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can you provide code of test.php
$mysqli = new mysqli("a", "a", "a", "a");

/* check connection */
if ($mysqli->connect_errno) {
    printf("Connect failed: %s\n", $mysqli->connect_error);

  if (isset($_POST['action'])) {
        $value = $_POST['value'];
        $name = $_POST['name'];

$ttlq = $mysqli->query("UPDATE test SET value='$value' WHERE name='$name'");

@AnoopSharma I'm trying to decide if I should judge you and / or your company
@AnoopSharma Are you a frontend dev there or something?
Q: Whats a better way to do these nested if statements?

Michael DelaneyI forgot to mention using the result of bar to calculate foo's value in the question I asked here. The function bar only needs to be called if conditionA is true. But when the result of bar (resultBar) is falsy, I want to run the code that would have run if conditionA had been false. Is there a...

better you can visit my Lnked in profile
Easier to just ask you
@Sid can you copy paste alert message pls
how can you copy paste an alert message??
@Sid use console.log instead, it's a lot easier to work with
@BenjaminGruenbaum why is it a problem?
@FlorianMargaine what were you referring to?
from mouse it self dear if you cant.. pls replace
alert("success!"+data); with
@BenjaminGruenbaum PHP being a problem
See the message he replied to with the little arrow thing on the left of the text
Oh, didn't notice the arrow, usually do :P
@FlorianMargaine PHP is a problem for a million reasons, but I'm not going to get into that religious debate right now. It (php) generally works which is what's important in most cases. I was trollin :P not looking to troll you though
@Sid did you find any + thing?
@AnoopSharma I get another set of links below my original links
not getting you actually..
Links simply multiply by 2
first 3 links
then 6
and then 12 etc
@BenjaminGruenbaum I know. Just trolling you :D
have u put $('<div></div>').append(data).appendTo('body');
My database doesn't get updated.
why? why?? why???
THAT is the problem boss
the problem is in php
OOP stands for "Oh Oh! Poop!"
@SOChatBot «3
wat is going on guys?
m I missing something?
Well, I never allow myself to write Prototypal Object Oriented Programming (POOP) on my Resume
I want real hard dubstep
anyone has that?
Dubstep that sound like elektro trance for clubbing fan is really annoying
What did the farmer say when he couldn't find his tractor?
"Where's my tractor?"
Why did the boy drop his ice-cream? He was hit by a bus
Tabs are better than spaces
@Zirak I like this new feature.
bots shouldn't be allowed to repeat the same joke in the same week
the bot will end up with a lot of stars.
True. And never after it's repeated it thrice or something
i just finished js1k game
OMG wat is going on
who's starring this really ~~
that was hardcore
@TemporaryNickName Woohoo! Let us see
i just uploaded
@TemporaryNickName link to your js1k entry ?
it says it's gonna take few days
to get processed
Shit. I completely forgot to think of something to make for JS1K :/
to upload 1024 bytes ?
Just show us a demo on JSFiddle or something!
mine was 1023
@dystroy They probably verify that entries aren't malicious in any way
@dystroy I guess they review it before posting
for lots of reasons.
would u like to see eval'd version or source version?
(Just to fit in.)
(like a both)
it was tough to skimming a lot of cool functionalities to fit 1023 bytes
@dystroy Hahahaha
Hi Everyone, is anyone here kind enough to help out a fellow member of the anti-table religion? generated with javascript?
quick question about js/jquery. is it possible to grab text from an element on another site and then populate an element on your site?
crap jsfiddle sucks cause it won't let me stretch large enough to fit my canvas size
Click Share
@captainrad not unless the other sites cooperates or you have a server-side proxy. Security concerns.
Fullscreen result
thanks @JanDvorak
@ConnorMiles why don't you like tables? I think display:table is under-used.
projectiles have pattern
tables dont get on with me when i try to introduce css to them
so if you figure it out it's easy to defeat =D
i find them a pain to style and i am about design
still.... 60k life points
And you can't hold down to keep shooting
but congratz anyway
@ConnorMiles the behavior of display:table is well defined (especially when you specify the dimensions explicitly) and sometimes useful (mainly to align things - that's what tables do, after all). Note you can set display:table/table-row/table-cell on a <div>.
i couldn't put all functionalities i wanted to put
Q: Javascript plugin DRY

randomKekI have written a Backbone View (javascript) for a component called "twist-panel". A twist panel is basically a card flip, it has a front and back side, and can flip to the back and to the front. Here is the code: var TwistPanel = Backbone.View.extend({ initialize: function() { this.$fron...

