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I wish the pizza guy got the nomination I totally would have voted for him
now GM is making profit and we made profit from bailing them out
I think it'd have been better to let GM fail.
They failed because they were doing things badly, so they had it coming.
jobs would have been lost and we would have lost one of the biggest American car company
Let someone else take their place.
why is that a good thing?
I don't care if they're an american car company.
but they are home grown. They employ more people here
It's a good thing because it means there's more room for competition once GM is gone.
if a japenese car company took its place, you think they would employ us or their own people
Something new could rise up out of GM's corpse, like a beautiful disgusting spleen-covered butterfly.
If they're operating in the US, I think they'd have to employ us.
there is already competetion
toyota is number 1 right now
we have to do better
Doing better does not mean propping up failing companies.
most people buy japanese cars because they are cheap and reliable.
but now they are doing better and making us money.
We already got back all the money we spend on bailing them out.
Yeah, I'm not saying it didn't work out.
GM used the money we gave them to sell cars in China and that made us huge profits
so at the end how is that a disappointment?
It worked out fantastically well. I just disagree with it on principle -- I firmly believe that if you run your company into the ground, you shouldn't have a get-out-of-jail-free card in the form of a bailout.
^ yup
do you know why Israel is one of the top R&D place in the world where start-ups have the most success?
saving GM because it competes with foreign business is noble, until you see the huge cuts in private support, research, science, and space program
look at RIM - Dont expect the government to bail them out (although I wouldn't be surprised)
I think Canada might actually bail out RIM.
Its not because they have more scientist or engineers but because their government spends money on business that fail and bails them out
@Pyrodante That's another issue.
@Pyrodante yea but ... the space program.... what was the last thing they ever did but spend a shit load of money on nothing. (since 1973)
@nil I doubt it.
Especially when you consider we continue pumping money into defense, and it's necessary to put money into that, but not the amounts we've spent on it.
They have realized that starting a business venture is not always successfull but you have to keep trying which is what the culture there alows
RIM is not in debt. they just have lost all profits
@rlemon That's why I expect them to get a bail out -- RIM is basically the big company Canada has, and if they die, that'll look bad.
The space program needed to be privatised 30 years ago
if we keep this attitude up, China will beat us
If they do, it'll probably be completely justified
and not just in making pencils and pens but in high end technologies too
I'm not really opposed to China beating us though -- I'm not nationalistic in any way.
China recently gave its solar industries so much tax benefits and incentive that now their solar industries are beating us
@nil we have more than RIM - and RIM is not in debt, they seem to be managing their own finances by closing international plants and offices. so by the time they do "go under" meaning they have no money left and need to borrow... will be long away from now. and by that time I suspect they will have sold off most of their assets and downsized considerably.
well I am nationalistic
I have zero pride in my country because having that would be a failing for me.
how so?
I don't believe I could clearly look at the situation while being a nationalist.
would you rather be ruled by the Chinese communist party that oppress freedom?
Business success does not lead to the Chinese ruling us.
true that but you still need to have some nationalist values
not the way the Chinese do business
No, I really don't need to have nationalist values. I have beliefs that I'm stuck with thanks to indoctrination, but I can suppress those when I try.
they funded the government in Africa that caused a genocide so China could keep its oil supplies safe
The thing you fail to see here is that they're not going to invade or take over the country when they only need money.
that is just one example of how China does business
And we drove Egypt and many other economies into the ground because they sided with the Russians.
We're just as bad.
Are you serious?
Hell, we support Israel, which is just horrifying.
the dictator is egypt was mass murdering its own people
Which isn't to say the Israeli people are bad, but their government is really, really terrible.
@ProgrammerForNow No, I'm talking about back during the cold war.
well as you said it was the cold war
Egypt was making inexpensive equipment and we ran their economy into the ground because they got money from Russia to assist development.
well getting back on China. It claims the whole south-sea as its own
@Antigluk You've got write access. Read the rules, follow them, write them using crop circles, etc.
so it can get access to the oil supplies
And we invade countries for oil supplies.
many south-east Asian countries hate China. They don't like China's growing power and like us better there
So, who's worse? The one who claims some area of a map or the one who goes in and kills people?
does Afghanistan have any oil supplies?
Canada has enough Oil to supply itself and the entire US for 100+ years. We don't drill for most of it, and the stuff we do take out we sell 70% off then buy oil from other nations... it makes no sense.
no it does
we buy the raw oil but most of the oil is refined in United States
that is what we sell
@ProgrammerForNow yes it does. you know how much oil is under the ice up north? not to me. i c now
well we are better at refining oil which is where we make money
we really don't need to drill
And yet we do.
@nil dude, history of Canada. Great Britain claimed it without ever setting foot on it. the Hudsons Bay company (now known as just The Bay) purchased it for like $300K and a few beaver pelts a year. at the time we were Upper and Lower canada (Ontario and Quebec) - then the Hudsons Bay company slowly sold off land to the (now a country and not a monarch of great britain) new Canada
even after refining oil, we stick to true private policies. If it was China they would keep it themselves
the decision to invade Iraq was that of the United nations
Plenty of countries have just straight up claimed chunks of land from other countries (look at the colonization of Africa), so it's nothing new.
it's good for USA that you have blocked wells, so you can allow to drill them when world's amount of oil will be not enough to supply themselves. It's right economical decision
@ProgrammerForNow Heavily swayed by the Bush administration
Saddam Hussian was buying huge supplies of chlorine which is used in either in swimming pools or making wmd's
@ProgrammerForNow We never found any weapons.
Saddam hussian was warned to stop importing mass amounts of chlorine
That's what counts.
@ProgrammerForNow there is also mild amounts of it in your water supply for purification
we found mass graves of people suffering from wmd's
WMDs that didn't exist?
he had already used them on kurds
he couldn't make more
Weapons of Mystical Disturbance
At any rate, this discussion is getting annoying because it's not what the room is for.
Oh yeah, @Aracem, you have write access. Read the rules, follow them, paint them onto the side of a building and tell people they should follow them too, etc.
after repeatedly warning him, we with allies finally invaded him
WMD::WMDAbstraction::WMDFactory { ./..
it was interesting for me, entering Android discussion and reading world politics debate
@Antigluk It's uncommon. I blame @ProgrammerForNow.
ok I will stop


