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posted on February 24, 2020 by Android Developers

Posted by Scott Swarthout, Product Manager We are excited to announce the stable release of Android Studio 3.6 with a targeted set of features addressing quality in primarily code editing and debugging use cases. This is our first release after the end of Project Marble, which was focused on making the fundamental features and flows of the Integrated Development Environment (IDE) rock-

@JBis Not sure how you would solve this. You don't want to allow an auto edit to an answer to add the comment
Best I could think of is some notification to the author if an upvoted comment gets so high
Comments to answers will be added to specific links instead of to the answer in general
(Adding a comment to an answers won't propagate to all links of that answer)
@codeMagic What are links?
So...you can have an answer without a question?
so links are basically a URL?
the best part is this mansplaining
> for the technical nerds there is really only a single update, "links" are really code for foreign keys
@codeMagic Yes, eventually.
those are my favorite questions to answer. the ones no one asked
I'm going to answer just "yes" and "no" and link it everywhere
@DaveS takes a physics class, "so as your rocket goes up, due to the curvature of the earth--" "holdup"
@DaveS 15 char min
'The answer to your question is yes'
Larger minimum for linking answers. The more you want to link the larger the answer has to be (up to a limit).
Isn't that just a comment and not an answer?
I fear we have a chicken and egg thing starting here
@codeMagic ?
@DaveS Seriously laughed out loud on these. Not sure how I didn't get looks from coworkers
have a star
You can't really answer something that hasn't been asked. Otherwise, isn't it just a statement?
@JBis 'The answer to your question is yes. The answer to your question is yes. The answer to your question is yes. The answer to your question is yes. The answer to your question is yes. The answer to your question is yes. The answer to your question is yes. The answer to your question is yes. The answer to your question is yes. The answer to your question is yes. '
@codeMagic more of a medium article
It works tho
it's gonna be fun testing your moderation tools
Since very, very good answers will end up being curated documentation
@DaveS moderation tools wand zapp
do I need minimum rep to link answers?
because I have access to an unlimited number of emails
As you gain more rep you can link more answers to more questions
@DaveS what about ips?
large rate limiting on ips
and no access from known tor nodes, so ha
VPN get expensive
free tier ec2 instances
Yeah, I'm just going to hope people don't spam.
good luck :)
you should be ok until people start using it
lol, i mean if someone goes out of there way to destory the site they can. But someone could do that on so also
they can't they have algorithims and moderators to handle it
On the site:
minimum barriers, rep wall etc
> I'm Evil :( Don't be. I haven't setup rate limits and stuff. If this site gets abused I will take it down until I have setup rate limits and moderation tools, so don't ruin it for everyone else. If you feel the need to DoS someone, simply clone the repo, start up your server and go DoS yourself.
basically an invitation to troll you
Please don't dave 🥺
@DaveS if you spam me i'll vote for trump
It won't be me
but I might do a little pen testing
I have a nonoffically non guaranteed bug bounty of $1-$2 per serious security bug that is completely up to my discretion and judging
But I encourage you to pen test! (seriously, it will help me learn)
my username is gonna be bobby tables
@DaveS quality will go down
No it won't
healthcare outcomes in the US are behind other nations with national healthcare
Amenable mortality isn't the only measurment
quality of life is also a thing
and average isn't the only metric i care about
US has some of the best doctors. Thats why people come here for health care.
we're not gonna lose them by reducing administrative costs associated with private insurance
they don't though, those are myths
people go to Canada and Mexico for affordable healthcare
I'm going to be honest. If I have the money to pay for it, I want to be able to get the best health care in the world, in the US.
UK has supplemental insurance
I'd assume you could get that if you wanted but it would all be covered
Does Bernie include that in his plan?
