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@GGG testling
@GGG Adobe browserlab
@Raynos thanks, that looks cool. @RyanKinal it's a paid service now isn't it? or did they extend open beta?
@GGG Dunno. I haven't used it for a good 3 years or so :-)
@Raynos I am really tempted to use your proto hack, i wish IE had it :( extends.__proto__ = someImportedObject;
@GGG NetRenderer is excellent for IE.
5 hours later…
overlay :false on any particular page not on complete book
2 hours later…
Does adding an event handler like this, and then removing it in the listener function leak memory?
function showMessage( text ) {

    var message = document.getElementById( 'message' ),
        button = document.getElementById( 'message-button' );

    message.textContent = text;
    message.removeClass( 'hide' );
    button.addEventListener( 'click', showMessageDismiss, false );

    function showMessageDismiss() {

        button.removeEventListener( 'click', showMessageDismiss, false );
        message.addClass( 'hide' );


@ThinkingStiff to be safe i guess you could call another function from showMessageDismiss() and clear the event handler for the click
@anonymouslyanonymous Would that help? Would it be another function in the showMessage() closure?
@ThinkingStiff I don't think that code leaks memory. and I'd think it would be rather common to remove event listeners in response to such a listener firing.
Hi,can anyone pls explain what is javascript mvc
@ThinkingStiff no, because browsers that would leak memory don't support DOM2 event listeners
I also believe one could safely emulate dom2 without memory leaks in those browsers
@Gopesh sure ... there is no such thing
@tereško i think there is javascriptmvc framework
Yep, there is. And if you go to there webpage... you'll know what it is
javascriptmvc framework is epic troll framework
@Gopesh your point being ? ..
@Gopesh , go and read about MVVM
@tereško thanks bye
i think i just got dismissed
@tereško How's it going?
I heard your doing really awesome stuff lately
yeah , mostly playing WoW
thats where all the free time gets thrown away
though i have begun to loose interest
... which is actually a really rare situation , as usually i loose interest in 3 days
@tereško :(
i was working on that damned framework , but got stuck and an API related mess
havnt touched it yet this year
@GGG dont use proto ._.
@Raynos @DanD Cool, thanks guys.
IIRC proto was a mozilla-only thing
__proto__ is now supported in most browsers (except IE)
and it also needs to die.
ehh .. to hell with it .. gonna watch some Cowboy Bebop
Woo \o/
I successfully use ps -A | grep "skype" without having to read the manual.
It's like I might actually be able to learn unix at this rate
omg , you have begun learning NIX
its only been a year :P
and , a recommendation , use ps aux | blah ... (or -aux , depending on system )
I see
Do I really need that data :D
apparently couchdb is running on this box
its just a good habit to get into
and redis
just like writing df -ah , instead of df -h
df are my mounted drives?
df is a tool for listing partitions .. they might not be yours
i hope you know that you can actually mount remote filesystems you your local directory tree
for example , if you have SSH access to a remote web server , you can mount it to you local /var/web_projects/foobar.com/
Using sshfs
@tereško I know of. I'm sure I could google thed etails
and you can mount your gmil account to the local filesystem
hi all...
can you help me?
No, you haven't said anything that would allow us to determine if we can so by default we can't.
hello....can you help with this my problem?
let me check
I need to do something like this: astro.unl.edu/naap/hr/animations/hrExplorer.html
ugh why can't i make a nice looking html page
it always looks like someone just threw a bunch of letters at a page
see my code....i did this: jsfiddle.net/NxNXJ/28
But i realized that by manipulating the slider temperature is changing the values of the luminosity slider and not the values of temperature.
can anyone help me? please
@WalériaDavid this is the time of day when all the helpful people are sleeping
@GGG But you are sleeping or are in the chat :P
he said " helpful "
@GGG i don't understand...
It's 5:35 in the morning here and I haven't slept. Do you really want me to try to help you?
@GGG Where are you from?
@GGG ... and why not go to sleep??
Math.round(Math.sqrt(ui.value) / (($("#s_lum").slider("value") / 5800)
must be Math.round(Math.sqrt($("#s_lum").slider("value")) / ((ui.value / 5800)
If formula on your reference website is good
.forEach(f, this) is so damned awesome
@DieVarDump hi
If i do this:
var radius= Math.round(Math.sqrt($("#s_lum").slider("value")) / ((ui.value / 5800) instead of var radius = Math.round(Math.sqrt(ui.value) / (($("#s_lum").slider("value") / 5800) ^ 2));
@DieVarDump If i do this:
var radius= Math.round(Math.sqrt($("#s_lum").slider("value")) / ((ui.value / 5800) instead of var radius = Math.round(Math.sqrt(ui.value) / (($("#s_lum").slider("value") / 5800) ^ 2));

