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And I'm disappointed that MS let jscript.net die. Maybe they've thought about this and are hedging their bets with node.
@adscriven I think so
which could be very cool for node.... or they could asp.net-ify it :?
@Abhishek EHhhh? :)
@Loktar I expect so. It runs in IIS now.
@adscriven IE 5
@MattMcDonald Ew. Do copies of that exist outside museums?
I wonder if it's coincidence that Ryan Dahl chooses now to step down as maintainer. :-)
it's just surprising that such a feature would blow up in older browsers
@Esailija looks like it's about twice as fast in chrome to remove the tbody from the document before sorting, and then put it back
(it's the "invalid quantifier" error)
@MattMcDonald But not surprising that that browser is IE. :-)
@MattMcDonald I've never used IE5.
Though I do remember when Mosaic was cutting edge! :-)
Funny thing is, the web that I'm interested in is still largely accessible using Lynx. But perhaps not for much longer.
yeah, lynx is a cool bit of software
For a few years I didn't have use of a computer at home and the Internet was blocked at work. So I ssh'd into a shell account and used Lynx. What I lost in fancy interaction I gained in actual information.
that's what I like about lynx
on some news sites, I just disabled CSS + JS
they're so full of bloat
Yes. And it's fast. I can't live without Pentadactyl in Firefox now. Not because use Vim, but because I love Lynx's navigation system.
I'm using lynx for HackerNews right now
Yes, it's perfect for delivering textual information.
@GGG jsperf doesn't work for dom manipulation
Still, HTML5 is probably the most in-your-face-ultra-hype technology ever.
lynx isn't great with reddit, though
too much useless content
hey guys
please help me to figure out how to output reurned page in new window stackoverflow.com/questions/9086047/…
@Esailija how do you test it then
take a time, do dom manipulation, and set timeout for logging the difference
you need to settimeout
I don't think I've ever typed in a reddit url. What is it? I get the impression it's a cheap, high heels and Wonderbra attempt at being Hacker News.
also jsperf gave me equal results for caching vs not caching in jQuery while in a real test there was 1ms vs 89000ms difference
can't i settimeout on jsperf
Once everybody realises that modern browsers are all standards-compliant, what's going to happen to jQuery?
nothing since you have to support not so modern browsers as well
Forever? ... No.
It's palpably less of an issue that it was one or two years ago.
Supporting browsers such as screen readers will always be important. But no one is so mentally retarded that they require use of IE5.
And chances are jQuery won't work with modern browsers before very long.
This will always be important: t.co/YDK5gw2v but legacy browsers are dying rapidly.
Hi there. Any protoype.js people here?
Is anyone here familiar with this?
In computing, Pic is a domain-specific programming language by Brian Kernighan for specifying diagrams in terms of objects such as boxes with arrows between them. The pic compiler translates this description into concrete drawing commands. Pic is a procedural programming language, with variable assignment, macros, conditionals, and looping. The language is an example of a little language originally intended for the comfort of non-programmers in the Unix environment (Bentley 1988). Pic was first implemented, and is still most typically used, as a preprocessor in the troff document process...
@Esailija you are right
ah whoops i had a millisecond delay in there - jsfiddle.net/YnrDV/1
but you know what it looks like setTimeout kind of distorts it, it seems to add about a ms per call
I need a final-year project idea, and I thought canvas-ifying or svg-ifying pic would be good.
@Tomalak nice avatar
Q: building a html table in javascript

crocaduck81More readable way to do this? renderHtmlTable(function(tableItems) { var tableArray,_i,item,_len; tableArray = ['<table id = sampleTable ><thead><tr>' + '<th>Header 1</th>' + '<th>Header 2</th>' + ...

Maybe I should change my avatar ...
Anyway, what's with all the Ruby bashing lately (other than it's Perl with a full OO abstraction layer)?
Q: setInterval loading data from server every 10 seconds

EggoToday, I do not have a coding question, but just a general question about a piece of code that I have written. As you guys can see, I run the following JavaScript code every ten seconds. I tried to run it every second, but it started eating up the CPU of my hosting company like crazy. With it ...

