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00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

I don't get to do much android stuff the days I am working
A tutorial about SQLite?
what are you working on?
Cool. Can you please share the link :)
its not created yet
Oh ok
I pedicab
he is taking requests haha
haha :D
that is work eskimo
Oh btw eskimo did the thing with the service work?
is that you?
Haha no that was last year's manager
=x what did he do?
I forget, the park police used to hate us
Does not look like fun
watched a guy get tazed, twice :(
but now we have permits so they don't bother us
I can only get 480 res on your vid Foamy
@luckyreed76 @FoamyGuy I second the ContentProvider tutorial.
I'm kindda figuring out how to use them.
@FoamyGuy Oh...and testing with JUnit and MonkeyRunner (at least two separate videos) and maybe Robotium
that one (ContentProvider) I'll have to do some researching on before I am able to do, Haven't used them much myself
@Ahmad, I haven't refactored it to a service yet. After Memorial Day weekend here I should have some time. Lots of tourists will be here to give rides to
@FoamyGuy I've figured them out for my needs (mostly)...my biggest hangup right now is my half-finished test suite. I would really like to get my test cases to pass before making the significant changes needed to convert from a managed cursor to a content provider. That way I can actually tell if I break my actual code rather than wondering if the test itself is broken.
same with JUnit and Monkeyrunner
I bought amazon.com/Android-Application-Testing-Torres-Milano/dp/…. I hope it will give me some tips on fixing my current testing suite...
Alright Foamy I am ready for the next one lets go
there will be around a million motorcycles here on Sunday
what for?
rolling thunder, they ride around in a loop for POW awareness
off to dinner
@FoamyGuy gnite
so is commonsware guy like a dick or what
not sure...why?
i dont know his response here seemed dickish:
@JMRboosties: No, insofar as you should have figured out that was the problem long before trying to actually do anything with Maps V2. — CommonsWare 4 hours ago
haha...that could be taken as semi dickish
hahah yeah he is sometimes
some of his responses come of as tad on the dick side, there is wisdom in most of them though
I think he prolly got ruined by how much time he spends in the [Android] tag
Kudos to him for having answered so many questions. He helped a lot of people. And to be honest, you can only answer more than 2k question, if you have a lot of knowledge in this field. So maybe it was something he had answered more than 10 times. If I was on him, I would react the same from time to time.
Most time he is very patient though
Good night I'm off to sleep. Cya'll
more than 2k? he is closing in on 10k answers...
ok makes even more sense now... haha :p
However, night :P
I would love a webservice/mySQL/php to SQLite tutorial! haha
I started using silex for my REST stuff
haven't made it live yet though
why? what where you using before?
just php files
same here
silex puts it all in one place though
just one php file?
yeah basically
but that makes the API calls much cleaner and more REST-like
It's easier to contain the request data in the URI and whatnot
and not needing the .php suffix every time you call it makes it more semantically accurate
I just use a php script that displays my data in xml adn then I call my parser class...not sure if that is the most efficient or correct way to do it but it works for me
You are way more likely to get a python server side video out of me than php =p
@luckyreed76 I don't have another video yet, but here is a sneak peak. I added an annotation version of the MainActivity to the StackSites app.
That is so different looking...wow
how do you like it?
I do
no more inner classes
well you better get moving on that tut :)
and the annotations make for somewhat self commenting code, they make it pretty clear what each chunk of code is for.
I gotta decide if I want to focus it on that stack sites activity or make a new example for it
or maybe do both
but most immediately I am going to crush some cartoon red guys in TF2 and then go to bed
how is TF2?
Has anyone worked on AsyncTaskLoader? Why it shows always error that The method getSupportLoaderManager() is undefined for the type InformationActivity
Everything is fine from the support library except this.
2 hours later…
Yeah he is a bit of a prick sometimes. Remember that once when Graeme got into an argument with him?
He can be pretty nice too though. Like if you contact him off SO
I asked him to do a guest post for my site once, and he sent one a couple of days later
@Nezam Rejected because of reasons
how is the head Reno?
2 hours later…
what is up Anders
Morning reed :)
Qualified myself for a "championship" in magic yday evening
Nice...is that like WarCraft? Or is just the cards? Sorry for the ignorance
cards online though :)
when does the championship start?
june 1st 10am utc -7
what do you win? Just the pride?
The bottom "event"
nice! how long have you been playing Magic?
6months :)
not bad for six months
Naah im doing okay :)
about 200 is qualified for the championship if my math is correct :)
I am sure a lot of people play though
hundres of thousands
what up Ahmad
hey o/
Nothing much. Just sitting in school haha :p
just trying to do some parsing
you growing the beard out?
trying to figure out how to get the <item = 19029123 name="blah">