@skopp No shit
@JanDvorak i know they have solved some compatibility issues i have had in the past but my problem is that im using mibew and it somehow generates a table through js and i cant figure out how to change the table to divs
ah fuck, the idle thingy...I'll fix it
i need some sleep lol
it's 4 am here
@ConnorMiles If you change the table to table-styled divs, you have helped semantics but is it really worth the effort? I agree the table tag is non-semantic.
It's allowed to add HTML in js1k entries outside the 1024 bytes ?
yes, it is worth it because it will bug me forever
@dystroy only if it's inserted by the script
@JanDvorak tables aren't always non-semantic.
@JanDvorak yes, it is worth it because it will bug me forever
@JanDvorak So this doesn't fit or do I miss something ?
@AmaanCheval there ok to be used as data tables but other than that :S
@AmaanCheval agreed - but they are non-semantic if used for layout
@dystroy no they give u shim
So does anyone fancy giving i a hand?
Just wanted to point that out, because some people avoid tables even if using it would be correct in their case
it's got cached var for canvas context and canvas element
and that's all =D
U can use external resources =(
@dystroy you cannot modify the HTML directly. You can change it through the script, but the bytes you use to modify the HTML count into the 1k.
!!s/can use/can't use/
@JanDvorak U can't use external resources =( (source)
@AmaanCheval citation needed? I'm curious who avoids tables where semantic
i actually drew some complicated image using beizierCurveTool in the beginning
but i soon realised it's total waste of time lol
@JanDvorak They are not really semantic for what there are used for in my case
@JanDvorak 'twas a help vampire in here long ago, and then later a friend of mine. Both were probably just learning, so they avoided tables only because people said they were bad; taking that out of context
A "friend"...yes
@ConnorMiles just note that modifying inherited scripts is often painful and seeded with thorns ;-)
@JanDvorak You really want me to use tables dont you?
@ConnorMiles no... but I want you to reconsider refactoring legacy code, be it tables to divs, duplicate IDs to classes, variable variables to proper arrays, mysql_ to PDO...
Of course, you shouldn't use <table> where it doesn't belong in new code
which means: use it for tabular data.
@FlorianMargaine Yes and only for that, thats why i want to change it
Note that forms are not tabular data, but they can be styled in tabular form while keeping semantic markup: form{display:table; width: 75%} p{display:table-row} label, input{display:table-cell} input{width: 100%}
@ConnorMiles so, what is your original question?
somewhere javascript is generating the table and i cant find out how to change it
If you're looking for the code, try setting a mutation breakpoint on the parent soon enough (pause the javascript by setting an unrelated breakpoint somewhere soon enough; setting a mutation breakpoint on the parent and reloading might suffice as well)
lost ..... 8:|
grep should suffice
...wtf is a mutation breakpoint?
Breaks when the DOM mutates
Chrome supports these
right-click on the element in the DOM tree => Break on... => subtree modifications
akin to Mutation events and Mutation observers
2 mins ago, by Zirak
grep should suffice
@JanDvorak i done that but i didnt see much happen?
try reloading the page; did you set the breakpoint after the table was created?
i dont know what im looking for?>
then I don't know how to find it ;-)
But I stiiiiiil haven't foouuunnd...
Thanks (Y)
Iiii don't know how to fiiiind it...
@AmaanCheval (et al) You're more than welcome to add new responses
@Zirak How? A command or are they preprogrammed into the bot?
!!/help learn
@JanDvorak learn: Teaches me a command. /learn cmdName outputPattern [inputRegex [description]]
@JanDvorak Not that
Welp, fun tidbit for anyone who wants to try it:
That's to teach it commands. He's taking about the things @SOChatBot says when the room goes idle to stir up a discussion
@ShotgunNinja base64_decode is not defined
@AmaanCheval An idea. It'll be easier if you, you know, tell me them.
> 'Why can\'t Elvis Presely drive in reverse? Because he\'s dead',
or just pull request.
oh don't peek! That destroys all the fun
@ShotgunNinja browser js uses atob and btoa for base64 encode/decode
@Zirak but... "Presely"
oh fuck
what was that?
@BenjaminGruenbaum cool, I didn't know that
!!/google mdn atob
eh, now that's a nice jquery wtf
$('a.start', this.ui).toggle(this.source && this.target && this.source != this.target);
