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Also, if your computer supports it, you need to install the Intel HAXM (Hardware Acceleration) module too
I'm using it on my mac at work and it's just as fast as a real device. Pretty amazing.
@kcoppock Is it for Android Emulator or for VM's?
Android emulator
It's available in the SDK Manager, near the bottom
cool, I take at look at it then, thanks :)
np :) My personal computer doesn't support it, so YMMV, but my work mac does
Wow! No lag!
Probably smoother than any other physical device out there :D I tough using gpu simulation would enable all the power, but this gave it the extra kick :D
downloading it
Now using the emulator might actually be physically possible without ripping your hair out :D
I make my students use it because I hate them
you're a teacher?
plot twist
just starred what @Pyrodante said about hating his students ;)
I teach android at my work... speaking of which I should set up the new classes since its the new year...
Ew.. It's still not sped up that much.. is slightly though
ddmlib apparently doesn't like my computer
Hello, World!
I also love how my most popular question has an answer with 70 votes, that doesn't answer the question...
Q: How can you get the Manifest Version number from the App's XML variables?

PearsonArtPhotoI would like to have a way to reference the project's manifest version number in the main part of the code. What I have been doing up until now is to link the version number in a String XML file to the manifest (@string/Version). What I would like to do is to do it the other way around, link a st...

I finally did enough work into it to write my own answer to it, which has only received 2 votes, but oh well... Hopefully it will help someone out there...
God I hate dell sometimes
At least it isn't Packard Bell
Order an alienware computer on december 31st -> oh yeah it's not gonna be delivered till Januarary 15th...
You dump 2.4k into a laptop and they force you to wait 2 1/2 weeks for it
That's quite a while...
I bet you'll have it sooner than that...
Well, time to see how much of a mess I made of Blue Tooth...
2.4k... What?!
It's amazing how small my old HTC Hero looks now that I'm used to a Galaxy Nexus...
Especially when I'm setting it right next to my Dell Streak...
Wtf is a dell streak..
It's a 7 inch tablet that they flopped on. It's actually okay...
I fail to understand how people can prefer this ugly pre HC theme over holo...
I got it for around $100 a year or so ago...
Well, it's old...
It was my phone for a while, and now I only do some development with it.
I found a known bug with the Hero and Bluetooth just now. Luckily, there was an answer already as to how to fix it here:-)
A: Bluetooth issues on HTC hero

JackIf I remember correctly the HTC phones had or [have] an issue at a certain API level (maybe 2.1 and below?). The resolution is reflection. Reference Disconnect a bluetooth socket in Android Android Bluetooth: Service Discovery Failed Exception Solution Instead of using tmp = device.createR...

3 hours later…
@rlemon This question got me wondering. How hard do you think it would be to implement the fast scroll thumb tab with some kind of Javascript /css magic
One should not tamper with browser scrolling
2 hours later…
Weird. They said the iPad 4 didn't exist yet despite it totally being around by that point.
I just want to sleep in my bed all day
and night
2 hours later…
@Ahmad shaking uncontrollably
Wait, Raghav, they said 4 iPads are worth $3000? checking current prices
2 iPad2 are worth 600€...
hallo guys
I have a strange problem my app crashes without any output even a try catch finally cannot prevent this
Q: App crashes silent: try catch finally does not work

rekireI have a small app where I play with activating an activity by code. There I have the strange problem that my app dies after enabling a second activity. Here is my settings activity: @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setCo...

