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00:00 - 16:0019:00 - 23:00

RoundaBot started
RoundaBot started
RoundaBot started
RoundaBot started
RoundaBot started
RoundaBot started
@BhargavRao What's this bot do?
Posts those questions which have some activity after getting close votes.
You know I just got graverobber up and running a couple of days ago, he reports 'd questions that get edited
sounds like there might be some overlap, perhaps I could help?
RoundaBot started
Yeah, I got this idea after seeing Yam.
Oh right :D
RoundaBot started
RoundaBot started
weird, @Sam any idea why this query api.stackexchange.com/2.2/… is returning only the newly created posts and not the newly active posts?
I've kept sort=activity
Title: How to correctly displayed on the UITableViewCell a AVPlayerViewController?
Title: How to consolidate data from different geolocation database Azure
Title: How to search and edit excel files fast in Openpyxl
Title: How do you store user input as a variable in c?
Title: how to use node transform to transform one object into another
Title: Scala: Error in += for ArrayBuffer inside function
Title: How to abort an Action from SftpClient class' DownloadFile() function (SSH.NET)?
Title: Sparse matrix with explicit zeros in Matlab
From the logs.
All are newly created questions and not newly active questions.
https://api.stackexchange.com/docs/questions#page=1&pagesize=10&order=desc&sort‌​=activity&filter=default&site=stackoverflow&run=true runs fine for me
RoundaBot started
Without that long filter?
I get an error when I try using your filter
That's the filter
Yeah, I saw in the url you posted
Hmm, works for me, but returns wrong data
Title: BotFramework OpenUrl in new windowLink: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49724760/botframework-openurl-in-new-window
Title: Pairing to Mac for Xamarin.forms fails with vague errorLink: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49724758/pairing-to-mac-for-xamarin-forms-fails-with-vague-error
Title: Ansible YAML Parsing WTFery for command Module With '@' in ArgLink: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49724757/ansible-yaml-parsing-wtfery-for-command-module-with-in-arg
Title: Extending c# asp.net class to perform action on loginLink: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49724755/ext
Nvm, it's working now lol
Now, printing the link as well.
still returning the correct data
Yupz, just the new posts, and not newly active.
oh, hmm
You sure that it's returning correct data?
It's returning any kind of activity
comments, answers, etc.
Weird, I'll try again
RoundaBot started
I think your filter needs to include the last_activity_date field
https://api.stackexchange.com/docs/questions#page=1&pagesize=10&order=desc&sort‌​=activity&filter=!-W2e9m5doJGV1OWsgs5G&site=stackoverflow&run=true works perfectly for me
Title: "Could find a required file" on `yarn start`Link: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49724813/could-find-a-required-file-on-yarn-start
Title: Trying to change the size of an array from 10 down to 5 in C# but test failed.Link: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49724811/trying-to-change-the-size-of-an-array-from-10-down-to-5-in-c-but-test-failed
Title: basic barplot with multiple ifelse statementsLink: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49724810/basic-barplot-with-multiple-ifelse-statements
Nopes, still new posts.
@Sam Cool, I'll try your filter.
RoundaBot started
Title: Call SSIS All Executions report from .NET?Link: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49724825/call-ssis-all-executions-report-from-net
Title: Testing against multiple possible responses (API, Frisby 2)Link: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49724823/testing-against-multiple-possible-responses-api-frisby-2
Title: Php/MySQL: Unable to insert a single row onlyLink: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49724822/php-mysql-unable-to-insert-a-single-row-only
Title: Get `favicon.ico` error, but can not find it in the codeLink: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49724821/get-favicon-ico-erro
Still new ones
Lemme edit some old post
  "items": [
      "last_activity_date": 1523241563,
      "link": "https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49724838/vbscript-namespaces-for-soap-response-not-working-with-xpath",
      "title": "vbscript: namespaces for soap response not working with xpath"
      "last_activity_date": 1523241557,
      "link": "https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49724837/get-rid-of-arrows-when-not-neededq",
      "title": "Get rid of arrows when not neededq"
      "last_activity_date": 1523241556,
that's what I get
your Q is at the bottom
Title: Split String Into Individual RowsLink: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49724831/split-string-into-individual-rows
Title: Excel Vba - Copy/Link data to other sheet if meet the valueLink: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49724830/excel-vba-copy-link-data-to-other-sheet-if-meet-the-value
Title: mongoose/mocha-mongoose error "db.collections is not a function"Link: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49724829/mongoose-mocha-mongoose-error-db-collections-is-not-a-function
Title: Adobe illustrator CC Creating new rectangle results in no top border, no cornersLink: https://s
this is very odd
@Sam are you trying it from the docs console?