Topic: Anything JavaScript, ECMAScript including Node, React, ...
hey I am just giving you the facts
^ This room is not often on topic
it's ok!) where you can discuss it but here?)
Most rooms aren't 100% on topic.
It's like the rule of IRC: the discussion is always the opposite of the channel topic.
I see the room topic as more of a "guideline" and not a hard rule. We are (mostly) all adults and coming into the room I expect everyone here knows something about Android and is just chilling and waiting to help the stranded users who finds his way here. For the rest of the time however, the topic is whatever is currently interesting you.
@Pyrodante lets talk about eve
because discussion of one topic forming primitive society, and when all topics are discussed you wouldn't go to another room, because you have simple trust to people in chat
um... K :P
I believe it's time I go read more manga. Because I'm bored while waiting for classes to start.
in a meeting zombie eyes
Also, I'm the room owner who hates Android development.
when you send me the ISk..it will be in my eve mail or inventory?
it will be a notice in your wallet
@nil we can talk politics whenever you like
So, I don't help stranded users, I just share cynicism.
I own the jQuery room and my first advice to all is "stop using jQuery*"
* there is always explanation
Good advice.
I love jquery.mobile
@ProgrammerForNow and I now hate you with the fury of 1 million bengal tigers fighting over a single gazelle
jquery is useful for fast making front-ends like admin page
jquery+bootstrap is great
for this purpose
jQuery is not needed for bootstrap - I just haven't gotten around to re-writing all of the components yet.
however it is a pretty good use of it (the component code is nice, after you add a few ; back to it)
I can't picture 1 million bengal tigers fighting over a single gazelle
sounds too crazy
question one) Do you know Javascript? question two) Can you open up the jQuery source and honest to god understand it?
If you answered yes to both of those and you understand the limitations of the toolkit and when it is proper to use it... by all means. go for it.
if you are at all confused about Javascripts language agnostics why in the name of pete would you use one of it's abstraction toolkits.
I recently started in javascript
still getting the hang of it
notice how I call it a toolkit and not a library... virtually the same thing but with modularity now it's more of a toolkit, and this distinction keeps more newbs from thinking it is a language replacement to js
I had to develop mobile apps across multiple platforms and we used jquery mobile for that
i'm not front-end developer, but sometimes i have to do some pages. i don't want to learn entire javascript and implement one simple animation or something, i just use jquery
same things with bootstrap.
I mostly used backbone.js and underscore.js
for my back end work
@Antigluk and if you had to do some "minor home repair" would you put your new toilet in with duct tape or would you pick up a book and learn how to do things properlly
Javascript takes at most a week to learn, it's frigging easy
DOM API is a beast because of... well ... IE
so you get a SHIM and you're set.
or just learn the caveats of IE (pro tip: support latest two versions only and this is not as huge an issue)
i know javascript, but why should i learn it DEEP? especially differences in browsers
i just know that jquery works in most cases
there are no real difference in browsers unless you are talking about the DOM API
but you don't know why it works which is the issues i'm pegging at. hey if it works for you cool - but if you took a week... just a week... you would be able to do so much more without any problems at all because you will have gained more understanding.

