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00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

Goodnight everyone o/
2 hours later…
6 hours later…
@ballBreaker thank you, starting to drop the worries about the internship after a new morning and just tow the boat for this last 1.5 months
@ballBreaker its the only way, gotta get neutral again
_me_: looks at AS 3.6 update.
_also me_: checks what's the new viewbinding support.
_also me_: so butterknife with extra steps.
kotlin synthetics ftw.
@CptEric synthetics are kinda bad in multi-module setups
I have a plan to migrate to viewbinding later down the road
Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood Morning Everyone!!!!!!!! :D
@IvanMilisavljevic why?
its easy to cause runtime crashes, if you try to access a resource from a different module
so you're gonna create extra boilerplate and extra resource consumption instead of testing / reviewing imports?
remember that KAE's do not create additional code
yes, i think synthetics will be deprecated down the road
tbh im avoidng jetpack stuff as much i can
it's not jetpack
but from the stuff i've seen it makes sense to migrate to ViewBindings
@CptEric yeah androix
why? i legitly see no upside
synthetics are basically a magic props, which i kinda hate
it's not, it's just kotlin being lightweight.
there is a thin line between being lightweight and hiding too much stuff
it can bring a lot of confusion when things scale
not my hill to die on, just my grain of sand, as the verbosity of viewBinding is no less than findViewById, and viewBinding has the same or more amount of black magic.
i mean, im using synthetics in all of my projects and im super heapy with it
like i said, i havent tried actually using VB, ive just seen some examples
yeah, and skimped on some posts on ViewBindings being recommended against synthetics
just as part of the internal android codeStyle
which also enforces hungarian notation
they made a reddit post to explain it and that VB is not a replacement, both are separate things, kotlinX is mantained by intelliJ and androidx by google
oh yeha i see it now
it's also a matter of how you define your app framework, i don't like data binding either so i'm less proclive to use viewbinding
yeah i hate data binding too
for me it's not hate but a matter of contextual separation
data doesn't belong to UI
tight coupling between view/domain
i was considering using data binding for A/B tests
I feel Tim's presence as I am entering Laren
but it sucked so hard
I am here
@CptEric butterknife was deprecated by JW when viewbinding was announced, that should say enough
enough as in?
But JW is still working on it Tim
and the last commit was january 16
AS 3.6 looks really good :D
Still using ButterKnife
No annotations at all
@Tim so am I
Eemnes "fairtrade community" arent they all right wing?
mornight weirdos
How the morn going?
@Taseer Why is that?
Even though about the only time I open it at this point is just to open an emulator. haha
I take back my words
It seems that AS is trying to copy Windows 10
Faulty updates
They think that the 'stable' channel is for bug reporting
Now the layouts are not rendering in preview tab
Good morning, ladies and gents
Mornin' everyone!
and heya cM good morning
@MwBakker good man :) I think you'll regret that decision the least later on
heya o/
how's your day going?
Getting rep on RPG, getting rep on reddit. I'm a reputable man
(So fine)
hahahah nice man
is RPG for tabletops? and is that an SE site?
Just browsing through some tinder stats for women vs men and getting a laugh out of how butthurt people are in the comments
(So fine)
Currently trying to decide what I should listen to for the day, kind of a crumby rainy day rn
and I'm tired.. so maybe something lowkey
or will that just put me to sleep :thinking:
will vape and think about it
RPG.SE, yes
Hiya Nyakouai, bB!!!!!! :D
hey wompy!
I started watching an anime last night that kind of reminded me of you LOL
Like the main character reminded me of you, for some reason heh
should I be scared??
Let me find the name of it... it's one of those really dumb names
hahaha nooo
o/ bb
It just started up in January, it's one of those MMO animes, the main girl (I've only seen one episode) is hilarious
BOFURI: I Don't Want to Get Hurt, so I'll Max Out My Defense
is the name of it lmao
@JBis heya o/
Not sure if you ever watch anime's but I'd highly recommend you checking it out, if at least just to see what I'm talking about hehe
I tend to read more than watch
but i'm going to check it out :D
oki :3
report back when you do!
@W0MP3R Hi Womper!
Yes, from the little I have seen of this anime, this might be Womper
This room is nerdin out hardcore this morning.
Or the cute, non-shovel-murdering side of Womper, to be precise*
hehe glad you agree nya
@Taseer You mean you got an update when it wasn't stable yet? lol
I'll be honest, it was pretty fucking funny, I was laughing hard throughout the whole first episode
does that imply that i have a non-cute side??
The evil grinning, shovel driping of gore, murder in your eyes side?
(Can we have that as a little womper emote?)
so... something like this
nerds, what is the current way to display PDF in a webview? google drive viewer service is buggy AF and deprecated
I'd answer but I'm not a nerd
oh shit
also I don't know
this might be nsfw
