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Try copying something
See what's in your clipboard
How does it do it?!
(Doesn't always happen, but it appends See more at http://foo.bar/ to the clipboard)
Finally set up a local nginx server just because Chrome is a bitch
@AmaanCheval I haven't checked but I guess that's Flash.
Can't be
I have Flash enabled with click-to-play
And I didn't enable it
@AmaanCheval I think this might help you stackoverflow.com/q/400212/1577396
Got to love breakpoints
@Mr_Green Pfft
Guys, this question must be pretty stupid but I'm still curious about it.
Wait no, that's not Flash.
@OctavianDamiean It isn't! :D
That's what made me so curious
is curious too now
Basically when you select some text and hit Ctrl + C then it creates a div with the following content.
Is there a list of cases when Javascript process stops in browsers? I know in Firefox when you are not focusing on a certain tab, the javacript process stops right?
copyPasteInit: function () {
    var a = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];
    var d = document.createElement("div");
    d.style.position = "absolute";
    d.style.top = "-1999px";
    d.style.left = "-1988px";
    d.innerHTML = "ShareThis Copy and Paste";
    var b = document.location.href.split("#").shift();
    var e = "#" + stlib.hash.shareHash;
    if (document.addEventListener) {
        a.oncopy = function (j) {
            var h = document.getSelection();
            var g = h.getRangeAt(0).cloneContents();
And I think I experienced javascript process slows down or stops when you are trying to fire addons? is that correct?
@copy Yeah, found that too
Yea, that's the result of it.
Sorry, the question was not very organised.
I bet this doesn't work on IE. :D
working on IE9
Guys, this question must be pretty stupid but I'm still curious about it. Is there a list of cases when Javascript process stops in browsers? I know in Firefox when you are not focusing on a certain tab, the javacript process stops (right?). And I think I have experienced Javascript process slows down or stops when you are trying to fire addons. What other situations does Javascript process slows down or stops?
@TemporaryNickName When your computer freezes up.
Trollage I know. :D
It's true though.
@TemporaryNickName The browser decides
Guys, does anyone know, does jquery have some api for work with css rule object?
setInterval / setTimeout loops are "paused" when the browser isn't in focus
@AmaanCheval I wonder if there is a documentation about this provided by browser manufacturers
Like native javascript
@TemporaryNickName I meant, tab, not browser
I found this article that talks about the similar issue / workaround for what I am looking for. pivotallabs.com/…
@TemporaryNickName the tutorial you recommend endorses using document.getElementsByTagName("body") instead of document.body. I can live with that. BUT it also says "if it's not transparent, use JPEG". EEEK.
@TemporaryNickName What's the issue?
@JanDvorak dang it XD
@AmaanCheval Even if it's not transparent use PNG and optimize it.
I haven't noticed it while I was watching it
Oh, indeed.
@AmaanCheval My friend is managing a site that requires to install some kind of plugin for security when user connect to the website. He said he must update data every 10 secs through Ajax so he is using setTimeout to do it
Uhh, why does it need to be updated even if the user isn't using the site?
however this settimeout completely stops while browser is installing this security plugin. Initially, I recommended him to use webworker, but I was worried about its compatibility with older browsers
I have no idea XD
This is odd. He's "installing" a plugin using setTimeout?
@AmaanCheval No
Oh, oh, got it
he needs to update data every 10 seconds inside setTimeout or setInterval
He needs to install a plugin while the site is still being used
clients require to install it
web workers can't do anything else than compute and communicate with the main threadd
the last workaround from the link I uploaded is funny.. "Workaround 4: Build your browser from modified source"
Isn't such a crazy idea
@AmaanCheval Yeah, if you are going to use your application for internal uses only XD
Which isn't that uncommon
I like my women how I like my coffee. Without a penis
I'm not sure if the bored plugin shouldn't be disabled. It doesn't really serve any purpose.
Besides being useless.
I think it's alright
It should only be allowed to say something once a day or something, though
Or maybe once every 12 hours.
Yeah, basically, a limit set on the frequency
Shittiest part of working on a game? You get so sick of listening to its music
Sucks until you add the mute button in :P
@OctavianDamiean Does Sublime Text 3 add some sort of project management features?
@AmaanCheval Define project management features.
Never mind :P
php is good
Alright, I'm a bit confused now.
My Bootstrap carousel takes ages, like well over five seconds to load.
The demo on the Bootstrap documentation loads instantly.
Like, everything is in the DOM already but it just waits for ages to be painted. Same behavior in Firefox and Chrome. Mhmm. Strange strange.
Q: Javascript requestor IP Address

