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05:00 - 18:0018:00 - 22:00

The people in ##crypto irc got mad at me :(
No idea why
Well one dude
Anyway hows everyones thursday going?
Time to go~~
Cya tomorrow people!!!!! :D
@JBis pretty good, just blasting some noob on the ##crypto irc, hbu jbis?
@ballBreaker 🖕
@RaghavSood, @DaveS, @Mauker, @Pochmurnik, @CptEric, @Graeme, @ballBreaker, @Jordy, @WarrenFaith, @grrigore, @Reno, @CrabsStew, @bluetoothfx, @Code-Apprentice This is your weekly reminder of New Free Games on Epic Store!!!!! \o/
@W0MP3R cya womps :D been so nice having you around ^^
i almost forgot hahah
Thank you :)
just wanted to say :D
wasn't the same without these wompy reactions xD
I wish there were better resources for cryptography
Unfortunately its difficult to tell whether I did something right or wrong. With programming, it either works or doesn't.
nice, sounds miserable
well if anyones interested or knows anything here's what i've been working on gist.github.com/jbis9051/e045db43979d171b3128894a924115db
maybe you should make something for cryptography, something like a new version of SO perhaps?
crypto.stackexchange.com, but chats not active
yeah I'm not surprised
what kind of crazy person wants to do crypto
This crazy person o/
Quick one -
var oldMap : Map<String, T>? = null
Why can't i do oldMap?.get(1) ?
Type inference failed ... ?
because 1 isn't a string
and you have String as the key
Answer is I'm dumb, you're right, I wanted the index of the keys
Kotlin has awful error messages
Like, just terrible
yeah that's not super informative at all
Real programmers don't generate error messages
at least java would give "cant cast integer to string" o rsome such
Yeah - it would tell you the actual error
@JBis they just blow up production
in php you can use the @ symbol to suppress errors
is that a programming language?
no, it's a hypertext preprocessor
in java you can also suppress errors by having an empty catch xD
catch (Exception e) { String help = "help, help, I'm being suppressed!; }
> ; }
for some reason I can't sent multi-line messages right now
wonder if rlemons plugin is going
do they work for you?
tried to do that part like 5 times before one-lining it lol and missed the ending quote
yo taser
how's it goin dude
going good, wbu?
not bad, just working on some documentation, but it's database design so I don't mind it
oh nvm that worked
idk why i deleted it now you're probably confused
I was working on Google Doc for about an hour and had my notes written there. I tried to Ctrl + C the text I wrote and Google Doc deleted all of my content with no way to restore it. Ctrl + Z did not work, previous versions were a copy of the faulty version. So all in all, Google Doc messed my notes
Now I have to write it all again
but that is a very cool profile pic
So I'll give you that
I am preparing to compile my Linux kernel
@MwBakker Thanks!
@Taseer revision history dude
they auto save all your previous drafts
ooof thats rough
> Your personal brogrammer in the making 💪😎
> Three midgets in a trenchcoat
makes me laugh every time
what movie was that
I unno, I always heard it as two kids in a trench coat
@JBis Oh, I did not expand the list. I am dumb. Thanks for the headup
@ballBreaker I love that brogrammer word for some reason
@ballBreaker little rascals
yeah that would make sense!!
yeah that's definitely it
@Taseer haha same tbh
it's perfect
You should put it under qualifications on your resumé
"Not afraid to bro down with my fellow brogrammers"
"Can kegstand for at least 30 seconds minimum"
"Not afraid to go down on my fellow brogrammers"
Ah, a team player
@Taseer Ah, an other team player
the book I'm reading right now has a character who's homophobic because he's in the closet himself
it made me think of you taseer
lmao, more specifically our conversation yesterday
I don't even remember my conversation, what did I say?
you just said that anti-lgbt stuff is crazy
and that you dont understand why people think that way or whatever
was going to say yesterday that sometimes it comes from the own persons fear of their own feelings
I was gay all this time?
Always has been.
Wait, so are you pro-LGBT?
