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03:00 - 21:0021:00 - 23:00

3:25 AM
@ballBreaker did you get an offer?
from wayfair?
2 hours later…
5:37 AM
Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood Morning Everyone!!!!! :D
6:11 AM
@ballBreaker xD
@ballBreaker I didn't
never heard of it
@Tim still don't get it xD
hello there
6:45 AM
@ballBreaker congrats on getting the job! It will be a nice feeling smacking your resignation at their faces
3 hours later…
9:16 AM
here we go again
@IvanMilisavljevic wish I could understand the title
10:10 AM
hello from brussels, where people speak cartoonish dutch
Allez Timmekke heeft gij een plezante dach vandaach?
10:28 AM
This was the most starred message last year on this day:
Oct 13 '20 at 16:35, by Smarticles101
if we chat in the trash can chat, then no one can move our messages to trash can cause they're already there
10:45 AM
@IvanMilisavljevic i don't like the idea of it as it has more biological warfare applications rather medical, thousands saved millions killed is not a good bargain
Majority can express their mental state without the need of eeg hence it has very minimum medical applications
2 hours later…
12:27 PM
@asim yeah I can agree with your statement, but its fascinating to me from a purely technical side of things
Key exchange is one of the biggest problems in cryptography because every encryption algorithm is as safe as safely you can exchange your keys
12:40 PM
shitty day innit?
raining outside, very cloudy, 0 sun
sleepy all the way
it is
you guys know a good site listing free, open api's? I was looking today for some kind of gas price open api but found only paid ones
which had free options that were super limited
there was a github repo with free apis
12:56 PM
damn thats beautiful
thanks grig
1:25 PM
@RaghavSood did you know about the remarkable subscription plan?
however looks like it's free?..
1:53 PM
@Tim @Mehdi demilked.com/…
> Not to sound snobby but I’m fluent in Korean
is she also fluent in english though? It's equally important but not mentioned
2:13 PM
A Japanese recruiter has contacted me ❤️, that's the dream
Wish me luck on selling myself
hello 👋 everyone
@RaymondArteaga best wishes :)
Hello you
.also{ thanks() }
@Tim Her points aren't exactly remarkable. Most of it is about cultural things. Like no amount of translation skills are going to allow you to convey to foreigners the subtleties of how North Koreans are perceived in South Korea.
Plus I think Netflix puts a lot of effort into making the translations fit with the video. A lot of their choices probably deal with making sure it doesn't take too long to say the phrase and get out of sync with the video.
2:25 PM
also it's rather pointless to make a fuss about this. In the end the only thing that matters is that the show is entertaining and people want to watch it, and they succeeded in doing that. Nobody cares about how accurate the translations are
@grrigore honestly I don't mind, it conveyed a meaningful and logical storyline very well and I liked it :D
The points aren't exactly wrong, but unless you stop the show to give a lecture on Korean culture, no one's going to understand those things anyway.
What I want to know is: why must Apple make EVERYTHING so unnecessarily difficult?
2:40 PM
@Ahmad noooo somewhere better
also just got my formal offer
time to QUIT
taking suggestions on how to do it
yay, congrats!
@ballBreaker Just don't tell anyone, and then a couple times a week just ask random people questions.
You might be able to "work" there a couple more months.
Or do it by email, but make certain it will end up getting flagged as spam.
work two jobs for a bit but do like 1% on this job and 99% on the other
No, clearly you should exploit rounding errors in the banking software like in Superman 3. Don't forget to steal a fax machine.
gotta go, bye everyone!
@twiz lmao also like office space
@twiz yeahhhh hahaha
Yeah, I don't even know if Superman 3 is a real movie. haha
@ballBreaker NICE
congrats my dood!
what do they do?
@Tim xD
so I'm doin scala backend development, their app provides sales projections (analysis,stats, etc, data science shit) to suppliers for a massive retail chain
3:00 PM
@ballBreaker shit in the middle of the office
@twiz hahahaha
@grrigore xD
what's the easiest way to build a server as an android dev?
what should I pick? I just need an MVP
"build a server" could mean a lot of things.
