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Does anyone have a clue why a perfectly working PullParser/Splash/ListActivity works great within my application, but when I copy and paste the same working activities to another part of the same application and make due changes the PullParser fails to work?
@luckyreed76 Copy/paste coding? Sounds like you need to think about designing reusable classes.
I do on some classes but I can't do it for all of them
How does it fail to work?
I've never had issues with shifting classes around providing is not imported in another class
My AsyncTask fails the DoInBackGround which is the PullParser that I change up for each feed...it is just weird
Did you rebuild it?
It is in AutoBuild
Try a Clean and Build
I erased then gen file too
Does the Build Project work differently then the Auto Build?
Just try a clean and build, see what that does
It's the same
It's always a good idea to do a clean and build when weird errors occur
Not just delete generated files
didn't work....I am going to build it on my other machine and see what happens
Were there any build errors?
I am getting a logcat Error on my parseXml(String)...but I built the webservice and the XML it is parsing
and the same PullParser Class with some small changes works all the time...I literally have about 25 feeds
Whats the error?
System.error after my break; eventType = parse.next(); at END_DOCUMENT
I am going build it in new environment
The other thing I am thinking of is where is the copied class in relation to the original
yeah, I am messing around with my imports
Check you have the correct permissions.. e.g. Public, Private, Protected
So I move the code and I get errors on PullParser/ListActivity etc. I refactor and import
and the errors go away
but the classes don't import
so I am adding all those now
Oooooh Refactoring
go on...!
Gimme a sec..
It's true, it can cause SOOOO many poblems
Yeah...apparently so...I have changed and added to the Manifest
2 hours later…
i'm having a weird problem
i have an Android app and test suite that used to run fine, but is now suddenly giving this error when i try to "ant debug install test" it: java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problem: Bound mismatch: The type FooData is not a valid substitute for the bounded parameter <T extends ContentProvider> of the type ProviderTestCase2<T>
(that's coming from android.test.suitebuilder.TestSuiteBuilder$FailedToCreateTests)
what's weird is that it's only happening on my one machine
my other desktop, with the same checkout, has no problem
the class in question is definitely extending ContentProvider
is your version of tools/sdk the same on both machines?
updated to version 22 a couple of days ago
(and it's worked since then, so just update shouldn't have broken it)
what is up foamy
going to bed
same here I think
foo, now it works
never mind :P
@JMRboosties Have you tried using the latest JB GS2?
I'm trying to build ACRA (on Ubuntu 13.04, with the default system JDK), but "mvn compile" is giving me: "Fatal Error: Unable to find package java.lang in classpath or bootclasspath"
how do you tell Maven where to find that?
4 hours later…
Hello everybody
hi ! It's me !
Hey champ
And hey waren
last sentence: "Yahoo already run/operate/controls Google and Facebook"
German journalists at their best...
Lawl :)
Anyone knows how to get custom views shown in eclipse editor? :)
not really
shouldn't they automatically ?
at least you need to implement all three constructors
in android studio it fails in my init() method that requires some context stuff
and the designer just don't provide a context
this fixed it:
Q: Custom Android Views in Eclipse Visual Editor

fedepaolIn my applications, I often rely on custom build views, such as in the following example. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" android:orientation="vertical" android:background="@color/light_grey" android:layout_height="...