I love Scheme, and Smalltalk is brilliant. So I thought I'd end up programming in Ruby or Python at the very least. The funny thing is, I'm beginning to think that Perl is the only one worth learning.
the problem with Ruby is aesthetically, it looks like a lowercased COBOL
That gets my vote for troll of the month! :-)
Regarding Ruby, the seemingly mandatory 2-space indentation does make me wonder if Rubyists are deliberately trying to obfuscate the cyclomatic complexity of the code that they write.
I'm really beginning to like the linux kernel style
...aside from my one gripe: brace-less blocks for one-liners
braceless blocks for one-liners are good if the one-liner is meant to only ever have one expression, because it's more explicit...
if (!importantThing) return false;
@MattMcDonald Totally agree, though braceless blocks seems to be less of a problem in C for some reason. Perhaps it forces you to think more simply. Or maybe it's just that fact that a full eight spaces of indent makes any mistakes obvious. Maybe it's just practice.
the best part of the style is 8-char tabs
it forces you to simplify blocks
I feel like 2-char, etc are used as a crutch to spam if blocks
this places too much emphasis on the condition itself and not enough on the return, which is really the thing you need to notice

if (!importantThing) {
return false;
@GGG I think that if you must do that then the consequent should be on the same line as the predicate.
@adscriven what do you mean
like this? if (!importantThing) { return false; }
@MattMcDonald Also because C is a terse and lower-level language, I find that eight-space indents helps my understanding of the code, more than say with Python or JS.
it's weird because you're used to seeing lines end with a semicolon
@GGG Well: if(somecondition) dothis;
Rather than:
yeah i dislike that
I think the second is asking for trouble in mere mortals.
if (!foo) return;
Personally my benchmark for great code formatting is the Plan 9 source. Marvellous stuff. Sadly I will never be that good.
unless you're one of those people who doesn't like early returns
I like early returns provided they are all grouped together at the start of a function. Guards. Makes for clean easy-to-read code that often doesn't require exceptions.
Better still is Design by Contract.
The downside of Design by Contract is that you have to write documentation. :-)
i like how everything's supposed to go at the start of the function
all the variable declarations, all the guards, everything
and the linter will bitch at you if you define a variable later on
sometimes i actually find it easier to read if vars are only declared where they're needed, not everything up front.
Defintitely. All the special cases are dealt with, all the weird shit, and then the meat of the code then becomes quite simple. It reduces cyclomatic complexity; it reduces nesting.
@GGG I don't find it easier to read vars that way, but I do find it a lot easier to develop writing vars that way! Then I refactor.
Reading other people's code, I prefer to see all the vars defined up front.
yeah, but what tends to happen after you refactor is you leave vars defined that you remove later on
I like to know what I'm getting into. I don't like surprises when I'm reading code!
@GGG Sorry, I don't quite get what you mean.
i don't know, i think it might be easier to read too... like say you have var blah, i, item, items, and then you don't mention item or items for 50 lines, and then you have "while(item=items[i++])" ... it's like wtf
i'd rather see something like (for var i=0, len=items.length; i<len; i++) { ... }
than have all that "i" and "len" shit up at the top
I will leave this here... not finished (actually just removed jQuery, so there is still a lot more to clean up in that code) but still cool (imo) none-the-less jsfiddle.net/rlemon/eJqLH/5
@GGG the problem there is function length, not variable placement
Oh right, yes, I know what you mean. Ideally I like functions to be preceded with an overview of what they do. And then at the start of a function I like to see: var x, \\ x is for ...\n y, // y does blah blah \n z; // z is used in the blah part of the algorithm.
if I write a function longer than 20 lines, I try to split it up right away
@rlemon those look great :)
@MattMcDonald Absolutely. People used to develop code in 80x24 line terminals and they seemed to not have a problem with that. I'm guessing it's because they had to refactor like crazy! :-)
heh, that's what command-line VIM looks like on windows
80 columns
Man, that's hardcore. I only use gvim on Windows.
you can actually customize the size of the command prompt
I moved to Linux Mint last week, so it's no longer an issue
I know, it's not that. cmd.exe is simply awful.
@GGG thanks, still need a lot of code cleanup.
Powershell actually looks rather impressive from what I've seen, just never had the time to learn it.
The sad thing is, when Microsoft does get something right, nobody pays attention. It's The Boy who Cried Wolf.
Windows also supports ksh natively. Or it did. Dunno about Windows 7+
Windows Services for UNIX (SFU) or Subsystem for UNIX-based Applications (SUA) is a software package produced by Microsoft which provides a Unix subsystem and other parts of a full Unix environment on Windows NT and some of its immediate successor operating-systems. It was an extension and replacement of the minimal Microsoft POSIX subsystem from Windows NT. SFU 1.0 and 2.0 (NT 4.0 and Windows 2000) used the MKS Toolkit; starting with SFU 3.0 (Windows XP; 1999), SFU used the Interix subsystem, which was acquired by Microsoft in 1999 from US-based Softway Systems as part of an asset acqui...
