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07:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

g boy
t boy
@IvanMilisavljevic I don't think so. The current SDK gives more advanced template, that is why I want to downgrade to match against his simpler version.
downgrade what? just change the code
@Tim Downgrade the SDK maybe to downgrade the template.
why? just change the code
@Tim Too many chapters.
Changing in one place is not enough. There will be chained errors.
I will be back later. It is time to eat. :-) exit();
book is not very up to date
@Tim I think so. The author just updated some parts from the previous edition, I believe.
well to be fair it is a book for beginners, any information is good I guess, even if it is from 5 years ago
Of course, the book is very good.
oh never mind, the chapter 3 does have navigation component stuff in it. I thought that was missing from the book
the advanced template you linked to just does some additional configuration for that
Yes. And the explanation becomes out of sync a bit.
it's a fatass book, like 1000 pages?
at my pace it would take a year to get through it
743 pages. I want to finish it in a week. :-)
why would a 5 mins alarm manager work but a 8 hrs one doesn't?.. I basically replace the constat value from 5 mins to 8 hrs
is this related to how android manages alarm requests?
like postpone em and stuff
commonsware book?
I think I found the version, Android Studio 4.1.2. It shown on the first chapter. :-)
best books
Yes, but I need Java version.
@grrigore maybe OS kills your app before then
Problem solved. Android Studio 4.1.2 produces the same template. Thank you for your participation. exit();
exit not defined
running the app in background would help?
you can't really run app in background anymore
guess I'll have to update to work manager
1 hour later…
@LetMeBeYourLostDisciple yeah this is actually a bit advanced
sup zooper zmart guyz?
@LetMeBeYourLostDisciple maybe there is a setting where you can chose what you want to be generated for you
you can turn off data and view binding, navigation component and chose a Blank Activity when generating a class
@grrigore sup G
working nothing much
I feel like I don't know a lot of things :D
regarding android/app architecure etc
best practices and so on
I've also found this github.com/etiennelenhart/Eiffel
> A Redux-inspired Android architecture library leveraging Architecture Components and Kotlin Coroutines.
what do you think about redux?
I know react native uses it
and I guess it's quite useful for debugging purposes
I know very little about Redux and RN in general
i figured it has something to do with state management
but i never had time to investigate a bit deeper
we are using this one for the frontend layer of the app
everything like api requests db (iirc) are going through one class
and the UseCase -> Repo/Facade -> Service in a domain layer
you use modular app right?
you split the app into modules for different features like login, register, etc?
afaik this is the way google does?...
yeah havign multiple moduels is a must
I usually split them like: api, db, base (core stuff) and app
but I'd like to get them to be more reusable
we have feture modules
and the core lib which cointains entire domain
+ core_ui and some utiltiy modules
entire domain?
yeah like all the stuff related to IO, networking usecases repos and stuff like that
thats a single module for us
also cool little trick you can use with gradle
you can put all of the feature modules in a single folder
and than use them like
what would be really useful for me is having a login module as an example with easy customizable layout
also you can switch to gradle 7+ and use typesafe project accessors
I'm a noob with gradle
and you can turn this implementation(project(":features:splash"))

