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Fragmented - Android Developer Podcast: 190: The Privacy of ***********
posted on February 24, 2020 by shows

In this episode, Donn and KG talk about the post Tim Bray recently wrote - Why Google did Android. They then touch on Chrome becoming a monopoly and tips on what folks can do to be a little more privacy conscious on the web.

1 hour later…
@JBis I joined R15
|| womper
Goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood Morning Everyone!!!!!! :D
How is everybody
Kolin nerds i have this variable val me = "MyString" then demo(me) give me this error
Type mismatch: inferred type is String but Boolean was expected
show your code
morning everyone!
function demo
this is my val val name ="Username"
trying to pass it into demo as demo(name)
Don't pass a string to a boolean parameter
that function does not expect a bool, you're doing something different
This was my problem
`fun demo (x: Any) { }`
Using function before its declaration line
that doesn't matter
it's not 1990 anymore
@MuratKaragöz if you need to compare strings how else would you do it
@JBis redis yes, unfortunately i haven't had a chance to use elastic so far, but i guess i know the basics
not sure what you mean
Am sure am not passing boolean code
format your code
commented line 5 and 14
you need some brackets but the logic works
add } on line 6
remove line 15
you still have errors with formating
fun main() {
    val name  ="username"
    demo(name) // Give Error

fun demo(x:Any){
    when (x) {
        is Int -> print(x + 1)
        is String -> print(x.length + 1)
        is IntArray -> print(x.sum())
Sure thanks
Thanks #All
You are defining a method inside a method, that's why demo appears to be correct on the last line
@eli this is a problem when nesting funs
but normally you don't do that
Inner methods are useful for recursive calls
I've never seen anyone write some recursive fun in android
There are cases for example getting data with pagination or uploading batch limited data
probably :P just never seen it
you can use safe casts as well
for example
fun main() {
    val name  ="username"

    (name as? String)?.let {

@Tim I nested fun once, I ended up in a ditch without clothes
Look at the comment from Kevin
detective kevin you mean
Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood Morning Everyone!!!!!! :D
the OP of that question answers himself in the comment, and then re-asks the question he just answered for himself
that is art
will gradle be able to cache a dependencies if it cant get all the maven metadata files?
2 hours later…
i think not
Mornight random remote writers
more like afternoon
but ahoy anyway
Why's this so quiet?
Shhh, they might hear you. Lay low
Who's they?
         Cheer up!
posted on February 24, 2020 by CommonsWare

Subscribers now have access to Version 0.8 of Elements of Android Jetpack, in PDF, EPUB, and MOBI/Kindle formats. Just log into your Warescription page to download it, or set up an account and subscribe!

