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00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

Hello, Android!
Good morning!
How are you?
not too bad you?
Still fine. How's your app going?
going at it still bit by bit
you working on anything
I'm not working on anything. Maybe next week though.
i hope so!
why are line numbers off by default in eclipse
1 hour later…
I want everyone to know I'm making progress with my app. I broke down and changed some switch statements to ugly if...else if...else chains. I couldn't find any other way to get my Activities to compile when they are in a library project ;-(
3 hours later…
When I come back from being distracted in the middle of editing a block of code...
My canvas refuses to draw an arc :/
debug see if something doesn't make sense ?
I did. My rect coordinates are fine, my paint is fine, my start and sweep angles are fine.
The same canvas happily draws two circles
But no arc
Hmmf That is weird then
try to set a different color for it or try to hardcode the coords maybe ?
I'm using the same Paint as with the circles
Just try? or make sure you don't set the coords wrong into the arc :)
Just trying to give you stuff that might break through the troubles :)
Both the first draw calls work fine
The drawArc and drawRect silently fail
Lol. this guy's trying to desperately hire me to write for his Android tutorial blog
I told him I'm unavailable till March 20th, and he literally started begging
Doubled the amount of money he was offering per article
You have a 0 in sweep angel?
> int startAngle = 270; // Global variable
LoL, how much is he offering?
Well you are definitely one of the best Androiders i know
@AndersMetnik $5/article
2-3 articles a day
Not much, but better than nothing :)
Yeah. But I don't think I'll take it. I've already got several things lined up for after my exams
He's ripping you off
I don't get it Rag, you start angle is set to 0 in the code?
you don't use the global variable
canvas.drawArc(rect, 0, angle, true, circleColor);
Ask for $100 per article at least
Oh right. Sorry. start angle is 0 for now, its supposed to be 270 later on. Sweep angle (angle) is 290.
It has to be between 0 and 359
Explain to me how these angels work, then your a darl :)
@sankettt Rejected. Your SO profile shows you are using this place as tech support only
Basically, drawArc draws an... arc of the specified Angles. the second parameter specifies the location of the first arm, the third parameter the location of the second one
So an arc of 0, 359 will draw a circle.
ahh think i get it now :)
Weird that it doesn't work then
Exactly. It was working fine in my pervious implementation. Except, the rest of the stuff didn't work fine in that
It's really not my strong side. :(
I'd really like to help you though
Try setting a different color for the arc, see if something doesn't act like you think, and it gets placed wrong?
Already tried all that :/
I've also removed the other draw statements
Post an SO Q then ;)
@RaghavSood Nothing ?
That just leaves me with a blank screen
I'd be happy if it even crashed on me
At least I'd have something to go on
Yeah, there is nothing worse then silent fails
You do have the sourcecode right? maybe step down as far as you can, and see if something goes bongus?
I don't have the AOSP downloaded.
Tried getting it once, failed midway through the download
What's your target version?
/build version
15, so ICS
Add that to eclipse
Staff meeting now, will check in on you later :)
My point with above, were that it's easy for 4.0 + sources, below is the annoying git repos etc.
Q: Canvas.drawArc() doesn't draw anything

Raghav SoodI'm trying to draw an arc to overlay on top of some part of an existing circle. Both of my circles draw perfectly fine, but neither my drawArc() call or my drawRect() call seem to do anything. The app does not crash, there is no exception. It just fails silently. onDraw() code: @Override protec...

Fixed it:
A: Canvas.drawArc() doesn't draw anything

Raghav SoodTurns out the problem was the line circleColor.setColor(color.holo_blue_light); While the Android SDK defines this as: A light Holo shade of blue Constant Value: 17170450 (0x01060012) It doesn't seem to be a valid color as far as my Canvas is concerned (note that this was added in A...

