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A language that doesn’t have everything is actually easier to program in than some that do. [Dennis M. Ritchie]
This is an interesting read if you're getting into functional shit. http://stevelosh.com/blog/2013/03/list-out-of-lambda/
The guy creates a list out of nothing but functions, and then creates numbers and basic math operations using this list
@BenjaminGruenbaum will love that ^ (and know it already) but still
could I ask what is ore performant that a var lookup={} that is quite deeply feeded, for caching and updating values in tables (frequent updates)
things like local storage?
o well I think it's performant, but not the $.datatables.fnUpdate shit
@OlegOrlov yes
div > *
all direct div chilren
use it carefully
The problem with object-oriented languages is they’ve got all this implicit environment that they carry around with them. You wanted a banana but what you got was a gorilla holding the banana and the entire jungle. — Joe Armstrong
erlang father
If I make a fake javascript enum...
var WeekDay =
    MONDAY : "monday"
How could I iterate through indices in a way that I can get the value? Say:
 for (var i = 0; i < WeekDay.COUNT; ++i)
      images[i].src = (how do I get the enums value by index?) + ".png"
if(currentColor == my.namespace.ColorEnum.RED) {
   // alert name of currentColor (RED: 0)
   var col = my.namespace.ColorEnum;
   for (var name in col) {
     if (col[name] == col.RED)

my.namespace.ColorEnum = {
    RED : 0,
    GREEN : 1,
    BLUE : 2
A: Enums in JavaScript?

Andre 'Fi'Here's what we all want: function Enum(constantsList) { for (var i in constantsList) { this[constantsList[i]] = i; } } Now you can create your enums: var YesNo = new Enum(['NO', 'YES']); var Color = new Enum(['RED', 'GREEN', 'BLUE']); By doing this, constants can be acessed ...

var YesNo = new Enum(['NO', 'YES']);
var whatevs = YesNo[0];
Q: Help needed with gameQuery

IamMirrorsI am beginning javascript developer and I am looking for help on using jQuery plugin gameQuery.

knock knock Who's there? "Jehova's witnesses"
you're heavy bot
Hi ...
Q: Print the variable's dict

Mirko CianfaraniI want print the dict a in alert , (it is possible?) or print in the third's textarea (three) with id=p. I read on this question http://stackoverflow.com/questions/957537/how-can-i-print-a-javascript-object and I used document.getElementById("p").value=JSON.stringify(a);; alert("myObject is...

If you have live form validation with JQuery, what condition would you put in the parameters to check if the name is "first[space]last" format?
I have this line:
canvas.drawImage(x*TILE_SIZE, y*TILE_SIZE, images[world.firstLayer[x][y]]);
world.firstLayer[x][y]: "grass"
images[world.firstLayer[x][y]]: img
TypeError. I don't get it.
Can I ask you guys a question?
Q: SEO impact of links for javascript functionality

David HobsFor example, jQuery tabs uses a link as each tab, that opens the tabbed content. Or often times developers will use a link as the anchor text for a hover tooltip, even though it doesn't actually link anywhere. Given that the functionality uses javascript, for the most part links aren't needed, ...