I support "Medicare for All Who Want It"
He's gonna have to negotiate his plan with the house and senate
assuming he is able to get elected
yeah still a long way to go
a King can afford it sure
People who are rich should be able to get better just about everything
I don't have a problem with that
they will still be able to I'm sure
you don't need insurance if you pay out of pocket and I imagine you could pay out of pocket for things you want
so then only the super super rich get
private insurers don't do anything to improve quality of care
rather than the decently rich
they just take money out of the system for profit
everyone would be able to get the care they need
@DaveS not directly, but indirectly, and they make it cheaper
@DaveS So?
no they don't
it's literally proven in every other developed country that we spend more and have worse outcomes
They make it cheaper for the individual
not for the country
no they don't
posted on February 24, 2020 by Neal Eckard

Android Studio 3.6 is now available in the Stable channel. You can download it here. For an overview of what's new in this release, see the release notes.

my $4000 deductible with co pays is not cheaper than no deductibles and copays
To get the same quality care, it will cost upper class people more
you said it your self "pay out of pocket"
Talk to me when you pay for your own insurance
don't do that
you're just repeating talking points
and I got work to do
Another flaw that Joe Biden pointed out in one of the first debates is the fact that "a teacher and a paid fireman", as he said, "are considered upper class" in Bernies plan
have you looked at it?
do you even know what you're talking about?
@DaveS Fine. But don't minimize/ignore my opinion simply because I'm too young to have paid for insurance.
@DaveS Yes. i read many parts of his bill.
show me the part where teachers and firemen are upperclass
and i took many stats from cdc and other gov organizations to calculate some stuff
30 secs ago, by Dave S
show me the part where teachers and firemen are upperclass
Will do when I get home. Watch for the ping.
2 mins ago, by Dave S
30 secs ago, by Dave S
show me the part where teachers and firemen are upperclass
the way i worded what i said is important
you're deflecting
In one of his bills (speculation tax bill iirc), an exemption exists intending to exempt lower and middle class people from paying a part of the tax. This bill lists specific income amounts for individual and married couples. Average salary of fireman + average salary of teacher is greater than the amount listed putting them in the upper class (according to the bill). After some research, 55% of americans would NOT be exempt. How does that help the bottom 99%?
And you would probably not be exempt either. Do you consider yourself in the upperclass?
you know that's a minimal tax on stock trading right?
4 mins ago, by Dave S
you're deflecting
I'm looking for the income limits
I can get you the exact page when i am home, if you can't find it. Along with the research, calculation, and sources of the 55% metric.
Sanders also would create an income tax credit intended to fully offset the average burden of the tax for individuals with incomes of less than $50,000 ($75,000 for married couples).
I'm good with that
$5 on $1000 stock trade is fine
Yes, that sounds right.
I'm happy to pay more taxes if it funds education and healthcare
@JBis watch for the ping. At first light on the fifth day, loot to your inbox
most people don't make that many stock trades over the course of the year
@DaveS deflecting
You are avoiding the point
no I'm not, I'm saying I like the plan
thats not the debate
It helps the bottom 99% because it generates revenue for programs that help them
we are debating the validity of his speculation tax plan (we can, but we aren't)
it hits hardest the day traders
I'm saying it's valid and it has a minimal impact on most people
I am arguing that Bernie considers people making for than 50k (75k if you are married) to be upper class
that's putting words in his mouth
show me a quote where he says that
Those are Biden's words and have no basis in fact
11 mins ago, by JBis
Will do when I get home. Watch for the ping.
14 mins ago, by JBis
Another flaw that Joe Biden pointed out in one of the first debates is the fact that "a teacher and a paid fireman", as he said, "are considered upper class" in Bernies plan
Thanks, Obama
@DaveS GRRR. OK fine! So why are you also hurting middle class people?
