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02:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

Actually, yes
2 hours later…
..trying to regain my sanity after a weekend with the fam
Goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood Morning Everyone!!!!! :D
well helloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo there womp!
@glucaio LOL
taser read the rules again. You can't have more o's than womp
that's a rule?
also, Hiya Taseer, Ahmad, Tim!!!! :D
well it should be
Hiya Ivan!!!! :D
next week, tech interview for the company in DE
test assignment passed
How to pass param in function and check the param was true or not? function (param){ return model.is{param}}
don't understand
How can i create a single function that will filter recyclerView with four boolean in model object `
Boolean penalty = false;
Boolean isActive = false;
Boolean isPaid = false;
Boolean isWaived = false;`
how can i filter a recycler for penalty, isActive,isPaid and isWaved ?
use .filter {} on the collection of items
how can i pass those param they are boolean
so if I read "how can I" once more from you eLi I will kick you temporarily for help vampire behavior
do you really want to tell me you are not able to check if a boolean is true or not?
Warren am looking for a single function which will check boolen in both variable differently.
What should i pass to a function function(param) to check whether isActive is true, letter using the same function check if isWaived is true
Nothing? Just check the properties of the model?
if (model.isActive) { doSomething() }
also you should not filter within the recycler but before adding the data to the recycler
> list.filter { it.penalty && it.isActive && it.isPaid && it.isWaived }
Online since 03-09-2019 09:20 (UTC). Running on develop@355b70d. Uptime: 0h
easiest way;: for each radio button you create a method that filters based on the selection
> fun onActiveSelected() = data.filter { it.isActive }
you also could use reflection or complex comparison but the easiest way: just make 5 methods (all, active, paid, penalty, waived) and thats it
easiest way to read
that's what i want to avoid Warren to create five method/functions
you will create more than 5 lines if you do it otherwise
Okay let me do it
what do you mean by "it"?
proceed with your solution
am sorry with my english
just try to be expressive and do not overuse ambiguous words like "it" :D
thanks Warren
"it" sound's like Creature of Gollum(Smeago). :D
that totally took a different turn i was assuming it to end with eli getting a kick
This was the most starred message last year on this day:
Sep 3 '18 at 10:08, by Tim Castelijns
user image
I have the keys of my new flat.
now if i only had a refrigerator to put food on... ;_;
good thing i sitll am in my old flat until 31 sept
writting documentation is hard
my mind: get the cheapest deal
my stomach: make sure food fits well
my eyes: charcoal gray, dude
the sommer: With ice crush disposer
myself: still looking for that fridge that looked like a drawer
should i trust a place called Antonio's appliances in the middle of nowhere, lichtenberg?
free delivery is a big plus, specially if they have some good deals
free delivery includes up to the flat?
"yeah come up i have a oven in the chicken"
or "just come up i'm saving my clownfish from drowning"
> Over 300 Washing machines / Dishwashers / Fridge on sale

Starting from € 149

Delivery and installation is just € 0, in Septembre, including pickup one broken household appliance
best case scenario: fridge!
worst case scenario: one less kidney.
iDroid Explorer requested access. Rep: 14855 - Questions: 243 - Answers: 329 (ratio 4:5.4)
@iDroidExplorer welcome. Please start by reading the rules and confirm you have read them before saying anything else.
I have read and understood the rules
I hope I am good to proceed further discuss here.
I have read and understood the rules
you good
Welcome!!!!! 🎊🎊🎊🎉🎉🎉
I am having one issue regarding converting my existing app (which is 32-bit ARM architect) to 64-bit architect.
I know that to generate the required so files, I should have a similar directory in jniLibs (e.g. armeabi-v7a, arm64-v8a). I have also place the files accordingly. That get compiled as well, but when I run the app, I got below error.

/lib/arm64/libnative-lib.so" is 32-bit instead of 64-bit
Here, libnative-lib.so file is generated automatically. I don't know what changes to take place to support 64-bit architect.

I have also follow the doc provided by Android (https://developer.android.com/distribute/best-practices/develop/64-bit)
Do you have any other third party dependencies ? If yes, I recommend you to check all the out dated third parties either they are containing c libs for 32 & 64 bit
I am using opencv, cmake which contain native code. Is it required to get updated?
Yes of course ! Please check their latest updates whether they migrated to 32 bit and 64 bit support. Else contact them or write an issue for them in gitHub
ok Thanks.
Do you know, anything about, how the so file get generated in build?

