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@twiz Why would I buy a mac?
The problem with it is platform-specificity.
@SOChatBot thank you for reply
@Shmiddty ohhh I missed that line...
I like the second link which is what I want
!!/tell pibcat echo "You are welcome, Dave"
but is there anyway that we dont inclue those animations?
wtf.... why does it require OSX...?
@pibcat "You are welcome, Dave"
@XCritics I don't see why not. make sure everything chains and you'll be fine
if you took the .css function I wrote it's almost exactly the same functionality as jQuery.css
minus half the code (less compatible)
anyone here ever use yii?
seems easy as heck.
.css is the one thing about jQuery I think they got absolutely right.
(php framework)
@Loktar looked into it. Ultimately settled on CodeIgniter and Symfony 2
yeah I've heard good things about those as well
wish i didnt have to use php
@XCritics yea see that won't work
stupid image generation is slow on node unfortunately :(
you need to store not just the element but an array of elements
one sec.
@rlemon take your time beautiful ;)
Evening Alives
!!/mustache MuhammadRaja
that looks like a mustache mate Lol
Is that a gang sign?
Do any of you know an easy way for me to count words and the after say 30 words execute a function right there. Like a document.write after 30 words?
lol wtf
@JosiahSouth if(document.getElementById('whatever').value.length >= 30) {
document.write }
@XCritics no
mirite now
@XCritics I'm saying after 30 words out of maybe 300.
Not just if it's longer than 30 words.... It needs to be in the middle of an article.
oh count 'words' not characters
!!>"There are " + "here are some words and such and stuff. Cool beans dog yo.".split(/\b/).length + " words, dawg."
@Shmiddty 24
@XCritics That's what I said, yes.
@Shmiddty "There are 24 words, dawg."
that's not right.
!!>"There are " + "here are some words and such and stuff. Cool beans dog yo.".split(/\s/).length + " words, dawg."
@Shmiddty "There are 12 words, dawg."
@Shmiddty This won't work for me though. I'm doing something for someone else who doesn't understand this at all. She will simply paste an article between my tags and Javascript will do the rest of the counting and such.
@JosiahSouth I just gave you a way to find the number of words.
stop being dumb and lazy.
@Shmiddty Wow, that's pathetic. I wrote a word counter earlier today to count words for our classified ad submissions. I don't need another. lol
Peggy had many valentine cards while I only had one. Peggy is a whore
@rlemon I didn't mean take THIS long ;)
@Shmiddty, @JanDvorak: Good news, /eval (starting from the next reboot, luckily I have to switch partitions) won't be in strict-mode any more and I fixed the stringifying weirdness. I also think I solved the timeout issue.
@Zirak god that Raynos guy just rippin your code apart in the comments lol :P
@XCritics yea well I started trying to work with your pattern.
@rlemon :D
tl;dr what you need to do is hold the 'matches' in an array, clear them on each new lookup, or modify them in the chain.
@rlemon is the .find.class already implemented, or am I gonna have to implement them in my prototype
@JosiahSouth here you go: jsfiddle.net/hvWNp
@XCritics Not really, and I don't care now; I improved in those several months.
pseudo code
library.find.byId = function(_id) {
  return library;
library.find.byClass = function(_class) {
  return library;