REST api
easiest way is to buy a vps and start coding in your favorite language
3:17 PM
step 1: buy a mac computer
step 2: cant afford it
step 3: go to your bank and request a loan
step 4: buy a mac computer
step 5: setup a server on it
try that grrig
im on step 6 already
step 3: sell your organs
whats step 6
step 6: death
3:39 PM
@ballBreaker 1. ask your manager for a 10min meeting and tell him (out of respect) -- 2. mail the resignation letter as a registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt -- 3. take your vacations
by postal service
they can't reject or ignore it this way and the reception is dated
Is that really a common problem? lol
otherwise taking it to HR and having them stamp the 2 copies (1 you keep and 1 they keep)
I mean sure, if they ignore your email, do whatever you need to.
3:44 PM
@twiz in many countries this is "the way" to have a resignation officialised. In many cases the employers tries to stall it either to convince you to stay or get some more work out of you
so you end up with say 1.5 months notice period instead of 1 month etc..
ah I see. In the US, at least in most places, you can legally quit or be fired at any time for no reason.
the first part is cool, the second not so much XD
lol yeah, although overall I think it makes sense for a lot of jobs. As long as employers depend on their employees to some extent, it shouldn't be an issue.
If employees are completely replaceable then it gets a bit weird.
yeah I can quit with 2 weeks
I dont need that rigamiroll
I have a 3 months notice period lol (it's very common in germany)
3:48 PM
pretty sure the extent of what they need is just an email at this point, but a formal letter of resignation email
but yeah those are my steps as well
1) manager call
2) formal email resignation
3) yolo420
they accepted my vacation for this upcoming monday and next friday lol getrekt
I have this friday, monday, and next friday off in my two weeks
lmaooo xD
@Mehdi Are employers required to keep paying you for 3 months too? Honestly that seems like it would be kind of annoying for everyone.
yeah 3 months is brutal
@twiz Yes they are, I mean you still work on your projects, knowledge transfer etc. However this is often negotiable since everyone knows people get somewhat detached after resigning
Yeah, I guess that's a good system then. That seems crazy if it's for all jobs though. Like do people really give McDonald's 3 months notice? lol
Or whatever Germany's version of the most awful job is. I assume that's still McDonald's though.
offer is signed, other offer has been declined and I broke up with that recruiter
"sorry I caught feelings for another company.. but you seem like a really nice company, you'll find someone"
meeting and then resignationnnnn \o/
4:03 PM
there is been a data breach i think
4:35 PM
hah, I found a data breach
anyone using godaddy brace yourselves
guess I am first one to track and report it
lolol nice
I use stopmommy
so I think im ok
4:48 PM
you know what sounds like a fun project
an open-source website tagging software
that sounds like fun
i should make it
what do u mean tagging?
tag manager software
basically lets you inject scripts onto a page without actually modifying the code
useful for marketing and analytics type people
put the tag manager code in the page once and then tags are managed from a web GUI
oh interesting
I use google tag manager for my job every day. I'm the web analytics integration guy
tbh I have a very loose understanding of what you're talking about so I'll just take your word for it on it being fun
4:55 PM
well it's at least interesting to me haha
haha that's what matters tbh
look at jbis, he's doing shit nobody but him and 5 other super-nerds wanna do
yet he loves it, so I mean
true lol
realistically this is just one of those things i'm excited about in the moment, i'll probably start it later and then quit to work on something else and it'll sit there half done forever
i do that a lot
Am I included in your list of nerds?
@Smarticles101 lol yeah I feel that, I do that every day pretty much
get obsessively into something and then burn out on it within a few hours/days/weeks and then move onto something else obsessively
5:10 PM
adhd brain go brrr
its interesting because there are a lot of aspects of ADHD that might be out of your control, but when you blame anything on ADHD people get really weird about it
and think you're using it as a cop out for not improving yourself
but IMO it can 100% be both
you can attempt to work on it while it's also out of your control
but usually ends up becoming more coping strategies of the behaviour rather than something that "fixes" it
100% agree
just something random I've been thinking about, I've had a really bad bout of the ADHD lately and I keep bringing it up and getting zero sympathy from people
I woke up bored the other day, which happens super rarely and only when I'm in big adhd trouble lol
literally from the moment I opened my eyes I had this crushing internal feeling of absolute boredom, which makes no sense
but it was also coupled with the inability to motivate myself to do anything, so I was bored and unable to bring myself out of the boredom
was a horrible feeling
anywya I'm hoping now that I'm done the job search that it calms down again
I was feeling that a lot after new years. psychiatrist thought i was depressed. which yes, but it was actually because of adhd
the meds have really been helping me get stuff done during the daytime and then when they wear off in the evening, i don't usually have stuff left to do. and then i don't get down about my inability to do things
yeah the apathy associated with it could definitely give the illusion of depression
5:17 PM
@Smarticles101 that makes a lot of sense!
