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Hmm, the interwebz runs faster if I block all the iframe facebook plugins...
@YiJiang Why good riddance, of __count__?
4 hours later…
I leave you guys with one thing
this site has the ugliest source code I've ever seen
good morning all
2 hours later…
anyone want to help out an information systems student who has been stuck on a simple ajax/json problem coming up on 5 hours???
well yes i suppose
@Box9 Good riddance because its an obscure Mozilla extension of the JavaScript language that nobody used and only served to slow the engine down
can <script> tags fire onload events if they load an external js?
@Greg Yes
@YiJiang I've tried adding a script tag to the head (using javascript) then newElement.onload = function() {}.
but the onload function always fires before the external script is loaded
is there something I'm missing?
Why not attach the event before adding the element?
Also, append to the body not the head
1 hour later…
Hi everyone, I'm new in the chat, is someone familiar with using Ajax with Firefox and Internt Explorer ?
Im having trouble with a smalldatetime field in SQL, I can use the BETWEEN operator to find dates in a certain range but how do I find dates that are greater than or less than a specified date?
WHERE datefiled >= '01/01/2006' AND datefiled < '01/02/2006'
simply like that !
@OmeidHerat tried that, no luck :(
how come !?
do you get an error ?
are you using mysql ?
maybe try this WHERE dateFiled > '2006-1-1'
oh het
that worked!
thanks man :)
SQLServer '05
n.p :)
awesome !
any git people here?
is there any way to create git shorthand for
git push origin <feature branch>:testing
target look: something like git push <feature branch> testing
@Bruno yes
@jonny should be. You can make macros
I need some serious CSS help ! jsfiddle.net/MSzHt
@OmeidHerat what do you want to do
I have put everything on the jsfiddle !
and i what are you expecting???
have a look a made it with table but i want to achieve the same thing with divs.
Scroll down ;)
you mean that black one
yeah I am almost there with divs, but its not yet what i want.
I guess it due to this
div#calander div {
    border: 1px solid black;
and what is it
class=" cell plan " 1"=""
halloo everybody =)
@luca hello
did you post this question ???
Q: Jquery arrow key navigation

luca Hi!I have these textfield and dropdown menu for a 'Facebook' like autosuggestion: <input type="text" id="search" name="search_fld"/> <div id="display"> <div class="display_box">Luca</div> <div class="display_box">David</div> <div class="display_box">Mar...

how do you know?=)
well, i was trying to answer it ... but hated .. creating input field soo...
soo..give up??
well, if you post your until not html code in jsfiddle.net
and then i would consider ..
@experimentX Fixed that @experimentX
still the same :(
@OmeidHerat it's horrible
have you only changed the CSS ?
So, that whole "don't use tables" thing. That doesn't apply to tabular data. Which is what you have.
@luca still in there
There's no point in re-creating a table out of divs when you can just use a table.
you have a point
yes i was working on jffiddle
but i think he's trying to create a calendar out of divs
Tables for layout = bad
Tables for tables = good
A calendar is a table
well, yes, thats true
@RyanKinal i want to be able to do some drag and drop which is not possible with Table Cells.
and plus a Calander is a list i reckon :D
what you want to do ?
Q: Jquery arrow key navigation

luca Hi!I have these textfield and dropdown menu for a 'Facebook' like autosuggestion: <input type="text" id="search" name="search_fld"/> <div id="display"> <div class="display_box">Luca</div> <div class="display_box">David</div> <div class="display_box">Mar...

why this stupid $("#display").hide() is not working
@OmeidHerat also do you need to add this <div> for warp

        <div class="hour cell">Something</div>
        <div class=" cell plan " 3"="">Somethingelse</div>
        <div class=" cell outcome " 3"="">and more</div>

if we add style float then it would work
ok i will give that a try
@ExperimentX i need to pass the 'hover ' state to the display_box divs dont worry about hiding display i already got that
well @luca that might also be useful to you for filtering list
is this a good TTFB?
0.1s seems like a lot
guys i just need to make the display_box div blu like with hover but with arrow key instead
i already have a filter
@MylesGray ask in the php room you will get better responds
@experimentX are you close to solution?
well working on it
on local sever
@luca do you wanna see it .. it's ugly
(@experimentX i was wondering either why in your jsfiddle display doesen't hide =/)
yes! of course
@luca well i am not doing in fiddle
i am doing on localserver
almost worked out
yeah i meant this jsfiddle.net/MKZSE/1 you think is a jsfiddle issue?
you had one js error
@luca please try directly on you server
having problem with fitting in js-fiddle
i am posting an answer
@Raynos Hi, I'd like to know how to retrieve a user's bookmarks with javascript using Firefox and Internet Explorer.
@experimentX i go check ;)
(if someone else knows the answer, I'm all ears. ;-))
man .. never had to deal with it
have you posted a question
@experiement Yes
@experiment Yes
@experimentX i just checked your answer..you are using a 'current' class ,do you think it may conflicts whith the 'hover' state (I will have two blue display_box if i move mouse over)
i had those <style> tag inside fiddle
stupid me
@luca mean??
Q: Bookmarks API on Firefox and Internet Explorer.

