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Three logicians walk into a bar. The bartender greets them with "Do you all want a beer?". The first logician says "I don't know.". The second also says "I don't know.". The third says "Yes.".
I rate that joke a 4/10
I rate the joke one slightly upward lip curl out of hysteria (so...same as Dave)
His wife said: "Go get a jug of milk. If they have eggs, buy a dozen". Later, his wife said: "Why did you come back with a dozen jugs of milk?" The logician said: "They had eggs."
An Adam walks out of his house. He is locked out because he doesn't have a key.
TIL logic jokes really just aren't funny
Plot twist: he calls Tristan for help and ends up getting pushed into a lake.
Plot Twist: He couldn't place the call at all since his phone died on a previous lake dip
Plotter twist: we all live in a simulation that Adam forgot the password to
that was dumb
I take it back
Looks like the XR is only 150 NZD cheaper
do you take back the plot twist or the comment saying that the plot twist was dumb?
that was dumb
I take it all back
please rewind time 27 years, 3 months and 3 days + 9 months + my parents meeting
We ran update, you're still here - turns out you're adopted
damn it, you stole my joke
oh no!
But you see, with the ambiguity of me saying "my parents" I covered my bases
@ballBreaker Turns out you were actually accidentally made in a lab with rejected specimens
Just reran the simulations
@ballBreaker why turn bother turning back the clock when fentanyl will do the trick
don't worry, the fentanyl might still kill me unwillingly
Hmm, the 11 is only slightly more expensive than the XR
This is how they get you :(
Then again, I'm not really paying for it so eh
just get an android and put it in an iPhone case
slap an apple sticker on that bad boy and they'll never know
That doesn't help me test on iOS tho
i think il have to buy a Mac and an iphone
i want to play with kotlin native
i cant imagine working on a mac
I swapped the apple key and control key on my mac and it confuses mac users every time
but fuck if I'm gonna use command C and command V like a fucking pleb
I only copy code from stack overflow with classy control
@DaveS laptop or desktop?
I have a pc keyboard for the mac too
ok, I approve
yeah, windows key should not be command key when using pc keyboard on mac
ctrl all the way
i wish the numpad worked though
it should work
it only works for arrows/enter
it doesn't register numlock/numbers
I haven't looked into it tbh, just didn't work out of the box and I stopped caring
it should, I have used pc keyboard with num pad in Mac
well it's a cheap amazon basics keyboard
so maybe it's just an incomplete implementation
actually it's a dell
maybe numlock is broken
Broken like JBIs' arm
@RaghavSood you may find this intersting graphics.stanford.edu/~seander/bithacks.html
Yup, super helpful stuff, I've gone through it multiple times over the years
Mostly pull things from it when designing protocol/datastructure stuff
Shaving a few bits here and there can make a huge difference
Anyone have experience with PayPal API?
i have some experience, not much though
So I am making a very simple ticket system. Enter the amount of adult tickets and kids tickets you want. Should I make the PayPal button type a buy now with the total amount or should I use their shopping cart API?
@IvanMilisavljevic You should look at getting a copy of this book, very much in line with the Stanford page
Oh, turns out there's a second edition now
I have the first edition back in India
@JBis i think you cant use shopingcart without paypal business i think
not 100% sure
just go with a one-time purchase button
@RaghavSood wow nice
@JBis You should only accept crypto
yeah like ragcoins :D
@IvanMilisavljevic I have PayPal Business. Just not sure which one is bette.r
@RaghavSood No.
i guess shopping-cart, if you have business, you can schedule an interview with their support
they will help you out
Hmm. Maybe I'll do that.
@RaghavSood can you remind me whats the best way to check if number is prime
i know there a simple trick, but i cant remember it
On hold...
They basically said do whatever you want
I think I'm gonna go buy now button cause its easier
@IvanMilisavljevic Varies by the size of the number - but for a 100% accurate result you would usually need to test divisibility by the 2, 3, and all numbers k = (6x +/- 1) such that k is less than the square root of the number you are testing
You can find the square root quickly using en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fast_inverse_square_root
There are faster options, but they tend to be probabilistic (although for any common range of numbers you'd find, the false positives are known and can be stored in a lookup table)
If you really, really want fast performance, you can hard code a lookup table of all 32 bit prime numbers in about 200 MB of memory, so....
That breaksdown for crypto level prime operations tho, since they tend to be considerably larger than 32 bits and it is generally faster to check if a given number is prime than to read a precomputed list for 4k bit numbers into memory to begin with

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