... Something strange is happening on my computer. Input seems to repeat themselves sometimes. Three times now, I have typed my password to unlock the session, and it rewrote itself in the chat. Five times, I clicked on a page, and it selected content between my first input and the point I dragged the mouse in the meantime...
Any of you ever heard of something like that? I'm a tad concerned
is your display touch screen?
hardware upgrade dance
No, it's my work computer, classical keyboard/mouse interface
are you touching the touchpad with something?
No touchpad
is it windows
issue identified
Usually, I'd appreciate the joke, but rn, I'm more concerned about not yelling my professionnal password to all of you
ask IT guys
not your computer, not your problem to fix
do a virus scan
change input usb ports
turn it off and on again
Can't, I don't even have access to that
Fucking company policy
issue identified
is there any interestingly patterned software spiking when processing input on your task manager?
nothing suspicious, in the lines of "totallyNotMonitoringYou.exe"
@Tim haha, imagine being paid to restart a computer
did that for 2 years, shoo.
imagine spending time doing not-your-job
@Tim I mean you are chatting here
Ok, called the support. Fix? "Don't trigger the bug, it's just our add-on that is messing up, it's not a virus"
They disabled the thingy (it had been acting up since this morning). Now it works and the bug does not trigger everytime (it is still disabled)
told ya.
Also, the guy asked me to show him the bug after I told him it would write my password in clear in a window
"just our add-on" -> há.
My facepalm-count dramatically increased
eyo eyo o/
Yo yo yo
Hiya bB!!!!! :D
heya!! :D
heya mama
Well I'm sad
i invested in AMD and now it's down almost 10% today
@Tim heee yaaaa yooo heyah mama
@ballBreaker my bot broke so I am manually reminding you to look at Socratic answers :)
ohhh right
yeah I'll prolly do that later today
Sounds good!
@JBis Didn't sell? Doesn't matter.
yeah best not to look at stocks daily
unless you were planning to like tomorrow. lol
it's probably just because the AMD GPUs are overheating because of loose screws
which is janky and hilarious tbh
HEY! AMD didn't kill THAT many kittens in fires.
@ballBreaker you remembered
of course friendo
How could I forget something to important toyou
@JBis should have bought it at 12 like us smart people ;)
Maybe I'll buy more to feel better
@ballBreaker nah cause of the damn Carona virus
China fucking me over again
How else have they fucked you over?
The Motley Fool seems to think it's worth the risk to buy
I mean if it's only the corona virus I'd buy
tht shit won't last forever
It's first quarter earnings I don't think hit expectations
@ballBreaker I mean someone will have to rebuild the world's infrastructure after the apocalypse. May as well get in on the ground floor.
@twiz yeah exactly
in fact, the corona virus is just going to get worse (in China, from what I can tell at least), so if it really IS bringing the price down, wait longer to buy in and you'll make more
My snap stock is still just sitting in the corner waiting to get picked for dodgeball
you could even introduce some secondary super virus' in to the mix, stir it up over there
let's get a little freaky
bubonic plague up in this bii
I would bet a ton of manufacturing type stocks would be great to buy right now. Even though there is something mildly disturbing about indirectly profiting off of a deadly disease.
Yea I wouldn't be surprised if even the price of steel, etc is down atm
Good time to buy stock in fortune cookies
XD haha
Start manufacturing them outside of China, and you'll make a fortune.
They've gotta live up to their name, right?
I guess right now they could be renamed to misfortune cookies
@Tim 🖕
@codeMagic Actually, I wonder if anyone has created those. Super offensive and negative fortune cookies.
If I die, I want "fuck fragments" to be written on my tombstone
Imagine going to a Chinese restaurant and getting a fortune that's like "Your wife is cheating on you"
"Now is probably a good time to make peace with your mortality"
I had another meeting and it went terrible. My credit is finished, is it the better option to quit now?
but is it?
I don't know the url and this was the first QA site on google by that name
These guys are always such a nice listen
Nice. I hate how it seems like no matter what you listen to youtube ends up bringing you back to songs you've previously listened to. You have to really go off the wall to escape it. I think NPR music will do just that. haha
@Tim you try and come up with a better name
How great would it be if Youtube had a setting that made it so it wouldn't suggest any videos that were in your history.
@twiz hahah yeah that's very true, that's one thing I enjoy about spotify a lot.. at least they have their various channels of recommendations, one of them being "taste breakers"
why would I, it's your project
I love that Tim just asked if the link was correct and you've been getting all self conscious about it Jbis lmao
I never really got into Spotify... not sure why.
@Tim with that attitude open source would fail
It's ok for your SEO to suck when the site is like a month old or whatever. haha
@ballBreaker lol
on a different but related note, that Socratic app looks and seems pretttttty LIT AF
@twiz yeah I was like that for the longest time too.. just preferred MP3's and youtube, but slowly got into it now I use it 100% for my music
@ballBreaker who's?
Damn it
I could see that being a real cool tool to have had back in school
@twiz if it becomes popular it could overtake the other one easily
I don't see how "name my product" is related to open source
@ballBreaker it's not unique many apps exist like it
yo yo it's me, your boy BB
back in school
Got this real cool tool
called Socratic, baby,
dont be a fool
Btw, does anyone know anything about social media management services. I'm trying to find one that is the right balance of features and price. Most of them seem to do a ton of stuff, but are insanely expensive+overkill if you're not running a legit social-media team.
@twiz haha...that's actually a good idea if they don't exist
@JBis we just had calculators back when I was in school so it's cool for me, okay?
@JBis Yep, that was my point actually. It hasn't been around long enough to rank well. Can't judge that.