I think everyone deserves to be able to love who ever they want, and they aren't any less of a human being for their sexual preferences, so yea
When it comes to the T, I'm mostly neutral as I feel uneducated on the matter and haven't met a person IRL that identified as such
but I wouldn't be against it, I think people are entitled to how they feel
But I don't really understand it that well and think that maybe psycho therapy and whatnot should come into factor for sure
but idk, Idont have much of an opinion on it
@ballBreaker People get very offended but I think the T should be separated from LGBT
@ballBreaker that makes you gay then
There was a DropTheT thing but people said it was transphobic
yeah they seem like different things, but I think the movement is so small they kind of needed to latch onto the LGB part
so I do understand it
Yeah but then LGB people get grouped in with T
@Taseer damn, guess I'm gay
@JBis I think from most of the people I've talked to and sentiments I've seen online, that's fine
From now on, you will lead a gay[happy] life
they're a marginalized group that has been discriminated against for a long time (LGB), and they wouldn't want to see that same treatment of others despite it not necessarily being exactly the same thing
at least that's my take on it
So why not LGBTJ (jews)?
because there is already a movement for that
and various governing bodies for anti semetic stuff
plus I believe there is a lot of overlap, where transexuals are also gay/lesbian, etc
and then there is the non binary aspect of it as well, so it seems in my mind, simplest to just leave it as one movement. But not sure if it's better or worse
yeah I don't really want to get into it, just my opinion
yeah it's fair to have that opinion on it
@Taseer lmao yeah this is so classic
damn was this only a few months ago
@Taseer the dude's left ear looks like it was photoshoped on there
I imagine them running around naked in all direction when the police showed up
Woop de doo
with the benny what's his face music going
benny hall? is that a person?
this one lol
I hate when you're making a db design and every table can be made as one word except for one
yo @twiz ! I was thinking about you earlier today oddly enough
was wondering if you were going to pop back into here again haha
lol that can't be good
hahah naw naw
My presence may be a bit inconsistent.
Kind of like God. Just sayin...
Ok, well there's my contribution to the day everyone. ✌️
I haven't seen you two in r15 at the same time either..
take care man, cya in a month xD
nah, that was a joke this time.
@ballBreaker exactly. Prove to me that I'm not God. I'll wait.
well thank God You you're willing to wait
@twiz JamesBot has a number in his head 0-1, what is it?
@JBis Me, because I am everything.
Ok, i'm convinced
If you are everything then aren't you technically infinity and therefore not zero
the paradox of twiz
You can't got-me, because I am everything and therefore am you. That freewill nonsense was just a lie.
I just get bored an talk to myself sometimes
quality conversation. Good job everyone (me). 👏
well done, me
can't believe I just came up with that on the spot, I'm so clever
Of course you're clever. You're God.
If we are part of a god and if I sensually touch myself, does that means that I am sensually touching the god?
@Taseer yes but you are also sensually touching a bunch of guys too
So, we all homo?
we all homo sapiens indeed
That's sexist.
lol so what have you been up to ?
good question...
thanks, I thought so too
All I have to say is AirPods noise cancelling is pretty awesome.
So I'll answer the opposite of your question with what I haven't been doing, which is listening to music at full volume.
Let me know if you need me to make the wording of that statement any more confusing.
unfortunately I understood it the first time
You guys probably pay more than $10 on Spotify
I only pay $2
wow taseer coming in strong
just got pwned
I think mine is $9.99 CAD tbh
let me check :D
I have youtube music for some reason I don't really remember.
yeah my spotify is $7.99USD
$4.99 for student edition :D
@JBis I can only pay 80 cents for the student edition
get T bagged!
@twiz spotify is definitely superior these days at least, I used yt music for a bit but then switched over
@Taseer how?
I want to star that but i shouldn't
That's the subscription price here
where are you?
@ballBreaker What makes it better? I have no complaints, so I don't know why I'd switch unless it's cheaper.
For the 'family', I think it's like $3
@twiz more selection of music, not sure about price of youtube music
there was quite a bit of stuff I was able to find on spotify but not on youtube music
but I have a tendency to listen to some obscure crap sometimes so it might not be a problem for you at all
@Taseer Why is it so cheap there?
my CEO gave me a compliment and I feel on top of the world
It's not the USA. That's why it's cheap
Why wouldn't they charge equivalent?
Is "compliment" some new kind of drug?
@JBis I don't know. Various subscription stuff is usually cheap here
@twiz honestly, with the serotonin coursing through my brain it might as well be
@JBis I'm assuming it's based on the cost of living mostly
"what can people afford"
people in pakistan aren't going to spend $10USD for spotify when that might be the equivalent of a week of food (not saying that's the case)
@Taseer Alright, business idea. We start selling spotify plus in the US and proxy it through pakistan.
We'll make a forutune
jbis you should get good at valorant
time to spend your energy on something productive, and then play competitive with me
alright gonna go do yoga, have a good one gents
@JBis they are charging equivalent only depending on the people affordability i think
@ballBreaker get good at a brogrammer video came like COD
why does nobody play this in R15
get a steering wheel, pedals and a shifter and you have one hell of an experience
@adammc331 I made it to Diamond in Rocket League!
05:00 - 18:0018:00 - 22:00

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