Thats the issue
it doesn't hurt middle class people
it does
more tax
more tax for things that help me
and not that much more tax
You get taxed 4 times, 5 if you are rich enough
every country taxes people
you can't pay for things without taxes
not 5 times on the same money
and even with everything, it wouldn't pay for his plan
most people would pay less per month for medicare for all
that was my original point
now I'm going to work not getting into financial calculations for every single plan bernie has
it's all speculative and presidents don't write the law, just control the conversation
@DaveS :)
ok, have fun at work, even tho most of the money you make will be given to other people
Id rather it go to schools than rich people
Trickle down economics doesn't work, nor does trickle up
it's not always about economics even though there are a lot of studies suggesting stimulus to those at the bottom return more dollars to the economy than invested
People having the opportunity to have a decent life is what I care about
eliminating for-profit prisons and for-profit healthcare, access to education, decent wages, all of that's possible in our economy and is being done already in other countries
If a rich guy has to buy a smaller mansion to support that I really don't give a fuck
If I have to pay more in taxes to support that I'm glad to do it, by all accounts I would end up spending less overall anyway
Yeah but if I agreed with you it would eliminate the fun of debating you
;) I'll let you get back to work
@codeMagic its arigatou obama
Arigatou Mister Obamatou
But I'm not Japanese
@DaveS 52% sounds a lot
@codeMagic have you seen the japanese obama meme?
52% would only be on income over 10 million a year
damn 80% that is tax terrorism
we had 97% at one time xD tho
those were doing the "Golden years" of us history with some of the best economic periods
whoosh is the sound of marginal taxes rates flying over CF's head
@ColdFusion no
@DaveS hmm
the graph starts around the time the top tax rate was dropped under reagan
@DaveS bleh 52% at the max is very high imo
I think it's fine
you're making millions of dollars a year
well...500k's of dollars a year
@ColdFusion this is the answer I would expect from you, my Prince.
@DaveS interesting that the rich took it harder during 08'
@DaveS western europe chart is missing
aw I missed the political shit
on the site you'd press the arrow CF
but this is an image
@JBis that's not surprising at all
@JBis it makes sense that during economic hardship you can't give yourself massive bonuses
@DaveS Obviously, but I thought they did.
they gave themselves bonuses just not as massive
are you guys arguing about healthcare and shit
good bb you take over
tell him how Canada's system works
your're candadian so you are bias and your opinion doesnt matter
wouldn't I be less bias than you
aren't third parties by definition less bias?
"not gonna listen to the opinion of someone who has a similar plan to what we're debating"
@JBis obviously duh
@JBis you're 17 and you can't vote so your opinion doesn't matter
@ballBreaker no
@DaveS You don't know my birthday. I could be 18 by election day.
Wait, why is it so obvious rich took it harder in 08'?
@JBis becasue rich people have investments and not rich people typically do not
since election is in nov high chances of him being 18 by nov
@ballBreaker but banks were bailed out and gave the bailout money in bonuses (some of it at least)
That doesn't really affect personal investments though
Which rich people have out the ass
Unless I've misunderstood how that shit works down there
Most rich people are equity rich, most poor people are equity poor and usually also liquid poor as shit as well
@ballBreaker i like the double meaning
poor people can only lose so much
yeah exactly
a dip in 10% income for a billionaire is a lot more money than 10% for someone who barely makes ends-meet
its percent of wealth
not numerical amount bb
10% of 0 is 0
oh, well it's the same thing
The point is the exact same regardless
lol dave exactly
@DaveS ok, i can't find Bernie talking about the exemption or actually anyone talking about it, but it is evident that is the intention
the intention is to help lower income people make investments
you can't assume what he classifies as upperclass by that
bernie becoming the nominee would be interesting
Biden wants you to think that because it hurts Sanders and you fell for it
i read the bill before biden said anything
i was just citing him
I just don't understand why you wouldn't want to catch up with the rest of the world with these things
lets talk less about politics and more about this twitter account Joel Dongsteen
@DaveS My opinions have changed a bit since writing this but worth the read i think reddit.com/r/SandersForPresident/comments/crpq5b/…
but my guess is that you're still stuck in the american dream propaganda
So there isn't much to be done about that one unfortunately
other than educating yourself on how you've been brainwashed
@JBis you're over estimating the impact on everyday americans, the typical transaction fee is already higher than that tax
if you buy and hold your investments like most people do you wont even notice
it hurts the robots that make micro transactions and the day traders the most
and those people are arguably negatively impacting the economy and siphoning money while providing no value
@DaveS Why should there be any impact on everyday americans?