Nice to know :)
I didn't know that... thanks for sharing!
I knew it but I just wasn't able to remember... Thanks :)
Any time.
I was doing some fetching of data in my init ;) that's what ruined my view :)
@Kalai.G rejected. Your usage of the English language isn't really good and you ping quite often.
@Maid786 rejected, again. Feels like the 500th time in the last 2 weeks. You still ping extremely often and this is not welcome here. You even do empty pings (meaning you just ping the name, no message at all) Please change that behavior or stop requesting access.
I don't know what Marissa was thinking
Here is a video of her laughing : youtube.com/watch?v=mcSujceZDmg
what the hell?
I feel kind of sorry for her laughing... it doesn't make me laugh at all
anyone familiar with some basic file hacking?
I have a somehow encrypted file, basically I just thought about simple binary data but I am not able to get other result then cryptic stuff
@WarrenFaith More details/context?
I have none :D
basically I want to see what is stored in a file from a foreign programm
Well, what file is it?
What program?
Warren if you have no idea how it's encrypted you can't decrypt it.
which means it can be enything
Where is it from? Can you upload it anywhere?
Can you run the file command against it?
file command just tells me that it is binary
so it can be everything
I get the bytes but as soon as I try to cast them to chars, I am getting gibberish
Don't you know what program it's from?
the same I see when opening the file with a notepad
I do now but it is a game and closed source
so no information there
ah, what game?
Leagues of Heros
and from where in the game?
filesystem :) (rooted device)
/filearchives/ ?
if it's that, you could try code.google.com/p/raf-manager or similar
looks like there are a few RAF tools around
nope wrong game :D
Leagues of Heros (android game)
d'oh, Google autocorrection
apparently it might be some OBB format?
ok the file itself has the extension of xml so I should be able to get the header <?xml somehow
pcottle.github.io/learnGitBranching/index.html?demo fun game to learn (or refresh your knowledge) about git branching
hi there
3 hours later…
really a quite day today
da end of da fat awesome party reached
I can finally use adb on both my n4 and this random tablet. though I had to sacrifice my open chrome tabs at some point along the way =x
hm... anyone an idea why a decoded drawable has a height but a width of -1?
whats the height? expected value is actual?
I guess the png files are corrupted somehow... I will check one that works on another project
@thiagolr rejected because you just join to get your question opened again. You might want to join Google Service chat room where you can talk about the Play Games as well. We are looking for people with some experience there. You will get an open vote from me there :D
1 hour later…
i'm having trouble with these intents
in my main activity i have a method that i want to call from another activity. is an intent the best way to go?
If you broadcast the intent then it is the right way
the trigger is actually in the fragment (onListItemClick)
so what I'm doing is the following:
calling method in fragment's activity
and in that method broadcasting the intent
why can't you let the fragment send the broadcast directly?
I would try to decouple fragment from activity as best as possible
ok let me try that
what do i have to import to send the broadcast from the fragment?
i have to use getApplicationContext() right?
you should be able to use getActivity() as well
yup that worked
ok now for my receiver
should i make an inner class in onCreate?
Why not use LocalBroadcastManager from the support lib?
seems like what you want,.. passing intents with data
depends on the process/thread structure he uses
i don't necessarily need data
just a message
you should make the receiver an inner class and as a member variable so that you can unregister the receiver again
1 hour later…
eclipse is freaking out
im gonna dump it after i finish this build
mine went crazy
Slightly confused over how the backwards compatibility works in android. I'm using NdefRecord.createUri() which was introduced in API 14. I'm deploying to a device running API 10, and it crashes due to a MethodNotFoundException.
@ScottW what up man
@James.Elsey which part are you confused about? API 10 < API 14 and thus does not have access to a method that was only introduced in lvl 14...
You device can't run anything with an API over 10
but if it was a 14 api it could run a 10
I think you have the backwards compatability backwards :)
Foamy are you having trouble with eclipse anymore?
sorry about the ping
ha I think I might be getting a dog this weekend...Roy was my best friend's dog and he came and got him about a week ago (very sad)
no shit
I do have some more vids
give me a sec....what I really want is a Staffordshire Bull Terrier
but they are expensive here in the states
WHA!!!? no more Roy?
Roy was at summer lake camp, my best friend came and took him back to houston
he stayed with me for like two weeks and now I am getting my own this weekend I am think
aah. well. that sucks. and gratz!
lol... if my future dog is half as obedient, I'll be one happy camper
That is a misconception...Roy was not obedient at all but that was after a week of discipline so your future dog can be anything you want them to be
you just have to figure out what motivates them the most...with Roy he would go crazy when it was feeding time, so I made him wait for food everytime
@luckyreed76 yeah right can be anything you want .... --> dudelol.com/img/they-said-i-could-be-anything.jpg :D
haha, that is rediculous
indeed :D
@luckyreed76 good to know
so getting the map frag in maps v2 is returning null on some devices
not even like "all gs2s"
like one device in particular
my gs2 and nexus and gs3 and nexus 7 all handle it fine
but one of my QA guy's returns null and it all goes to hell from there
haha....forgive you train any dog you just have to be patient
its like spike from tom and jerry came to life
wait seriously
jsonObject.getJsonObject("name") throws an exception if "name":null
shouldnt the jsonobject just = null
thats the stupidest thing ive ever seen
@JMRboosties use the opt calls : developer.android.com/reference/org/json/…
seriously fuck eclipse
im tired of it
i just have to reset it a lot
because it stops doing autocomplete or search or any other important functions
im getting the weirdest concurrentmodificationexception
can you gist up your .ini file?
i mean i can recreate it easily
but it doesnt make sense
@forgivegod its stable again, i dont know what was going on earlier
but check this out
publishProgress() runs this
@FoamyGuy WTF?
mAdapter.setAdpaterData(aBundle, aFirstUp);
all that does is set the bundle's items to the adapter
i dont get why it crashes, and whats more
it only happens when i cancel the task this is running in and start a new one
who knows man
hmm.. maybe its in the cancel.
@JMRboosties go back to basics, when it all get a bit like Andy Dufraine's final escape ... you need a bar of soap!
i fixed it
spoilers: i was an idiot
i have 2 asynctasks and i was cancelling the wrong one
it happs
@Merlin it was on the topic of you can make a dog anything you want. And also the body building guy that someone posted made me think of the muscle dog.
can I make a dog a cat? I would be more comfortable with that
you could probably make it act like one with enough work
@Ahmad you there
Is there an app for Android and Mac for creating tasks/to do lists?
I feel like the only one is evernote
Surely there are some that have a web front end
Yeah so it seems
I can't name any though =x or are you looking specifically for a downloadable mac client and not something accessed via browser?
Was looking for something native
But I think I'll have to rely on a web app after all, since there seems to be no good and light weight app out there
ahmad need some of your expertise on android studio
Hmm... Maybe I found a gap in the market. A native, syncable tasks app for Android and Mac haha :D
The targeted audience shouldn't be very big though hahah
@kabuto178 how can I help you? ;)
How do i get the name of the parameters for a method in studio, you know like in eclipse when you hover it tells you arg1 is a and arg2 is b etc
You're in luck
A: View method information in Android Studio