It seems to work from there, but not from the api directly.
That is the strange thing...
let me try the api directly then
    "items": [
            "last_activity_date": 1523241783,
            "link": "https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49724860/how-to-open-a-mat-expansion-panel-by-triggering-an-event",
            "title": "How to open a mat-expansion-panel by triggering an event?"
            "last_activity_date": 1523241770,
            "link": "https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49723779/can-i-force-the-use-of-my-dependencies-cargo-lock-when-resolving-package-versio",
            "title": "Can I force the use of my dependencies' Cargo.lock when resolving package ver
that's right from the api itself
there's a couple of new qs in there
Seems to be working there as well.
Weird, what I am doing wrong?
url I used https://api.stackexchange.com/2.2/questions?page=1&pagesize=10&order=desc&sort=‌​activity&site=stackoverflow&filter=!-W2e9m5doJGV1OWsgs5G
Can you add a fromdate and check?
so besides the tags and fromdate, nothing else is different
thanks, was just about to ask for that :D
    "items": [
            "last_activity_date": 1523241917,
            "link": "https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49724877/combining-data-frames-and-replacing-values-in-correct-order",
            "title": "Combining Data Frames and Replacing values in Correct order"
            "last_activity_date": 1523241915,
            "link": "https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49724858/code-for-factoring-doesnt-work-with-large-numbers",
            "title": "Code for factoring doesn't work with large numbers?"
with https://api.stackexchange.com/2.2/questions?page=1&pagesize=10&fromdate=1523241‌​374&order=desc&sort=activity&site=stackoverflow&filter=!-W2e9m5doJGV1OWsgs5G
That "Trying to change" question isn't there.
maybe I should increase the pagesize?
setting it to 100 still doesn't show up your edited q
is that definitely the time you edited it at?
I'll edit one more now
got it
    "items": [
            "last_activity_date": 1523242262,
            "link": "https://stackoverflow.com/questions/28771218/generate-empty-data-between-the-range-of-a-timestamp-date-javascript",
            "title": "Generate empty data between the range of a timestamp date | Javascript"
            "last_activity_date": 1523242262,
            "link": "https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14973942/tcp-loopback-connection-vs-unix-domain-socket-performance",
            "title": "TCP loopback connection vs Unix Domain Socket performance"
7th from the top
... or 4th from the bottom lol
I didn't set fromdate though
It isn't there
Setting fromdate is screwing things up
And I think we faced this same issue when trying out Belisarius, ain't it @Bugs?
in SOBotics, Jun 15 '17 at 13:02, by Bhargav Rao
@bugs @Petter The fromdate is the creation of the post and not the edit.
Nearly an year back, I was more brilliant.
> while fromdate and todate always define the range of creation_date
well then
mystery solved :D
yepz, I remember reading that looooong back
RoundaBot started
[ RoundaBot ] New activity on post with close votes How to do calculate columns sum?
Should work now, let's see.
Prepare for teh floods
Phew, finally.
