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01:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

@TVK nope, it doesn't work to animate to auto
Animate to height of contents it is. : )
@TVK how would I do that?
Put the content within an extra div and get the offsetHeight of that one to animate to.
beware of offset properties in IE7 and below
the offsetParent is the container, not usually the body
@TVK I have the divs #content and #loading, which are both inside #contentContainer. I am currently animating #contentContainer, should I then animate #contentContainer height to contentContainer.offsetHeight?
offestHeight seems to be stable even in IE, though.
@DontCare4Free Ehm, no, one sec.
After changing the content of #content, animate to that offsetHeight plus whatever margin or padding is between #content and #contentContainer.
@TVK thanks, that seems to work.
Yay. : )
however, I found another issue, which I'm not sure about
@TVK done in a good way in guess :)
img.ui-li-icon {
float: right;
position: relative;
top: .0em;
margin-right: 8px;
position was the key
@TVK thanks for your help :)
@Aji Nice. : ) I wouldn't have guessed using relative, but whatever works, works. : )
No problem.
@Raynos fixed now
@DontCare4Free What's that then?
@TVK yeah
@TVK if you try loading many pages, you'll see that the height of the contentContainer increases slightly for each load, while it's loading
Hehe, and if you click many times it will do a lot of animations that are queued up.
You should call stop() before animate() like: $("div").stop().animate({stuff});
That'll make sure the queue doesn't stack up.
Not sure yet about the increase in height, though.
It seems the problem is with this bit: $("#contentContainer").css("height", document.getElementById("contentContainer").offsetHeight);
@TVK done
Ahh, I know.
@TVK yeah, probably
It's the padding that causes the issue.
The padding is included with the offsetHeight, but now with the height.
So each time it increases with the amount of padding.
@TVK I see
so, subtract by padding * 2?
You can either subtract the padding from the offsetHeight, or move all the padding to the content div.
I suggest the second one, though.
That way you won't have to add the padding after the loading is done either.
@TVK tried the second one, didn't work
What's not working then?
@TVK the issue persists
paste a link
And you're positive the contentContainer hasn't got any padding, margin or border?
Or wait, margins shouldn't cause the problem.
yikes, definitely make the animation so it only responds to a click once it's completed
@TVK removed border, works now
it's stuck in an endless loop
: )
@MattMcDonald so, I should make it wait for the last one to complete before starting on a new one?
use a callback or something
If possible, you could also try to make it interrupt the current request rather than having the user wait.
Users like immediate feedback so if they have to wait for a request to finish they'll just press F5 instead or get annoyed.
And now for something completely different: youtube.com/watch?v=aF02roMiN5Y
@TVK not really sure about that, but maybe later
A: Javascript Framework for Game UI

RaynosYour asking for something far too specific here. When it comes to rendering games to the screen you have 3 mainstream non-plugin options Canvas The canvas is a raster based display. You can use a narrow abstraction on the canvas like easel.js or a heavy abstraction like The render engine. Now t...

Anyone know of any other solid abstractions for game rendering that are worth mentioning?
The first thing I thought of when I saw that question was Akihabara, but that's just gaming in general. It's not explicitly for UI; plus I figured he'd already know about it.
Akihabara feels meh to me. Hasnt been updated in a while
2 hours later…
People are quiet. How's everyone?
@Raynos fine, and you?
I'm doing ok
hi all
how do you execute a function who's name is stored in a variable (without eval) ?
@Greg window[var](args)
ahhhhh I see, thanks
var foo = function() { };
@Raynos, no
@Raynos he stored the name in the variable, not the function itself
var bar = "foo";
haha yeah, that'd work :D
@Raynos so, now you're creating a var and then ignore it completely‽
that makes no sense
I think you need another cup of coffee Raynos :D
Q: How do I call a function who's name is stored in a variable? A: Call the function.
why are you trying to do a quasi-eval to call a function?
posted on April 03, 2011

On Monday I’ll fly out for a two-week US tour that will bring me to San Francisco, San Jose, Austin, Dallas, New York, and Albany. On the way I’ll hold four public sessions, and I expect to see a lot of people and drink a lot of beer. The sessions are: Wednesday 6th of April, San Jose, around 7pm: Bay Area Mobile, organised and sponsored by PayPal. I’ll discuss the futur