I've been debating going back on stimulant meds for that reason, but at the same time, I only seem to really need it in cycles
or high work situations like school, applying for jobs, etc, but once I'm in a job I like I seem to be fine
which tripped me out for a while and made me doubt my adhd diagnoses lol
but after all these years it seems natural that it would come-and-go depending on what's going on in your life
so I guess what I'm getting at, is don't be afraid to stop taking them if you don't think you need them any more, and vice versa
although IIRC your doctor already basically told you that
yeah, and i've mainly only been taking them on the weekdays when i have stuff to do. sometimes saturday when i have projects for school due
looking back i'm able to recognize that some behaviors i had were primarily because of adhd. like in high school when i had a programming job, i would not really work most of the week, but there would be like one day a week where i would hyperfocus and crank out lots of code so i didn't fall behind
that is the smart person adhd textbook move
that's actually still what I do at work these days but work is easier than school
and people don't notice as much
but yeah that was me and still is me, 100%
it worked pretty well throughout high school, but college courses eventually caught up to me and the coping mechanisms all broke down
yeah exactly
that's what happened to me too
although first year I still breezed through it, but that's why I choose engineering physics (first year was general, then it's specific in 2nd, 3rd and 4th year), because I thought the difficulty would challenge and motivate me
but I ended up just starting to crumble instead
pretty badly LOL
enough for my thesis supervisor to tell me in 30 years I was the worst student he ever had
fuckin guy
5:29 PM
yeah i was fine the first year, classes were pretty easy and a lot of the stuff i already knew. then last year got pretty rough. and i did computer science instead of software engineering because i wanted to learn the more technical and challenging stuff
makes sense
I think smart people can coast on adhd for longer without realizing they have it
but it almost always catches up once shit hits the fan
what adhd exactly feel like
it's hard to describe because it's just a part of who you are and how you think, but there is a list of symptoms for it and you need to meet X out of Y of them, and then go through a professional diagnoses
but if I had to describe my bad days... it feels like you can't control your own mind, like it either is too slow and uninterested in things that it needs to be interested in (for "survival"), or it is too fast and obsessive over things that you shouldn't really be interested in
yeah it's easy to get distracted by things that give high dopamine output. those things change based off whatever seems most engaging or interesting at the time. you lack motivation to do the things you need to be doing, in favor of doing whatever is more interesting instead
it's common to see adhd people picking up hobbies and going all-in, only to leave it behind a week later because it isn't quite as stimulating anymore
yeah, as well as spontaneously spend money on that hobby, or any other such destructive behaviour (once it gets to a certain point)
doing bad things for dopamine
it basically becomes a diagnoses once it hinders your life
since everyone has these tendencies to a degree
5:38 PM
which makes it hard for people to understand, because everyone has had episodes like this before at some point in their life, but for someone with ADHD it's a constant life-long thing that impedes their ability to live a normal life
same thing happens with OCD and other mental disorders, people can often relate to some aspect of it and then in their mind it's not that bad
haha that video is classic
the cop gets so confused, I love it
@Smarticles101 yeah 100%
lots of them have comorbid symptoms too, so its hard to distinguish without a professional
decent amount of overlap between OCD/Anxiety/ADHD
Cops here are completely different
5:50 PM
haha I watched that video recently. I've seen it a few times
the guy filming does a good job staying confident the whole time
I have immunity to cops related issues to some extent as I have so much cop friends and worked for them for enough time that I often get mistaken as a cop
I used to be such a dickhead to cops legally
"excuse me sir, I have some questions"
"am I being detained?"
