Title: How to correctly displayed on the UITableViewCell a AVPlayerViewController? Title: How to consolidate data from different geolocation database Azure Title: How to search and edit excel files fast in Openpyxl Title: How do you store user input as a variable in c? Title: how to use node transform to transform one object into another Title: Scala: Error in += for ArrayBuffer inside function Title: How to abort an Action from SftpClient class' DownloadFile() function (SSH.NET)? Title: Sparse matrix with explicit zeros in Matlab
From the logs.
All are newly created questions and not newly active questions.
Title: BotFramework OpenUrl in new windowLink: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49724760/botframework-openurl-in-new-window Title: Pairing to Mac for Xamarin.forms fails with vague errorLink: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49724758/pairing-to-mac-for-xamarin-forms-fails-with-vague-error Title: Ansible YAML Parsing WTFery for command Module With '@' in ArgLink: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49724757/ansible-yaml-parsing-wtfery-for-command-module-with-in-arg Title: Extending c# asp.net class to perform action on loginLink: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49724755/ext…
I think your filter needs to include the last_activity_date field
https://api.stackexchange.com/docs/questions#page=1&pagesize=10&order=desc&sort=activity&filter=!-W2e9m5doJGV1OWsgs5G&site=stackoverflow&run=true works perfectly for me
Title: "Could find a required file" on `yarn start`Link: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49724813/could-find-a-required-file-on-yarn-start Title: Trying to change the size of an array from 10 down to 5 in C# but test failed.Link: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49724811/trying-to-change-the-size-of-an-array-from-10-down-to-5-in-c-but-test-failed Title: basic barplot with multiple ifelse statementsLink: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49724810/basic-barplot-with-multiple-ifelse-statements
Title: Call SSIS All Executions report from .NET?Link: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49724825/call-ssis-all-executions-report-from-net Title: Testing against multiple possible responses (API, Frisby 2)Link: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49724823/testing-against-multiple-possible-responses-api-frisby-2 Title: Php/MySQL: Unable to insert a single row onlyLink: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49724822/php-mysql-unable-to-insert-a-single-row-only Title: Get `favicon.ico` error, but can not find it in the codeLink: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49724821/get-favicon-ico-erro…
Title: Split String Into Individual RowsLink: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49724831/split-string-into-individual-rows Title: Excel Vba - Copy/Link data to other sheet if meet the valueLink: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49724830/excel-vba-copy-link-data-to-other-sheet-if-meet-the-value Title: mongoose/mocha-mongoose error "db.collections is not a function"Link: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49724829/mongoose-mocha-mongoose-error-db-collections-is-not-a-function Title: Adobe illustrator CC Creating new rectangle results in no top border, no cornersLink: https://s…
"items": [
"last_activity_date": 1523241783,
"link": "https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49724860/how-to-open-a-mat-expansion-panel-by-triggering-an-event",
"title": "How to open a mat-expansion-panel by triggering an event?"
"last_activity_date": 1523241770,
"link": "https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49723779/can-i-force-the-use-of-my-dependencies-cargo-lock-when-resolving-package-versio",
"title": "Can I force the use of my dependencies' Cargo.lock when resolving package ver…
"items": [
"last_activity_date": 1523241917,
"link": "https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49724877/combining-data-frames-and-replacing-values-in-correct-order",
"title": "Combining Data Frames and Replacing values in Correct order"
"last_activity_date": 1523241915,
"link": "https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49724858/code-for-factoring-doesnt-work-with-large-numbers",
"title": "Code for factoring doesn't work with large numbers?"
with https://api.stackexchange.com/2.2/questions?page=1&pagesize=10&fromdate=1523241374&order=desc&sort=activity&site=stackoverflow&filter=!-W2e9m5doJGV1OWsgs5G
"items": [
"last_activity_date": 1523242262,
"link": "https://stackoverflow.com/questions/28771218/generate-empty-data-between-the-range-of-a-timestamp-date-javascript",
"title": "Generate empty data between the range of a timestamp date | Javascript"
"last_activity_date": 1523242262,
"link": "https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14973942/tcp-loopback-connection-vs-unix-domain-socket-performance",
"title": "TCP loopback connection vs Unix Domain Socket performance"
room topic changed to SOBotics Workshop: A place to test new bots that will eventually graduate to the SOBotics main room. Github: sobotics.org/github | Redunda: sobotics.org/redunda | Channel: sobotics.org/channel [bots] [testing] [waffles]
@Bugs if you need some basic Python project to work on, you can help me out in re-constructing Thunder from scratch; I was planning to do it next week, but you can start now. A collaborator would be huge help.
@BhargavRao Just outputs a message like it does in SOBotics or the HQ I have for it. I mean it will keep the room active but I wasn't sure on whether I should just leave it running in here or whether I should set up a way of only running when in "debug" mode.
@BhargavRao FR for RoundaBot: it is getting a lot of fps right now; maybe only show reports where the OP has edited the post, and not any other user as a user other than the OP most likely cannot revive the whole post. Maybe also compare the revision to see if the total characters changed are above a specific limit, say 15 chars to start with as I saw a post with a one char change.