into implementation(projects.features.splash)
I wonder if compose can help with the layout
compose is awesome
i havent played with it much
but from the stuff ive seen its absolutely amazing
also plays really really nicesly with the workflow libs i shared earlyer
that workflow looks a little bit like the eiffel one
looks like there is a state and you control that state by using the viewmodel
yeah thats pretty much it
so instead of setting in the fragment text = "test"
you do it from the viewmodel?
ah not really
You have a view factory thats rendering the state on the UI
that would be HelloRendering
and HelloWorkflow looks like it defines the changes that you can make and some states
but where do you use it?
looks interesting I'll watch that presentation and read some mo
So workflow is basically a view model
Workflow purpose is to control the input/output and the state
based on the state you get the ViewFactory you use to show an actually layout
This was the most starred message last year on this day:
Jul 14 '20 at 12:22, by Raghav Sood
I blame Mehdi
just one question
how did you choose this library?
what were the reasons
my brain works in mysterious ways :D
ive seen this demo couple years back
recently i started noticing we have a problem with managing state which is becoming harder and harder every day
i remembered this, tried it on a sample and decided to try to migrate a simple module inside the app and see how would it look like
now the actual reason is that it gives us the ability to write unit-tests for UI layer of the app
gives the ability to add complex states and complex flows quite easily,
has solid support for compose once we decide to migrate
I'll give it a try
fair warning, this is probably an overkill if you're working on a simple app
what I really dislike it's error handling
for a list as an example
the list is empty
well thats just another state of the UI
i that case I moslty set RV to gone and display a textview
and is there a better way to deal with shitty api
sometimes values can be null or empty
and if you have 15 text fields
there is isNullOrEmpty but that'd be 15 ifs
or a function 15 times
but still that 15 :D
like displaying 15 text fileds?
maybe a ViewStub that you can inflate depending on the state
but in the end if you have to do some manipulation with that you have to check for values
i would have to see exact usecase to give you a better solution
let's say 15 TextViews
there is no silver bulet for everything :D
but values from the api can be null or empty
so if it's null or empty you should hide it
I d usually create a fun if isnullorempty -> set to gone
i have something for you
its something called inheritance ;)
Extend a TextView and make it visible only when the value is not empty
use that instead of a regular textview
hmm yea
so I guess it comes to custom views
now let's add a label to that textview
so it's a label and a text
this would require a custom view right?
hopefully compose makes this easier
but should be really simple
Folks, are there any guideline or best practices when pairing events and their corresponding handlers in Android?
I found two cases:

- some people create the handling methods in an activity class and attach them to the events in XML files.
- other people also create the handling methods in the activity class, create an instance of the widgets via findViewById(R.id.widgetid) and attach the handling method to the widget instance via setOnListenerXYZ().

Which should I use consistently ?
The book I am reading have not explained it yet.
@Tim: Is there any reason why 2 is preferred?
2 seems more complicated
the xml describes the UI
it has no business saying what method should be called when some interaction happens
OK. Separation of concern. Thank you. It makes sense!
findViewById eww
dead chat
I have returned
Just work and stuff, the usual
@grrigore i have new updates from the stuff we talked about on Disco, due to budget cuts for a team over there, the position is canceled and they will not send an offer
I did my part in April and waited for ~4 months for them to do their part and they failed. I feel so defeated and angry
Good thing I was rated level 63/64
and also sucks
really sucks
yeah its sucks ass
4 months
is it ok to buy IntelliJ webstorm for one person and use it on my company pc?
is it tied to account, or product key?
let me see
Please provide an email address where we should send your licenses or an existing Subscription Pack reference
guess account?
one person probably means one machine
yes but there is also one license for one org person
which is twice as expensive
oh ok
just use the free version
30 days only
I don't think there is a free one
I'll talk to me boss
if it is for work, you don't pay for it
boss pays
139$ it's not that expensive
129 for a year or smth
boss gets tax return it's even cheaper for him
vscode sucks
no autocomplete nothing
autocomplete helps a lot when your stupid
wink wink
@grrigore Is that a joke? You have to use plugins.
no it's not
how many plugins do you have to use?
Of course if the plugin doesn't exist or sucks, you're correct.
As many as you want.
Its definitely more popular for web dev stuff, so maybe for some languages there isn't much plugin support.
react native as an example
I never tried using it for Java or anything like that.
@grrigore I use it with RN.
do you have autoimport?
No. How would that even work with Javascript though?
If I understand what you mean.
because of the ide
webstorm suggests some stuff and you can import it by pressing enter
But when you import a module, you have to name it, so how would it automatically import?
a module I wrote?
lemme test
Ohhh, you just mean autocomplete the path?
no, adding it to the imports
But you have to do like `import someStupidName from "./my_module";`