because it simplifies the tax code and is applied fairly instead of trying to come up with complicated limits and exemptions
its really not difficult
you're getting caught up on semantics, the income limit could be changed as well it's just a draft
but I personally would have no problem paying that tax with the way I invest my money
he wanted to pass it
It would have almost no effect on me
presidents don't just make up the law unless they're donald trump
You can't just think about yourself (I know the irony in that)
that tax would have cost me a whopping $50 at most last year
Also your argument that "he will move the needle" or "presidents don't make the law" isn't valid, because you support his policy
average amercians simply don't trade at the volumes that would impact them in any significant way
@DaveS congrats, other people it will cost more
@DaveS it shouldnt impact them at all
if you're moving your money around that much you're losing more money than that tax costs you unless you're a professional
I am fine with a speculation tax, just not on 55% of americans
if you trade high volume like that I want you out of the stock market
@DaveS horrible arugment
people like that are the reason for volatility
you should be investing not trying to make a quick buck
What you want and what should be legally enforced are two differnt things
horrible argument that's literally the point of democracy
where we decide what we want to be legally enforced
it's a minor tax
Look, I don't want you to call me an asshole, but you shouldn't be legally forced not to
I'm just mad that I'm going to be taxed 52% because I totally believe I'm going to make 10million dollars a year in the future
Ok i'm debated out for at least a couple hours
Good debate @DaveS :)
look I disagree with your point that it shouldn't affect most Amercians I think it should that's how taxes work
debate.socraticanswers.com coming soon to a server probably not near you until i get a cdn
so @ballBreaker you just gonna ignore Joel Dongsteen?
who dat?
sorry I saw twitter and just ignored, let me open it lolol
this twitter bot retweets joel osteen by replacing the word god with your dick
Is this guy just all motivational sayings about penises
ohhhhhhh okay
I'm not even sure who the original guy is
he's a super rich tv preacher who asks for your money so god can bless you
Is that the guy who denied people into his massive church during the hurricane?
sounds like a rapist
@ballBreaker yeah
> Your dick is fighting for you. He’s bigger than any force that’s trying to hold you back. He’s bigger than negative words that were spoken over you. You wouldn’t have those challenges if there weren't greatness in you.
yeah that guy is fucked
that's hilarious, I hope that bot gets famous
> All the circumstances may say it’s impossible, but your dick is asking you, “When did I become weak? Is there any limit to My power?” Get in agreement with your dick. He’s about to shift some things in your favor.
Weirdo ±_±
Also, Dave, I'm starting to loose my support in Bloomberg
not because of his debate performance tho
bloomberg seems like the weirdest of the choices
he just reminds me of another trump trying to weasel his way in
i don't like he's using a new Cambridge Analytica
but his social engineering skills are garbage
where as trump's team / russia / whatever
had some fuckin' stellar social engineering
Oooh politics in Room 15
yeah read through!
But before you do you have to pre-emptively pick a side and see if you've won or lost
and pay me $5 if you lose
but I'll pay you $5 if you win
But the caveat is that I get to decide who won
@twiz thanks and I know this somewhere in my head but all I want is to deliver a good product but now I am the the guy they want to just get rid of. I know this bcs he told me to focus on school rather the product now. Just get the paper, but I wont get a job offer for sure
@MwBakker Yeah it sounds like from this alone your best bet is to just stick it out until the end, you'll lose the least amount at least.. won't lose that time wasted that you've been there, and IN MY OPINION you've gained super valuable knowledge about the inner workings of company work and you could even apply those lessons outward
From what you've described, this company you probably wouldn't want to work for anyways
and when people ask you about your internship in the future, you can actually have like good experiences to form opinions on you know?