assume the add methods just add to the arrays without clearing them.
!function(a){a.style.height="100px";a.style.overflow="hidden";a.style.position="‌​relative";a.b = document.createElement("a");a.b.href="#";a.b.textContent="Show More";a.appendChild(a.b);a.b.style.position="absolute";a.b.style.bottom="0";a.b.‌​style.right="0";a.b.style.background="#fff";a.b.style.padding=".5em 1em";a.b.onclick=function(){a.style.height="auto";a.removeChild(a.b);}}(afterthe‌​cut)
I am good codes
(psst, @rlemon, concat is not a mutator)
so now I can library.find.byId('foo').css('color', 'red').add.byClass('bar').css('padding', '2px');
@Zirak pseudo code
also, I forgot :P
but pseudo code so it's meant not to work ;)
@rlemon do you use [] just to be able to use the .slice.call? Or does that append it to the new empty array?
Array.prototype.slice.call === [].slice.call()
just a shorthand
less typing
oh ok
never used .call, gonna have to google it to see what exactly this gypsy magic does
google .call .apply .bind for functions
@XCritics apply is better
then array methods circa ES5
@Shmiddty not really for this case
@rlemon No, just in the wizardry department
well yea.
!!> foo = 4
@Zirak 4
bind is even more Harry Potter like
Code eval is slutty now
aw yeah
no more strict mode code eval?!
that makes me so happy
I can godegolfs the commands
I bashed my head on this one for a few, and then I just placed the function outside the strict mode area.
@rlemon why do you make the arguments private?
@Shmiddty btw, my gf is always talking about Diablo Drama. is she being a girl or has she found the subset of little girls who play diablo
@rlemon She plays with an 11 year old boy
who is a complete idiot
@XCritics js has very little concept of public and private
it's all scoped
oh ok
@Shmiddty yea I hear.
Hi hi all
(for all those interested)
!!>"Four score and seven years ago, I had the most epic shit you've ever seen.".replace(o=/./g,function(a){return o[a]?'':o[a]=a})
@Shmiddty "ban"
Are you one of the runners? whoops
@Shmiddty I'll also try running it in FF so you'll have function expressions and such
@Shmiddty "Four sceandvyg,Ihtmpi'."
@Zirak B-)
I need to go eat before I get pissy
@rlemon jsfiddle.net/3WpNG/13 any idea why I'm getting that console error, I can't figure it out x.x
you have two methods named 'class' in the same object
use new or create
nm I see it
Headhunter sent me an email:

Candidates Must have:
(okay done)
* VBScript
(okay, really done)
Why do you go on reading ?
Funsies? :-D
Good answer. And btw you teached me a word.
you have to do it that way due to the way you are instantiating the object
@XCritics also its getElementsByClassName
@dystroy \o/
@RyanKinal I didn't knew headhunter. Are you looking for a management job ?
srsly... IE8 you still need attachEvent
I don't know why but I like my current reputation : 66699 it's a pretty number :)
I thought IE8 handled addEventListener
nope :(
we still use IE8 here.. I hate it so much
also stuck in compat mode..
so its basically IE7
so my fn is not useless :P woop!
function on(element, event, callback, override) {
    var attach = window.hasOwnProperty('addEventListener'),
        meth = attach ? 'attachEvent' : 'addEventListener',
        prefix = attach ? 'on' : '';
    if (!override) {
        element[meth](prefix + event, callback, false);
    } else {
        element['on' + event] = callback;
    return element;
@dystroy Nope. Just got a random email from some random dude.
@Loktar let me guess.. Object.hasOwnProperty is not supported in IE8
fail rlemon fail
!!/mdn hasOwnProperty
idk about that one actually
I thought that was pretty widely supported
ecma 3rd
so it's a toss up
jsfiddle.net/3WpNG/15 see, so do I have to implement my own foreach function?
Q: object has no hasOwnProperty method (i.e. it's undefined) - IE8

PilgrimThis seems quite bizarre. Here's my experiment in the IE8 console: typeof obj1 // "object" obj1.hasOwnProperty // {...} typeof obj2 // "object" obj2.hasOwnProperty // undefined Any ideas as to what could cause this?

hah have to use..
if ( !Array.prototype.forEach ) {
  Array.prototype.forEach = function(fn, scope) {
    for(var i = 0, len = this.length; i < len; ++i) {
      fn.call(scope, this[i], i, this);
@Loktar fuck it, 'property' in object
@rlemon I wish I could just look at that and understand wtf is going on, this .call is throwing me off
.call is my favorite
<3 .call
wtf happened in boston?
they bombed the marathon?
@XCritics think about this

function foo(msg) {
  alert( this + msg );
> "[object Window]bar"
foo.call({}, "bar");
> "[object Object]bar"
Horrible, horrible things happened.
does it make sense now?
I cannot get this goddamned fiddle to work outside of jsfiddle...... jsfiddle.net/vSyVh
I know it has to be onLoad. I've tried window.onload...etc.
(function (a) {
    a.style.height = "100px";
    a.style.overflow = "hidden";
    a.style.position = "relati2e";
    a.b = document.createElement("a");
    a.b.href = "#";
    a.b.textContent = "Show More";
    a.b.style.position = "absolute";
    a.b.style.bottom = "0";
    a.b.style.right = "0";
    a.b.style.background = "#fff";
    a.b.style.padding = ".5em 1em";
    a.b.onclick = function () {
        a.style.height = "auto";
@rlemon not really.. no

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