BrunoHello, Are there any API on Firefox and Internet Explorer to retrieve the users' bookmarks with javascript ? thanks, Bruno

@luca to be honest, i don't now how to emulate hover state of elements
and all i knew was that way, it certainly works, but as i said earlier, it ugly, and not so reliable
well at least it works!
And what kind of display box ???, are you planning to add (some other div's) for displaying other message
@luca well, again i can suggest you ugly solution
@experimentX i answered my question myself ..you used hover state on top of your jsfiddle that's what i was looking for and i didnt see at first
but yes i have another question... have you ever dealt with facebook application id??
nope ..
well done! =)
what is it??
honestly I use SO more than FB
im trying to get confirmation code by sms and having trouble to get it as tons of other people
well, that would require server side scripting
how to you plan to get it
appears, from Opera HQ, for the first time in a while
Q: How abort an AJAX request in ajaxStart or ajaxSend

Priyabrata My requirement is ,I have written lots of $.post method in my project. I want to check the session in every request and depending upon the session value, I want to handle my page.But I don`t want to modify all mehtods($.post) for session, So I want to check the session in "ajaxStart or ajaxSend...

@gsnedders in a puff of purple smoke, he descends from the havens
@Bruno I don't think that is possible, as would be useless and privacy-infringing
@experiment no serverside scripting mobile text not coming =)..and i had a new answer on my question..great! thanks very much see you soon
@Bruno Unless you have elevated privileges, like from a browser extension, that's not going to be possible
@luca sure see you around
@YiJiang I know, I'm awesome. ^_^
@Yi Jiang I would ask the users' to add a plug-in to Firefox and IE so there won't be privacies issues.
@Bruno but still, why would you need it?
and yes, it is still a privacy issue
To use it in a website. Plus I've already found how to proceed (using XMLHTTPRequest). The only thing I need to know is how the API of the browsers work.
@gsnedders yes you are awesome
@Raynos have you got firefox and chrome on your computer ?
guess no ?
here is what i got demo.awrang.com/logchi
its all good in chrome but in firefox it has an extra one px margine on the top of the dropdown menu :(
I dont do css
good luck :)
fixed !
Line-height must be set.
$(document).ready(function() {