there is one interesting log entry: android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED package:com.example.test
why does PACKAGE_REMOVED was fired?
I have no idea
I added all code I have
In another project I use almost the samecode, but right now I cannot access the code
Well if I change the third parameter to don't kill app this works
Have you looked at your code to try to determine what might be crashing it? :L
Well, I now have an app which can listen for an incoming bluetooth connection. Now to seal the deal...
1 hour later…
@Maid786 access denied. Tech support and mass pinging....
Hey everyone
How are you warren
I am still way too often distracted :/
oh gosh
how comes?
well, first of all: I am here :)
I talk, I read, I chat
That's a common problem, being here;-)
but I don't write
that's the problem with pinned tabs in the browser
you always start with full spread of available distractions
g+, SO, chat...
so... I think I will start with a new browser window running wiki only... I will leave
As we speak, my left monitor has this chat, my right has my program, and I've got 3 phones, and Android Tablet, a kindle, and a book I'm reading... I'm a bit of glutting for disctraction...
better for my productivity. Maybe until later
nooooo we need you warren
noooooo don't tell me that!
Say that again, I dare you, I double dare you!
I too have two monitors, running chat and coding on the other hehe
What am I supposed to do with this warning?
Replace "..." with ellipsis character (…, &&;#8230;) ?
Never mind, searching found the result easily enough...
You know, I did come across that error once. How did you fix it this time?
@PearsonArtPhoto 3 phones.. a tablet.. a kindle.. Why not just get the book on the kindle? :P
Well, it's a library book.
I should mention I have a Kindle Fire within eye range as well...
Why do youh ave all these replica technologies that serve no purpose with more than 1
Well, it's a bit of a story really.
One phone is my old HTC hero, I was going to use it for development.
I'm here for a while. Explain :D lol
What OS, is on your HTC Hero
Sorry, got distracted by something else.
So, my Hero is my old phone, my Kindle is my old Kindle, my new phone is a Samsung Galaxy Nexus, and I got a good deal on a Dell Streak.
The Kindle Fire I got because I wanted to have another 4.0 device for development purposes (Or at least, that's my excuse)
works enough
The good thing is, I can test 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 4.1, and 4.0 on native devices, with a variety of screen sizes.
Oh, and Amazon Marketplace.
I think I forgot my work phone too, a Blackberry.
Geez haha lol
No Honeycomb, but who has one of those?
@PearsonArtPhoto you have found my answer and voted up, right?
@WarrenFaith Most likely.
I didn't look to see whose it was...
A: Android Replace "..." with ellipsis character

WarrenFaith&#8230; is the unicode for … so just replace it. Its better to have it as one char/symbol than three dots.

Yep, that's the one.
I always have a twinge of jealousy when I upvote a question/answer with more than 25 votes...
I earned every 112 upvotes! Shortest answer I ever gave!
I am afk to make diner...
Well, I've got the devices to pair with each other... Progress...
aww yes, now your making progress
They are pairing, and connecting, it's just getting them to send a message that's failing... But still, it's progress...
Ahhh! Messages are being passed!!!
At least, message is being passed...
both ways?
I'm not sure yet... I have a log message saying one sent, and the other received... Still trying to figure out what happened from that...
I'm running into a weird error with java
1000*60*60*24*31*length to get the number of milliseconds in x # of months is returning negative
when I know for a fact that length is positive
You are using integer?
What type? And what value is length?
and the length is normally an int
What range of number?
for length?
variable, generally < 20
and > 0
So int*int*int*int*int will internally being int even when assigning to a long variable
you should use long*long*long... instead
Type cast it to long then?
so i have to convert all the ints to longs beforehand?
yeah, just the L behind the numbers
Note that is an l at the end, as in the letter.
1000L*60L*60L*24L*31L*length (as a long)
That should work. I doubt all of them have to be, but it wouldn't hurt...
Wow, did I just crash the OS...
I achieve the same randomly
its an organized attack
back up your data now!
I'm the one attacking my devices, so...
Serious? I mean I would [crzszzzsz] maybe I should [..tschiiiiiiissshhhh]
Wow, I have officially obtained two way message traffic!
congratz @PearsonArtPhoto
It's still really flaky, but it's progress!
now hurry and polish the app, and publish so i can try it out
LOL, will do.
I need a designer...
Don't we all...
of course we do
I wish i could +1 that lol
oh wait i can
star ^^
Now, all that's being passed so far is protocol initiation. It isn't using my custom handler yet (Although it is passing a variety of messages!)
the whole kickstarter projects.... unbelievable how much this guy is asking for: angelsgate.com/ozone-messianican
and the game looks pretty bad... I think he need a designer
and the project description is short but filled with: "I have ideas, I will be rich, pay me"
That's why he needs the money...
your right, when I design it looks so sketchy most of the time lol
If someone gave me $10K, I could really make my current app spiffy.
In fact, I could probably make both of them spiffy.
I could rage so hard about my current task: master thesis
what a waste of time
I want to do other things...
get back to work XD
like accepting Xitac?
Of course, it would take a lot more than that for me to be able to quit my day job and really work on stuff...
what is xitac?
a name i saw in the user list on the right
18 rep... he can't even request access
I didn't check hehe
I will contribute $1 to your app @PearsonArtPhoto, now get to work
Feel free to buy it, that will contribute close enough to $1 for me to get motivated a bit more...
And a high rating motivates me even more:-)
5 star on both apps, with excellent written reviews, that might hold me together for a whole month...
until the next douchebag comes and puts a "1 star, can't rate 0 for this crap" comment there...
I had a release for about 4 hours with a significant bug, I got a 1 star from that... I still can't get rid of it...
as a ex-blogger I can assure you: you are happy with 1.000 positive comments but as soon as 1 idiot complains, you are pissed for a week
oh yes
ok, 90 minutes to keep working. I am afk
Q: SoftKeyboard Bug

