose.
@RyanKinal I don't want to solve their problem, I want them to solve them problem, I want to give them tools to do so.
@Sippy done it
That makes my eyes water every time.
I get what you mean though, I needed to hear that.
!!s/people/all people/
actually more often than i should
@SecondRikudo @RyanKinal I don't think all people are dumb (source)
Not that I do it all the time lol
I don't like them getting too close to my nose
I think that's more accurate ^ :P
Oh look, Caprica lives
Let's make her crash :V
@BenjaminGruenbaum Actually... reading the question, he knows how to get PI... but doesn't know how to get the nth digit.
@rlemon I know man, I have this electric shaver that sometimes misses them so they annoy me and I'm like pff I'll just pull em, then I cry.
@FlorianMargaine "People are dumb" means "There are dumb people" when used in this context if I understand the context correctly.
and then ping robert a million times to fix it
@Sippy So does jalapeno juice in the eye
@Sippy ahaha
corner of the mouth is annoying as well
once you feel it, it cannot be unfelt.
@rlemon Totally.
@RyanKinal he knows how to get PI to a fixed precision, I'm telling him how he can get it at arbitrary precision.
@rlemon wisdom teeth
one is puncturing my gum right now
@ziGi I had all four pulled years before they were ready in one terrific 9 hour session
@BenjaminGruenbaum Alright, fair enough.
Getting wisdom teeth out was a very painless experience. They just knock you out, and you stuff your mouth with gauze for a few days.
that was unequivocally the worst pain of my life.
+1 star to the person who can find me the joke about google form and the joke is like "dont act like you don't already know all this about me google"
2 of my wisdom teeth were painless. 1 was stubborn, and 1 hasn't exposed himself yet.
We're still looking for it :P
all four of mine were still under the bone :/
What is this, fight club?
!!afk this is silly
@rlemon Heh, I punctured both lungs and cracked most of my ribs in a boating accident once. That was pretty bad.
@Jhawins why? why stir the pot?
that was like 6 minutes ago. let it be
because he be trollin'?
He's brewing a potion of hate :P
@Sippy I broke my tibia (second largest bone in the body) in half once -- while sledding down a hill, lol
^ thats why lol. He's allowed to egg me on as much as he wants
@NickDugger Ouch bro
worst break I've ever had was my ankle.
@ziGi Please don't stir :/
@Jhawins I don't get it - you don't want ziGi in the room?
broke all my ribs, my arm, my collar bone, my hand, my foot, my nose. umm. other stuff I can't remember
sorry, I don't want no trouble mister
ohh, fingers
I was aiming for a bump, because I thought it'd be cool to go off a jump, and then next thing I knew, I was screaming, "CALL 911!!!!" lol. I was in 5th grade
I remembered the shrink button. This will work fine.
yea, but ankle was the worst
blinding pain
Dang, missed my chance
@Jhawins have you tried politely asking him to leave? He's still an OK guy even if you don't get along :D
@BenjaminGruenbaum idk lol he tried to insult me with some weird one-off joke and I didn't understand it
The worst I've had was having the air knocked out of me when playing football
@BenjaminGruenbaum he's done nothing wrong, told ajoke jhawins didn't find funny and merely mentioned the word 'culture'
I never broke anything... Either I have strong bones, or I'm such a wuss that I never do anything risky :P
@rlemon Ahhh worst ankle break I ever saw was whilst rock climbing, this guy was lead climbing and fell, but he clipped into the clip wrong so he fell like 10 meters off an overhang, swung straight into the wall thinking he could just soak it and his ankle just went SCHNAP
And then said culture.. And then I got shit from a reg on it
No broken bones or anything of that sort
A hairline fracture once, but that didn't hurt much
@BenjaminGruenbaum I disagree with the second part of your statement, but I just ignore him when he gets out of hand
@SecondRikudo I never broke anything... I'm such a wuss that I never do anything risky :P (source)
@Jhawins why do you whine so much? Let's turn the focus on you
@rlemon I haven't heard anything about your fish in like half a year are they all still alive?
@rlemon I didn't make a problem @SecondRikudo did and then started talking hammers. And now I'm just confused
yes and doing well.
@NickDugger eih
@BenjaminGruenbaum Oh, yeah, it's been a while!
Should I take it though?
@rlemon Got any new ones?
@SecondRikudo don't be a douche
Fish are lame; cats are cool.