Salem874Is it possible to get a visitor/requestor public (WAN/external) IP address with pur Javascript? ie without the use of additional JS libraries like jQuery? If so, how?

Oh AdBlock you tit ...
I hate when that happens D:
extensions interfering with things
My own fault ... I should have tested it in incognito mode.
AdBlock is the one extension I allow on incognito
Me too
@andrewjackson Yea, I understand. You want to enjoy your porn without ads. Understandable.
I generally test in Canary, though, if something doesn't work fine in Chrome
@OctavianDamiean that's exactly it lol
I want to buy stuff for my gf without ads too. You know, that's the primary purpose of incognito mode.
Alright pinned it down. Well, almost. The entire carousel thing is in place in the DOM, however it doesn't show the first image in the slide but waits with appearing until the next image is loaded.
Which is odd.
I don't understand why though, it's exactly the same setup as in the documentation demo.
I use it for testing with different sessions mostly though.
Why can't T-Rexs clap? Because they're dead
@SOChatBot you said that one already
someone cheer me up please, I am a SharePoint Developer
is there any one?
who can answer of this question?
Q: How to update the data in one region through ajax?

user2046638i want to upload the data in one region of four links, when I clicked the link1 it will load the data in specific region, and when I clicked the link 2 it will load the page on the same region where first link open, how can I do that? <div class="container"> <div class="span-...

