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Best way to rob a bank? Start a fake company, take a small loan of million dollars then file for bankruptcy
1 hour later…
@TimCastelijns I'm usually present, but not as active while travelling
2 hours later…
Guys, maybe you can shed some light on this relatively simple question:
Q: Naming feature module package names

glucaioIn a multi-module project where the package name of the 'app' module is: com.example.app Should additional 'feature modules' add on to this package name, like so: A) com.example.app.feature Or is it okay to omit the app name (default behavior of Android Studio): B) com.example.feature Are...

@ShreyashMahajan Please look into this stackoverflow.com/a/57660992/3983054, It will solve your problem
I wonder is there a way to get AS to not generate the testing packages when you create a project/module
Goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood Morning Everyone!!!!!! :D
This help me to make APK file. But That also get crashed.
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: dalvik.system.PathClassLoader[DexPathList[[zip file "/data/app/com.visualogyx.app.dev-MVerRhOl9oKyJILruJd8YA==/base.apk"],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/data/app/com.myapp.app.dev-MVerRhOl9oKyJILruJd8YA==/lib/x86, /data/app/com.myapp.app.dev-MVerRhOl9oKyJILruJd8YA==/base.apk!/lib/x86, /system/lib, /vendor/lib]]] couldn't find "libnative-lib.so"
@codeMagic lol
Good Morning
@ShreyashMahajan read your error careful couldn't find "libnative-lib.so". Try this solution stackoverflow.com/questions/49310144/…
just found the same SO question
I got firebase E/StorageException: StorageException has occurred. after i updating Google Emulator to 29.*
nothing changed in my code except i added shrinkResources true minifyEnabled true in buildtypes
minifyEnabled probable means a lot of code change. Try it with false again (also debug build type should not use minify)
They really need an option to hide those generated folders..
Works out!! Let me go through minifyEnabled and shrinkRes in details to see what real mean
Feature request submitted
[angry emoji]
Even2015 requested access. Rep: 24 - Questions: 6 - Answers: 4 (ratio 4:2.7)
you need 80 rep to enter these barracks, soldier.
Online since 04-09-2019 08:29 (UTC). Running on develop@355b70d. Uptime: 0h
Mohsin kazi requested access. Rep: 184 - Questions: 0 - Answers: 17 (ratio 4:Infinity)
@Mohsinkazi welcome. Please start by reading the rules and confirm you have read them before saying anything else.
I have read and understood the rules
You may proceed to the decontamination chamber
The only thing I found useful in Avengers End game
glucaio, your comments are cracking me up 🤣🤣
Naveen Rao requested access. Rep: 211 - Questions: 0 - Answers: 13 (ratio 4:Infinity)
Do you guys know a library for the camera like the ones that check for blur or glare?
you need to check the image blur or glare ? or u need a library for image capture with blur or glare effects ?
I want to check the image
Q: OpenCV with Laplacian formula to detect image is blur or not in Android

zzimooIn Ios we can: Is there a way to detect if an image is blurry? I don't know how to detect image is blur or not in Android or Java?

Thank you
@NaveenRao welcome. Please start by reading the rules and confirm you have read them before saying anything else.
Thanks guys
Please start by reading the rules and confirm you have read them before saying anything else.
Yes I've read the rules
no you have not
I don't feel good to see Zucc kickn you out
How to acknowledge that I've read it ?
So in order to develop a camera app with a simple rectangle on the camera preview I need to use TextureView and camera2 API right?
@NaveenRao You read them :P
In the rules it self it mentioned. you wont ask if you read those
Violated ... before saying anything else.
leave the accepting process to ROs please
I have read and understood the rules
will this help ?
pardon me Tim
@grrigore Yes. For that u need to use camera-core and camera2
And how to get this started?.. I can only find written code but I want to understand and write it myself
am I qualified to ask my question now ?
@grrigore Step 1: Create the universe
It's a domino effect from there
Can you guys help me with Navigation Architecture component . I want to listen click events of button present in Fragment Dialog from the fragment which created this Dialog. I'm using Navigation Architecture component to show that dialog from a fragment
1 message moved to Trash can
@NaveenRao yes, thanks
I follow this medium post to integrate in one of my app https://proandroiddev.com/android-camerax-preview-analyze-capture-1b3f403a9395

It's in Kotlin
Q: What is DEV and why has it been integrated with share on SO?

JamesI was surprised to find a link to an unknown site called DEV embedded within the share popup. It seems to be a site called dev which "requires" social login credentials to use. I'm a bit concerned about this appearing without any prior announcement. Is this an official partnership with SO, or som...

