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I've used LaTeX for only one thing: writing a resignation letter.
what am i not understanding about inner classes and java that i keep getting java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError
I wouldn't know.
have u ever used the sample from android licensing?
No, I took the licensing source code and modified it for my purposes.
@Alin cool glad you got it solved.
Is there something special that I have to do so that my app runs on a tablet? perhaps change something in the manifest?
Nope, shouldn't be unless you've restricted certain screen sizes.
I gave the .apk file to a friend and he said that I did not run on his Nexus 7.
Didn't install or didn't run?
I have to check because probably he doesn't know how to install the .apk. He just said that it did not worked on ICS or in Jelly Bean.
How and/or why did he get ICS on his Nexus 7? O.o
Itsa me, Billdr
Yo billdr
lol I don't know.
I though nexus 7 comes with ICS.
How's everything going in this room?
Nope, comes with Jelly Bean
@Billdr Don't ask me, I just got here. :D
So far so good.
maybe he didn't turn on allow non-market app?
That -----^
But it should still pop up a dialog asking him to do so
yea probably...good call I will check tomorrow what he is doing.
Is it a published app? I can try it on mine
O that would be great, thanks... let me find the download link. One sec
Is not publish yet, is an app that I am working on.
I just wanted to know if it looks fine on a tablet.
I'll get you some screenshots if it works
Nice, thanks a lot.
Can you put it on dropbox or something? It's making me make an account to download on 4shared
o really? I will try something else one sec.
<3 dropbox for sharing apks
Am I the only person who finds tutorials like this one aggravating? developer.android.com/training/camera/photobasics.html It's missing huge chunks of code, so bug hunting becomes a huge PITA.
it would've been nice if they had just showed you the whole activity
...if only there was a download button on the right side of the tutorial, in a bright blue box.
I'll quit complaining now.
@kcoppock I have the file on my drop box but how can you get it.
That's awesome. Granted I didn't notice it either
@0 Should have a link button you can click to get a link to share
@0gravity put it in your public folder
Or that
right click on it hover on dropbox, click 'Copy public link'
Yeah, there must be something messed up in your manifest. I Just get "Do you want to install this application? It will get access to: <completely blank nothingness>"
Can you pastebin your manifest?
Yea sure one sec.
BOOM. No capital letters in package names. That'll be $500.
wow WTF....Thanks for that man....I wonder why it ran on my phone.
what phone you have?
That's a very good question, shouldn't have even compiled. Then again, in an SO question earlier I learned Android package names don't follow all the Java conventions, so I could be wrong.
I have a Galaxy s running 2.2
Loved my Galaxy S when I had it (Fascinate). After I installed CyanogenMod, that is.
Bing on Android == fail.
Galaxy S is a marketing name, there are like half a dozen different pieces of hardware.
Yeah, one per carrier
I think that was fairly stupid, but it seemed to work out for them.
I agree
with both of those =/
The Fascinate's the one I had (Verizon's) and they had Bing hardcoded into everywhere Google would normally be.
Ok I updated it in the drop box. dl.dropbox.com/u/37984286/CircuitSolver.apk
Wah wah wah wah
Still doesn't install.
Gonna plug it up to LogCat and see if I get anything useful
dam my bad...I have to put all the name in lowercase.
you'll prolly have to refactor the whole project
not just change it in the manifest
If you're in Eclipse you can right click the project, Android Tools > Rename Application Package
It says that the packet definition change.
Okay, this looks like the code that solves the problem I'm having. Problem is, I have no idea what it does and it isn't commented. Any ideas?

abstract class AlbumStorageDirFactory {
public abstract File getAlbumStorageDir(String albumName);
do you want to update your launch configuration?
Yeah, do it
Did you export it as a signed APK with your keystore?
Or is this the one generated by Eclipse for debugging?
it is unsigned
That's...definitely your problem
well I did not change the packet name yet. I am trying to change it.
shouldn't matter, actually. Android didn't seem to have a problem with the capital, just that it was lacking certificates
if you are building with eclipse it should be signed with the debug key
oo ok. well what I did was, right click on the project then Android tools-> export unsigned application packet.