the this.* fields are numbers. it doesn't work since it actually toggles the visibility
when converting the passed value to bool it works.
oh, thanks for reminding me, those 2 are probably disabled in the bot eval
it makes sense because an number it considered as a show/hide animation duration. but still WTFy
@JanDvorak "ReferenceError: atob is not defined"
@ThiefMaster jQuery makes a lot of checks on the types of arguments
yeah.. still annoying in such a case - especially when not considering the fact that && does not necessarily result in a boolean result while writing the code
> Preumature
damn, dafuq
> Braches
> Accordion
ah, no, it's intentional
You haven't read the rest of the sentence on the last one
my bad :>
!!/google preumature branches accordion
which means that the sentence is false, though.
@JanDvorak There are no search results. Run.
cute message :-)
I hate the patch...but hopefully it's "good enough"
@JanDvorak I awoke on Thu, 14 Feb 2013 17:47:04 GMT (that's about 30 seconds ago), got invoked 1 times, learned 33 commands
@Zirak community commands should be by at least 3 people, no?
I went with 2 for the hell of it.
Not like it was ever used
@Darkyen hai!
@SomeKittens hei
Got the email
You made me soup?
I knew you'd remember how important this day is to me <3
@Zirak I was actually going to respond "soup" instead of "sup", but chose not to. Same wavelength~
!!> isFinite(4)
@Zirak true
That was hard ?
!!> isFinite(1/0)
@ShotgunNinja false
!!>isFinite("human stupidity")
@JanDvorak false
!!> isFinite(0/0) & 0/0
@dystroy 0
@SOChatBot You're too fast, you should have let them some time to search...
Blame rlemon's internet connection speed
I've learnt a lot about filesystems today
Now I know that xfs > * for mysql
and I know why!
you mean xfs is good for mysql ?
Oh, and ext sucks for mysql.
Depends on what storage format you're using with your MySQL setup...
innodb, so no file per table
Do share
@FlorianMargaine All right, but please clarify that first...
They're drastically different.
Too long to write I'm on my phone :p
clarify what?
zirak basically, xfs can write simultaneously on the same file while ext can't
I'm more interested in filesystems right now
(yes my wife is just behind me)
Ext has a lock per file, xfs has a lock per block (both per thread)
So when mysql tries to write in its database file, ext allows one thread only. Xfs allows as many cores simultaneously
@SomeKittens you there ?
lets talk :D
on gtalk
which means that with an 8 logic core server, xfs is 8 times faster (assuming that the writes are not on the same blocks, which is unlikely to happen)
@FlorianMargaine sweet.
and the downsides ?
However, thats for mysql. Xfs sucks with metadata
so for a server where files dont move and arent created at every second, its good
it isnt for a desktop fs for example
!!> 1/0
@Zirak "Infinity"
@dystroy, @JanDvorak fixed (I think you were the two who complained about it)
!!> +1
@JanDvorak 1
Its also harder to fix xfs than ext (I guess its related to journaling, but I dont know more about it.)
So for an environment where backups are correctly done, it doesnt matter much. Not for all use cases though.
@dystroy there go your downsides :p
Are you all off to some articles explaining the differences now?
Nope. Don't care enough about it.
We have DBA's for this stuff.
Also, we use Oracle DBs.
which is why we have DBAs... to deal with Oracle's ridiculous database setups.
Dont know much about oracle inner workings
i just had some courses on it to learn pl/sql
never used it otherwise
Does anyone know of a way to shim textContent for IE8?
innerText ?
(not verified)
There's a pretty light shim for that : jquery
Yes, but can I make textContent do what innerText does?
(ok, now leaving)
Jquery uses innertext with a little replace
but uses textcontent if available
Eh. I guess I'll just go with that.
it used to recurse over nodes to get their nodeValue, it's stopped doing that since 1.7 or something
it's just silly to replace all of my textContents with jquery code
So it uses textcontent and shims with innertext.replace ()
Look at jquery code, its a small function iirc
but I can I cause IE8 to see textContent and do innerText?
that's what I don't get.
I tried it and failed pretty bad.
IE8 doesnt allow you to extend Element.prototype
ah so that's what went wrong.
thars why jquery has its own wrapper over the dom btw.
and also why prototype.js was a failure
php is bad
@SOChatBot Not controversial enough
PHP isn't bad
Q: Using multiple popup windows with bPopup