@MattMcDonald for a callback when a script loads
show me your code
there has to be a better way to do it
@DontCare4Free it makes perect sense!
@Raynos no, where would you use bar?
@DontCare4Free You need to have more trust in my competence and realise that when I say something stupid I'm joking.
@MattMcDonald I'm loading someScript.js and when it loads I want to call someScript()
That's valid
but only if I ask to execute it - its not got to self-execute
so you're trying to call a function based upon a script name?
I use something similar except I call $.namespace["someScript"](args)
is the function dynamically created?
@MattMcDonald or call n functions based on n script names
Its a standard feature detection technique. Detect feature N, load script N, run function N
It does require you to stick to rigid naming conventions though
Or use config settings
oh so you're calling function n in script n once it's done loading
@MattMcDonald yeah that's what I'm aiming for
    "feature-class": "someClassName",
    "feature-file": "someFileName",
    "feature-function": "someFunctionName"
At least that doesn't hard code you to naming conventions
Tbh the best pattern is to use something like requirejs
Where the loading of a script returns a function you can call.
loadScript(url, function(f) {
ah I see
Of course ;) If you have multiple complex files to load in some order then loaders like requirejs are very handy
I'm aware of things like using.js but I like to play around making something myself while I have time
good brain training
I recommend you stick to an API like :
load([url, url, ...], function(files) {

// inside file


define(function() {
    // function to be returned into load callback
I'm looking for the ability to load "Path/To/SomeScript.js" then execute Path.To.SomeScript.onload();
Also I think the data-main from require.js is awesome
I find namespacing like that horrible personally. There is no need to do it in a functional language like js
really, why? I just got it...
Each file returns a single function or object when loaded and nothing goes into global scope
Its perfectly clean
Apart from the define & load method ;)
or load and load.define method :)
It's like node.js module.exports but asynchronous.
I don't know how your define method is supposed to know from which file it was called though
correct me if I'm wrong, but if you're calling functions from other scripts, they're in the global namespace
Not neccesarily
A scriptfile can call a function like define to attach an object to the script name
then whenever you call get(filename) you get that object.
It's never in global scope. It's stored internally in your scriptloader somewhere
You can't overwrite or delete it
so you'd have to set something up then to make those functions public instead of private
because function someScript is private inside of an object
Yes your using a script loader library
All your doing is wrapping getter/setters in some nice syntactic sugar
hi guys, just a small question
var IEPNGFix = window.IEPNGFix || {};
what's the OR operator doing there? (I mean the || construct)
var o = true || 42; // o is true
var p = false || 42; // p is 42
it's a default variable trick. If IEPNGFix doesn't exist then set it to {}
oh, thank you :D
an alternative is
o || (var o = 42)
oh, cool :P
well gotta go to sleep =) have a nice day guys, thanks for the help @Raynos
So either don't mess with o or set it to a default value
;) byee
oh shit
set the expiry of the headers on my js, css and image files to a year
and now shit ain't updating :P
even if i clear cache...
that's why you put a ?v=XYZ at the end of the resource...
ah fixed it
i just had to change the header from access to modified
and i still get some nice long caching
cut down my page load from 8.2s to 1.3s
man that is buttery smooth navigating between pages: beta.mutant-tractor.com/?p=37
now to sprit-ize my images
2 hours later…
oh man i love my CDN
$40 for 1TB transfer
Is that good or bad?
it's money wasted because he doesn't need it, but I'm sure it has performance benefits
@MattMcDonald true I dont need it but it's damn good all the same
time to first byte goes from 200ms to nothing
@Raynos thats very good
@MylesGray Ahem...
@YiJiang just fixing that now
@MylesGray You are mixing units here, you know...
strange... what browser?
@YiJiang nope i fixed all that?
The images have a fixed px width, your blog content have em widths
@YiJiang thats a wordpress problem
The same story with the left hand side sharing icons. Really, the icons are in fixed positions, you can't just use em for that
im just overwriting with css now
@YiJiang so your saying to use px for fixed pos elements?
Let me download NN3 :D
@Raynos NN3?
@MylesGray Well, first, don't mix units, and secondly, your sprite maps' images all have fixed positions, in px, so why are you using em?
(I have a non-standard 14px default font size, which breaks a lot of sites that assume that the 1em = 16px)
@YiJiang not using px for layout anywhere, I am using sprite maps and they are defined in em
@MylesGray No they're not - the images don't resize based on your font size, right? So why are you using em to define the background position of the sprites?
@YiJiang ahh i see what you mean now...
@YiJiang do I have to purge my cdn cache every time i do a css update?
Eh, how would I know?
@YiJiang experience? :P
No, absolutely not me, if that's what you want
@YiJiang what browser were you using to see those quirks?
@MylesGray Firefox 4, although like I said, you need to have a different default font size
@YiJiang just change that in browser prefs?
A: How to efficiently count the number of keys/properties of an object in JavaScript?

RhinosaurusI just stumbled on this question. It's quite old, but since there's no accepted answer try this: keys(myObj).length I'm not sure how efficient this is, but it requires the least amount of code :)

WTF? How did this get 12 upvotes?
I love good old-fashioned for loops
01:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

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