You have to export a signed one
thats your problem then
run it on your phone
then go to ProjectFolder\bin\
and there will be an apk file there
humm let me see.
I think that will only work on his device though, right?
To work on any device he needs to set up a keystore and export using that
nah, it'll work on any
or I can say at least that I've shared that apk with people and had no problem
until you try to share a release signed one with the same person later
ok I have an .apk on the bin folder now...I will uploaded to drop box...
and when you tell them they have to uninstall the old one
Ah okay, guess that's handy for just a quick share. That certificate will expire in a year though, so you can't use it for uploading to Play of course.
and they start asking why
yeah, it won't let you upload it to the market
Well it scales up well, but trying to rotate one rotates several of them
well but it runs. right.
Want a screenshot?
wuhu! thanks a lot .
yea sure.
and yea it will rotate all the resistor that are selected...to unselect just tab with two fingers.
Oh I see
It is just a work in progress there is a ton of stuff to do.
looks good on sidekick 4g (not that you were wondering)
jejejej thanks for trying in it.
There's landscape too. Doesn't seem to scale the grid all the way across
yea I know why.
I have to make the background bigger.
:O It's a background image?
no is a view that extends a relative layout.
and I am drawing a grid
Oh ok
I guess I could override the onMesure and put something like 5000 width and 5000 height.
Why not just fit it?
Oh does it scroll?
yea I guess I could do that.
it looks like on the screen shot when you are moving the resistor it increases a opacity of the grid but it takes some time.
Yeah I noticed that. Areas I'd drag through would become brighter
Also, I guess you have a pinch-zoom thing going on? It doesn't update till the next time you move a piece, so I'm thinking it needs a call to invalidate or something
hummm, weird in my phone it updates automatically, but I will add a invalidate...thanks for pointing that out.
Interesting. Yeah no prob :)
my phone is tricking me into thinking that everything is working fine. lol
zoom works fine for me too
and yeah this platform will do that =x
lol definitely.
humm, so zooming works for some and not for other. Something to check in the future.
nice to have some feedback this early on, so I can see if it is even worth continuing working on this. :)
I'd have liked to have something like this in my circuits class. :P Visio is a terrible, terrible way to draw circuits, but it worked.
I don't even know what I got my self into...it seems that it get harder exponentially as I make some kin of progress.
user image
Can't get enough of that.
But yeah, I think all programming projects end up that way. "This should be easy!" two hours later "WTF is a Fragment anyway?"
lol yea.
I started using surface view...and I did not know WTF I was doing so I change to extending View.
I don't think I need a surface view.
Oh dear god so many bills coming up for this paycheck. I'm going to just cut my electricity off and eat my Nexus 7.
from imgur: "I know what code refactoring is and I know that's a cat in a bath tub, but this makes no fucking sense to me. " lol
^^ nice pic
That's the second time that pic's been on the star board that I know of, lol. First was nil's
08-22 01:54:44.551: E/AndroidRuntime(1489): java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to create service com.au.onlineadr.eye_cebox.Services.EyeceBoxService: android.view.WindowManager$BadTokenException: Unable to add window -- token null is not valid; is your activity running?
Does a AsyncTask HAVE to be linked to a Activity?
nvm.. i thinkthe issue was the progressbar
@BobSmith You've got write access. Read the rules, follow them, print them on fortune cookies and hand them out to passersby, etc.
I want to be the guy who writes the fortunes
also it is an injustice to all other types of cookies to refer to those things as cookies.
Fortune crackers?
I'd be fine with that
They're shitty tasting, too.
yup, which is why it is injustice to all other cookies
I've always had this fantasy in my head of breaking into a fortune cookie factory and slipping a few random WTF fortunes into every 1/100 cookies.
"Ceiling cat will watch you masturbate tonight"
Yes, these are the things I think about.