Alfa 4So Anyone Know this BUG , Eg. : Type a Word > switch to Symbol > Type a Symbol == it will Delete the Previous Word , Why ? Beacause it has Not been Clicked on the Words Suggestion List , Anyone know how to Disable this ? From SoftKeyboard Demo Project , i tried to Delete All 'mComposing.setLengt...

vote to close - not a real question
@WarrenFaith You can avoid the need of a designer by just thinking as simple as possible. Simplicity, minimalism and no unnecessary graphics. Following this nothing can go wrong.
And Holo! :)
point taken @Ahmad
A: Android Styles For API 10 and API 11

AhmadYou have to do something like this: <style name="MyStlye"> <item name="textAppearanceButton">@style/BtnText</item> </style> <style name="BtnText" parent="TextAppearance.Small.Inverse"> <item name="android:textColor">@android:color/black<...

What have I done wrong? This is the correct answer... As far as I can tell
1 hour later…
@Ahmad Given that rule, you have my first game...
I wonder why my custom background doesn't work with my Samsung Galaxy Nexus... Hmmm...
I love it when a person asks a specific question, and the answer has nothing directly to do with their question...
Q: Method call for Looper.prepare() and Looper.loop() for main UI thread in android

anujprasharIn android in case of UI Thread we just create Handler because main UI Thread already have its Looper. I want to know where is call to Looper.prepare and Looper.loop for UI thread in framework code. I am digging framework code for hours trying to find that. Thanks in advance.

