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00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

I'm actually ahead of Jon Skeet in the weekly reputation league, so far...
3 hours later…
wats new
1 hour later…
@all hello
can anyone suggest me best framework for Android?
2 hours later…
Morning fellow drioders
@Shyam Best framework for android for what?
@AndersMetnik development
android isnt framework based
So again, what do you mean with framework
It isn't like JS
like java use Spring,strut
There really afaik. isn't anything like it. There's really no need for it.
@AndersMetnik thanks
your welcome
Anders, if application isn't active/running, and device receives a message from GCM, in this scenario, the onReceive() can work fine?
If service isnt running, then you wont receive the message the same second afaik.
But when it starts up, it will receive the message
in my case, App is not active/running, and when I send a message from GCM service, app does receive the message, but exceptions are caught in onReceive() [observed in LogCat]
Hmm might be I'm mistaken then :)
What exception ?
Some kind of zygote :-/
it actually triggers one of the files on server to get downloaded.
can't help you with stuff I can't see
GCM messages should start the service even if it's not running AFAIK, assuming the app has been run on the device at least once before
GCM messages go through the Google Services, and hence can start services if required
Ahh that might be why it didn't function that one time then, Hadn't been run ;)
Honeybomb and up make sure that no app which hasn't been run at least once receives broadcasts etc.
I think GCM works fine, but when it comes to download a JSON file from server, it fails.
What's the exception?
JSON file ?
JSON is just a string.
You can't really download it as a file
Are you running the network code on the UI thread?
Well, my app downloads a JSON file from server, and then parse it [to show data].
If I update the JSON File thrice a day, I am sending GCM message to app, to download that particular JSON file (updated).
no, in non-UI thread.
You mean JSON object right?
@Shani So you're reading a JSON string from a text file on your server?
Why not just send the JSON in the GCM message?
depends on its length raghav :)
it'll be quite big string by then
like, 400KB
Hmmm. Why not use a webservice then?
Instead of reading a text file
Yep that'd be the best approach
webservice that is
umm... I couldn't get it.
You mean should I develop a webservice as well?
That's the normal approach for data transfer
But anyways, you download your file. and then what?
then I parse it in app and display data.
on GCM onReceive(), it downloads the file fine, but generates exception on HTTPURLConnection when file-download is finished.
actually, that data is available offline (if user isn't connected to internet)
that's why I am not using webservice.
@Shani What is the exception?
What i normally use GCM for is simply setting a flag in sharedpreferences with "update"=true, and then i check it when i run my app
that's logcat 's text
And you said you weren't doing that
@RaghavSood HuH?
Means the download is on the UI thread
Probably it's due to inactive/not-running app, is it?
Are you downloading in a service?
I think he is
Services run on the main UI thread for default, unless you explicitly create them in a new thread, or create a thread within them
I am calling AsyncTask [that downloads the file] in the service.
Does your asynctask have a runonuithread in it?
CommonUtilities.java has the error
You are trying to visit another URL in the onPostExecute
This is raising your exception
at com.virtualbase.grocery.CommonUtilities.goURL(CommonUtilities.java:81)
at com.virtualbase.grocery.CommonUtilities$GoToURL.onPostExecute(CommonUtilities.java:109)
at com.virtualbase.grocery.CommonUtilities$GoToURL.onPostExecute(CommonUtilities.java:1)
Right, I am fixing that.
@RaghavSood what strategy would you adopt when you have to have offline-data available in app ?
Keep a copy of the last data you were able to get locally, overwrite whenever you get new data
@RaghavSood I concur :)
how to get SharedPreference instance in non-UI class, when app isn't running?
Your non ui class has to be called from a service or an activity or something
Simply pass the context to it
He is a wise man that Raghav sood ;)
Hahah Thank you :D
YouTube is being slow for me today
Oh how cute, Engadget is trying to rip off The Verge
@vyb access denied. You seem to look for tech support, you have extremely low rep and your Q/A ratio is 11/1 and most important: Your questions showing issues on you research skills...
Just ordered my NFC starter kit. :)
What does that include?
So basically just different sized stickers? :P
I know it's German.
BTW, the Mifare Classic ones won't work on the Nexus 4
They're not standards compliant
@Glitch Stickers, EC Cards and stuff like that, yea.
@Glitch Any sources for that? I checked the compatibility before ordering.
Oh wait you said Nexus 4!
I read that as Nexus S.
I should be fine with my Nexus S and Nexus 7.
Yay for the random downvote on a question I asked back in february.
The -2 and lack of comment explain everything that was wrong about the question so clearly.
That kit also features a Ultralight C tag.
Tree Raper 9000
@RaghavSood which answer/q ?
Q: BlackBerry Update Site for Mac Broken?