@W0MP3R hahah woah! murderous wompy
Yeah, yours is better... can't draw for shit...
lmao nya
wompy's is the non-cute version, and NYa's is the cute version
@Tim I don't know what you're doing, but I'd think 99% of the time you'd want to just let users open it in their PDF app.
Also I don't know the answer to your question.
i broke something
got an url from client that redirects to another url ending in pdf, webview won't load it
Maybe if broke = murdered
but "show this url in the in-app webview"
i love that Nya!!
ah I see.
2015.... whew that drawing is ooooooold
@Tim does this help at all? blog.mindorks.com/…
@W0MP3R I'll try again later, not a good drawer
it uses the thing I mentioned
Yea looks liek they're using google docs to open it?
meh you said google drive so thought it was different
Ok, I'm banishing myself from distractions for a bit. Enjoy your problems and nerdiness people.
enjoy your lack of distractions
oh no
she killed the bunny
Holy cow, this guy repeats everything I say like he just figured it out. So frustrating
Well he did figure it out... from you hahah
He's good other than that. but that one thing makes me want to throat punch him
Suggest it'd be a good idea to put his head in a woodchipper, he might follow
We are investigating an issue. I said there's a cronjob on the integration server that is supposed to be doing this thing
15 minutes later he says, "That file is run on that server". Yes, fucker, I know because I remember telling you 15 FUCKING MINUTES AGO!
OH not like immediately after
LMAO yeah that's annoying as hell
I figured you meant him repeating back to you what you just told him
Not a while later like it was an original thought
No, that I could deal with if it was because it was helping him understand. But nope
Yeah screw that guy
@codeMagic maybe it's running the server? Could that be it?
if you say so
bB, unfortunately, he's currently my only teammate. And he's pretty good other than that. But that one thing is a doozy
I mean, relatively speaking it's not too big of an issue, definitely annoying though
@twiz I got it on a stable channel yet they are buggy AF as always
Me just now after he said it's not using the one db: "Ah, because it's getting the devices through the API"
Him: "Yeah, I think I just *<mumbles>*"
Ok, I'm done now. Just had to get that out
|| joke
A DHCP packet walks into a bar and asks for a beer.
Bartender says, "here, but I’ll need that back in an hour!"
ugh lmao so bAD
|| joke
An IPv6 packet is walking out of the house.
He goes nowhere.
are these all nerd jokes
|| cool joke for cool people
Invalid command! Did you mean: door, goog, lol? Try help for a list of available commands..‍.‍.‍.‍.‍.‍.‍
Ok I don't get the ipv6 one
@ballBreaker yes
|| joke
There are 10 kinds of people in this world.
Those who understand binary, those who don't, and those who weren't expecting a base 3 joke.
I don't like stairs... They're always up to no good
do they make trouble in your neighborhood?
@JamesBot I hate that joke, mostly because one of my teacher was an ass
Was explaining us binary, popped this one and asked someone to read it. Ofc, falls on me, I ask if I should voluntarily make the mistake. Him "I don't know what you're talking about". Me "Ok, there is ten... " Him "And now you see someone who did not get the class"
Bet he rehearsed this line in front of a mirror
@Tim Yeah. I got into a fight with them and my auntie sent me to Bel Air
@Nyakouai oof
Fresh prince? Will Smith? Never saw?
Ok last one
|| joke
How many programmers does it take to change a lightbulb?
None that's a hardware problem
@Nyakouai He just wanted one day of his miserable low-paying dead-end job where he could tell a joke and not have it ruined by some little arrogant punk.
Probably what went through his mind anyway... haha
Good morning!
nope, it's noon.
Stop being stuck in the past.
only 1 star
may you all burn in hell
stingy bastards
|| womper
Goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood Morning Everyone!!!!!! :D
Hiya Carl!!!!!!! :D
How are you, oh keeper of pandas?
I'm gooooood
relaxing :3
I'm doing great!
Lots of good things going on
@Vodet Welcome. Please start by reading the room rules --> room-15.github.io
Hey, Mr. Anderson
hey cM how you doin?
Overall, I'd say ok. Work sucks badly, atm, though
exactly, dude101
@Vodet removed access for not talking before leaving. Feel free to request again if you want to join
@w0mpy did you like it
it's pretty cool
i'm on episode 6 xD
omg hahah
I haven't gotten past the first so don't spoil!
what show?
it's a dumb name brb gotta look it upo
> BOFURI: I Don't Want to Get Hurt, so I'll Max Out My Defense.
japanese people come up with the dumbest, most literal names for things
BOFURI: I Don't Want to Get Hurt, so I'll Max Out My Defense
i'm slooooooow
neat it's an anime
maybe i'll start watching it
Are you sure that's not the name of an emo song from 15 years ago?
It's fun, at least from what I saw
I like the concept of the mmo they're playing in it too, cool mechanics
@twiz lmfao
that's actually super fitting
Complete nonsense that sounds mildly depressing, is way longer than necessary, and still not a complete sentence: Emo song title.
or apparently that anime
my favourite non-emo band with an emo name is
"And So I Watch You From Afar"
Q: How to code an android app that will edit a file in a mobile?