Learn Javascript Videos

Apr 27 at 15:10, 1 minute total – 7 messages, 1 user, 0 stars

Bookmarked Apr 27 at 15:13 by rlemon

I suggest these to everyone old and new to JS.
i said that i know javascript
the title is condescending.
just look at the title to each video (minus the first if you are comfortable with the DOM)
i don't know it such deep to understand fully jquery code
so is this about learning about videos about javascript
or videos about learning javascript
@Pyrodante the first vid is about the DOM API and why it is so..
the second video is about optimizing speeds and performance.
the rest are just really good talks on writing proper clean efficient js.
I have been writing JS since like 1998 - I still watched these.
I should have made the title less condescending but ohh well.
the videos are gold.
and @Antigluk a DEEP understanding is meaningless.. you realize how small the Javascript language is compared to others. also duck typing making things even better.
thanks, look at leisure
jQuery source is full of hacks and shit to make it full compatible. you don't need to know these "hacks" you just need to know agnostics, scope, scope chain, and the basics behind the DOM API and what makes the DOM API and Javascript different.
Note to self: never look closely at my left leg ever again.
@nil that is strange dude.
@rlemon about duck-typing i absolutely agree
My entire left leg has a birth mark, but I noticed that there are little dark red spots that seem to be blood on it.
i love python and one reason is duck-typing
not only about this, but it's crazy nice
@nil mosquitoes?
The amount of mosquitos necessary for this would be roughly equivalent to hanging out in a swamp, naked.
@nil please make a doctor's appointment
it's strange
This is most likely just because the blood vessels in my leg are dilated.
Though this does make my leg useful as a thermometer.
It's normally red if it's warm and turns purple if it's cold. This freaks out some people because they assume purple is bruising/no blood flow and red is burn marks.
@nil I have 3 of them on the back of my hand. and have for as long as I can remember, the doctors tell me they are not blood filled but it's the pigment in the skin has changed.. they told me not to worry about it.
Yeah, it's a non-issue for me.
I've had it since I was born, doctors said it's completely harmless.
over my lifetime they have slowley faded and are almost none visible anymore (although if you have many this might not be the case for you)
not the birth mark, the red spots (we are talking about that right?)
you can make pallete and paint scale by temperature in respect of color :p
Well, the red spots I don't care about. They aren't an issue.
It's only a problem if I'm in pain.
And my leg's never had problems.
I have psoriasis (small patches) on my face and arms... in the winter they get little white bumps (smaller than a pimple, but still visible) and in the summer they do not tan.
you wouldn't notice it unless I was there and pointed them out. but it's strange to have a small patch of skin that wont tan
Most people don't notice my birthmark unless I wear shorts, which is pretty uncommon.
ok I am getting out of here now
You can see the difference in skin color in this picture if you want, though I won't onebox it since it's a pretty big picture and nobody really needs to see my skin colors.
Alright, I got lazy enough to register my actual name on Twitter as a separate account
Just to ensure nobody else takes it.
You got lazy enough to do something....?
how does one get lazy enough to take action?
sometimes i register on resource and got error that such nick already exists... and when i click restore password it happens that i did register there long time ago
'cause it happens wery often
so the stacks are getting tangled
when i do inter-application intents
@FoamyGuy I basically accomplish things by being so lazy that it becomes necessary to do something to ensure future laziness.
.. That's going in a tweet now.
I see
posted on August 22, 2012 by Tor Norbye

We've just released an updated preview of ADT 21. See the ADT 21 Preview page for installation instructions and a list of new features and bug fixes.

does that get posted to here automatically?
/not installing
ADT updates are irrelevant to me, seeing as I don't use Eclipse.
Hard work pays off later.... Laziness pays off now!
It pays off especially well when I wrote software precisely so I can be lazy.
The only downside is I end up not getting to spend my time being lazy.
@nil you're right on that! Israel is just terrible... I don't why so many people assume you are an antisemite if you support palestinians(and/or are against Israel), this has nothing to do with religion.
I don't get*
oh.. this is out of context now.... should have refreshed the page before wrighting something... :/
I want a regex that checks if a string has more than one "." (dot). I was looking at the documentation and I found "X{n,m}?" which mean "X, at least n but not more than m times". So instead of "X" I would put a "."? something like: string.matches(".{1, 2}?"); ??
@0gravity That depends on whether the string only has dots.
I posted a question on SO. but my question is how to know how many dots does a string has. for example: "Hel..lo."
If you wanted to do that, I think a regex is a bad way to go about it
If you need to know the actual count .. holy crap my eyes hurts.. damn onion.. you should write code to do it.
A: How many dots are in a string. (Java)

Aleksander BlomskøldAs mentioned in the other answers, your regex contains a bug. You could either fix that (escape the dot), or use String.contains instead: if (myString.contains("..")){ System.out.print("it works"); }

any ideas?
Rule of thumb if your stack overflow question does not gets an answer that works by 30 min. The odd of getting an answer that works decrease exponentially.
are you trying to get a count of how many dots? or just to know that there are 2 or more? @0gravity
I just want to know if the string has more than two dots that's all.
like He.lo.lol.
you want (dots >= 2) or (dots > 2)?
Did you try MadProgrammer's answer? that seems to work for me
Ok this works. tempString.indexOf('.', tempString.indexOf('.') + 1) != -1)
if (myString.indexOf(".") != myString.lastIndexOf(".")) {
Yea I just tried that one too, and it works.
anyone worked with the maps api much?
Hey gents. Can you confirm ExifInterface only works on "jpegs," and not "jpgs?" The only question on SO about my issue has that has an unaccepted answer.
i could be wrong here but im pretty sure jpeg = jpg
That's what I thought too.
I'll post a proper question; thanks JMR
it looks like theyre the same
that being said ExifInterface won't work with pngs im pretty sure
but any jpg or jpeg (images with info in their header) should work just fine with that class
right, but that doesn't mean the library interrupts them as the same.
I agree... give me a minute to post some code/explain what's happening.

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