back when I had to bust out my abacus
hey cM how was your father-daughter dance?
@ballBreaker In my experience, classes are astoundingly stupid. Considering how dedicated some teachers are, you'd think some of them would be a little more innovative instead of trying to brute force nonsense into kids brains..
It was a lot of fun thanks for asking!
@twiz Yeah that was my experience too.. me trying to focus in on some mundane shit they were explaining while there were cute girls around me and hormones so thick in the air it was hard to breathe
Like if I had no highschool math education, I bet I could learn it all in like a month using the stuff you can find online these days. haha
haha yeah for sure
get some random indian dude on youtube
Good point, being a teenager certainly doesn't help either.
no way around that one.
@ballBreaker boomer
@JBis It's "ok boomer". Learn your memes old man.
Why waste time say lot word when few word do trick?
@twiz haha yeah definitely not, I was just glad that highschool was at least a fun atmosphere and having adhd in HS isn't so bad if you at least have the intelligence to coast by
lol I thought that was a quote from somewhere, but couldn't place it.
yea I find there are like 100 office references I know just from people repeating them so often
I'm not really a fan though
I've watched every episode way more than any one person should re-watch anything
I feel like I've heard 100 people say that same sentence
"Liking the office isn't a personality trait"
And here I've been thinking I'm special
I never got why the Office was funny
haha same here Graeme
I never really got into it
I understand it's supposed to be about the characters, but the show only had one character I liked, so maybe that's why I didn't get into it
I think the fact it was a clone from a UK show turned me off pretty hard
ahh yeah when the american one first released that was a turn off for me as well
Not really anymore though
Who is the character you liked?
Creed was pretty jokes too but he wasn't really shown enough to really really like, ya know?
At least from just watching a few seasons
But you didn't like Dwight, huh?
I did but didn't at the same time haha like he was funny but it was hard for me to relate to him
I hated Jim
and Pam too
@ballBreaker That's the only reason he was a good character though. The show would just be going along and he'd just throw out a creepy one-liner.
I don't think anyone can really relate to Dwight. At least I hope not
@twiz Yeah that's a good point, one of those characters intended from the start to be mysterious
haha true
Rainn is kind of crazy in real life. I watched an interview with him on a late night talk show once.
The thing I thought was funny is that Jim and Pam had such a terrible relationship, but everyone seems to like them. lol
wow I regret googling RAINN
was not expecting that lol
Also yeah I agree twiz, I thought that was weird as well
@ballBreaker how long did you watch for?
Fuck, now I regret googling just his first name
I couldn't get into it either because I think the lack of plot driving story was too boring
@JBis I've tried a few different times with a few different girls (lol), and I think the furthest I ever got was season 3
You guys do understand that it was meant to be sort of a mock of reality shows, right?
and I hate reality shows even more
I think for someone not to understand that they would have to be mentally retarded
With the office, you either love it or hate it
I do too. But I think that's part of the reason I liked it
I don't hate the office by any means, I find episodes on their own can be enjoyable but I overall don't like it and I think it's massively overrated, but I won't hate on someone else for liking it
@ballBreaker I do too. With the exception of some competition shows. I like watching Ramsey yell at people.
im probably going to pull the plug and end this internship, anybody got experience with that here?
i think because I understand why it's appealing but the appeal just doesn't land the same on me
my teacher nor teamleader are available, which is why I ask it here
@MwBakker I've pulled out of jobs but not internships. What's the downside to pullingout? does your schooling get delayed?
How much left remaining on the internship if you decide to stay?
I'mma need more details before I make a decision on if it's a good idea lol
@JBis ough, that is tough
@ballBreaker yes, half a year appr delay. But I just wonder how the jobfield is for someone who had to quit his last internship
It was meant to be a joke, oops
What is so bad about it?
approximately, probably spelling this wrong
If you quit out of this one, I assume you'll need to find a new one right?
Is it paid?
but I will have to explain my delay, a failed internship will get me a label
How much time is left on this one? and do you need to start over entirely on the time you put in, or can you carry it forward?
yes it is paid
Are you in uni or something?
I am
answer me question bro
@ballBreaker 1.5 months. I am quite sure I can't carry this forward without dissapointing results
So are you worried then that at the end you will end up "failing" this internship?
Aren't all internships going to be pretty stupid? What's so bad that you can't put up with this one? At least it is paid.
because 1.5 months isn't long at all to stick it out
@ballBreaker I am quite sure I will fail it
Hmm I would definitely talk to the coordinator of your internship program first
@ballBreaker how long ago did you Start talking in this room regularly?
@ballBreaker I know and I would but I am not going to stare blank at my screen for 1.5 months cause I lost track of what I need to do
I didn't even know you COULD fail an internship. I thought most companies just used it as an excuse to have someone to do the work that no one else wants to do.
hard to say if some sort of bad mark on this internship will look better or worse than you quitting an internship
I'd say bad Mark is probably better
@ballBreaker I lost all credit, I could reschedual a meeting but it would mean us sitting frustrated why we can't understand eachother
quitting means you probably knew you were going to get a bad mark so it's quitting + bad mark vs just bad mark
What do you mean you lost all credit?
@JBis a year ago I think?
@MwBakker how far into the internship are you?
basically once I started talking in here it's been pretty regular since