sagnik dasI want to develop an app that will go and write some data given by me to a file in a predefined destination in the device. I don't know android coding,what should i learn to code this?

hmm don't know of them
not surprising, they're an irish band
@ballBreaker I see you, and I raise en.wikipedia.org/wiki/…
fucking awesome tunes though
@Zoe hahaha wasn't I the one to tell you about that anime in the first place?
@codeMagic why's that?
nope, stumbled over it on netflix on my own :')
Remember posting that in the discord/java room a few years back
repeatedly telling ColdFire to watch it
That's only like 2 words in Irish: Sayewatchu framafah
heheh awesome
yeah, because I totally remember every message from several years ago >.>
sassy frass
@CarlAnderson Multiple things but mostly because I'm still on this legacy platform that we should be done with by now
And urgent prod issues keep popping up so I can't even get the things done in each sprint that I'm supposed to do
But I'm like all over the place so context switching has been a huge issue
And the code in this project is terrible. Especially the queries
This is another stupid anime name I've seen recently
> Didn't I Say to Make My Abilities Average in the Next Life?!
@twiz This arrogant punk had listened and understood and did not like being belittled over nothing
And people keep quitting because one of the managers sucks so the last 2 weeks have been riddled with interviews
"nothing"? It was probably his only reason to live.
I'm not even entirely sure why I think being a professor would be so awful, but I imagine it would...
bad managers are the worst
code challenge: don't overengineer, make it simple 3 bullet points as requirements. feedback: the one page activity that just queried api data didn't have DI or liveData.
Yep, luckily I don't have to deal with him at all, at least for now
But anyone I've talked to about him (not just in engineering) doesn't like him and says he doesn't really do anything
next time i'll build my own backend in node ffs.
So...if you're tired of the rain and want a job in Mishawaka, let me know ;)
Or Boston but trying to get more eng out here
I would like to move to Boston one day
I'm going to stay in Seattle
but im not planning to move :/
is remote ok? :P
to add to my challenge rant: also "no ui testing".
sir. it's a recyclerview. :I
place 1: you crated a service class for the Api just because it has 2 endpoints and many parameters? that's so overengineered.
place 2: you didn't UI test a list of textviews? that's so lame.