Raghav SoodI was setting up the BlackBerry Development environment on my MacBook Pro. I downloaded and installed the entire Eclipse package with the plugin from here: https://bdsc.webapps.blackberry.com/java/download/eclipse Over here is says that we can use the update site at http://www.blackberry.com/go...

@digvijay91 access denied. You join and ask a question: we don't provide tech support
fixed :)
Hahaha Thank you :D
cough fixed too. Just to make my point! :D
Hahaha :P Thank you to you to :D
you just envy us!
@WarrenFaith Taking mine away then :P
SIR, SIR LOOK WHAT WARREN DID!!! points eagerly
Eugh, I forgot that developing for Android involves developing for Android which is ... eugh
please elobarate on Eugh=?
wonder who starred that one
cough me, cause it made me laugh
throws cough drops @WarrenFaith
yammi :D
Anytime :) Wouldn't want you to have a bad throat. Who's going to nuke all the help vamps then ?
indeed :)
I am the best, trained by watching all Buffy seasons :)
@OctavianDamiean why eugh android then?
Because Android at the level I need it means Java and Java means lot so f static typing PITA.
Not to forget about the verbosity.
One day baby, we'll be old ... oh baby we'll be old ... and think of all the apps that we could have wrote ...
yo ho ho :P
and we will wonder why python never succeeded and every java developer has easily proceeded
anyone know how to create watermarks on android
@adam2510 USE CODE!
@adam2510 What do you mean with watermarks?
the code i've found needs bits of javax that android doesn't have :(
I like watching episodes in English and realizing a part where they are actually talking my mother tongue...
image watermarks
insert it into pictures or?
yeah ontop of pictures
@WarrenFaith Yea, right. Maybe you will wonder, I won't. I'll know that it was because of stupid bean counters which were barely able to find their own zipper when taking a piss.
Shit, now I need to listen to that song ...
user image
No offense to any of the Germans here :P
O M G!
Awesome. :D
I still am wondering how the hell the pipes fit...
That's the catch, they probably didn't but he just tried harder. :D
Solid German precision craftsmanship.
innovative, Gas-Shower :D
What is it WVs commercials is... Engineering that works? :P
Why can't I just write an app on paper and be done with it?
Gas pipes should have a refersed thread
so you CAN'T hook it upto a water pipe
Well this would be too much of a coincident to be true...
but hey, who ever thought this up (right English?) has a good sense of humor :)
Adam seems to know an awful lot about how gas pipes are designed and implemented suspicious look
i'm a scout -_- well rover... scouts are for 10-15 years old and rovers is from 18-26
and yeah, a programmer can know a lot about many things
Hahaha I can agree with that :P
especially how to cause an accident
remember, this chat logs!
if you confess, everybody can read it :D
what? i wrote off a car, that was an accident :(
@Android_Craker Welcome! Please read the room rules
I need help
that's not a good way to start
post a question in SO then link it here on it's own line
yes good moring
yes i have posted question already
it's actually 9PM :)
ok link it please
yes sure
Q: How to concat or merge two or more video files in Android?

Android_CrakerI want merge two or more video file (may be two mp4 or two 3gp , or any other extension) , please help me.