That's not an emulation layer, folks.
Proper native.
@rlemon github them when you're done, i'll include them as a third-party module in my thing
so far it's just highlight.js, swfobject, and this
and my stuff
just don't try to ssh into a powershell terminal from anything else
not a fun experience
It's just not something that MS like to advertise for some reason ... :-)
But Windows NT was designed to support subsystems from the start. They intended to support os/2, win32, and unix.
@Dan D: Sshh! And then they do crazy shit like jscript.net long before ES5 or Coffeescript existed, or F#.net, but then hide it like a dirty secret.
And when MS do something useful it's accidental. The excellent fonts Georgia and Verdana are only as ubiquitous as they are because MS screwed up the licensing agreement and couldn't retract it.
Though they did try.
I remember not long back I needed to write some CLR code for SQL Server. Great! I thought. I'll use F#!. Oh wait, that's not supported ...
It's sad that they won't support something in case it takes money away from their core product. But they'll still plow millions into research, just in case. It seems that that's what they're doing with node at the moment.
At least they seem to have more of a clue than they used to.
wait what?
that's what they're doing with node at the moment?
hi guys, i have problem with jquery colorbox plugin, please heelp :(( stackoverflow.com/questions/9088046/…
Dunno. Atm it seems that MS <3s node.
wow crazy
Judging by that article, MS are positioning node.js as a service provided by ASP.net! :-)
InstallingAndRunningNodejsApplicationsWithinIISOnWindowsAreYouMad ?
That's clever shit. Totally hedging their bets!
I'm leaving the bot running overnight here: chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/7206/room-for-chatbot Enjoy, gimme all yo bugs.
@copy Yep!
@Zirak I'll give you STDs.
guys, please help :( I have some problem with AJAX stackoverflow.com/questions/9088046/…
It's Agamemnon that I tend to have trouble with.
@someone I am trying to wrap a list of dynamically generated li's in a div that is also generated but could not....like $('.example').wrapAll('<div></div>'). Can somebody tell what's wrong?
@adscriven everbyody <3s node
node is the best thing ever since sex.
MS doesn't <3 anything. MS only <$s stuff.
However I think I <3 MS's marketing gameplan right now! :-)
@GGG node and azure hand in hand. Party time
IIS + ASP.net running node. I feel that a new MS certification orgasm is around the corner. $$$
Fuck, right now I'll hire anyone with five year's node.js experience.
Quickly checks Wikipedia
Phew!, I'm safe.
Let's get together some bucks
and make a perfect (fake) job offer on careers.SO
then put "at least 10 years of experience with node" at the bottom
If you want security, in the long term, read SICP, learn maths. It's hard work. Tough shit. I've never met a poor mathematician (by choice).
12/12 on the joel test
Seriously now, how does everyone's job do on the Joel test?
guys, isn'y there anyone to help me about AJAX issue ? :(( stackoverflow.com/questions/9088046/…
@adscriven unemployed \o/
@John Shrug. I'm tired. Unless you can précis in one short sentence.
uh, I'd say we're about 5/12
@Raynos Accurate but misleading.
Students are unemployed
Students are by definition unemployed!
Well, more or less.
I'm employed.
But I'm not the norm.
@adscriven what's your line of business
John... i'm sure you're opening the examples from file:// and not from a " localhost... "
Internal web apps for the NHS.
So, IE7 hell at the mo.
@VieVarDum yes, i open from a localhost. is it a problem ? do i need a real hosting ?
Actually, that comes across as pessimistic.
@DieVarDump yes, i open from a localhost. is it a problem ? do i need a real hosting ?
Compared to several months ago, IE7 is but purgatory. :-)
localhost or " file:// " ?
@DieVarDump actually from file://
You can not make ajax request from file://
run a virtualhost
ok, i will try it.
Well, if the file is in a subdir of your app you can.
@adscriven i thought most intranets were stuck on 6 or not 6... why 7? Don't the others have compat mode for 7?
well, i tried and it worked. thanks guys, very much
Ages ago when there were loads of attacks against IE6 (including Google) the DoH said that we all had to ditch IE6 (though nobody did for a long time). Eventually third party suppliers of govt systems made their dodgy shit work in IE7 and then everyone upgraded.
I am trying to understand the following. Grooveshark
(And when I say upgraded I mean 'upgraded', but this is best practice, typographically speaking.)
The player is it possibe to have a player such as grooveshark or hypem.com on joomla yootheme
what makes me laugh is knowing governments here are microsoft everything
.. ajax documentation is not very relative with the use of ajax in joomla expect for tab menus
yet many international governments are UNIX now
it's kind of a no-brainer really
free everything, way less tech support
@MattMcDonald Are they? I know Germany is a high profile user of OS software and Linux, but I've not heard of others.
yeah the amount of govt investment in MS stuff makes me sort of scared for when MS finally goes under
@MattMcDonald Ah, home of Lua :-)
the only reason to go with something like MS is the support conracts, but those aren't gonna do much good after they're gone
posted on January 31, 2012 by Vasilis