@MuratKaragöz minor drama
@KingofMasses Thank you, I'll check that out
Any one have solution to my query ?
why do you need that functionality
Does Navigation Architecture component have anything to do with Fragment Dialog click ?
@KingofMasses CameraX is stil in alpha, but sounds good, I'll give it a try
Yes. It;s in alpha only by this time. but it working well and simplified many things w.r.t camera
@NaveenRao you may read fully about Navigation Architecture components before simply using them. proandroiddev.com/…
narko requested access. Rep: 1870 - Questions: 15 - Answers: 63 (ratio 4:16.8)
Shree requested access. Rep: 13975 - Questions: 169 - Answers: 916 (ratio 4:21.7)
@Shree welcome. Please start by reading the rules and confirm you have read them before saying anything else.
@narko welcome. Please start by reading the rules and confirm you have read them before saying anything else.
This room is getting bigger
@R15-Zucc Thanks. I aware about room rule .
I'm not convinced, please double check
@eLi Using NAC we don't create instance of the dialog fragment which has to be inflated so we can't pass instance of any click listener from which we are showing dialog fragment
@KingofMasses I've read about it . They work good with fragments but with dialogs there are few problems which is bugging me.
dialogs work pretty well. Still why do you want to listen for clicks in a different screen
Did anyone experimented using NAC with a custom view? By custom view I mean something else than NavigationView or BottomNavigationView.
@Raghunandan check whatsapp
nothing on whats app. did you message me?
so whats the proper method to get the user last location?
using fused provider or LocationRequest?
@TimCastelijns why ? This is not my first room. I always read rule before request for access. If still unable to convinced you. Sorry. It's my bad.
@IvanMilisavljevic I used LocationListener, LocationManager and worked fine
But I think there are better new ways of doing that
@KingofMasses The code it's much simpler with cameraX thanks
yeah thats like 4 years old solution :D
Your first message must be “I have read and understood the rules”. I guess it's this one
Mr. Patel requested access. Rep: 459 - Questions: 5 - Answers: 43 (ratio 4:34.4)
I've made a Message Dialog which can be shown anywhere in the app but I want its "OK" button to do stuff which depends on what screen it has been shown from.

For e.g. Throughout the app this Message dialog shows messages like "No Internet","Order Placed Successfully" ... etc . But from one fragment this dialog asks to logout user and on clicking "OK" it should logout rather than just getting dismissed.
You're probably better off with a snackbar or toast in those situations
@NaveenRao kotlin or java?
pass a lambda to the fragment and handle the action on the callsite
@IvanMilisavljevic Java but I can work in kotlin as well
it can be done either way
create a SAM or lambda and just invoke it on a button click
Sorry I didn't got you. Where to pass lamda ? I'm using NAC and this code to show fragment dialog

Navigation.findNavController(activity, container).navigate(resID);
expose a public function
something like this
@grrigore welcome mate !
as a follow up get the current visible fragment from the navigation
Q: Android Navigation Architecture Component - Get current visible fragment

AlinBefore trying the Navigation component I used to manually do fragment transactions and used the fragment tag in order to fetch the current fragment. val fragment:MyFragment = supportFragmentManager.findFragmentByTag(tag):MyFragment Now in my main activity layout I have something like: <fragmen...

This was the most starred message last year on this day:
Sep 4 '18 at 13:52, by R15-Zucc
Unknown command '!adam's keystore'
@IvanMilisavljevic Thanks Ivan I'll check with this
@ballBreaker congrats on being an idiot on the board
been a while since I seen someone say they're an idiot xD
A: Create POJO Class for Kotlin

吴海豹I think this should be the Plugin what you want https://github.com/wuseal/JsonToKotlinClass