	document.getElementById('newsfeed').insertBefore(newForm, document.getElementById('newsfeed').firstChild);
@phenomnomnominal can I use stuff like that or is that not supported by old IE
Just double checking, re-writing stuff I need cross-compatible with jQuery for now
Is this proper use of document frag? gist.github.com/Gacnt/c7aa91229e0079dce98a
@AlexanderSurin Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Question: Does the clearInterval(intervalID) call need to be inside the interval?
you just need the reference to the intervalID
My concern is that if I were to set a test to check whether a condition had been met within the interval using a simple IF statement that the test would only be executed once
( testVar === true) ? clearInterval(intervalId);
var interval = function () {
    if (condition) {
    } else {
        setTimeout(interval, 1000);
Snap! Thanks mate
that's one way
I hadn't thought to use a setTimeout loop
alternatively: var interval = setInterval(function () { (condition) ? handleCondition(condition) : clearInterval(interval); }, 1000)
"use strict" is for sissies
hi guys
@Darkyen Where have you been? :(
@BadgerGirl in dipression
Where's that?
@Darkyen Cheer up. Move to Germany with me.
@phenomnomnominal my head :D
@phenomnomnominal Thanks again mate. You really helped me out there :D
@BadgerGirl nah i choose to stay here and fight :D
@Darkyen Good luck with that. It's probably not as bad as it seems.
it is
but aww well
Time to sleep but we should talk tomorrow.
Why can't Elvis Presley drive in reverse? Because he's dead
sure :-)
good night
Is there a way to log whether an interval loop is occuring?
console.log ?
Suppose an external script is running an interval, is there a log command that will reveal it?
give an example?
You could modify setInterval to inject a logger
Sure, but I'm not initiating the interval.
doesn't matter. It only matters if you can modify it in time
Example: You pull in a script (like facebook's share button) which initiates an interval without a log. Is there a command that will identify that particular event without having to manually append a log command from within the interval call?
var origSI = window.setInterval; window.setInterval = function(fn, time){...}
if it's being called on your site, you can control how it's run
Right, but not if you can't identify it
just make sure ^^ that gets called before the facebook button starts the interval.
you can log every SI
I'm trying to identify what, if any, interval loops may be running
you can even log the handle with each invocation
(the number the system setInterval returns)
var intervals = [];
var oldSI = window.setInterval;
window.setInterval = function (callback, interval) {
    console.log('new setInterval started');
    intervals.push(oldSI(callback, interval));
for example
so window.setInterval will list all currently executing SI loops?
no. You will only intercept new intervals as they're set
you need to do it before they're registered
@phenomnomnominal Missing a semicolon on your last line :p
Ahhhhh. I see.
is loading profiles extremely slow on SO for anyone else?
Loads fine for me
var oldSI = window.setInterval;
window.setInterval = function(fn,time){
  var rv = oldSI(function(){
    console.log("SI task "+rv+" fired");
  console.log("SI task "+rv+" set to fire each "+time+"ms");
The log inside the interval to show when it was fired might be extensive
if (debug) ...
@JanDvorak sad so sad
@Darkyen ?
@Darkyen Why?
[11:12:29.406] console.log("SI task %d set to fire each %d ms",20,20);
@Darkyen What's your Skype ID?
just being a nazi :D , use string formatting instead of "+" its barely readable
@Darkyen Eh.
It's not like that's the "correct" way or something
its better :P
console.log "SI task #{rv} set to fire each #{time}ms."
@Darkyen Really? You need @phenomnomnominal's syntax highlighter userscript then
^ better
What's your Skype ID, @Darkyen?
made it when i was 14 so psh
So last year?
@phenomnomnominal -_-
btw i made console.log in C++0x11 :D
was so much fun // as it was just 20 lines .
Got to love C&H.
thats horrible
Fuck. A post from /r/MorbidReality/ was on the frontpage
not surprising, considering
you guys know what ?
C++11 (formerly known as C++0x) is the most recent version of the standard of the C++ programming language. It was approved by ISO on 12 August 2011, replacing C++03. The name follows the tradition of naming language versions by the year of the specification's publication. C++11 includes several additions to the core language and extends the C++ standard library, incorporating most of the C++ Technical Report 1 (TR1) libraries — with the exception of the library of mathematical special functions. C++11 was published as ISO/IEC 14882:2011 in September 2011 and is available for a fee. The ...
@AmaanCheval its time for you to start learning it :P
No idea. I presume the input value is US mm-dd-yyyy format, in which case the dateUTC function should return a suitable date object. — RobG 11 mins ago
can you guys see this issue
@Darkyen Yep, I'm learning it
@AmaanCheval good boy :D
when you write your code in C++ you get so much self satisfaction ]
I'm learning it from "Beginning C++ Game Programming" by Michael Dawson
No idea. I presume the input value is US mm-dd-yyyy format, in which case the dateUTC function should return a suitable date object. — RobG 12 mins ago
Saw it the first time
Can you guys help me on this
@brykneval It'd make it easier to help if there was a demo on the question where we could reproduce your problem ourselves
any help
@AmaanCheval did you watched my first video ?
@Darkyen Which first video?
the programming tutor
No, don't know what you're talking about
@akash4eva Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
bleh it was for college dummies
but wanna have a look ?
I know the basics, though
it wasnt even basics. its just more like a first video i had no clue what am i gonna say just made it (x
Haha, cool
I want to develop a dom selector for my custom JavaScript Library. But, I'm failing in creating one or the ones I've created have taken several lines. Please help if you can.
I'll watch it after my exam today
Oh, that Windows 8 interface.
I had a dream that my computer automatically updated itself and I had to use Windows 8
Such an upsetting dream
win 8 is unfinished
Your audio is choppy at times
its my old mic
I'll watch the rest later
Must make myself study
do it
If quizzes are quizzical then why are tests not testical?
@SOChatBot LOL
throw new Error vs throw Error?
depends on use case
throwing an error :)
Q: throw Error('msg') vs throw new Error('msg')

ilia cholyvar err1 = Error('message'); var err2 = new Error('message'); What's the difference? Looking at them in the chrome console, they look identical. Same properties on the object and the same __proto__ chain. Almost seems like Error acts like a factory. Which one is correct and why?

in js they are same :P
Hi Everyone
yeah thought so
I am working with jQuery PieCharts , Where I am facing an issue with IE browser , Can someone help me out
Q: HighCharts (jQuery Pie Chart) is not getting rendered in IE

Sudhakar BynaMy HighCharts pie chart is not getting rendered only in IE, It is rendering correctly in Chrome, FF, Opera and safari. But the issue is with my IE9. I have read the posts in stackoverflow and i corrected my code accordingly even though I got no luck. Below is my sample .js code $(function () { ...