@Ahmad That's freaking hilarious! I love it!
I've found at least 3 ways to get around messing with Loopers, I'm convinced that unless you really know what you are doing, you should never use a Looper, and probably not even then.
I'm considering using this image with my app. Thoughts?
@PearsonArtPhoto What's your app?
It's called Psychic Ability Tester
I have too many tabs open..
@PearsonArtPhoto I may download that for luls
The app, or the photo?
I'd much appreciate it:-)
Even better if you give me a good rating on it:-)
well it looks like one of those things i'd download just to play with xD
That's kind of the point.
It's one of the things that I'm building just to play with, but if I make a few pennies in the process, I'm not going to complain.
I want to make a 2D Dungeon crawler app for some reason
which is probably an overdone idea already
I don'
I don't want to know
LOL. I'll agree to that one...
@PearsonArtPhoto That bigstockphoto pic seems to fit the theme, then ;-)
This is a bit of what I'm thinking of having my front layout be like.
@Reno I'm almost that tall.
@PearsonArtPhoto Are you going to buy the graphic or use it with the watermark?
Of course, I'd buy the image and get rid of the supporting stuff, but I'm just trying to get an idea if it works. I'm thinking it does, and well worth the $1.50 in credit that I'm never actually going to be able to cash out.
@Code-Guru I'm far to much of a copyright owner to release a product like that without buying the rights to it...
@PearsonArtPhoto How much do they charge for the image itself?
It depends on how many credits you get, but I think the cheapest price is $13 for 6 credits (Probably 6 Android sized images)
@PearsonArtPhoto I figured that was the case, but I had to ask ;-)
@PearsonArtPhoto Not too bad.
No, I just wanted to see how it would look before I buy it. I have about 10 "free" credits, so I don't want to wast them.
I have a portfolio there, which has sold a few images, but never much.
The sketches are my wife's. She's quite talented.
I vectorized a few of her sketches, so the vectors are mine.
And the photographs I took them all.
cool! I like the cheetah (or whatever kind of cat it is)
and the spider makes my skin crawl. Sweet!
I took the picture of it early one morning. My wife yelled at me for taking it, but it's been among my better selling pictures.
It's quite artistic. Especially since you were able to get an angle underneath.
Well, if any of you should happen to want to get an account there, let me know so I can give you my referral code;-)
Probably not any time soon. The last thing I need is another way to spend what little money I have...
It's as good of a method as any for those of us who really don't design, but need designing done...
Talking about which...I am probably going to get some hot chocolate some time today...depending if I go downtown at all...nice coffee houses all over there.
Grrr, I thought my approval had gone all the way though, instead, I have to wait another 3 days before I can convert my credits... All to satisfy the tax man... Sigh.
@PearsonArtPhoto Yah. I need to keep a list of sites like that where I can get graphics. I'm all about the technical parts of an app and not much into the visual stuff.
Well, check my profile, I've got several of them listed there.
At least color it...
@PearsonArtPhoto That should be high on my list of updates...
I want to start doing some photography eventually. At least when I feel that I can afford a camera. That's not in the budget right now.
I have an idea that involves photography for an app that I've never quite gotten around to building, but if I can, it'll be fun.
I'm just about to start playing with this: jgilfelt.github.com/android-actionbarstylegenerator
Eventually, my baseball card app will include a feature that integrates the camera so that the user can store a pic of the card with the rest of the data. I'd even like to use some OCR to grab the data automagically.
@PearsonArtPhoto nice. I can definitely see how that would be useful.
I've heard it would, I just haven't gotten around to using it yet...
@PearsonArtPhoto Did you make that app? Or are you just looking at using it?
I did not make it.
@Reno Someone has too much time on their hands.
Considering what I spend my free time on, I'm not going to judge them...
@PearsonArtPhoto Not judging just commenting...and not just about the photographer's free time ;-)
I don't think there is a better way of packing a kitten for a car ride
Well, I think this is officially going to be the design for now (Except before I release it, I will get the image without a watermark...)
Sorry but what does it do?
There seems to be a lot more chaff in the SO questions lately.
I'm going to do something with the buttons eventually, but I'm going to keep moving forward with the testing...
The app? It tests if you have psychic abilities, scientifically.
so cold reading?
Well, basically it will give you a test, to see if you can predict the future, for instance.
There are more tests coming, but they all have the same general idea.
Those buttons need a background that goes with the theme
precious stones or something
Yeah, I'm definitely going to be doing some work there.
I've got a few ideas, but I'm still working them out. I'm thinking something like really fancy cards would be cool.
But that's not going to come quite yet...
Do you look after a geo positioning sat?
Previously, I've done the hard core programming first, and the graphics as an afterthought. I'm trying to balance them this time.
yes as it should be
@Reno You mean, does a particular location have more powers? It's one thing I'm considering doing.
@PearsonArtPhoto Sounds like me. The coding is just so much more interesting to me than getting an app to look good.
Right now I have enough information to do statistics on what time of the day a person might have powers.
No just a question about your day job, do you look after a satellite that is used for positioning?
@Code-Guru Isn't that the truth. That's why I'm forcing myself to work on graphics, I know I'll get more of my program actually done in the end.
@Reno Kind of. Our satellites are purely for communication purposes, but one of the things they frequently do is report the customer derived positions.
Anybody from Canada here?
Or anyone who's used a cellphone out there
My aunt is from there, and I've visited the country before...
Does your normal cellphone work there?
Or are their frequencies different?
yes they work
What network?
GSM/LTE/WCDMA everything
@PearsonArtPhoto GSM
@Reno Your normal india phone?
Roaming however is a pain. I think it is only good for a few kms around Niagara falls
Doesn't GSM work almost anywhere?
Yeah, but different countries have different bands.
@RaghavSood Yes ofcourse
Calls will work
Alright. Thanks @Reno.
Data will be m e g a expensive
Not a problem. My friend's moving there permanently, so a local SIM will be put in the phone
Operators are Telus/Rogers/Bell Mobility/Eastwind
He will have to configure the APN manually for data
*she That's alright though.
No ones home so I'm going to bake some hash brownies
@Reno Can I visit?
@Ahmad this will not work when you need a designer for a game :) I didn't say what kind of a designer but not the normal UI designer... I need a professional asset designer :)
asset designer?
are you still working on that dating app?
well at work yes, but I mean a private project :)
Aha ok, yeah in this case forget what I said :)
Just another commit or two and I'll have 3K reputation at A51:-)
The kitties are distracting me from my distraction of this chat room...
1 hour later…
Some APIs are just so poorly designed... -.- Why make it unnecessarily complicated?

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