check this out
you have any answer for this
if have ,please post the answer thanks in advace
not yet :)
Have you tried the suggestions in the answer posted?
yes, am getting some error
null pointer exception
this is the code am using
No code in here
ohh sorry
pastebin.com -_-
bye bye cracker ;-P
i dont have any idea about this
Serious! Last chance to read them!
pastebin FTW!
If you follow the rules, you will find the help you might get here pretty helpful
might, unless you ask @Glitch for help
yes , i have read those rule
well yeah, Glitch is disappointing.... :D
Can we pass a String and Context parameters in AsyncTask simultaneously?
and in about 7 hours glitch will wonder why the hell do i have 1 notification
@Shani I would make a constructor with the two params for that
or at least one for the context and the String for the doInBackground
so @Android_Craker please post your code on Pastebin
ok sure
the code should be in the question, the possible errors/stacktrace too
how can i access pastebin
go to zerobin
should be in the question... yes!
@Android_Craker do you really want to create a new file? Or do you want a "play A first, then B directly later"
@WarrenFaith my guess is a new file
no guesses :D
yes mother
@WarrenFaith : yes i want to create new file
guesses is what crashes big projects ;)
hey all
guessing is what i do best
A guess is always the first failure of a plan....
and no plan survives the first contact with the enemy...
Wrong an assumption providing a guess
@sanders access granted but I don't see why php/js guy wanna be here....
guess is uncertain idea we think as certain and certainly it goes uncertain in certain cases ? :|
please give me answer for this
@Android_Craker why post the question again?
@WarrenFaith got into android development the last few weeks ;-)
@WarrenFaith tnx for granting me access
1 message moved to recycle bin
welcome @sanders
Hello, I am trying to create this sophisticated layout. It eats me up ;-) sanders-albek.nl/pics/surface.PNG
Raghav, can we lock him out?
@sanders i presume ICS+?
adam you are flagged for your image
@adam2510 ICS+ ???
whats that
yeah Ice Cream Sandwich
Relax with the ?s please
@sanders Android 4.0 == ICS
ICS is Android 4.0
Ice Cream Sandwich
oh sure ;-) not yet to the slang.......
* used
sorry but you can hardly be called a Dev if you don't know what ICS is.... sorry too far?
haha it's all good
@adam2510 please give me some time, I just started to get into android dev.
a newbie can't know all code words
one day I might overtake you ;-)
will do mate :)
Thanks @WarrenFaith for Async constructor, saved my hours.
i don't doubt that... i am quite lazy with development
@Judy You have write access
Hey All
Mainly because I vaguely remember @reno telling us to add a judy onto the write list after the reset
But I never figured out which one he meant. Too many Judy's
But your profile looks decent too
It's me
i have a java business app that i am working on that i haven't touched in 5 weeks
as well as 4 android apps in planning
better get back to work @adam2510 before you abandon it lol
@RaghavSood Are you the new manager of this room?
@Judy me who ?
abandon it... nah i'll get onto it...
@Judy Well, I'm one of the 8 :P
great :P
so any suggestions for creating this layout ?
Reno said that Judy. That Judy is me.
i just need to find the forms i got for the reports, so i can design a layout to print over them
@sanders It is such a simple layout ?
personally i would use an Actionbar @sanders
@AndersMetnik not sure how this surfaceview works and how to get the background resized to the size of the surface
will neaten up the layout as well
@sanders I think you need to set layout_weight="1" for SurfaceView
LL - V
LL - H
button x2
LL - H
button x2
LL = LinearLayout
@sanders all this view should be inside a LinearLayout (for weight to work )
@adam2510 with the current info, suggestion actionbar is far overkill
why would it be overkill?
and can i do it in xml or should i do it all in java?
xml only if you asked me that
@freelancer Rejected for tech support on chat, having a name suggesting you want people to hire you (this is a room full of developers. Why would we hire you for something we can do ourselves?), and being the owner of a room which asks for job applications, which supports the wanting to be hired part.
you'll need xml for the layout
@AndersMetnik how can i change my LL-V to LL-H for button x2?
Make a new one
and android:orientation = "horizontal"
@sanders maybe you should start out with reading a bit, or look through sample projects
Basic stuff this is...
@Reno Long time no see. I expect I can chat with you tomorrow.
and probably won't learn all the stuff in a day or two...
Bye, all.
learning the layout is essential like HTML to a web dev
bye judy
@WarrenFaith Indeed :)
@sanders try this pastebin.com/bViZiNUv
@LabeebP tnx. I was indeed looking for a tutorial on how to nest views.
it is pretty easy: Layouts can contain Views, Views can't contain other Views
My facebook newsfeed just exploded with copyright notices :/
@WarrenFaith sorry nesting layouts ;-)
Layout is a definition for a viewgroup (the class term)
@RaghavSood :O!!
viewgroups can hold views
tip: don't just copy and paste that code, it will not work... well
id's are all the same :D
@sanders np (Did it worked) and definitely we should be good in android layout tricks
right still learning every day.
i might as well switch to an action bar
@adam2510 :P I didn't tested it
an Action Bar would look better :)
the LL around the "surfaceview" Textview is redundant, too :)
probably but the actionbar should be always visible.
Anyway is a surfaceview per definition drawable?
only reason i would use something other would be if i "had to" grudgingly create a GB app
for noobs who don't have an ICS phone yet
OMG My boss is far better. A lot of code reviews I just thought give him an idea :P
@adam2510 what does ICS mean ???? ;-) ;-)
Ice Cream Sandwich
your smartphone's diet :D
I should make a list of rules
@Shani i was just joking to adam2510 lol
but yeah unless i have to make an app work on GB, my "Style" is an Action Bar!
rules for what?
hmm i was thinking a list of RoE
is a surfaceview per definition a drawable area? In other words i have placed a background image for my surfaceView and now I want to draw over it. How can i get this done?
please tell me you guy's know what RoE is
Return On Equity? got from google.co.in/search?q=RoE
-_- so cold!
Rules of Engagement?
Rules of Engagement!
to have rings :p
not exactly
Just Kidding :)
can we see the list of public open source repositories hosted at github.com or at bitbucket.com ?
why would you want that
Just to see who is working on what (regarding android, precisely)
@Shani github.com/explore and you can also search there
good luck
only 117775 repo's atm
is a surfaceview per definition a drawable area? In other words i have placed a background image for my surfaceView and now I want to draw over it. How can i get this done?
@sanders check my beginners tutorial: droidnova.com/2d-tutorial-series
if you have trouble, you have kind of personal support here :D
00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

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