@phenomnomnominal worth reading
Measuring programming progress by lines of code is like measuring aircraft building progress by weight. [Bill Gates]
google will fuck us all over one dya :D
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm importing stuff
> Find the middle term of the expansion (x - 1/2y)^10
C(10, 4) a^6 b^4 right?
pls halp me sirs
Can someone please look at this
Q: compare properties from one geoJson file that are being displayed on a leaflet map with another geojson file to display more information

YabaI am working on a kaggle project using leaflet and geoJson for the first time. Background: I am displaying a map of colorado with different school districts using a geoJson file name 'districts' which holds the coordinates for the district regions as well as there NAME, I have a separate geoJson ...

@AmaanCheval Middle term? Walking halfway through the relevant Pascal triangle?
I don't know the Pascal triangle method
After my exams are over (yeah, it's ironic), I'm going to go to learn all of this
Can you give me an example of a middle-term of a simpler expression?
(x^2 + 2/x)^8
Middle term is 1120x^4
I can figure it out with this
(They have a few steps given in the middle as well)
Got to eat lunch and run. I can send you the working if you're interested later
Most software today is very much like an Egyptian pyramid with millions of bricks piled on top of each other, with no structural integrity, but just done by brute force and thousands of slaves. [Alan Kay]
Anyone having small experience in titanium push messages?
yeah I push'em hard
@FlorianMargaine can you tell me is it possible to push a notification and when the user recieved the notification a particular code gets triggered
(similar to gcm?)
I'm going to install Arch on my Samsung Series 9 ultrabook.
@FlorianMargaine ??
@OctavianDamiean there go 10 years of dedication to Ubuntu
@XCritics dude ^
stop repeating your code all over
I confirm it sucks. Use at least some kind of map ( 'click' -> 'mousedown').
Just quietly, there are nicer ways to tell someone there is a better way to do something than saying it sucks.
Hello please i need pointers on my Ti Push q!!
@dystroy tbh he doesn't need one
onclick is not onmousedown + onmouseup, it's onclick
and it's supported by IE6
I don't really understand why he did that
The dropbox 404 page is freaky
And if I got it right, then it's simply mid((a+b)^n) = nC(n/2)*a^(n/2)*b^(n/2) (which makes sense, it's the middle). What's the middle one of an odd n? You tell me.
Warning: I'm on mobile
Middle term of an odd n would be the two middle terms
b in this case is -1/2y
Not 1/2y
oh. Then my answer was 10C5 * x^5 * y^5
@FlorianMargaine Nah, I'm still an active supporter of Ubuntu and I'll also keep recommending Ubuntu to newer users or to businesses.
blah blah, you got my point
@Zirak No, I think your answer might be correct. n is the power it is raised to, not the number of terms
The middle term of 11 would be 6
Like the middle of 3 terms would be the 2nd
The expanded form here confuses me
Oh fancy 3D plotting. Didn't know Wolfram Alpha does that.
@FlorianMargaine are you busy?
Oh, never mind, I'd misread the expanded form
yeah, I am
got a job where I'm paid, y'know
Wolfram Alpha has taken a lot of heat, for pretending to be something they're not, but it really does an excellent job of most things
@Mayur Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@AmaanCheval They're expanding the powers and binominal coefficients; you can see that clearest in the last one, y^10 / 2^10
Yeah, I just missed the first term and was confused about why they didn't have an x^10
Oh my ... I have a feeling that this EFI crap will be quite a pain to deal with when I install Arch.
@FlorianMargaine i know.Same here.. i just needed to know the answer .. i asked you something
35 mins ago, by Nezam
@FlorianMargaine can you tell me is it possible to push a notification and when the user recieved the notification a particular code gets triggered
thats for titanium
@Nezam Dude ... he was just joking ... he said "yeah I push'em hard". He can't be any more obvious.
Ask your question on SO.
Why is generating pascal's triangle in latex so annoying...
Because you suck.
@OctavianDamiean my sense of humour isn't that great.Sorry for your time
Perl is written in base64
meh, I give up, too much work.
TeX started integer overflowing on me.
@Zirak Are you still working on porting the not to Node?
the bot*
The answer lies in your question
Why not?
Because SO annoys me
Didn't you manage to login and post a message?
And then they changed something and now I can't
I might try to get it working with Node after my exams. Might
@AndriansyahAndri Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@AmaanCheval Here's your damned triangle: dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/ile3f1g2rh73ywu/amaan.pdf
this my friend question
@Zirak Hahaha, thanks
anyone can solve this problem
CoffeeScript is good
Is that Scratch?
Or whatever that graphical program editor from MIT was?
@AmaanCheval its berkley's fork of it
runs in "js"
Darkyen whats up with gold and indian people?
@Nexxpresso not in jokes mood
I saw some big indian guy in London driving a galardo who was covered with gold rings all over
Its not a joke
dunno then
@Darkyen Yeah, that's a given considering it's on the web
@AmaanCheval :P mit did it in flash
with less features ^^ and runs slower
Yeah, this worked for me on my phone
So it had to be JS
anyone ordered a glass dev pack?
aint got the time / money for that shit
cheezburger.com/7322619904 (@OctavianDamiean, get a Subaru)
Can fat people go skinny dipping?
No, but they certainly go around double-dipping.
!!should I watch that scary show or shouldn't I?
@Zirak You shouldn't
...but I want to
I HATE YOU slams random door
Can anyone here help me on issue with jQuery DataTables?
anyone here?/
@Nexxpresso can you help me?
not right now
I like my women how I like my coffee. Without a penis
@SOChatBot -_-
@GNi33 \o
why css3 animation get stopped fot some milisecond before starting new loop
@Ankit its not stopping try adding linear to your animation for easing
when its on ease in and ease out it appears to be stopping on start. when its actually just eased
-webkit-animation:<animation_name> <n ms> <m iterations> linear;
@Darkyen @AmaanCheval this one rocks
haha awesome 1 florian :)
@FlorianMargaine lol
hi,any one help me the best alternative to the iframe?
@charan web browser :D
how to load the content using web browser?
-_- dude wtf ?
PS if u just wanna load stuff and process over it USE XHR
@Darkyen I am using asp.net with C#, My problem is with the height of the Iframe,It is not varying depending upon the content height
If I give auto also it is not varying
Q: View port for my canvas game

