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1:33 PM
Hey, does anyone work with appwrite here?
I want to build and test an app on android using flutter, with appwrite as its backend. For that I need to setup Appwrite on my public IP, so that the emulator can connect to it. But I am not sure how to achieve that. Could someone point me to the right direction?
2:17 PM
@letsintegreat on what environment/os? have you checked official installation guide?
@asim I am using Windows 11. And yeah, I checked official installation guide, it just mentions that we need to use nginx. But there are no steps.
The thing is that Appwrite is self-hosted. I successfully hosted it on localhost. But when I try to connect to it in an emulator. It won't work. I guess computer's and emulator's localhosts are different.
So I am looking for a way to pipe my localhost to some publicly available host, and use that host on the emulator to make it work.
I am just getting started with flutter, I don't have much knowledge of networks.
So, I am not sure if I am making sense or not lol, but that's what I understand.
by emulator, do you mean virtualbox?
No, an android studio emulator lol
emulators and phones have adb servers not clients, appwrite should connect to emulator not the other way around
android devices have adb hosts

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