I haven't gone so far as to come up with any, but I've definitely wanted to slip some in here and there
"A shark will soon eat your family"
Yeah, this is what hacker groups should be focused on -- hacking into the computers that print fortunes for the cookies.
thats why I stay the F out of the ocean
some lady was trying (again) to swim from cuba to florida
with no shark cage
she failed
4 times
Still, halfway there is impressive.
But why, seriously.
its impressive, but still idiotic
24 hours swimming is impressive to me
Don't you start going batshit crazy after like 36 hours with no sleep anyway?
I think it takes longer than that
I remember reading about some army experiments with b-12
Q: How do I get music to resume playing?

Bob SmithI have music start playing in Activity A. When Activity B opens, Activity A closes, as well as the music from Activity A stops playing. When I return to Activity A, I would like the music to pick up playing from where it left off. How do I do this?

hello =)
@BobSmith how are you playing the music? MediaPlayer?
i'm gonna develop chat app which could render image url as image. what views should i use?
@FoamyGuy yes
you'll have to getCurrentPosition() in your onPause() of the first activity, save it something persistent (i.e. shared prefs) and then call seekTo() passing in the value that you stored
"Randy Gardner holds the scientifically documented record for the longest period of time a human being has intentionally gone without sleep not using stimulants of any kind. Gardner stayed awake for 264 hours (11 days), breaking the previous record of 260 hours held by Tom Rounds of Honolulu."
Well holy shiat.
@LeapBun ImageView springs to mind...
was that gardner guy the radio announcer guy?
yeah, those are more like the figures I remember
after a week or so they get pretty zombie like though with only basic bodily functions "working"
@kcoppock my chat row could be text with image or only text
So a TextView and an ImageView.
@FoamyGuy after i save the time using getCurrentPosition() then where in my code am saying to play the MediaPlayer at that certain location? Which method?
is it good to use web view?
@Bob I would handle that in onResume()
so you think that when i change back to Activity A, the onResume() will be called?
I know it will.
^-- I know it will too
else you have much bigger problems then making the music play correctly
so should I make my variable a double that saves the time in the song thats being paused when i use getCurrentPosition() and should i declare that variable global?
double yes, global no
get it from getCurrentPosition() and save it to something persistent
like SharedPrefs
or a file
and then read it in onResume() and call seekTo() passing it in as the parameter
SharedPrefs are awesome.
actually (checks documentation) you want an int, not a double
it is a millis value
and Im out for the night
whats a SharedPrefs (Im a noob which you probably already know)
Later @Foamy
pce @FoamyGuy
Its a form of persistent storage, your homework is to research and implement it =)
whats a
To research I go
Also if I dont make the variable global then how can my onStart access that variable that was made in onStop
Use onPause, onResume -- not onStop, onStart
I just read 11 days without sleeping....Holy fuck, I though that by the third day you start hallucinating, and eventually your body will shut down. But dam 11 days, I bet he got brain injury or something like that.
I'm like 15 hours without and seeing kittens inside my A/V receiver.
Doesn't necessarily mean I'm hallucinating.
@kcoppock ok I can use those 2 mtheods but still qouldnt my variable need to be global
Nah. Unless your Activity is stopped, your value will stick around.
Now if you need it to persist even if the activity is killed you may have to do some other stuff
Persisting it to sharedpreferences is probably the easiest way
@kcoppock Well when I change Activities then the onStop() is called so then my value wont stick around
That might be the case, I was thinking it was just onPause until the system terminates the app. Yeah, go for sharedprefs
What time is it there?
So Im reading up on SharedPrefs and if someone explains it to me like 5 then I think I will be able to figure out how to use them
If someone could explain SharedPreferences like I'm 5 years old...
I'm actually gonna head to bed, but check this out @Bob androidresearch.wordpress.com/2012/03/31/…
Good luck :D
@kcoppock thanks Ill try
Good Morning Everyone
@NareshSharma yoo
@BobSmith :)
@NareshSharma hey can you answer a quick question for me
@BobSmith sure if i can
wait nevermind I got it @NareshSharma
ok @BobSmith
morning guys
(for another 11 minutes)
Galaxy Note 10.1 just got ripped to shreds androidpolice.com/2012/08/21/…
Alrighty, got some bratwurst, going to wait to cook it 'til tomorrow
@Glitch hahaha ouch
It seems samsung have really lost the plot
I seriously want to punch everyone involved in creating that piece of shit
Samsung: do something good once, try to make a quick buck off the second one because people will assume it's good too
Well next we might see a Sony nexus phone
that should be interesing
Oh god please no
For the love of all things good PLEASE NO
No Sony devices have working light sensors. I'll cost me thousands of dollars.