@andrewjackson what is that?
this is question
haven't you heard of Benny Hinn?
he goes around smacking diseases out of people
@andrewjackson do u answer this question?
@OctavianDamiean can u please answer that question?
@UsmanAli Stop pinging people!
i m in very trouble i can'tfind the soultion
i tried alot but didn't get success
I don't get a single word on that question.
me either
What is it you are trying to do?
@UsmanAli G
in da house!
I worked with an Ali G. It was funny for a bit
I also worked with a Bryan Adams. Spin: he was 6'1 260lb black guy who was a linebacker in college
I'm wondering why I didn't go with a local web server from day one. It's so much win.
can you tell what I used for inspiration? lol
Nope, it doesn't look like this chat at all.
i like it
needs to be themed, but I like the layout too
It's not functional at all... I'm thinking about using a polling system that just loads data via script nodes
so the output would look something like this:
@andrewjackson Why don't you do it like this chat? WebSockets with polling as a fallback.
love to know how they do it
I'm thinking the main advantage would be the ability to always have control of the user's browser, by inserting any JS anytime we want.
> WebSockets with polling as a fallback
@WeldanJamili ^
Yea, WebSockets. :)
still have no idea, wait until i get out from my cave
I guess I could use WebSockets combined with the Javascript injection to still be able to always have complete control of a browser
The main issue that I'm trying to get past, is being able to force refreshing, walk users through issues on the site, force navigating, etc. without having to have a local API for everything
This doesn't sound like a site I would want to use, what's it for?
it's a virtual pet website for children lol
We need to be able to closely help them from far away
And you want to be able to run arbitrary JS on their computer?
No parent in the world will let you do that
It sounds quite wrong, yea.
"Oh hi little kid, I'm just going to start up your webcam, don't mind me!"
What? lol
I simply want to be able to run new javascript without requiring them to refresh a page
With that new javascript I load, I can create walk throughs for specific issues
I already know how I'm going to achieve this, but I'm wondering how this might be a bad idea.
Besides the obvious potential for abuse from staff members
CoffeeScript sucks
@SOChatBot why? I heard good things about it, never tired though.
Once again, I disagree with the bot
Go argue with a bot...
@rlemon who was that Ali G :L
dead silence
still dead silence
Yay for formal proof that regular expressions can't parse HTML :)
well i solved
any body cheers :)
Math.sign = function (n) {
    return (x > 0) - (x < 0);
I should write a bot that converses with SO ChatBot some day :)
Sure, but maybe in a private room ?
This being said, this is an elegant sign function... I like it
too bad it asks for n and uses x...
!!>(function (x) {
return (x > 0) - (x < 0);
@JanDvorak "SyntaxError: Unexpected end of input"
@JanDvorak What would you want ? NaN ?
!!>(function (x) {return (x > 0) - (x < 0);})(NaN)
@JanDvorak 0
@dystroy makes sense, doesn't it?
Didn't we have this discussion 3 times before about this implementation of sign?
I don't know...
@BenjaminGruenbaum yup
@BenjaminGruenbaum I didn't see it
Better task about what IDE, editor or OS is better next ;)
@JanDvorak "NaN"
(or maybe my very very short memory has proved shorter than I thought)
Yeah, and then copy will say that it fails on:
One more time and I'll start shooting people.
@BenjaminGruenbaum "NaN"
@OctavianDamiean start from me
@BenjaminGruenbaum Absolute infinity? Why's that? I mean you didn't pass it a negative infinity. :)
The sign of infinity, or its existence in the language are not really well defined anyway
@OctavianDamiean "NaN"
It wouldn't matter actually as you can't get a negative non-number. :D
Jon Skeet, Reading, United Kingdom
537k 166 2815 4228
Those colors...
Where's Zirakertan?
I know i'm beautiful
Less aggressive colors... the blue/pink/yellow is..
@Zirak Where have you been?
@AmaanCheval Where do you see Zirak ?
I don't
Just pinging him for whenever he comes
@ is the summoning rune
but it doesn't seem to work. Need more blood ?
Yeah. Of a virgin, please.
Well... There are many programmers on this chat...
Was a good one, deserved a star.
@Room, what useless but mildly cool thing should I write today?!
boobs shower
in js
@FlorianMargaine Wrong window? :D
Holy ducksauce, installing derby took forever and installed a ton of dependencies.
Anyone here familiar with derby for node?
Is that a real MVC framework?
Or just a MV* one?
it's a "reactive framework"
just like meteorjs
@rlemon write a regex parser
> Derby includes a powerful data synchronization engine called Racer. While it works differently, Racer is to Derby somewhat like ActiveRecord is to Rails. Racer automatically syncs data between browsers, servers, and a database. Models subscribe to changes on specific objects and queries, enabling granular control of data propagation without defining channels. Racer supports offline usage and conflict resolution out of the box, which greatly simplifies writing multi-user applications.
> Derby makes it simple to write applications that load as fast as a search engine, are as interactive as a document editor, and work offline.
@BenjaminGruenbaum working on boob shower actually.
> Derby is built on top of popular libraries, including ... MongoDB
So apparently MongoDB is a javascript library XD
but it looks like kinda dead
at least their blog is
last update 3rd oct 2012