[ RoundaBot ] New activity on post with close votes REST API reponses with HTTP response codes
[ RoundaBot ] New activity on post with close votes Getting current location with python
[ RoundaBot ] New activity on post with close votes Adding user validation to ReadDouble function
[ RoundaBot ] New activity on post with close votes Should i give up my js carrear
[ RoundaBot ] New activity on post with close votes Remove files of all kinds in a shortcut
[ RoundaBot ] New activity on post with close votes Custom sine wave Swift
[ RoundaBot ] New activity on post with close votes Processing tracker information on server using php
[ RoundaBot ] New activity on post with close votes Should i give up my js carrear
RoundaBot started
[ RoundaBot ] Question with close votes edited Custom sine wave Swift
[ RoundaBot ] Activity in answers on a question with closed votes Git flow guideline for CI and CD
[ RoundaBot ] Activity in answers on a question with closed votes PHP - getting wrong JSON
[ RoundaBot ] Activity in answers on a question with closed votes How to create all substrings starting from the first letter?
25 posts in 35 mins.
And it's Sunday.
[ RoundaBot ] Activity in answers on a question with closed votes How can i make boxes with bootstrap
[ RoundaBot ] Activity in answers on a question with closed votes Get rid of arrows when not neededq
[ RoundaBot ] Question with close votes edited Couldn't find a tree builder Python
[ RoundaBot ] Question with close votes edited Maximum sum range in a array mod M and how many
[ RoundaBot ] Activity in answers on a question with closed votes VBA Remove hidden double quote in CSV with Powershell command
[ RoundaBot ] Activity in answers on a question with closed votes How to use c language to code USB app on Android?
[ RoundaBot ] Activity in answers on a question with closed votes Cannot Resolve Symbol 'ApiClient' - Retrofit
[ RoundaBot ] Activity in answers on a question with closed votes How do I only Include one delimeter in C# regex?
[ RoundaBot ] Activity in answers on a question with closed votes how to add ajax return value to selectbox?
[ RoundaBot ] Activity in answers on a question with closed votes Cannot Resolve Symbol 'ApiClient' - Retrofit
[ RoundaBot ] Activity in answers on a question with closed votes How to grep for files in a log two levels into root?
[ RoundaBot ] Activity in answers on a question with closed votes Custom editText clear button
[ RoundaBot ] Activity in answers on a question with closed votes TensorFlow? pattern recognition
[ RoundaBot ] Activity in answers on a question with closed votes Remove files of all kinds in a shortcut
[ RoundaBot ] Activity in answers on a question with closed votes how to add ajax return value to selectbox?
[ RoundaBot ] Activity in answers on a question with closed votes MYSQL: need help formating a join between 2 rather different results
[ RoundaBot ] Question with close votes edited Js obfuscation, get the same result
[ RoundaBot ] Activity in answers on a question with closed votes how to add ajax return value to selectbox?
[ RoundaBot ] Activity in answers on a question with closed votes specific values count in groupby
[ RoundaBot ] Question with close votes edited How do I only Include one delimeter in C# regex?
[ RoundaBot ] Question with close votes edited floating action button from scratch
[ RoundaBot ] Activity in answers on a question with closed votes Remove files of all kinds in a shortcut
[ RoundaBot ] Activity in answers on a question with closed votes How do I only Include one delimeter in C# regex?
[ RoundaBot ] Activity in answers on a question with closed votes How to Enable and Disable time in js?
[ RoundaBot ] Activity in answers on a question with closed votes how to add ajax return value to selectbox?
[ RoundaBot ] Activity in answers on a question with closed votes How to receive gmail using imap in server?
[ RoundaBot ] Activity in answers on a question with closed votes How to Enable and Disable time in js?
[ RoundaBot ] Question with close votes edited Xcode 9.3 export code signing and assets failed
[ RoundaBot ] Question with close votes edited How to add data after comparison in codeignitor
[ RoundaBot ] Activity in answers on a question with closed votes how to add ajax return value to selectbox?
[ RoundaBot ] Activity in answers on a question with closed votes Script keeps timing WP site out. Any ideas where it comes from
[ RoundaBot ] Activity in answers on a question with closed votes How do I only Include one delimeter in C# regex?
[ RoundaBot ] Activity in answers on a question with closed votes Ruby STDERR & STDOUT log file on Mac
[ RoundaBot ] Question with close votes edited What is strlen elision?