plz align.
Why Boston?
why, indeed
That's where our main eng dept is...for now
I heard they have nice tea parties there
They did until it all ended up in the ocean
Now they just drink seltzer
I don't know what seltzer is other than those tablets you can put in water for upset tumtums
oh it's just carbonated water
weird american lingo
that's right daddy-o
It's gross is what it is
meh, it's fine once you get used to it
Seattle implemented a sugary beverage tax a couple years ago
But we have a big machine here that you can get multiple flavors. But it's just a glorified water cooler for me
a 12 pack of Coke costs almost $9
I know. Which is dumnb
yeah I'm not a soda water fan at all
a 12 pack of seltzer cost $3.5
Maybe I shouldn't say dumb. Maybe I just don't understand it
and both taste terrible if you add ass-bourbon
I don't know why but the word seltzer is horrible and I hate it
They should implement an ass bourbon tax
One of my good friends has that last name. I'll let him know that you hate his name
that's even worse, please do
Is he an alcoholic? because you could call him Alchy Seltzer
No but I might anyway. He does like to drink
next time you have drinks with him make sure to bring it up hehe
I'll try to remember and report back
posted on February 25, 2020 by Neal Eckard

Android Studio 4.0 Beta 1 is now available in the Beta channel. If you have Android Studio set up to receive updates on the Beta channel, you can get the update by choosing Help > Check for Updates (Android Studio > Check for Updates on macOS). Otherwise, you can download it here. General fixes This update also includes fixes for the following public issues: A

heh coolio
I miss my cat
what the fish are you talking about?
noooooothin just randomly really missed my cat for no real reason LOL
Ah, sorry to hear that. Losing pets sucks
PETA is trying to make us stop calling them pets
oh haha he's not dead.. I had a feeling you might think that
He's at home, hopefully alive still
@codeMagic reallly????
@codeMagic PETA is terrible
they kill animals
yeah honestly not super surprising, PETA is so bad
89.4% of animals under PETA's care have been killed in one year.
I think their shelters have an adoption rate of like 2% 10% or something don't they?
@ballBreaker LMAO! I did think he was dead
bahahaha yeah that's why I'm finding it weird that I miss him, just saw him a little bit ago, usually takes me longer than a few hours LOL
I hate non profits that do bad
@JBis yeah honestly, what's the point at that point? At least if you make a profit someone is getting something, somewhere..
on a cool note it was pretty fun to see weinstein get charged guilty
that miserable old fuck
@codeMagic PETA is full of idiots.
I agree
I do like pita bread tho
I forget what they want us to call them but some long thing. Like you don't care about your pet if you call it a pet
whenever I think of PETA I always think of the south park episode about them
I'm pretty sure I saw it but don't remember
but that's ok
that should be your life's motto, codeMagic. "I don't remember, but that's ok"
I like that idea. I think I'll adopt that
I do actually use a variation often if someone is telling me something and I don't know what they are talking about and I don't care to know. You know, to prevent hearing a long story I don't care about
"You about blah blah"
"No, I don't. But that's ok. I don't need to"
Unfortunately, it doesn't always work
BTW, how's the no smoking going?
Mostly good. I've had some bad days where I say eff everything, go buy a bottle of non-ass bourbon, a pack of smokes or a cigar, and go to town for the night
Started working out last week so I'm hoping to keep that up
Well, I started in December but I started consistently last week :P
I was sick the weekend before last with a cold,
and so I didn't do my workouts last week
but I went skiing and then played volleyball Sunday night for ~2 hours
That's a workout
and was so sore yesterday that I skipped my workout again, but felt like that was ok
man, where's @DaveS today
I have an actual Android question I thought he might know the answer to
I don't blame you there. Better to skip than end up tearing something
You might want to try a different room for that
@CarlAnderson sssshhhh maybe he forgot about r15
he gets far to much joy out of trolling you to forget, JBis
I can say that I didn't feel as gassed at the daddy daughter dance last week as I have in the past so I think I'm on the right track
@CarlAnderson definitely okay
skiing/snowboarding will always put me out of workout commission for the next few days
"gnarly leg workout, that is" - yoda
00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

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