"Well I realized one of my flaws from that experience was that I can get too bogged down on details, so this is what I've learned, this is how I've grown.. etc"
That's right, but other than with alcohol I cant shake off the "care" factor and just move on with a smile
Its just 1.5 months
At least that's my 2 cents on it, I wouldn't give up on it.. but it sounds like it's taking a bit of a personal toll and I didn't realize that was part of it initially when you asked about it
But I have a presentation at the end and I cant do such thing if I dont stand behind my delivered product
Honestly I think you're in a bit of a unique place because 99% of the people I talked to that did internships didn't work on anything that actually produced real results
It was usually, "here is a corner... entertain yourself..."
That would have not motivated me, I told them. The fact it gets used really motivates me but same time it drags me down
So it sounds like they've given you something that is outside of your range of experiences...you're trying your best to do your best, but you don't have the tools avaialble to you or the experience that someone else would have that would let them succeed there
A week worth of work, constant working testing even spend a whole night through and "so this is it.." and ofc I am now doubting my efficiency
This is not about internship, this is actual worry being productive in my workfield on the right level
Try not to take it personally if you can.. we have a girl here that is a junior software dev working for our vendor..and they threw her into a senior role and I see a lot of parallels between the two
She is falling short repeatedly, but it's also entirely understood here that she is just out of her element
And let me guess she is not used to that situation before?
But at the same time, there are still deadlines, and things still need to be done, so she gets the "you need to work harder, faster, do better" but she is really stuck in where she is because she doesn't have the experience to do what we expect.. but it's not a problem with her, she's great and actually really smart and capable, but she's being asked to do too much too soon
exactly, she's been thrown into it with no experience in it at all
But her situation is clear, mine is not. My teammates understand my struggle and so does my teamleader yet he says ut could have been better despite it all
And I agree
I just dont know why or how I lost so much time in the development. I did a lot but I dont even know the exact steps
oh man I can't remember stuff I coded yesterday
So I have no proof
It seems like even before this you maybe really doubt your own abilities and choice to be in this field
Even if I have proof it gets mowed down "why like this if..."
are you by any chance the first person in your family to have gone through a university degree?
And I agree and we both agree things couldl have been done more efficient. He gets home I get home and I get drunk
I drown the care, start next morning do my best till the next meeting and boom
Its a vast routine now
And Im done with it very much
That's dumb, I could look at my code and find inefficiencies too after enough time
Oh well
It's hard to say either way without being there, and beign in these meetings but from what you're describing it sounds like you're in an unfair position
so if I was you, and it's obviously hard to do..
but try to take it the least personally as you can, just do you best to your abilities, and stick it out the remainder.. at the end you'll know you got through it without quitting (and you did try your best), you'll get your degree wrapped up and you'll learn some valuable lessons going forward
I've broke 10 users on socratic answers!🥳🥳
Just know that from what I've seen from you in here coding wise, and the way your brain thinks/operates (at least with what I can see just through a chatroom) - I think you're a good fit for this field, try not to let one experience change your entire perspective and outlook as hard as that is
The closest thing I had to an internship in school (summer job at the university) was an absolute clusterfuck disaster hahah so I can resonate there
Party at my house
congrats man
@mwb if you need to talk more about it outside of chat or w/e you can always message me on whichever platform you like the most
oh, sorry to interupt your serious talk
no it's okay he seems to be casper the ghosting right now anyway
I haven't read everything but definitely don't allow one experience to ruin your entire career path
most people will have at least one bad experience, you just happened to have it at the start
now i just need $300 million to promote my campaign....i mean app
that's a mood
just start a grass roots movement that people believe in, to get millions of donations for your app
pretty simple stuff tbh

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