@ziGi: If you don't want to get involved in drama, don't involve yourself by insulting someone.
if you kick him i'll unowner you, because that is pathetic.
@rlemon Not if I kick you first >:D
@rlemon Is this to me? What the absolute fuck
ok sorry, no drama intended
If my opinion means anything seeing as I just watched this, @zigi told a distasteful joke and then excused himself by saying he's from a different culture. @Jhawins didn't bring anything up.
@Jhawins no @SecondRikudo
since zigi entered he's been talking about kicking him
Moving forward
^ @Sippy
he's done nothing wrong.
everyone calm the fuck down
thank you
When's caprica coming back?
I'm absolutely with rlemon on this.
!!welcome Kippie
@Kippie Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I am afk, anyways
As far as I'm concerned we can just move forward happily :). Ignore him if you don't like him
Why we dividin guys
I'm like the Swiss, fuck your fighting, I'm going skiing
We should be one with the javascript
@Jhawins ty
my coffee is cold :(
@rlemon well shit.
Or you can always go to the reg room
!!afk coffee and vape
@rlemon drink it like a man.
My compiler is borked and I've been desparetely trying to fix it the whole day.
My day sucks.
How do you break a compiler?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Borrow @SecondRikudo's hammer
Those are the worst issues
@Kippie apple did
@Sippy leads you to a shady corner
My code won't compile and I have no idea why, it's giving me a cryptic error and a SIGABRT.
I have an acquanitance that works for Ubisoft, Montreal, and they have a really weird compiler that they put him on. Something about C++ and something else. I forget what exactly, but he was really stressed over it and was gonna quit after one week, lol
He ended up staying, though
btw when you try to name a room "negative nancy" it says that the C++ room already exists xD
@SterlingArcher wassup
@Jhawins It's not a bug, it's a feature.
@Jhawins pretty accurate.
Well it listed C too
And C# I think, there were 3.
C === negative
@Jhawins that's Bartek's room.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I understand now
Not much, just got to work
I hate it when people delete downvoted answers... Prevented me from commenting:
> Sure, that works. Just like tossing dynamite in a pond will give you an idea of how much fish is in there.
@SterlingArcher :dangerzone:
Need to chug water, else these vitamins will dehydrate me
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm actually discussing the "danger zone" with my boss right now
You're supposed to eat with vitamins, else you'll puke, noob.
@SterlingArcher yay I've also started taking vitamins
and i've cut way back on the beer
@NickDugger that's anitbiotics
@SterlingArcher nah, it's some vitamins too
Zinc especially
@rlemon these are more supplements for lifting than vitamins I think
Is Zinc a vitamin?
but Multivitamins you should eat something with too
my multi vit says take with food. but as long as i'm not taking it on an empty stomach i'm fine
Oh, there's no zinc in this I think
@Kippie technically, I suppose.
Hello, I have info as http%3A%2F%2F ...
how can I convert this kind of string to http://....
yea, I don't need supplements. I've got a few pounds of fat to convert first :P
urldecode that shit, son.
I have way more than a few.
@Kippie: Zinc is a metal
!!mdn urldecode
It's not a vitamin
Depends on what the definition of vitamin is...
@rlemon the dude at GNC basically said that if I don't see a huge difference in my body if I commit myself to these, he would pay me out of pocket for wasting my time
!!define vitamin
@NickDugger vitamin Any of a specific group of organic compounds essential in small quantities for healthy human growth, metabolism, development, and body function; found in minute amounts in plant and animal foods or sometimes produced synthetically; deficiencies of specific vitamins produce specific disorders.
organic compounds
@Cerbrus *mineral
I thyink Zinc qualifies
!!afk pissing radiation
oh wait
Zinc, in commerce also spelter, is a chemical element with symbol Zn and atomic number 30. It is the first element of group 12 of the periodic table. In some respects zinc is chemically similar to magnesium: its ion is of similar size and its only common oxidation state is +2. Zinc is the 24th most abundant element in the Earth's crust and has five stable isotopes. The most common zinc ore is sphalerite (zinc blende), a zinc sulfide mineral. The largest mineable amounts are found in Australia, Asia, and the United States. Zinc production includes froth flotation of the ore, roasting, and final...
I'm wrong
Another internet victory!
Time to head home. Peace out!