So, how would an editor know to autoimport `my_module` when you type `someStupidName`?
I'm still not sure I understand what you mean though.
I don't know how it knows but it knows
Although now that you mention it, it would be kind of cool if it let you autoimport things when a module exports a named variable.
well I guess writing import lalala is pretty annoying
Might be worth checking if such a thing exists, even though it would only work in certain scenarios.
sup nerds
I'm advocating against vscode
I feel like that question answers itself. lol
why wouldn't it work?
Goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood Afternoon Everyone!!!!! :D
helloo there
General Kenobi
harry potter
that too
How has been the day going??
it's been good for me so far! Been sitting in the sun :D been raining for weeks here
cool cool
how you doing?
half of my face is asleep hahah
dentist time xD
when I sit on my balcony my cat sleeps by the closest window to me
it melts my heart
so cute!!
he'll change windows if I move around hahah
he's adorable, but super clingy lmao
but also adorable because of how clingy he is
@W0MP3R haha
@DaveS any good modular flutter app example/resources? something like we do on android with features
like a login, register, list of events, events details modules that you can later include in one or two apps
I want to develop something that has two different versions of an app, one for the customer and one for the manager
so some parts are almost the same
@grrigore you can always include a 3rd repository of common libraries via github link and ref number
That's what we do with our Auth and BLE library
for the gradle part, see included builds
@grrigore If you're talking about the flutter plugin, sometimes autocomplete breaks and you need to do a "developer: reload window" command
posted on July 14, 2021 by Android Developers

Posted by Dave Burke, VP of Engineering Each month we’re bringing Android 12 closer to its final form, with innovative features, a new UI that adapts to you, performance improvements, privacy enhancements, security benefits, and much more. Many of you are already developing and testing on Android 12 through our Beta program - thank you for all of the feedback you’ve shared so far

Free games on GOG
my mouth hurts too much to give more information :(
Yeah a sore mouth makes it tough to type
thinking of buying the mi 10 ultra
@DaveS yep
it's a shame seems like our conversation will be a bit limited today
@W0MP3R how are you?
@DaveS how are you?
I'm alright. In Physical therapy for back pain, the biggest thing really going on right now
how are you?
@DaveS well i don't really know
it's suitable to create a "login" plugin?
basically a screen that you use for login
You can make a whole set of reusable components in that library then import what you need
and use them across your apps
I see
@Tim I was in Eindhoven today, did you feel that?
was it hotter?
Dutch roads look like they were built before rulers were invented
well see ya later
later grri
later grrril
@MwBakker felt some shivers yes
@DaveS thats cause we are ruling others
It is time to ask the experts.

If I have to horizontally center all child views in, for example vertically oriented LinearLayout, which one do you prefer to use? Specifying gravity="center_horizontal" in LinearLayout and do nothing in the child views, or do nothing in the LinearLayout but specifying layout_gravity="center_horizontal" in each child view?
what software would you guys recommend to manage multiple email accounts
nah for pc
should be easy for an average person to understand
i mean should not require switching accounts etc
Outlook from Microsoft
Note: I am not using it because I don't use emails for daily jobs but just for openid.
By the way, I am wondering why Android did not use the open source C# from beginning instead of the less "awesome" Java. Is it because of licensing issue?
@LetMeBeYourLostDisciple it is up to the layout to decide where the views are placed
@LetMeBeYourLostDisciple probably yes, because C# is the best
spammers never fail to find new ways to spam people
i'm now getting calendar invitations to "meet hot new singles"
@Tim I see. semantically correct. Thank you!
@JBis looks like a self-referencing paradox. :-)
Is there any native dark mode for SO chat yet
or do I need to redownload rlemons thing
i just use light mode
I guess not then
oh wait what am I doing
there is the darkmode everything addon that's really good
been there done that
it's pretty good
I like that edge allows chrome extensions
(. )(. ) (eyes)
missed that one and the first one
an both of those
hope you're having fun though
I m not
I did it for you
@ballBreaker yeah edge works on chromeium
the extensions didn't work right away though
but they do now which is naiice
probably since a while ago lol been a while since i checked
07:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

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