Danny NoamI'm using a lightweight jQuery popup plugin called 'bPopup'. I'm using it on my website at the moment to load multiple popup windows when clicked. I was recently told that my code was inefficient as I was loading multiple popups with multiple JavaScript 'listeners', i.e.: <script type="text/j...

^ Controversial enough for you?
Now I'm confused...
Why would multiple popups be controversial ?
3 mins ago, by SomeKittens
PHP isn't bad
Feeds interrupted me
Ruby is better than PHP
The best programming language is, without a question jQuery
much better than php
@BenjaminGruenbaum I prefer Piet...
or LabVIEW.
I prefer photoshop
Someone should invent the jquery programming language - jpl
@copy make an IDE for it, and have the icon be a dollar-sign.
Everything will be a CSS selector
@copy $ should do everything, varnames must start with $, all the API HAS to be confusing and a lot of deprecated functions will just 'lay around' for no reason... there will be 9 ways to sort an array.... oh wait
I will get the dollar sign copyrighted
All your money is now mine because of copyright infringement
@dystroy I know, right?
@copy I don't believe the U.S. dollar bill has the dollar sign printed on it anywhere...
@dystroy that's actually really cute
Damn, my evil plan is spoiled :-(
The main problem with this language is that there is probably no way to get paid programming it if you're not already a celeb artist...
And I won't even bring much rep : stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/piet
You could ask the first piet question on SO!
@dystroy do it :)
I could... I was wondering yesterday about my next challenge (which incidentally brought me a new downvote record)
Challenge: Invent something so well-documented it doesn't have any SO questions about it.
@SomeKittens or simple. There aren't many lesscss questions
Is there Math.Sign hidden with different name in js?
@JohanLarsson you just something that gives you the sign of a number?
yournumber > 0
can I use prototype thing on Math?
!!> -1 > 0 ? "positive" : "negative"
@JohanLarsson don't extend native classes
@SomeKittens "negative"
^thar you go
n && n / Math.abs(n);
!!/choose "move on to next step" "read some blogs first"
@SomeKittens Neither
@SomeKittens Impossible. No matter how easy, well-documented, or utterly simple a language, tool, or concept is, there will ALWAYS be someone willing to ask questions about it to an Internet discussion board rather than doing the research on their own.
Star it if you agree.
Q: Number.sign() in javascript

disfatedWonder if there are any nontrivial ways of finding number's sign (signum function)? May be shorter / faster / more elegant solutions than the obvious one var sign = number > 0 ? 1 : number < 0 ? -1 : 0; Results For now we have these solutions: 1. Obvious and fast function sign(x) ...

@SomeKittens read some blogs first
(x > 0) - (x < 0)
...that's beautiful

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