the slider temperature and luminosity disappear
i didn't tell you to replace all the line
@DieVarDump I saw the missing close paren
var radius = Math.round(Math.sqrt(ui.value) / (($("#s_lum").slider("value") / 5800) ^ 2));
var radius = Math.round(Math.sqrt($("#s_lum").slider("value")) / ((ui.value / 5800) ^ 2));
did you check your firebug ?
no....i'm lost here......i don't know this code
" see my code....i did this "
yes, but I got that part and not working out
yes, but I'm in this part of the code and not working
i don't know what to do..
@DieVarDump ??
Sorry i'm at work i don't have much time
it's 12:30, time to eat.
i don't understand everything but what i can tell you is that
var radius = Math.round($("#s_lum").slider("value") / ((ui.value / 5800) ^ 2));
is the good formula.
var radius = Math.round(Math.sqrt($("#s_lum").slider("value")) / ((ui.value / 5800) ^ 2));
Do you think that i should do this: var radius = Math.round(Math.sqrt($("#s_lum").slider("value")) / ((ui.value / 5800) ^ 2)); instead of var radius = Math.round(Math.sqrt(ui.value) / (($("#s_lum").slider("value") / 5800) ^ 2));
<--- 40k rep whore !
<style scoped> can I shim it properly >_>
@jAndy like a boss o/
repboss \o
I want to re-build trinity.
I dont know how to put <style scoped> into it :\
A: javascript function scope and overwriting

jAndyNo answer provided a proper description of your problem there. So I'll do my very best. The problem you've got there is, that function declarations (which is what you got there) are among some other things, interpretated before javascript run-time. This effect is often called hoisting and it mean...

had to finish that :p
working on the 50k now ^^
have fun :D
I stopped being addicted
well, I still like the learning aspect and repeating to think about problems from different angles
I agree, if interesting questions come up
most of the questions are "herp derp how I lolQuery?"
Now lets assume I have templating system like trinity
And I want to support templates of multiple elements like
<p> more lulz </p>
How do I apply scoped styles to those elements?
I cant just dump a <style scoped> item at the same level because it would effect the siblings of the template
Im tempted to only support single elements
lets me quickly read about the scoped attribute
the other alternative is duplication
I can just add the <style scoped> element as a child to each element in the set
So ->
<div><style scoped> ... </style>
<p><style scoped> ... </style> more lulz </p>
Don't know whether that actually works though :\
well weel
scoped tells the browser that all styles are only applied for the nested elements ?
I dont know whether the parent is included
i dont think it effects the parent >_<
w3fools says yes
parents included
which makes it useless
reading the spec now
    The scoped attribute is a boolean attribute. If set, it indicates that the styles are intended just for the subtree rooted at the style element’s parent element, as opposed to the whole Document.
    — WHATWG
which again declares w3schools as useless
your right
parent included
which parent? direct parent or all parents nodes?
well.. all parent nodes would make totally no sense
ahhh ok.. w3schools is not that wrong there then.. direct parent + substree
Ugh ._.
its a right pain in the ass
Q: what's the difference between var function and function in javascript?

yozloyI've learned about var a = 1, is defining a local variable, but talk about function, I thought It's only available within the current scope as the var variable behave, what's the difference between the following two code snippet? function aPrint() { console.log('a'); } var a = function aPrent()...

please close as dup
can you help me please?
I need to do something like this: astro.unl.edu/naap/hr/animations/hrExplorer.html
But my code isn't doing it
var radius = Math.round(Math.sqrt(ui.value) / (($("#s_lum").slider("value") / 5800) ^ 2));
must be
var radius = Math.round(Math.sqrt($("#s_lum").slider("value")) / ((ui.value / 5800) ^ 2));

You also have to review your showBall function which does not work
i did this
Look at this : http://jsfiddle.net/NxNXJ/37/
Calculs are good ( i forgot that you must Math.pow, not ^2)
I updated the two sliders and the function which handle the slide.
Now you have to figure out how to use the radius in the " showBall " function
function(arg1, arg2) {arg1.key = "value"}
is arg1 global now?
@Marcel: no, its not. its part of the activation object for that function execution context and is only accessible from within that function
so i dont need to declare variables with "var" when accesing passed in arguemnts of a function?
@jAndy ok cool thx
@Marcel: no, you can just read/access the passed in formal paramters
and what if i overwrite one, for example arg1 = {}
@Marcel: again, you would only overwrite the variable within the activation object
name resolution always begins in the own activation/variable object
A: Access variable from outside of the function in jQuery

ZirakIt's time to meet Mr. Scoping. Plainly speaking, scoping is an encapsulation of variables (note that in javascript, functions are also variables.) Now, in the imaginary language I just made up, the { character starts a scope and } ends it, variables are defined with simple equality (x = 42 for e...