"am I being detained?"
"okay bye"
bb aren't you Canadian? you're supposed to be nice
fook that
5:55 PM
Be nice
I had to call a hotline today, and this is nothing like any other countries I've been
People answering you are A) nice, B) Not in a third world country call center where they speaks with a terrible accent C) actually helpful
I was once stopped by traffic police for driving opposite to the direction of traffic, got away with it
Canada's gud, 5/7, would emigrate again
maybe i should emigrate to canada
find bb
move in next to him
slowly sabotage him
Nov 9 '20 at 17:12, by ballBreaker
no sorry, my condition is that if you want to use me to become a Canadian you'll have to gay marry me
@Nyakouai ^
5:59 PM
@Nyakouai yeah gotta love companies that source that stuff inside canada, it's nice to get someone local(ish) for that stuff
@ballBreaker Hire a plane with those huge flying banner and have it circle your building -> "See you suckaz, respectfully, bb, effective 2 weeks" (edited, cause character cost money for that kind of business)
since were remote I'll just pay it to go around the whole city
Have to attend a meeting
im patiently waiting for my quitting meeting in 30 mins
i'm in my daily meeting with my team rn
usually most of it doesn't directly apply to me
6:03 PM
lmao oops
I just accidentally bashed my bosses boss in a mesage
good thing I'm quitting
totally an accident lmao
that's like when i was working somewhere in high school, deleted a month of log data. apparently it was important, but no one noticed when it was gone or asked about it until my last day
i don't even know if they use the software i spent that entire summer writing for them
6:29 PM
ooo boy its quittin time
here i go quittin again
good luck quittin
nice that was easy
Hi, guys. I've installed Cordova, but I'm having an issue with the JDK.

When I run `cordova requirements` in the project, I get the `Java JDK: not installed. Requirements check failed for JDK 1.8.x! Detected version: 11.0.10` warning.

I have the `1.8.0_301` version installed, but for some reason cordova(?) seems to use the one in `Android Studio\jre\bin` which is `11.0.10`.

I think I have to env variables set right. So, I don't know what's causing this. Any ideas? Can I just delete the `jre` in the `Android Studio` folder?
she was chill AF about it
6:41 PM
@ballBreaker "What? You still work here?"
yeah hahaha basically
me and her had our 1:1 the other day after she started and she asked what I did and I was like "full disclosure, basically nothing"
so I opened it with "this probably isn't a surprise, but.."
well that's good
@akinuri don't develop for android it's not worth it
@ballBreaker She's probably actually relieved that now she doesn't have to fire you.
@Smarticles101 Just experimenting atm :)
actually, writing any code causes nothing but pain
6:47 PM
I'm kind of surprised that Cordova is still a thing. I figured Flutter/React-Native had killed it.
Doesn't it run everything through a Web View or whatever it's called?
@twiz Some of my colleagues are already using Flutter. Mobile dev isn't my main thing. Didn't want to learn a new tech for some simple experiments.
@twiz hahah they kept making shitty future plans for me, so I don't think so
@twiz Yea, I'm guessing it's slower when compared to native solutions.
1h meeting to decide we needed more investigation and not to accrue the technical debt. Shall it be called a victory?
yeah cordova does everything through a webview. honestly if making an app is your goal and all you really know is web, then making a single page webapp is probably a solid bet
you can even add them to the homescreen as apps
6:55 PM
@akinuri Now that I actually read your question... If nothing else is working, you could try changing the version in AndroidStudio settings. Although, it probably has something to do with your JAVA_HOME or whatever variable being wrong.
Or maybe Cordova has it's own thing.
And going with my philosophy that most problems are stupid... If you updated environment variables, I'd try rebooting first.
@twiz Just fixed it. It seems changes to env variables doesn't take effect immediately. I figured it out once I deleted the jre folder in the Android Studio folder. Next time I ran the cordova requirements, it (JAVA_HOME) tried to locate the folder that I deleted, although the JAVA_HOME was set to jdk1.8.0_301. It was reading the previous value. Weird. Once I killed and restarted the explorer.exe, it worked.