@sarath You've got write access. Read the rules, follow them, carve them into the nearest cow, etc.
And by cow, not the cranky bitch in the next cubicle.
Failure to follow the rules will result in both your write access being revoked and me being very angry. You don't want me angry.
Aaaaand a bug just flew into the side of my wine glass and actually managed to make it ring
I think it might've also killed itself...
Yeah, it killed itself.
... don't make me laugh.. i'm in a lecture
One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.
damn you
.. want to be at home fixing my project
Q: Why does this make my screen disappear and crash my phone?

Bob SmithThe program works fine when I delete out the onResume() method but when I leave it in the program starts normally with the music playing yet nothing is displayed on my screen, and then when I try exiting out it freezes and takes a minute for the phone to come out of being frozen. What is wrong wi...

@Glitch your the only one on can you help me out
Don't ping people
It clearly says 'NullPointerException'
Yeah but what is casuing it
is it because its trying to pull the info before its created?
I don't know, why don't you add checks for null?
im trying
It says line 76 on your onCreate.
What is in line76?
holy crap i just deleted line 76 and it worked
thank you
it was making an onclick listener
not sure why that made a null pointer exception
You mean this next button? Not sure either.
no it was another button not the next button
Good Morning All
does anyone know a good gallery library or other picture viewer which i could use to display a json array of photos
what is onVideoSizeChangeListener is null mean? Its in my logcat and is preventing my program from playing MediaPlayer files
@BobSmith are you changing the size of the window at any point?
@adam2510 wow i literally changed none of my code, re ran it and it worked
i hate you Eclipse
There's something going on in there.
y no love for eclipse
What sex?
I was expecting the Leopard to hug the squirrel.
eclipse was just being mean
cause it hates you
Morning :)
i think i could do with a decent irish coffee right now
I could do with a huge amount of motivation and free time.
The free time would be more useful.
think I could do with a decent nights sleep
Well i have the free time... i just need the carrot dangling infront of my mouth
e.g. the urge to get this done so i can sell it
Sleep is for the weak
My preference is to do stuff until I pass out, even if all I'm doing is listening to a podcast
yeah.. might put on some music.. that will motivate me
I did get something done today, though: I got SublimeClang working, finally.
I also started work on a GLContext class for my engine.
Since I figured it'd be nice to have a class that lets me determine what the state should be at any given moment without querying OpenGL all the time
There are a whole lot of people in this room who want Glitch slapped.
@nil might work for a student or freelancer, but when I'm sitting at my desk developing, I think the colleagues will be stunned if I pass out ;)
I have people freak out on me all the time, it's pretty normal
I think by now most of the folks who know me well enough realize that I'm essentially a walking corpse
does a ProgressBar have to be linked to a Action?
Why would it have to be linked to anything?
i don't know...
I frankly wasn't even aware you could link an action to a progressbar, though.
i got a weird error earlier regarding a AsyncTask and a view
Far as I know, you just set the progress from whatever
Though I think you might have to set the progress in the main thread
let me see if i can find the trace again
yeah i did that
4 messages moved to bin
i'm just confused why it is causing a view error because of that progress dialog..
@nil Isn't it sad going through life like that ?
Going through life like what?
dafuq? app crashed creating a toast message
is actionbar dependent on the "titlebar" ?
    just tried to:
   And that created a nullpointer error.
shouldn't be
hmm i should start using Logs :P
@adam2510 But it was the only change I made :-/
what's the error?
my guess is the Actionbar is trying to get the title from the theme
@AndersMetnik Add requestFeature(FEATURE_ACTION_BAR) to your onCreate()

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