Retrospect, maybe "encapsulation of variables" isn't so "plainly speaking"
intersting, and what happens if arg1 is undefined, if the function doenst receive the argument and i still do arg1 inside
You'll get a type error. TypeError: Cannot set property 'key' of undefined, something like that
@Marcel: if arg1 name could not get found within the AO/VO, the search continues in all parent scopes up to global object
so, arg1 = {}; would then create arg1 on the global object, yes
the search/lookup and name resolution process is part of the such called, 'scope chain' btw
ok thx good to know
wtf.. Y MY REP IS 39.9k !?
buggy chatroom :p
this is so true... and so sad
Do you have that in sizes other than Extra Small?
@Zirak: ups.. :)
Muchos gracias
hopefully 10 years from now , even entrepreneurs should know programming well
and not just talk stuff
If history taught us anything, it's that great ideas are decayed by the masses, not improved. So in 10 years from now, programmers won't know programming well.
Proof of point now: jQuery developers
i mean how are jQuery devs related?
They don't program, they write code that magically work, without knowing why or how.
im confused here, the jQuery development "team" or just those guys who use jquery in their projects ?
damnit... I have no clue why my programs work then :(
jQuery is bliss
The idiots who use jQuery as their goto solution.
and I'm an idiot as well, its so sad, so sad..
jQuery developers = people who develop jQuery core
actually it's ambiguous
could mean both
If you know what you're doing and using jQuery, then fine, you're free to choose. If you don't know shit, then you shouldn't have the option to choose.
a developer that uses jQuery
or someone who develops jQuery
You only appreciate the jQuery Library Framework once you know how it works, otherwise its just plug and play coding which doesn't make a good programmer
How about jQuery abuser?
Nobody knows how jQuery works anymore :P It's too much spaghetti.
I had this discussion so many times here, its totally ignorant to say its the problem of a library or language
@All He meant a jQuery developer who does <script src="jquery1.7.2.min.js"></script>
its not the fault of jQuery
I know it's not jQuery alone
@Zirak how does live() work in jquery (im guessing addEventListener iteself) and the die() and once() method related to that
@Zirak not everyone. Some people check how it works before using something.
But if I were to use a term describing the majority of idiots who come here, it'd be jQuery abusers.
@anonymouslyanonymous you know it'd take quite a while to explain that
@anonymouslyanonymous I lost interest in how jQuery works some time ago
like I have said millions of times before here... jQuery events are not addEventListener / attachEvent depending on browser. They do shit tons of custom magic.
pure js is fun
there's event object normalization, event registry (that browsers do not expose to js even with their system) delegation and shims
@Esailija: shit tons of custom magic sounds pretty negativ. You're saying it does all this just for fun ?
shims as in for the IE events, mouseenter mouseleave focusin focusout
Zirak, you develop everything you're using ? cross-browser compatible etc etc.. ?
It might be fun
oh and namespacing.. though that is really a side effect of having event registry
When I care about cross-browser shit, yes.
but those are the four major things
I really believe jQuery (maybe more like Library-) haters in general are pretty ignorant
@jAndy I didn't say it in a negative sense... i need to work on my writing
I meant to imply that is very naive to compare addEventListener and jQuery events
the goal of those libs is to be ultimate compatible as far as possible with any web browser and yes, that means doing shitloads of magic and normalization and fixing
I hate the reaction it makes, and I hate the way it's built. And yes, it's far from perfect, and while nothing (except for circles) can be perfect, it doesn't mean it should automatically bypass criticism.
jAndy, you can like Libraries but don't like how it makes devs lazy
It has flaws, and like everything else it should be criticized for these flaws.
how do you simulate static vars in js
@anonymouslyanonymous: const foo = 10;
maybe bullshit I just told you, its not about static
@jAndy though in some edge cases it's bad, mousemove for example is best bound directly without any jQuery overhead
you can't really simualte static variables in ES3 and 5
ES.Next will offer the let keyword which comes close to static
can't you use defineProperty with false writable?
@Esailija: that would be an object property, not a variable
then what are static methods and properties?
@jAndy ok not locally scoped but globally scoped
    Object.defineProperty( window, "foo", {
    	value: 10,