@BenjaminGruenbaum That's quite interesting news to me. :D
Oh god I hate it so much. People that design websites in Photoshop and then expect the resulting website to be 100% like the image.
Never heard of the principle to design around content and not the other way around?
Gosh ...
People find it surprising when their website looks differently with content in it XD
I had to design websites based on powerpoint...
@dystroy That's got to be a new low.
It had to look the same...
Especially as I'm not a web designer, I should have avoided those miseries...
I think most web programmers fell once or twice in their career into the pit of working on design
Like me? Been a designer for almost a decade. :D
I'm not even a web programmer... It just happens I sometimes have to make a web front-end for my applications... and I prefer to avoid java which is our main back-end language as much as possible...
@dystroy Oh god, poor you.
I actually like web :)
I don't dislike web
Java ... shudders
I wouldn't want a front-end job, though
Java makes little baby jesus cry :(
Browser differences would be annoying to deal with
@AmaanCheval It is a pain, I can tell you.
I wouldn't want a front-end job either unless it's for intranet and it's a big and interesting project
Boobs Shower in JS requested by @FlorianMargaine
If most of my work would be UI and dom stuff it wouldn't be fun
@BenjaminGruenbaum Then you'd hate my job.
@OctavianDamiean Do you like it?
Also, I just gave steve-yegge.blogspot.co.il/2006/03/… another read :) I disagree with a lot of the stuff there but it's so funny
Even though I bitch about it, I enjoy it.
@rlemon Why do you put //<![CDATA[ around your script ?
jsfiddle does
remove the /show from the uri and you'll see the correct interface
Oh... I hadn't even looked at the url ^^
can anyone tell me how im meant to do this, please ...
@OctavianDamiean I don't know... doing DOM and UI all day sounds like getting the boring end of JS to me. What thought process is involved in doing that?
var $page = document.all[0].innerHTML;
$page = $($page).find('.ui-resizable-handle').remove();
document.all[0] and jQuery ?
@BenjaminGruenbaum There is some, and I don't think it's very boring, but I'd hate doing it everyday
(That's an actual question, I'm really asking, I rarely do that and when I do it's either on a big scale and intranet (in which case I usually use Knockout, or another MV* framework, or simple enough and then use vanilla js or jquery)
@E.LDunn what exactly are you trying to do ?
yea i want to take a copy of the current layout and remove some elements based on class from the copy
this is then saved in a db for virtual pages
@AmaanCheval Isn't UI very repetitive?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Well, it's not just that. I basically have a shitload of PSDs from a so-called designer and I have to actually convert them, make Handlebars templates out of most stuff and integrate them with the rest of the website/app I've already developed.
That's basically what I do.
Depends. I personally dislike doing the UI part pretty much everywhere
If it works, I don't care about adding a UI anymore
(Evident from most of the hobby games I've made :P)
@rlemon hehe :P
var copy = $(document.body).clone(true);
@OctavianDamiean It's sounds nice as long as it's not the majority of the development process. I really enjoy the logic in programming, Web UI doesn't seem to have a lot of logic behind it (which is why it's pretty great).
ill give it a go thanks guys
@BenjaminGruenbaum Oh no, I handle the other stuff as well but I'm mostly a front-end developer.
is there a job title called "front end tinkerer"
you know, not actually designing anything just making awesome boobs showers?
@rlemon Professional boob-rain maker.
great. now I have to figure out a way to merge my rain dance and my dance of fertility
my indian gods are going to be so confused....
@rlemon lmao
are you laughing or is everyone just holding up their hands... then Octavian got a beer?
I was afk
I've got to put that in an extension, and get it on Chrome Web Store
@andrewjackson are you the real andrew jackson? In which case, are you a zombie?
do I answer that?
user image
Q: Underscore and general app desgin review

David FregoliI'm working on my larger project to date, and on top of that I'm using underscore for the first time. All is working perfectly but I'd like some criticism on the use of underscore templating and underscore after function. The goal of the app is to generate on the dom a messaging interface startin...

hi people, with jquery say i have
<section class="Content">

<section class="Content">

how would i target the article inside of the section i clicked on because at the moment im targeting all of them
posted on February 27, 2013

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} Btw, if you want more geeky stories like yesterday, Story Collider i

@ConnorMiles $(this) ?
@andrewjackson so you want to steal my hard work and boobtastic fun and put in the webstore under your name?
@BenjaminGruenbaum yes but $(this article)?
@ConnorMiles what is the .click() event handler bound to?
Or .parent() ? or .closest("section")
I wonder what he was thinking when he did his hair ...
@rlemon oh no, not at all. I'd link it to your websites, and put your name all over it, and use it to advertise for you.
this is what i have tryed last but its not working


	$('.dash-item header').on( "click", function( event ){
		$(this).closest('article', function(){


@ConnorMiles create a fiddle
@rlemon He has to be a fan of Londo Mollari.

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