so xml parsing? :)
correct..my PullParser class doesn't want to work when I just put "item" in the if statement
I think I am going to try a Sax Parser
Never tried pullparser, well havnt really done a lot with sax parser neither :P
I think I got a good start off this tut I just found :)
this tut ?
good morning
Good early noon mr Faith
good late night to you
@WarrenFaith Thats freaking hilarious
yeah, kind of funny
I would have killed the kinect
and then sued Microsoft to death
good morning Interwebz !
Danm that cat is F A T
I'm going to do that to my cat
THIS is a fat cat ;)
I can't help but feel pity for all the people who are feeding their animals to such forms...
true dat
True both of you :)
is it just me or is the verge really really unreadable on the front page?
I mean the Metro/Card UI is a good one but this without total margins is just a mess for my eyes
I have real trouble to see where something starts and where it ends...
it might be that I am not a native speaker, but hell this gives me some headache...
The cats in my locality are pretty competitive, they can't afford to be fat and cute
fun fact: in French "verge" means "dick/penis"
I like the site to some degree, to many colors though ;)
@MadhuCM you have access follow the rules etc
the color stresses me and also that sometimes the text is white, other times it is black
I really don't know on which color I should concentrate
> Clap clap for "Beta testing and Staged rollouts" #AndroidDev #WhatsNewInGooglePlay
anyone heard that somewhere else?
I need a source for that...
humm nice
... aaand access rights taken away
I wouldn't have granted it in the first place :D
what happened ? :)
The classical "I WANT IN NOAW" and then pure silence...
slide 11 shows why I hate Apple the most: You just pay for the name...
tsss... "This is water" removed for copyright issue
if someone wants: I downloaded it in HQ
Nice slides, why does other companies have a low profit compared to Apple and Samsung
I guess because Apple has better leverage to make great deals
just remember the you can only buy it at XYZ
Apple's strategy won't work in the long run, not unless they innovate
our telcos just told us once, that from a 24month contract, they have the last three months to get profit, the rest goes to apple
not sure if this is still the case but it was at least for the first 3 generations afaik
anyone knows any android m-commerce app that respects android design principle and that is not a pure copy of the iOS version ?
hello @Rezoom
damn typo..
hello! daily right now. ;)
Reno: This app is incompatible with all of your devices.
they should change the message... I have GN, N4 and N10 and not my devices are incompatible but the fucking country is
yes they should finally make wallet available in switzerland / germany / europe :P
hi there
funny fact: somehow my galaxy s3 is not visible anymore when I go to google play via the website :>
I think it will be compatible with any NFC device
@Reno Not available in my country. Thanks anyway :)
@Warren N4 should support it, no Tablets have NFC support yet
N10 has NFC afaik
Scroll right to the bottom
or ctrl F Google Wallet
still the app is not released in Germany
@german speaking guys: how to refer to "tap" if you write a documentation in german do you use "Tap auf das Icon XYZ" oder "Icon XYZ antippen" ? And would you also use "tappen" as a verb? :P
Klicken/Drücken geht auch
Or do you even use "klick"
I think I'll buy the GS4 for my dad
Finds einfach merkwürdig wenn man dann schreibt "Doppelt auf die Karte klicken/drücken"...
the question is: do you want to use the same word every time? You should iterate to make it easier to read
gs4 with cm installed might be a good device...
hmm I had a entire different view: Thought I should be very consistent in the whole documentation and always use the same word...but maybe you're right
Why use CM when there is a Nexus version of it?
There were no give away's at this Google I/O right?
@Reno no only a Pixel.... :P
because they had many of them unsold in there garage ^^
You didn't said that you want the nexus version of the gs4
Nah, I meant the hardware, I can install any software I want on it :d
I'm impressed by Pixel's resolution
who needs a pixel? I am watching hundreds of thousands of them every day :D
user image
now I can die in peace
I'll check on Google Earth
it is late here...I am very susceptible
Can't be true
It opens up somewhere in India
damn I am wondering what will happen when this hits the market sector...
@Rezoom forget the Intel water demo, check this video above!
Easter island opens up in Jaisalmer in Rajasthan, India
-27.166695222253104,-109.22607421875 to 27.166695222253104,70.77392578125
@WarrenFaith this! is! awesome! :D
the snow simulation looks awesome
and the paper tearing... and folding
yeah, i was really impressed
as usual: all gamers see the little details. :D
"Gamers will know..."
the table is moving, you just can't see it... :D
but it is very nicely made
That screen is nice. I don't really see the point of the color e-readers today that are just going to burn up your retina
I'd probably even use it as a phone, I don't really need to be using my phone in the dark
baaaa I hate all these fucking lazy bastards...
yelling When you even too lazy to write the vocals of your own fucking name, get the hell out of my life!
A: cannot convert from android.app.FragmentManager to android.support.v4.app.FragmentManager