user29614I am developing a canvas game, and im struggling to get my head around how i can make a view port so when the character moves the world moves with it. Unlike traditional 2d maps built with arrays i have loaded in a json file from tiled map editor and here is the code where the images get drawn ...

@SOChatBot You were right...
That nearly gave me a heart-attack

NakkeeranSimple explanation about SOAP and REST SOAP - "Simple Object Access Protocol" SOAP is a method of transferring messages, or small amounts of information, over the Internet. SOAP messages are formatted in XML and are typically sent using HTTP (hypertext transfer protocol). Rest - Representation...

@charan iframe are outdated use AJAX . Or if you still want to use iframe then google change height of iframe dynamically with javascript
@charan Have you tried specifying the height and width to 100% (if you want full; otherwise play with percentages)
already I played with it,But it is not working @Zirak
Did you remember to specify a positioning? (absolute, relative, ...)
@Ankit Will Ajax solve my issue
@Zirak why we have to give position for this?
That's how CSS works
You first need to tell it how it should sit on the page; then you can tell it how big to be.
@Zirak That's what she said
That was stretching it, wasn't it?
@Zirak @zirak i assume hes trying to make the height of the iframe big enogh to hold the content
@Neil ...when she gave you a page-job?
eeeks i double pinged zirak
@Darkyen oh. huh...I may have a solution
i do have a solution , dont do it :P
because of the HUGE number of screens existent its more or less useless
@Darkyen exactly,vary depending on the content height
@Zirak Yeah.. "that's what she said" jokes are lame when you're a nerd.
@charan do you know the AJAX technique
not exactly
Nerd Friend 1: "And then I said, 'That's what she said!'"
Nerd Friend 2: "Right on!"
Nerd Friend 1: "Then she told me to get lost!"
Nerd Friend 2: "So she actually talked to you! Man, that's awesome.."
@Ankit any technique you use for this is quite useless.
then either learn AJAX
If it's cross-domain then I have no solution
@Ankit k
Q: Resizing an iframe based on content

larssgI am working on an iGoogle-like application. Content from other applications (on other domains) is shown using iframes. How do I resize the iframes to fit the height of the iframes' content? I've tried to decipher the javascript Google uses but it's obfuscated, and searching the web has been f...

Abhishek main samjha nahi
English pls.
I spent 3 hours on this bug :
Q: Space below a canvas in a table cell

dystroyI have a problem in which an image or canvas with height 100% in a table cell makes this cell grow. Here's the whole page : <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.8.3.min.js"></script> <meta charset=utf-8 /> <title>JS Bin</title> </head> <body> <table><tr><...

@FlorianMargaine ok
@dystroy Probably a stupid question but.. you did check that there was no padding or margins which might affect sizing whatsoever ? Did you add border-collapse for the table?
@Neil I tried with border-collapse=collapse
with cellpadding=0, cellmargin=0

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