In case you didn't know about this
@grrigore nice 👍
@IvanMilisavljevic did you open source your code for the motion layout demo. Is its based on bottom sheet or just view group where you apply motion_scene?
its full on motion layout
here is the demo
im still working on some stuff (mainly tests) but motion layout is complete
@Mr.Patel welcome. Please start by reading the rules and confirm you have read them before saying anything else.
@Shree this room has its own rules and I can tell you did not read them. You can try to request again when you do want to read them
@IvanMilisavljevic i get it. so its not a bottom sheet that scrolls up
its way more complex than bottom sheet
i had guess it. but wanted to take a look at the code. yes its even more complex with bottomsheet with bottomsheet behaviour you have to animate each child view.
yeah something like that
I feel burned out whenever I work with UI, I enjoy coding Kotlin/logic more than UI building
yeah, but motion layout is really good
it opens up entire new world of animations
also you can do fragment transaction with motion layout
I even suck with bottom sheet let alone motion layout, I definitely need to step up my UI game
i took me 3 days and i am still understanding how to add different filters to images using NDK and renderscript. its fun. but there is not a lot of info on renderscript available on the android docs. If you end up in errors its hard to debug cause the stacktrace does not give you enough info and gives some native signal sigev ... some shit.
renderscript is shit
@IvanMilisavljevic you what
@TimCastelijns sneaky peaky
holy moly
did you see that dev site
declare top level const file name OR put the file name in the string resource file ,which is a better way to access shared preference file name?
@Mr.Patel your access has been revoked because you did not respond
you guys were talking about friends earlier, right?
guess what just showed up on my youtube recommendations
Where is the best place to add some access token?
This app is just for personal use, but it's on github
local.properties maybe
it is usually in gitignore
Do you think I can send a Base64 encoded image as a file?
I make a class and ignored it for the moment, but I'll do as you suggest, thank you :)
base64 is a string not a file
I know
The think is github api accepts base64 string as a "file" and I need to send images
So somehow I have to convert an image to a base64?...
@WarrenFaith now i know what shrinkResource and minifyEnabled is,
a wild Malformed request appears
How's it goin?
how you doin?
not too bad, tired as hell today tho
tired af
my best scientific hypothesis would be not enough sleep
meh working on a personal project :P
after decades of research I have concluded that not sleeping enough makes people tired
it's like a permanent state
Yeah I'm only really not tired on mondays and that's because I slept 12 hours each day on the weekend lol
val fileContent = Base64.encodeToString(file.readBytes(), Base64.DEFAULT) where file is /data/user/0/com.grrigore.cameraapp/cache/images/cameraapp_1567602940271.png should work fine? I'll get the image encoded in base64 or there are more to do to convert that?
My Gist is blocked can I post straight code here?
The code is about 13-14 lines.
Use pastebin
I have a class like this
How Do I prevent fooObject accessing the rootCheck() method ?
we're not enforcing the 3 line limit today?
Do you still need to use @SerializedName within a data class?
@GeekDroid use java 9, it allows private members in interfaces
I cannot use Java 9
Due to restrictions..
The only way is to wrap this inside an another class..And creating too many classes in Android will increase the size of Dex files..
why do you even want to do this
I don't want Foo to access certain methods....
The example I showed contains only one method...Actually it has 3 methods and I don't want any Foo object to access 2 methods..
I guess interface is not the right tool here
Sorry, you want to make an interface, and block implementations from using the methods of the interface?
that's retarded
The only way is a builder pattern now.
@ballBreaker I have a complicated usecase
he wants to force classes to implement methods, but keep those methods private
that sounds abusive
There are solutions 1. Wrap inside an another class 2. Use a builder pattern...
3. Quit your job
Not a solution to that prob may be solution to some other prob...LOL
the signing is kinda cool tho I guess
TIL there's a website just dedicated to google news
Imagine that was your job
to jerk off google everyday
I didn't realize they dropped the dessert names
one less thing to remember, so not bad I guess
yeah sounds like they're pandering to the international community
Yeah it was a decision to be more accessible worldwide, instead of picking US centric desserts and such
and things that don't translate well
Did I share that tweet about how now we might have Build.VERSION_CODES.TEN = 29 lmaooo
although it's massively lame, it makes sense
I need some help :(
What's up?
@AdamMc331 no
your tweet got lost
So I'm using the camera to take some pics everything is fine. In order to send the images to github I need to base64 encode them
I tried this from postman and it works but in AS I get some errors.. HTTP 404 or something else..
A 404 is weird, you shouldn't get that error if it's not encoded right wouldn't you get some other type of error?
Are you missing any headers in the app that you sent via postman?
Yes, I should get "content is not valid Base64"
Are you sure you're using POST in the app and not GET? we've all done it
I'm using PUT :> as suggested
Postman works
double check the url. It's probably wrong
Authorization: Bearer 2ab25181df779...
Is this Bearer something important?
yeah that's your auth key
that's very important
but still you'd get a 401 or whatever unauthorized is, not 404 not found
it's my auth key now.
very important
401 is unauthorized 403 is forbidden
.header("Authorization", SecretConstants.accessToken) I added this to okHttpClientBuilder
Okay that should be fine
Did you double check the URL like tim suggested? If you're getting a 404 that could be it
Just a sec
I did that but I'll do it again
Also the headers. Obviously can't go into details but I had a 404 endpoint not found recently and it was because I either added an extra header, or was forgetting one that was necessary.
<title>Malformed request</title>
<body>We didn't receive a proper request from your browser. Please contact us if the problem persists.</body>
Yeah so the URL is fine
it's a 400
my bad
Look for differences in the request body in postman vs the base64 encoding you got from the app
I'd bet they're not the same.
missing headers should only trigger a 404 if the server implementation is wrong
I think there is something wrong with my image encoding
yeah that seems to point in that direction
But I don't know why :D
Closed as unrelated, we solved the response code issue. Please write a new question.
are you just playing around with camera stuff for the heck of it?
closed as too chatty
I'm working on a personal project @glucaio
you're insane
ofc I am
Everyone has personal projects
I did a cool thing with mine last night! I added a PR bot that will comment on lines that have code formatting issues automatically
I got my bot right here
I only recognize one bot.
base64 ends with =?
Is that a question or a statement I can't tell
if it's a question I don't know LOL
a question :D
@AdamMc331 you mean this right bot
I found this in the logs Stop reading file since a wrong offset may cause an infinite loop: 0
throwback to Android Bot
I can't solve that
I overrided SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LAYOUT_FULLSCREEN but the app still does not force immersive mode on notch devices :/
you probably need to dedicate an entire day just to understand all those flags and how they work together
Now I get javax.net.ssl.SSLException: Write error: ssl=0x83775000: I/O error during system call, Broken pipe
Now back to 400 :/
@AdamMc331 Why aren't you using an autoformatter?
@TaseerAhmad also hide status bar
no additional flags
omg android 10 is going to be such a pain in the ass
thanks that worked, I was reading the docs and they said that I would need to override just 1 value (mentioned above)
@IvanMilisavljevic you just robbed him of an entire day's worth of suffering

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