@RaghavSood Nice :D
Told ya to change the color :P
good morning
boah guys I need a spark for an idea in my mind: what is the best way to update UI from a service? BC? Handler?
Why would you do that Warren?
I need to react to a GCM registration
I have a toggle to turn GCM on and off
but the registration is asynchronously
Bind to the activity?
I wouldn't want to bind the GCM to a preference activity
I think I just fire a BC, probably the easiest part
He's going to throw the user through time to before Jesus' birth
choose one
Bum Chum?
I managed to get 3 portals yesterday
they were new ones...
I owned them 20 minutes...
got 4k AP for them (roughly)
user image
Cat off switch^
poor cat. I know it doesn't hurt, but I feel kind of sorry for the cat
HI there
@WarrenFaith bound Service + Listener registration, at least thats how I did it
I don't want to bind the service
a broadcast works good and seems to be lightweight enough, too
Yeah if you don't want it to be activity specific then broadcast should be the non hax way to go :)
anyone know anything about reusing ssl sessions?
> float newAngle = (float) (1/(Math.cos(((2*outerRadius+outerRadius)-(newOriginal*newOriginal))/(2*outerRadius*outerRadius))));
That is one ugly float calculation
You should see my colour temperature calculation
@RaghavSood (2*outerRadius+outerRadius) = outerRadius*3 ?
@AndersMetnik Well, I think it would be outerRadius*4, but I seem to have done something wrong
almost all my touches result in a new angle of one point something
Not very useful.
2*3 + 3 = 3*3 ....
so not *4
2x*2 = 4x
I did my operators in the wrong order
You're right
you have a + not a *
you have 2x+x = 3x
that might be your error
I'm pretty sure my error is that I just spent about half an hour implementing an angle calculation that works for triangles and using it on my circle
Hehehe, fair enough ;)
If I ever find out who made the decision to not have an out of the box circular progress bar in Android, I will kill them.
Here'w what I got so far
My progress doesn't work, my angles don't match up and I can't even get the circle thing to stay on the progress bar.
Well, technically its a seekbar
Wait, I'm sure this already exists
I can't find a trace of one that can be used as a normal view
all the ones I found were very integrated into their apps
Hmm... I could try customizing that.
@RaghavSood for your next book that you are writing, which I assume that you also have codecoverage in I'd suggest that you start with the helper classes, and then build up to the activities, so there isn't red lines under anything during the process of your codecoverage :-) Just a suggestion, but I think it'd give a lot more sense :)
@RaghavSood for things like this quote :"The f ollowing t hree m ethods----getWidth(), getHeight(), and paint()----are left ...."
I'd use italic instead "---" doesn't look good :)
what's the dodgy writing I'm hearing about @RaghavSood? :P
hi ladies \o/
@SHIDHIN.T.S access denied. I really lost count on how often I have rejected you. It is always the same reason: you are looking for tech support and you are pasting large chunks of code into the chat. Both is not welcome here and I would really appreciate it if you either change your behavior or stop requesting access. Both would be welcome...
Everytime I see someone get rejected for access I'm happy that I was accepted first time; You guys must really like me~
well I can't see a reason why we would have rejected you
you answered more than you asked and you speak English surprisingly well for a guy from GB :)
Anyone here have experience with privacy policies?
no ;<
hm... is the inheritance in css identical to android styling?
No idea tbh :)
Is there a way to loop through all shared preferences?
I love threading applications:-)
oh yes, you can... mwahahahahaha
Here is how moon travels in elliptical path around the earth due to gravity yet never falls on earth!
@Pavunkumar I accept your request under probation. You have decent reputation, more answers than questions but your formatting skills need heavy improvements (and "try this [code]" answers are pretty low quality answers in my opinion). Please read the room rules and follow them closely. Remember: you are on probation.
and access removed again...
I love the request 'n' leave guys...
I don't grant access at all unless they're in the room at the time
I just no special access them
he was
he left 10 minutes later
my prof for OS and security tends to say "can be done in two lines with python"
@ProfSmiles Hello Prof, been a while :)
FYI: Nokia announced the very last Symbian device. So it is officially dead...
@WarrenFaith You can do an awful lot of things in python with two lines...
which device @WarrenFaith
I liked his recursive humor... "you can try to debug the debugger"
There's the famous 1 line python web server...
@kabuto178 something called "808 something"
I met someone once who used to work for microsoft, debugging and testing debuggers...
ahh, I loved my nokia but alas time to move up
@AndersMetnik 'ello 'ello, holidays are quite nice... hehe
Holidays? its january? :P
Hey anders ^_^
@AndersMetnik between year 12 (last year of high school) and university
I wish I had your time
get back to work @WarrenFaith cracks whip
never gets old :P
@WarrenFaith m2, well off from work now :)
laters kabu :)
later anders, take care
laters rest of ya, have a good weekend (mine will consist of gatecrash, mtg)
@Glitch hah did you know girls get turned on when you do that to their hair