[ RoundaBot ] Activity in answers on a question with closed votes Remove files of all kinds in a shortcut
[ RoundaBot ] Question with close votes edited How to add data after comparison in codeignitor
[ RoundaBot ] Activity in answers on a question with closed votes How to Enable and Disable time in js?
[ RoundaBot ] Activity in answers on a question with closed votes retrieving Column cells value from datagridview C#
[ RoundaBot ] Question with close votes edited Search autocomplete android
[ RoundaBot ] Activity in answers on a question with closed votes How to solve php stdClass error
[ RoundaBot ] Question with close votes edited Ruby STDERR & STDOUT log file on Mac
[ RoundaBot ] Activity in answers on a question with closed votes Optimization of a medieval city
[ RoundaBot ] Activity in answers on a question with closed votes how to add ajax return value to selectbox?
[ RoundaBot ] Activity in answers on a question with closed votes How to create all substrings starting from the first letter?
[ RoundaBot ] Activity in answers on a question with closed votes Php/MySQL: Unable to insert a single row only
just too many
RoundaBot started
decreased it to 4cvs
[ RoundaBot ] Activity in answers on a question with closed votes Php code for avg calculation from db
reducing it to 4cvs seems apt
3 reports in 15 minutes. Almost SOCVR level spamming, if not Sobotics level :p
[ RoundaBot ] Activity in answers on a question with closed votes How to make a form like this?
Let's pull in rene and Makyen and get their suggestions on what might be problematic.
Oh... or @Sam, we can create that other repo which we discussed in the room meeting
Which repo was that again?
oh right
Want to create one?
Name it as Nursery or something? :D
[ RoundaBot ] Activity in answers on a question with closed votes Multiplication in scala, details are mentioned below
I won't be able to make a readme or anything today though
it's pretty late over here, I'll be getting to bed soon
[ RoundaBot ] Question with close votes edited Can we return a String in a PHP function
Perfect, I'll do the remaining work. Danke.
ok, I'll catch you tomorrow o/
Gunnite \o
room topic changed to SOBotics Workshop: A place to test new bots that will eventually graduate to the SOBotics main room. Github: sobotics.org/github | Redunda: sobotics.org/redunda | Channel: sobotics.org/channel [bots] [testing] [waffles]
@Jammy damn YT link sigh
choo choo
13 messages moved from SOBotics
[ RoundaBot ] Activity in answers on a question with closed votes difference between 96 threads and 6500 threads?
[ RoundaBot ] Activity in answers on a question with closed votes On-BackPressed from Activity should navigate to previous fragment
[ RoundaBot ] Activity in answers on a question with closed votes Swift 4 add custom rounded shape to UIView
@BhargavRao Yeah I remember going through that the last time. Caused a few problems.
I should have started it when you were there, could have saved a few hrs ;)
Yeah :D I need to get Beli set up into this room as well but should I just let it output normally like it does now?
Also going to look at learning Python at some point soon so need a few ideas on what to dev
What does it do now?
[ RoundaBot ] Activity in answers on a question with closed votes can not resolve symbol FirebaseMessagingService
[ Belisarius ] started.
Erm got a few errors then
[ Belisarius ] started.
Meh, that was strange. Maybe I started two instances at the same time. Think it's OK now
4 messages moved from SOBotics
that's not a train ;(
[ RoundaBot ] Activity in answers on a question with closed votes PDF to Excel in Java
[ RoundaBot ] Activity in answers on a question with closed votes PDF to Excel in Java
[ RoundaBot ] Activity in answers on a question with closed votes Can we do web automation without using selenium/ QTP etc?
[ RoundaBot ] Activity in answers on a question with closed votes C# One function modifies two classes but not parents
[ RoundaBot ] Activity in answers on a question with closed votes Why saving wrong date in sqldatabase
[ RoundaBot ] Question with close votes edited Why saving wrong date in sqldatabase
@Bugs if you need some basic Python project to work on, you can help me out in re-constructing Thunder from scratch; I was planning to do it next week, but you can start now. A collaborator would be huge help.
You sure you want Bugs in your project?
Uh, I see that other bots like Queen and Gut are also here; are they posting reports too?