AhmadYou have to press CTRL+Q to see the javadoc. AFAIK there is no way to show it by hovering over it. (See my edit below) You can pin the window and make the documentation appear every time you select a method with your mouse though. Edit: You can also go into your IntelliJ's bin folder and ...

This is what you meant right?
high ahmad
haha 1 hour ago i looked at the members of the SO chat and thought"ohh... ahmad is not there"
--> avatar changed
what about your book?
Slow process :( I wanted to write 10 pages today. Only wrote 3 :/
hm ;(
Thanks :)
No problem :)
if you're looking for a great job, let me know! :D
See, this is why I'm looking for task app. I have to manage my time haha :P
lol your middle name is time management!
what about google task?
Yeah thought about that, but there is no mac client for that :/
At least nothing free or in the range of 1-5 euro
ah google task is independent from platform!!?!
I know xD
But I was searching for a native client haha :P
But I'll have to go with a web client then
@Ahmad googleTalk?
Hahah don't know, just felt like I wouldn't forget to actually write something down, if the app would be always in my sight in the doc
haha ok
It's Google Hangouts now ;)
1 hour later…
Hello, Android!
How goes it?
I am good...yourself?
what is next on the lesson plan Foamy
just recorded it actually
uploading now
and it is how to set up a project using Android Annotations
I am sad to say that I never used that before...I am going to watch your tut like right now, I will be the first view :)
heh, it is pretty new to me too. I heard about it a while back but never dug too deeply until within the last week or so I started helping out on a project that was built using it
did you change your layout on your blog?
don't think so
Your putting it on makemyandroidapp.com or the .org site?
though I do link to some of them in posts on the .com too
.org is the definitive list of all of the tutorial videos though
@FoamyGuy I need to make some time to watch some of your videos...I definitely like the idea and they might help fill in some of the gaps in my own Android knowledge.
Been working a lot of hours lately...not much time left over for my hobby programming ;-(
I am finally done with school for the semester which ironically (since these started as a school project) gives me more time to create the videos and sample projects since I don't have to drive out to campus twice a week
that is awesome...what is on the agenda?
video is up on youtube: youtu.be/b0u1oWFGQ8s
updating .org now
the next one will be another annotations one that focuses on more of the stuff that you can do with the project (whereas this one is just how to get up and running)
sqlite is on the list for sometime soonish as well.
nice...you should do a UI one too
I am open to requests as well, if you guys are finding the videos helpful and want me to cover something specific.
Thats a good idea
I'll add that to my list
I like the SQLite one a lot
I stumbled upon them too, I thought they were cool
what up eskimo!
Ahoy matey!
a Content Provider one

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