I hate actually looking at my pay cheques
Also, according to the periodic table, Zinc is definitely a metal.
then I see how much money is being taken off from taxes and it isn't just "a percentage" anymore
refined zinc is a metal, zinc (as found in nature) is a mineral ore
So is Iron with that logic
which still makes sense, but come on...
Is it right to say "Just because you can't, doesn't mean you shouldn't" because "Just because you can, doesn't mean you should"?
@NickDugger it's splitting hairs.
@rlemon if you are not happy about that, you can go and live in a country like Bulgaria where the taxes are flat 10% but then your salary as a programmer is around 700$ and you have really shitty roads and cities in general.
but this is the internet, so we're allowed to be pedantic
damn you pedants
@rlemon your moms an oar
(in programming only)
I really need to drink more water.
I peed on an ant
@ziGi no, I'm happy with my quality of life. I just don't like seeing $350 taken off in just income tax
then CPP and EI on top
well if your salary is 3K, what's the problem?
I lose about $500 out of $2500
it could be more. :P
@NickDugger first world problems
I lose from 20-30% it seems... Depends.
35%ish just in income tax.
How can i take info from and id called BB_111 (111 is random number) so must be BB_*
then we have other taxes taken off our pay
in the Netherlands if you take more than 4K they take ~42% of your salary
income tax is... stupid
and sales tax and property tax.
it adds up quickly.
if you take more than 10K they take 55%
I just killed my website. Deleted the wordpress install. Now it's just a broken page. About time I killed that fugly beast.
  var check = $('#BB_*').val();
@ziGi we have tax brackets as well
they shift around a lot, not sure what they are currently.
yeah, stupid
I'm taxed 33%
they are wondering what to do with the money, so they repair roads that don't need repair just to open new working places...
how is that fair
creates jobs.
you see a lot of "make work" construction around here
it looks more like socialism than capitalism to be honest
^ reasoning?
"make work construction" haha
> let us replace this side walk this year, only to replace the sewer next year and have to tear it up again
^ happens a lot where I live
My brother is a surveyor, I know what you mean
in a perfect world, Socialism would be awesome
like the civil engineer was smoking crack or something
^ Well hopefully
@NickDugger don't you mean communism?
@ziGi no
Hopefully he didn't make those decisions sober
How can i take info from and id called BB_111 (111 is random number) so must be BB_*?
please rephrase
can't css attribute selector with ~ operator work with ids?
@MGE give it a class
you want to get all id's starting with BB_ ??
@AwalGarg yes
I think so
it hasnt class
Why would you use IDs like that
19 secs ago, by Jhawins
@MGE give it a class
@rlemon so he can just use QS, no?
I can't modify received info
@AwalGarg yes, but this screams XY problem
Only receiving dynamic id
he's probably focusing on the wrong solution
@MGE Kick the backend engineer in the face, that's terrible.
In a socialist world, a doctor would make as much as a cashier
That's what I was taught
thats not our, its an external api
@SterlingArcher No.
@AwalGarg thank, I know
^ the only government I wish we move into
Dat federation
@MGE document.querySelector("[id~='BB']")
I want socialism in a way, like everyone gets a base living wage even if you don't work. But you could also work to better yourself and to make even more money however if you just want to be a bum you can afford ramen and cheap rent
Or if you want to be an engineer you can go make hundreds of thousands
someone say ramen?
@rlemon Thats star wars right
@Jhawins so it's based on the idea that one should not have to work to live?
@Jhawins ....
Do i need to use "success" variable here?
$.get( "example.php", function(data, success) {
I mean... Is it important? What is it exactly?
@user3002233 a callback for when it is done
@rlemon hi
@SterlingArcher Exactly. However you could if you wanted to live better off than the average joe. I think this would slowly turn into an elysius situation though.
but seriously.
@rlemon :)
that is star trek
united federation of planets
I know lol. I remember watching it, HeMan would always say "beam me up darth!"
@rlemon So what is "success" variable in the callback?
@Shog9 you don't appear in my auto complete list
^ me neither
that's because your autocomplete list isn't cool enough
@rlemon hey I tried it locally, doesn't seem to work... are you sure it should work with ids?
Oh that one
@user3002233 a reference to the function
@AwalGarg attribute selector cares not which attribute it is
lemme spin a fiddle, hold on
@Jhawins unfortunately I'm a hard believer in darwinism to an extent, that one must work hard to live
Unless you have a valid reason that you cannot work, you should not be helped
It's a harsh thought, but I've seen way too much abuse of the system to believe in another way of life

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