I'm moving this feed from Feedburner to my own domain. Please make sure that the URL in your feedreader is http://dailynerd.nl/feed/ if you want to continue getting updates. How to Approach a Responsive Design | Upstatement Upstatement is the name of the company that designed the responsive website of the Boston Globe. Finally they shared their knowledge of designing such an enormous thing. A

> Brazil’s primary school education system operates computers running KDE software, with more than 42,000 schools in 4,000 cities, thus serving nearly 52 million children. The base distribution is called Educational Linux, which is based on Kubuntu.[106] Besides this, thousands more students in Brazil use KDE products in their universities. KDE software is also running on computers in Portuguese and Venezuelan schools, with respectively 700,000 and one million systems reached.[107]
The funny thing is, the NHS cancelled all their MS contracts to save money. And then all the licences ran out. Did we switch to OS? Did we fuck. No, we coughed up more $$$ than we'd saved.
Russia in 2015 too
> Germany uses KDE software in its embassies around the world, representing around 11,000 systems. Through use of Pardus, a local Linux distribution, many sections of the Turkish government make use of KDE software, including the Turkish Armed Forces[108], Ministry of Foreign Affairs[108], Ministry of National Defence[109], Turkish Police[108], and the SGK (Social Security Institution of Turkey)[108][110], although these departments often do not exclusively use Pardus as their operating system.
> The CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research) built the Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland, one of the world’s largest science experiments, using KDE software.[111]
French and Italian government too
love the last bit
Heh, well CERN invented the WWW. No surprise there!
'Scientists do crazy new cool shit' is never news.
just imagine if the large hadron collider ran on Microsoft
The rest of the world catching on ... that's news.
Tim Berners-Lee
March of 1989
are you a bot?
The individual is unimportant. The Scientific Attitude invented the WWW.
i was just trying to get involved
That wasn't a criticism!
But even if it were ... here: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Egoless_programming
The definition of a good programmer is someone who smiles when another programmer rips their code to shreds.
Cluefully, I mean!
I wonder ... if it gets hyped enough on reddit, will Microsoft implement Befunge.net?
is it possible to have activeden.net/item/elite-xml-website/full_screen_preview/14773 and config it to be usable with joomla
i don't know of any flash xml sites that have a backend functions
@Raynos Any obvious mistakes with this approach? Bear in mind I'm an IE6 programmer! gist.github.com/1690198
lol wut
y u no object / array
you dont even gaurd againts __proto__
I do too!
www.gmoneyglove.com my coding is ugly
also lol at check
key = '#' + key;
"#" + key and key + "#"
And I don't use hasOwnProperty.
Yeah, well that's just nitpicking!! :-)
Also your check is stupid :p
just do return "#" + key in map
.. I want to get red iof this ifame with ajax call.. for the drop down. mp3 player such as
@Raynos seen that implementation. It's buggy.
Maybe 'buggy' is the wrong word since it doesn't have a spec. It's not safe.
.. But i have had no luck in do soo
Besides my cockup in the check, is that approach safe though? Can you see a way to compromise it?
today I learned that Number.prototype.toFixed returns a string, not a number
@Raynos and the unit tests are very incomplete.
i don't want to interrupt, If someone has a chance or time to discuss this , that would be great
@adscriven if buggy then complain
Because rauschma is awesome :O
@Raynos Well, I don't know what the spec is. And I know, I read his blog!
You can mess with Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty and his map breaks.
And just messing with the Object.prototype affects behaviour, but that might be intentional: he doesn't have a proper spec.
Mark Miller's implementation looks good, but that's for ES5.
@Raynos For example Axel doesn't remove escaping when converting to JSON. It looks intentional, but I'm not sure it's right. (I've not bothered implementing that, I just want the map to work.)
Guys how can I set popup window size?
@OdeskRiley Sorry, I think the only time I've used an iframe is to fix IE6 combo box bugs.
Sorry, <select>s.
@adscriven my goal is this in a nutshell The player is it possibe to have a player such as grooveshark or hypem.com on joomla yootheme. Such ones like grooveshark and pandora to have such a site like those it would be easier to work with an xml site templater right? How hard would it be to turn this activeden.net/item/elite-xml-website/full_screen_preview/14773 into a joomla template/site.?
Heh, I was implying that I'm probably the last person you should ask!
I don't know what any of that means, sorry.
But it sounds like it could be interesting. Have you posted a question on SO?
doing that now
Even if you figure it out on your own, please still leave an answer!
.. ..but if you look at similar question related to this there are vast amount of similiar questions
but none that pinpoint this
Then you need to be careful how you frame your question.
And if you get a good answer, make sure you accept it. If not, say why.
... well Somone must now joomla
Joomla framework and ajax

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