function() { $('ul', this).slideDown('slow'); },
function() { $('ul', this).slideUp('slow'); });
how can i optimize that code to avoid repetition
Is there a way to trigger a jQuery.hover() from a non-hover event (such as a keypress)? I've tried jQuery.mouseEnter(), but had no luck.
@OmeidHerat Ooh, I'll take a look
@OmeidHerat Yeah... I don't know that jQuery.trigger('hover'); does much. It seems like it would have to take another argument which represents whether it was a mouseenter or a mouseleave.
a mouseenter is hover :)
And yet it is not giving me the intended effect :-)
Yes, hover dosn't works :(
and if you don't like to use that to achieve some visual changes with CSS.
this should be help you:jsfiddle.net/aKMce
@OmeidHerat Yeah, it's no big deal. I can work around it.
I have already done it ;)
check the jsfiddle.
Anyone want to recommend some easy browser testing/emulation for .NET ?
Something like zombie.js would be great
@Raynos so, like a headless browser?
but that hooks into .NET nicely. and isn't shit
@Raynos for MSBuild?
What's MSBuild?
@Raynos the build automation system in Visual Studio, thought that was the only reason for it to "have" to be in .NET
Ehm. I'd be nice if it can hook into existing unit tests. or talk to my c# code / project.
@Raynos oh, sorry, true
To basically test ASP.NET MVC views
a bit of searching gave me this:
doesn't seem to support javascript though
There's no point if it doesnt handle javascript
that last one seems to have javascript
Ah yes, htmlunit. Head of that
Hi guys... I had a doubt in one of my projects which currently uses livequery. the project was build with jquery 1.3 and now its moving to 1.5.1 and I want to replace the use of livequery with delegate(). My concern is how to handle events like load/other events which are not bubbled
I had raised a question :stackoverflow.com/questions/5521976/… but did not get much help
@frictionlesspulley I'd probably either continue using livequery, or use more traditional events: $elem.load(); for example
@frictionlesspulley I'm sure livequery is dead
You should avoid delegate and live where possible
and just apply event handlers as you create nodes
Wow, they sure have sped up the transcript loading.
Also I really need peoples opinion on some syntax.
It doesnt do anything
It is purely for the syntax.
I just wondered what people thought?
Your writing spark?
I wrote it.
I am /rewriting/ it.
Do you mean the SPARQL thing, because that wasnt me.
Why do you ask?
I prefer simpler syntax CSS style.
I thought that would be the case :3
Tbh, statements like that are ugly, tedious and slow
I already have a working version of this find function, I would just need to write something that interprets CSS selectors and runs the find function. Which I have already written too.
The only reason I can think for it is auto generated objects to pass to find
Well what kind of selectors would you want
Just out of interest
Like, element, class and ID? Or more
For example
It begins to get complicated at that point but still.
@Wolfy87 I use jQuery :p
I know, everyone does.
Apart from me.
Mr Reinvented the wheel.
Oh its worth doing.
I know
@MylesGray I'm in Alaska, not Canada :(
It's a great academic challenge to rewrite jquery
@Nathan no you are in canada. Your living in a lie
The only reason I did it was to learn the ins and outs of JavaScript
I ended up loving my library so much I now use it for everything
@Raynos Sorry, eh?
But now I am rewriting it with my own selector engine, rather than sizzle and a few more major changes
Sizzle is so fat...
Fast. But fat.
I am also using JSDoc all throughout v3.X.X
@Nathan your actually in canada. There tricking you into thinking your in alaska.
ooooo someone else that's hell-bent on writing their own JS!
@MattMcDonald you would like node. You can write an entire server framework ontop of the HTTP socket. Go for it. Do it all from scratch :)
yes, I was just looking at that
Mostly me.
is there a reason you're copying jQuery's syntax?
IE: window.$ = function
@MattMcDonald familiarity. It's a common syntax. Long before jQuery everyone used $ as a shorthand before document.getElementById
Mainly because thats what I was used to
But my new one is very different
in my opinion, that kind of defeats the purpose of re-writing jQuery
the purpose of re-writing jQuery is learning. It's not to write something "better",
Yeah, I started it to learn everything about JavaScript, so I just took a lot of inspiration from jQuery
this however
v3 is all my own ideas
var BrowserDetect = { needs to go
That bit is disgusting I know
It is from QuirksMode
many browsers have in the past spoofed the "MSIE" bit on the userAgent
@MattMcDonald sometimes you have no choice but to browser sniff.
I am pretty happy with my animate function though.
not that that extent though
It isnt for Spark to work
That function is there for people using it
I never use it internally
he doesn't use userAgent at all
in fact, he doesn't even touch the navigator object
@Raynos is there a specific reason for avoiding delegate(). I was thinking of using delegate to attach the events to partials/HTML received in ajax calls.
(though I need to check his other files)
Well, I am leaving work now. I leave you with v3 of Spark. The complete rewrite: github.com/SparkJS/Spark/tree/release/v3.0.0
Good bye!
you've definitely got talent
whos here hate jquery like me
bad topic
why ?
it's a slippery slope
well you can tell me if u like why ???
why you like it ?
I told you it was a bad topic because this really isn't the place to get into a long, arduous debate about libraries.
well i dont mind using any framework in need but i hate people know nothing of javascript start using jquery and say ohhhhhh yaaaaaaaaa iam a pro
right, but you're coming off as condescending immediately
let's talk instead about the (perceived) declining quality of JS questions on StackOverflow
ok no problem
it might be me, but I find only a few questions a day actually interest me
I've all but stopped answering questions, simply due to the fact that they just repeat over and over.
@MattMcDonald That's exactly it. I'll find a few gems, but not many.
well like what Matt ?
Q: Generate a form permalink

Ambo100How can I create a permalink for my form here so that all the values of the form can be saved in the URL?

(has no idea what the GET method is)
@ nathan i dont mind but i prefer use my mind , i use only jquery when i have short time on my tasks @ my work
00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

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