Nah, they entered once for testing. But as they're alive in the other room, they still remain here.
@Queen alive
Sure thing buzzing around
Okay, Queen is still alive
oh, okay.
Only queen is alive.
@AshishAhuja sure, I can certainly lend a hand when I get the chance. I'll get it all set up so I can at least start looking into it
@BhargavRao the more bugs the better I say
@Bugs Uh, Thunder was my first ever Python project and it is just horrible; I was planning to start from scratch.
@BhargavRao Just outputs a message like it does in SOBotics or the HQ I have for it. I mean it will keep the room active but I wasn't sure on whether I should just leave it running in here or whether I should set up a way of only running when in "debug" mode.
I recently completed Botpy so command management and Redunda sync is already done if we use it.
@Bugs send the error messages here ;p
See when I'm testing commands I sometimes head over to the HQ but i can do that in here now, when it's running.
run it here, w/o reporting?
@BhargavRao that's an idea, I could build that in
@AshishAhuja cool, I need to get Beli onto Redunda though not sure how
@Bugs isn't there a java lib for Redunda?
Probably, I just haven't had time to look into it :D
I'll nick Natty code :D
Oh, that won't help then. Forgot I asked that Q XD
Remember now Felix going into detail, I'll check it out when I get it up and running at home
That's the first job
@AshishAhuja, btw, you dev'd pyRedunda, right? You might wanna add another answer to that post.
@BhargavRao sure, I'll try to put one when I get some time. pyRedunda docs cover pretty much everything, so a link to them should suffice for now.
flags as link only XD
@Bugs angry
takes bug killer poison and spreads it around the room
@AshishAhuja flees
sigh.. the bugs win again
[ RoundaBot ] Activity in answers on a question with closed votes Please explain code as follow
[ RoundaBot ] Question with close votes edited MVC Webapi - Multiple request
[ RoundaBot ] Activity in answers on a question with closed votes How to retrieve video metadata using id3 class in PHP?
choo choo
12 messages moved from SOBotics
[ RoundaBot ] Activity in answers on a question with closed votes C++ priority queue "greater" option is not working
[ RoundaBot ] Question with close votes edited How to update fact table using SQL Lite?
[ RoundaBot ] Question with close votes edited Questinary Idea in Android
@Belisarius alive
[ Belisarius ] started.
[ Belisarius ] started.
3 messages moved from SOBotics
[ RoundaBot ] Activity in answers on a question with closed votes PDF to Excel in Java
[ RoundaBot ] Activity in answers on a question with closed votes What is wrong in my code. Help please
[ RoundaBot ] Activity in answers on a question with closed votes PDF to Excel in Java
[ RoundaBot ] Activity in answers on a question with closed votes Angularjs ng-include change value from javascript function
[ RoundaBot ] Activity in answers on a question with closed votes How to create Drop-down menu in search bar?
[ RoundaBot ] Question with close votes edited How to create Drop-down menu in search bar?
[ RoundaBot ] Question with close votes edited Rate calculator - Get Price on Age Input
[ RoundaBot ] Question with close votes edited How to create Drop-down menu in search bar?
[ RoundaBot ] Question with close votes edited Pre-load iframe JS
@BhargavRao FR for RoundaBot: it is getting a lot of fps right now; maybe only show reports where the OP has edited the post, and not any other user as a user other than the OP most likely cannot revive the whole post. Maybe also compare the revision to see if the total characters changed are above a specific limit, say 15 chars to start with as I saw a post with a one char change.
Maybe also get a somewhat better name?
Yep, I'm planning to prune this a lot.
And what ye say does make a lot of sense. Do add your suggestions on the Nursery post, it'll be easier to track.
@BhargavRao kk, doing it now.
@Queen ?
why is it posting reports?
[ RoundaBot ] Question with close votes edited Android Studio updates fail
@AshishAhuja petter starting posting these to keep the room unfrozen
2 messages moved from SOBotics
11 messages moved from SOBotics
00:00 - 16:0019:00 - 23:00

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