Why do you ask?
Idk, just wondering how long ppl have been around
that's fair
I guess it's that time of year. Lovebugs are mating on my laptop.
lmao excuse me what
I mean... everything I said is 100% literal.
@codeMagic november
" A male lovebug copulates and will remain paired up until the female has been fully fertilized. Copulation takes place for 2–3 days before the female detaches, lays her eggs, and dies. Adult females have been recorded to live up to seven days, while adult males may live up to two to five days, but on average lovebugs live three to four days."
@ballBreaker if I schedual a meeting it is just me and my teamleader and frustrations why we don't understand eachother or how I twist words that I was certain I noted down the right way etc
But what is "credit" in this context?
the meassurement of what is being expected and what is being delivered, translated into the time that someone is willing to invest to turn the delivery point into what is demanded
if meetings start to look like fights, it's where I notice credit is gone
I have been ranting here every time I had a meeting, and everytime I went home drank the shitty feeling away and moved on. I got less acceptable and now I really start to consider quitting is a better option
all I want is to deliver a nice product, somehow I can't reach the demands so I dk what is best
Can't you just discuss that with your employer? I mean you are just an intern. Surely they don't have full-time highly-paid senior dev expectations. lol
@twiz okay hahaha that's what I figured
had to make sure
@MwBakker No I mean a meeting with the internship people at your school, not at work
@ballBreaker I tried to contact the guy
So... additional thought: No one cares what your GPA or whatever was in uni, just that you got a degree. The exception being that you could list internships on your resume. Seems it would at least be worthwhile to complete it so you could say that you did, and if possible at least end it on good terms so you could use them as a reference. From what I understand, most employers wont really say anything bad about people for legal reasons (that may just be the US though).
Yeah it still seems to me like the best bet would be to power through the next 1.5 months just so you at least finish up, and get that done with.. in the end just having that bit of experience is better than someone with no experience.. I ended up getting my job after with 0 experience
And even though you might have to do another internship, at least then you can list two on your resume. Honestly that may be more worthwhile than a degree. lol
Yeah I'm not really sure how internships work since I never did one.. but I looked into it for a while and it didn't really seem to be marked.. it was more just pass/fail
@ballBreaker This NPR shit is pretty awesome. haha
I've started using Gradle Build Cache node instead of local cache
and im getting following performance:
Clean build: 2m 17s (100% cache miss)
Following build: 21s
@twiz yeah the tiny desk concerts are super cool!
I had kind of forgotten about all these bands.
good morning
That it is
Yeah, really is
I'm in a great mood today, feels like spring here
I was going to say its a bit chilly here today, but its actually 78. lol
It's windy though
Yeah it's like, 8 or 9 degrees out right now
basically beach weather
not sure what that is in your units
46 jesus
like 40-50
I thought it would be way higher when you said 78 was a bit chilly LOL
Well its like 14 mph (like 25km?) winds.
and it warmed up really quick over the past hour.
And I'm wearing flip-flops
twiz are you in Australia?
damn that's some gorgeous weather
@codeMagic Oh, so you have been venting off way longer than I do, tips hat
Lil windy, but nice when it's hot out
I was wearing socks and flipflops earlier
my man!
I didn't know you were a father, congrats
speaking of
I found a song with lyrics I think you would enjoy, based off some pics you've put in here
It keeps the sand fleas from biting, but still allows the laziness of a flipflop
(I don't know if sand fleas are a real thing)
You have a link to this song?
@twiz sorry hahaha literally someone came right up to my monitor and was staring as I Was typing that
The lyrics reminded me of some pictures you were putting in here
I used to be a live feed for this site
I am late to the party -0-
@ballBreaker "You're just a fuzzy little bean" hahaha
hahahaha yeah
all the "look at this cute fuzzy little guy" alligator pics you were putting in here
That song has some serious early 2000s indie rock vibes.
hahah yeah I love these guys, found them a bit back.. check out Versace Summer
their best song I think
> We'll stay inside, stay in our heads
And we'll make lots of garlic bread
It's not a joke, we need a break
From the whole world
So please just

Take me away to, to my Versace Summer
Take me away to my holy grail in your bed
And we can sleep all day
Lyrics of a generation right there
I wonder why garlic bread... lol
You've successfully made it take way too long for me to watch an 8 minute youtube video (about something productive)
But it's funny, this guy's example code is talking about how great flipflops are. haha
hahahaha nice
I resonate with that because my tinder bio has been for the past like 4 years
"looking for someone to eat garlic bread in bed with"
lol I feel like that would actually be surprisingly effective.
hahah yeah I had a decent number of conversations started from it
I think I've identified another issue with SE
Who has found an answer, and the first comment under it is more useful than the answer it self? Why isn't the information in the comment edited into the answer. Why does it live as almost an after thought not seen by most?
I know what you're talking about but have never really experienced it myself
hmm, ok maybe not as widespread but def an issue I see
In my experience the first comments are always asking for more info
first comment under an answer isn't necessarily the first one made, if something is upvoted enough it is on top (before clicking the view more button or whatever)
To answer your question though, the reason is because generally the person who made that comment and the person who made an answer aren't the same person
I'm going to try and solve this on the new site
and theres going to be hats

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