    foo = 15

I think the most usage for `static variables` in c -like languages is make like

    for(int x = 0; x < 10; x++) {
        static int foo = 10;
so.. I don't think that this is even possible with let, it would also overwrite foo for each iteration
@Esailija: you just created an imutable property, not a static one
I thought he wanted a constant
then my first answer would be a winner I guess, const foo = 10;
but that cannot be shimmed
it's syntax error in ie it seems
you can make defineProperty a no-op and it will work in ie
well not no-op but you get my point
not really
you can't shim writeable or configurable in IE either
I don't think a real writable matters, as long as you develop in a browser that supports it
what is shim?
@Esailija: I don't see the point of having a constant which is not a constant in IE then
which might be even worse, I would prefer receiving an error then
the nature of it is that it only needs to "really work" in browsers you develop in
it being really writable doesn't matter the slightest bit
because if you abuse the writability, it will stop working in most browsers
that might be true for some things, but for sure not for a shim of "const" or something
like Object freeze
I mean, you create a constant variable for a reason
only needs to work in the browser you develop in
it can be no op for others
if it still "just works" in browser which don't support the const, it ends up doing pretty unexpectable things
only if you actually break the code in browsers where it works
again, I believe throwing an error would be the best way for such a situation. but that is one mans opinion
well an error is thrown if you try to overwrite foo
Object.freeze is a different story, but a expecting to have a constant variable which cannot get modified would be very annoying if that does not work in some browsers
there is no way to shim or workaround that
because the workaround is to be a no op
it doesn't have to work in some browsers, it's a security feature for developers
so that you write code that doesn't modify constants
if you do, you will break your code in all the browsers that are modern
@Esailija: you don't write code which modify constants obv, but it might happen under some unexpected circumstances for instance
so you trust in your constants which cannot get modified, but you can't do that anymore shimming a const which does not work in some environments
which is horrible
but the difference is that const foo stops the whole file from running
or script tag
I'm fine with that
the whole integrity of my app would be gone otherwise
there is no point because it doesn't then work in the older browsers anyway
so IF I really need to rely on constants, I'm fine with throwing/crashing
but I guess it should not be that heavily dependent on constancts
I mean your app will not work at all
vs working just fine
I don't get it
using const foo is a syntax error
ie it's same as writing any gibberish
if I have some piece of code which just needs to have a constant variable, so let it be, let is crash. I don't want to have a shim which does not crash but also does not offer the functionality
The current implementation of const is a Mozilla-specific extension and is not part of ECMAScript 5
it will not crash any environment which understands const foo
you can make defineproperty crash just as well if you really prefer that
but at least it's you making the error instead of syntax error
ok got your point. I wasn't sure if we're still talking about the const keyword specific or talking about shims which just avoid a "crash" but also don't offer the proper functionality
I was at the latter
I meant that with defineProperty you have all the control, while with const you have syntax error given from the browser
you can make it throw, you can make it no-op you can make it whatever in browsers that don't support real constant with it
because it's just a function
but again, defineProperty does not create variables
just properties, and that would only work fine for the global object
or a local object
you can't access the 'activation object' nor the 'lexicalEnvironment' object with it anyway
which you can then use with with :D
so var foo = 5; can't get shimmed by that within any function context
with throws in strict :(
yeah such a shame
anyways I meant for local constants you could just group them in an object and freeze that or something
yeah that will work
but .. for the lulz.. the original question was about statics which can't get shimmed at this point
at least I don't know any method to achieve it
static, as in won't be recreated everytime the function is called?
a function, a loop, doesn't matter
a local variable which gets initialized once (first call) but can still get modified afterwards without getting overwritten
you can do that with closures, no ?
well at least very similar
var myfunction = function() {

	var rspace = / /g;

	return function( str ) {
		return rspace.match( str );

now the regex is only ever created once
.. yea
but this is a technical different approach than having a static variable, sure that way we achieve pretty much the same effect
pretty much anything in js "pretty much the same effect"
but talking about shims, it also cannot shim a call like static int foo = 10; within some repeating block
but if it's in a non function block, it wouldn't be recreated in the repeating block anyway
I'm not sure what es.next says about scope and blockscope. I guess I heard something about introducing block-scope at least for loop bodys aswell
in combination with let
there is shit ton of proposals
I read through them a few days ago
they're trying to make it have everything
so it's gonna be like C#? :P
I hope there will be enough smart guys to avoid that desaster
the crock will prevent it for sure ;)
yep didn't like the introduction of 1500 new different symbol syntax
<| <-- wtf is that even
agreed I didn't like new symbols and syntax also that much
but there are some real nice proposals indeed
weakmaps ? :)
Can anyone recommend a decent grid widget?
The one I don't get is Object.is/isn't
like I never need to know that a 0 is negative or positive
and even if I did, I certainly wouldnt expect such obscure functionality to be in the language out of the box

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