@twiz Hah. I was going to reboot the OS, but felt lazy and tried it on explorer.exe. Glad it worked :)
7:12 PM
why would my manager ask me this question
> Hey, quick question. Are you comfortable with sharing the name of the company you are going to?
seems sus af
tell him you're starting an onlyfans
congrats on the new job
hahahah managers can be women too DAVE
thanks man <3
@DaveS thats jokes my other friend suggested the same thing
@ballBreaker No, bye
I've asked but people usually leaving on good terms, just out of curiosity
7:22 PM
yeah makes sense
Yeah, but 1/10 times, your ex-manager is an asshole and try to be petty
I think it was a combo curiosity + they need to know if I'm going to a competitor because they'll terminate my access immediately
(that's actually what it ended up being)
I had 3 jobs, my first one did that. Startup boss to multinational IT services company. Glad they flipped him the bird after laughing at his smug face.
7:23 PM
What company are you going to?
@DaveS "Oh, I don't know that one, is that a startup?" -> Joke ruined
hahaaaa goteeeeem
my new boss is actually Mind Goblin
@akinuri Nice I was right. "All problems are stupid" wins again.
I get it now
7:27 PM
@DaveS mind goblin deez nutss haha gottem
@ballBreaker Should've just told them you're retiring. haha
Then they'd start an embezzlement investigation cause dude is like 26
guess it could be crypto
haha right, it would at the very least start a lot of rumors.
7:56 PM
I still hate myself for not listening to the smelly-hippie-hipster-dropout student in my promotion that told me bitcoin was gonna go big 10 years ago
tbf it was a long hold and still has a lot of open questions about its longterm viability
Sure. But I could have bought 100 pop 10 years ago for virtually nothing and have sold them last* year and be set for a long long time
yeah for sure
I didn't listen either but you know for every success story there's tons of failures
Don't worry, if I get my time machine, I will all let you know in time, so we can all mess the timeline and make bitcoin crash before we cash on it
love being spiteful poor
8:01 PM
@Nyakouai hey at least you didn't buy drugs with your 100 bitcoins like I did
Hahaha xD Sad
worth it though
some good-ass drugs
I mean.. drugs are bad and illegal, don't do them
Drugs are legal, tf are you talking about
Or tolerated at least
Canada gud, 5/7, would emigrate again
how's life people
8:04 PM
was better 30 seconds ago
how's middle school JBis?
@Nyakouai I regret not randomly stumbling into mining it for no reason. Not because there was really any good reason that I should have at the time, just because it easily could have happened. I definitely would have lost my private key by now anyway though. lol
8:20 PM
Yeah. "It could have been" fucking sucks with hindsight
reminds me of these lyrics
> Just a reflection
Just a glimpse
Just a little reminder
Of all the what abouts
And all the might have, could have beens
I really can't even say it's a regret though, because the part about losing my private key is 100% what would have happened. That or I'd be frantically trying to figure out how to get an old piece of junk computer to run again.
@ballBreaker congrats on it being offical
speaking of which apparently im supposed to start looking for internships and stuff for the summer
but im lazy
Yeaaaaah... no, thanks, that's a bit too real for me there, buddy.
*goes contemplate all past f#ck-ups*
That's where, when my life is made into a biopic, you all need to pretend I was pensively smoking, for cinematic purpose
8:35 PM
great fookin song tho
@JBis thanks man
when it really matters is when I make it FB official tho
LI official*
I didn't realize how lazy Uni makes you. I don't think i've ever been more lazy in my life.
Wait to have a job...
I got 99 ways to spend my paid hours, and working ain't one
@ballBreaker hah I forgot about that band
oh wow, that song is fairly new. I definitely wouldn't have known they were still making new stuff.
8:51 PM
If i didn't know better already I'd say bb was a good candidate to attend a party like this: youtube.com/watch?v=gPbVRpRgHso
@twiz I think it's from the late 90s actually haha
Finally done /o/ Have a good day all!
but they ARE making new stuff still!
cya nya :D
@ballBreaker haha kind of weird that they waited until 2018 to upload their music to youtube. If it had been a little older, I might have questioned that.
03:00 - 21:0021:00 - 23:00

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