prvnSupportFragmentManager fm=((SupportMapFragment) getSupportFragmentManager();

user "prvn"
mrtnbrr would be my name without vocals..
can't see the yell part of it
That is a pretty awful cast
but fair enough :)
I just stumbled over a basic question about "what does this and setcontentview do?"
Ahh you were yelling muhaha :D
from someone answering another question with a full AsyncTask implementation... you really can't convince me that this dude has any clue about the AsyncTask after asking such a question
there are some sick copy&paste heroes out there...
Yes and we rule the world we do :P
1 hour later…
... the battery lifetime of my galaxy nexus really dropped in the past weeks
6 1/2 hours barely used: 40%
Android OS took 24% of my battery
9m cpu time, active 2h 30m
I blame the newest play store iteration
that happened to my sidekick too
it started before the playstore update
i experienced the same. even had to turn off the awesome Pixel Fleet live wallpaper xD
to get over the day with only one full loaded battery
I just say that the browser synch failed (guess because I use stock and not chrome)
disabled it
I am still using chrome but I don't like it =x
the (old) stock browser had great lab-features
like the thumb menu
and it was much more quicker than chrome, i think. but i really like the synch features of chrome.
scroll down and do some quick readings, it is worth it
#12... i lol'd
#13 is a cool tip, too
activate Airplane mode when in an airplane...
in JavaScript: The History & Applications Thereof., 3 mins ago, by Zirak
in case any owner wants to try it:
$.post('/rooms/setuseraccess/17', fkey({aclUserId: CHAT.user.current().id, userAccess: 'read-write'}))
@RaghavSood ^
HAHAHAHA hahahah.... ha.... hm....
A: android - onBackPressed() not working for me

Raghunandanyou can use this @Override public boolean onKeyDown(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) { if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK) { onBackPressed(); } return super.onKeyDown(keyCode, event); } public void onBackPressed() { Intent myIntent = new Intent(MyActivity.this, MainActivity.class); my...

he suggest to not show a dialog when user pressed back, instead he starts a new activity... WTF?
it's called the idiot pattern. ^^
@user720954 rejected because you are using a default user name
Hmm... Looks as though I'm going to have to rebuild my android app in Android Studio as I have found A LOT OF ERRORS
rebuild as in start it again from scratch
Ok... so what the hell can I do about this 'com.au.ausdroid.activity.ArticleActivity' is not assignable to 'android.app.Activity' (at line 21)
are you using any librarys that need to be re-added to the build path?
ah yep
@user720954 (yes I see you changed the nickname, the synch just needs some time). Anyway welcome to the club. Read the rules.
Has anyone tried playing around with the new Android Geofence api ?
nope not yet
I ran the sample code that came with it, but it doesn't seem to alert me when I reach the location inside the geofence.. something weird is going on !
the documentation is not clear if there is something in addition that has to be coded in order for it to track you
being an early adopter is never a pleasant experience..
hasn't there been a 3rd party geo-fencing API called "Locale" or something like that since one of the first app developer challenges?
why not just use that one that has been around for years instead of googles brand new one?
I wish someone could help me understand if adding a geofence to LocationClient is all that is needed to track a user.. looks like I am missing a piece of the puzzle
So guys, is the android studio working well ?
hmm.. never tried Locale before...
tasker lets you make a geofence profile too
but, the new geofence api seems to fit exactly what I am looking for..
but unfortunately there is no help anywhere
if anyone wants to take a closer look at the issue I am having, please free to post it here :
Q: New Android Geofence Api - Sample code does not alert/notify when at location

Torri VeganasI need some clarity on the sample code supplied with Geofence guide as posted here : https://developer.android.com/training/location/geofencing.html I ran the code and I see that geofences are created correctly, but what I really want is a way to get alerted when I drive to those geofenced loca...

Appreciate your help
It one one of the dev challenges, which I thought meant it had to be free but seems not
holy crap this judge is a piece of shit, I sincerely hope that guy is not in a position of power anymore.
What? Oo
46 people?
@GabrielNetto welcome, read the rules and please do not just write one line and never show up again (like in your recent chat)
and please do not post cat gif (it's MY job)
hi pyrodante
gnaaaa! I hate it... I set up AS to auto import and not ask... result: android.R is always imported instead of mine (and he doesn't even care that there might be 2 classes and that he should ask me)
I have been lost on a sea of Rubies
Eclipse/ADT still has a bright and long future ahead
ha! my fault :D
subclass drawable wasn't available in my library, so he assumed correct
See Android takes your hate, with love
bread cat is evolving RUN!
cat fight
ain't nobody got time fo' dat !
user image
took some digging, but I found it
@Fishonthegrass welcome to the chat. Please read the room rules especially the part about writing the best possible english you are capable of.
@GabrielNetto access removed again. No need to request access if you don't need it.
polygon.com/2013/5/21/4353010/kinect-trouble-xbox-one-reveal hehe, this could be a prank target for future generations. xD
@Rezoom "We here are now going to announce Xbox Format" format window opens and starts reformatting WELL, SHIT!
that is priceless
the xbox commands
The awkward moment when you decide to clean your keyboard just after sending a message to your friend then you realise that you sent them a message containing "[a+"
I don't own an xbox... is there some sort of skype style video chat?
it's actually skype itself
can you send commands to your friends xbox while you are in a call?
hrhrhrhr. good question. :D
Considering Microsoft own Skype... The Xbox One will have it
Who thinks HTC should sue Microsoft :P
00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

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