@Reno Use an industrial strength clip to pinch their scalp? :P
@Reno I... what.
remind me next time my girlfriend is over to bullclip her hair o.O
Just to be clear I'm talking about humans..
Meanwhile, at @ProfSmiles's girlfriends house... "Hey did you know putting a bullclip on a mans penis turns them on?"
@Reno oh, that's even WEIRDER
to be fair @Glitch I think putting just about anything on a man's penis will turn them on
I doubt a bullclip would!
Those things are way overpowered
... okay good point
There was a delay there... did you just... try it? D:
Just to be clear I'm talking about humans..
no no the back of their head
there is a bullclip attached to my desk here, but it's too busy keeping cables in order
omfg what no
just to be clear
Now it's starred, what a start to Australia day :P
I am literally ROFLING
Someone slipped right?
This is why I can't be trusted around people
what have I done? D:
Oprah finds a new niche at Stack Overflow
Starlight Express.... sing
if(message.toLowerCase().indexOf('penis') {star();}
couldn't you just .lower() the entire Message? ;)
otherwise you'd miss my "PENIS", too
You'll quicky run into a stack overflow parsing mine
if(message.toLowerCase().indexOf('penis') != -1) {star();}
Can I just point out that this entire conversation started from a cat GIF.
we are doomed
Wait... let me guess... the one where the cat goes total chilax when clipped?
we tried that on our cats last night, they are immune
Here is another party trick ask a girl if she belongs to the pen fifteen club
she'll say no
Then you take out a pen and write PEN15 on her hand
that's about as funny (and old) as telling people "you can find awesome online [games/videos/cat gifs/...] at 'pen island dot com'."
I should probably tone it down just in case we scare away female users. Some might think we're being serious
(please no one go to that address...)
uh oh, a bogan got in
Those 9V batters are expensive
Fuckin' cnt scratched me new Holden aye!
Crazy chick
bwahahaha, troll cat
@arin access granted on probation. Please read the room rules and follow them.
@WarrenFaith done, thanks.
Wow.... I asked something today for the first time since before december!
i dont ask much anymore
im in a deep and dark place where answers are not out there for me
The answer lies with the bullclip
anyway, I'm off to sleep, bai
Later @Glitch
I am off, have a nice weekend!
@JMRboosties Lol, way to be man... way to be. I have been in the process of shifting my focus from coding apps per-say into coding games. as @RaghavSood has surely noticed now, as such I am making my way through this book with the hopes that when its over I will have a better understanding of libGDX (Later @WarrenFaith)
And issue resolved!
@JMRboosties I hit that point about a year ago...
If I have to ask the question, the answer probably doesn't exist
Its a scary place to be
Its why I have friends at google now :P
So you evolved there pyro?
not sure evolved is the right word
I just want someone to pay me to code android again :(
I liked being clever...
now I am just fixing 5 year old compile time errors in C++
Any good with games? -- I might be starting my own company (Or an off shoot of the main company here soon dedicated to game dev)
Well I wote a blog about a game the other day from a design perspective and someone said they wanted to have my child...
that had to be scary O.o
Well... I need to get my ass in gear... I wanted to crank out at least two more of these test codes today...
I haven't got around to trying EVE yet
Right, I think I've played enough Epilepsy Simulator for now
there doesnt seem to be an actual answer for clearing the back stack
But the short answer is I would LOVE to get into game development/design
I am picking it up right now, its actually rather fun because for a change its expanding my knowledge of the android system. Instead of just piling more on its giving me insights into how the apps I have made work and might work better.
i tried it for a bit just for fun, i enjoyed it but its a ton of work
No doubt. xD
But worth it in the end if you have something that you yourself created no?
Game dev is my area, mostly. It's not quite as exciting as people probably think it is.
I pride myself in my out of the box thinking
There is a strong irony to that statement
did i tell you all yesterday that every sample in facebook's new android SDK doesnt work
not like "oh you used their code wrong", like if you compile the samples they will successfully compile, but the login process theyre trying to demonstrate fails
re-enforces my gladness that I don't chose to use facebook for anything
If I have a device with a screen size of 800x480 and I make some html that contains only a single <img> tag that contains a png whose size is exactly 800x480, should I expect that image to be exactly full screen when viewed in a WebView on my device?
And if not, does anyone know of anything I should try to make it fit the screen exactly?
if you have a full screen activity with the webview you might be able to get the image 1:1 displayed
depends on the zoom level you can define
the zoom level as set on the WebView? or set in html?
I do have a full screen activity with a webview (although I do not have control of this activity so I can't make changes to it)
I have tried <meta viewport> with initial-scale=1 in my html but that didn't seem to have an effect
Q: What is the maximum SP you can get per day?

PyrodanteDust 514 has a set SP for passive, and a cap for active SP gain. So assuming you cap your SP for the day, and use no boosters, how much SP do you gain total? For bonus points: how much can you gain with boosters?

my image is showing up larger than my screen size =x
you have no control over the webview?
nope not with java code.
only whatever is possible with html/javascript/css
hm... well than I have no idea :/
you should try asking that on SO and maybe on a html/js room
I'll try a few more things and ask if I come up empty
width="100%" on my img tag makes it show up nicely =)
nice my activity is randomly ignoring a couple of xml items
sounds like a build issue, have you tried a clean up?
im dumb i have a layout-v14 folder which i wasnt updating
2 hours later…
It is done. I have successfully written a circular seek bar that can be used in more or less any app like any other view.
Documenting it now.
Cool. What is it for?
Absolutely nothing. I was bored. So I wrote a Circular Seek Bar
hahah :D
Just created my first own tag :D
I'm thinking about using it as the example in creating a Custom View extending View in the Advanced Views chapter of our book
ahh cool
Anyways. Better document it before I forget what I've done.
Hey, that would be actually a very good idea, because I'm doing almost the same(canvas arc drawing) in the widget chapter
So the user can concentrate on the widgets rather than learning canvas drawing:)
Its a done deal then :D
I really need to get started, not just think about how to structure my chapters :/
Have you already started writing?
No :/
I'm going to try to do at least one of two chapters before my exams startup again
ah ok :/
yeah me too
But I'm really confused with this template Anamika sent me. It's supposed to show you the exact same fonts like in the book right? I installed them twice, but I'm still getting fonts like helvetica etc. :/
You might need to show all styles from somewhere.
Don't recall exactly where the option is
Its somewhere in the formatting box
Hmm ok I'm going to look into it
Once you show all styles, and assuming you are in the template, you can just select predefined settings like Body Text, inline code, normal code etc
yap, problem is they don't work correct :/
If its just a little out of alignment or something, don't worry about it. They will format it for you. But if its hard to read because formatting is screwed up, write them a mail.
ah ok, then it's good.
I'll write Anamika if can't get it working today. Finally enough time to start.
no school until Wednesday :D
There is no manifest
But looks good :D (y)
Its just a single View class, you can copy paste it into your own package
Make sure to include the drawables though
ah you're right, so no need for one :D
I'm going to play with that in class next week
If you make the progress ring too wide, you can actually move the marker in a wavy pattern within the ring
I dunno how to make it snap to a circle
For example, you'll see it if you set barWidth = 35;
@Peter 111 questions, 11 answers. Chat as tech support. Rejected.
he likes the number 1 hahah
Written to the guy at androidviews.net to ask him to include this on the site :P Let's hope he listens
cool :D
@Gorets Write access on Probation. Go through the room rules. Remember, SO and chat are not meant for Tech support.
Hi all =)
00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

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