I fill like, there is an issue with the .so file generation.
Lunch time~~
why is almost nobody making big RPG's anymore? and by rpg's i mean the witcher,kotor, ME, etc... not dark souls or repetetitive stuff like diablo. and by anybody i mean: anybody besides CDPR.
we're getting cyberpunk and the outer worlds next year but it's been a long time without one
Baldurs Gate?
There is dark zoidberg in trailer
TBA though
it's not easy, look at Witcher, on all its details
we used to get atleast one a year back then, and they all sold like doughnuts on a cop fair
sure, but for good plot you need additional team (I guess)
oblivion > ME > witcher 2 > FO3 > ME 2 > Skyrim > ME3 > FO4 > Witcher 3 > etc...
then suddenly only crappy stuff online oriented and half-finished like fallout 76, elder scrolls online, anthem
probably young players don't need great stories
it just need to be colorful and dynamic
also, traffic (probably) moves on mobiles
the thing is they don't, that's why most of those games are sales (or refunds) flops
ME ?
mass effect
mass effect
Yeah I mean really there were only a few publishers ever making those kinds of games
mass effect
Bethesda and CDPR are basically the only ones left
i have played skyrim
Half of the ones you mentioned up there are all from two publishers lol
hmm i should install it again
Cpn' you're assuming these companies care about what you want
and bethesda kind of fucked up by selling their Elder scrolls IP to their parent studio zenimax
and making '76
not one of them does, not even cdpr
i know they don't. i'm thinking on their own economical benefit
@glucaio I agree, we don't know statistics
it goes beyond economic benefit
they're just throwing money at stinking piles of shit that don't sell nor get good reports
that's business 101 there
it's not about business
AAA games is a tool now
games of that size takes a massive team to create as well
For that quality at least
I played Outward which was an open world RPG similar size to those games and it was well done, only made by 10 devs
But you could definitely tell it was made by 10 people at various parts.. wasn't as polished
they have massive teams, anthem had 70 devs on it and it still sucked
and was as unpolished as a greenlight game
Yeah well, EA
but then again, wathever the publisher says devs are still responsible for their crap
Rockstar is still putting quality out there though, but definitely not very often
too much focus on their online mode too, which is barely empty
Yeah I don't really blame them with how lucrative it's been for them
in their case they do make a damn lot of revenue on GTA online, but RDR2 Online is crap compared
both revenue and content-wise
but yeah rockstar still makes pretty good games.
transhumanism is our future.. and that's one of the things being promoted in these games nowadays, desensitizing the youth so when it becomes mandatory by law to get chipped, people don't resist.
it's too early in the week to get philosophical
true only tuesday
how you doing eric?
angry that i can't get a quality sandbox rpg that doesn't look like my oven could run it.
besides that, coding.
where you put stuff to bake
square. glass window. burns on touch. gives birth to pizzas.
gives birth to pizzas ;-)
you know the rpg market's shit when terraria is on "top 15 open world games to play right now"
hey hadam o/
@CptEric Greedfall is coming the 10th
true dat
and it's a good nice RPG
CyberPunk 2077 in 2020
(and I know there are more but i don't remember them)
@CptEric play Subnautica
best game I've played ina few years
sandbox : check. rpg: mh.
but i liked it when it was on alpha
would die again by geiser
yeah doesn't really hit the rpg checkbox but still worth a play if you're looking for something
Outward was good, but like a 7/10
maybe i just miss the old days of decision making and cookie points.
yeah I mean if you're looking for a Morrowind you're SOL
banner saga has decisions
more like KOTOR3
I'm playing World of Warcraft classic, and that's pretty solid
but it's a rerelease of a 15 year old game lol
@CptEric goodluck lol
Might as well hope for HL3 while you're at it
i know. nowadays even rpg's put you on the happy path railroad line to the endgame content
i don't know
happy is subjective
AC Odyssey was pretty good open-world RPG
but it was almost too big
130h in
nah it's great, but it lacks.... uhm, customization.
still on chapter 1 of atlantis
as in, yeah, sure, alexios vs sister is a nice plot... but it's just a mcguffin
gotta finish it before the 10th
could as well be cut and have your own hero and the game would probably be better as the voice acting isn't that great for the main characters
I mean considering you know the name of the brother and not the sister
sounds like you picked the wrong choice
finished both
but kassandra's armour fit is ugly af.
Kassandra ftw
I like Kassandra a lot more
like, only 30% of the armours really feel like made for her
and of those a great amount are just bras.
you're very picky aren't you
i am when i pay 60 buckaroonies + a season pass
the game is good
but could as well be Random guy 1 and Random girl 1 and be a bit more immersive
That's fair
I quit the game after 30h so I can't really argue with you on it
i completed alexios on xbox one, kassandra on ps4 and the dlc's on PC
did you.. buy it three times?
bought with xbox, sold xbox, bought ps4, got it during a psplus discount week, and got it for like 10€ on uplay
ah okay
my god, ive played AC Odyssey for like 3 months
ubisoft is really hitting top scores lately with their games
story line is kinda ok, but locations are so repetitive and boring
like Division 2 is a good shooter looter for example
yeah ubi they are killing it now
they cover all genres
ive plyed divi 1 and it was really solid
anno is also ok
kiddie shooter: R6:S. cooperative looter shooter: division 2. Strategy: anno. action-RPG: AC:oddisey.
not like godamn EA, bf3 was the best game i ever played, Bf5 literally unplayable
rainbox 6
4 wasn't bad.
Any good steam game under $20?
which game is anno?
i like it but it's a special kind of game (like dwarf fortress)
it's a saga of games revolving around making a city better. a mix of typical strategy games and dwarf fortress ish
oh shit, Gta v is $20
Is it worth playing?
yeah gta v is really god
For $20? hell ya
V? yup if you haven't
story is about 50h of fun
Game was a masterpiece when it came out
(still is)
I did play one time but never finished the game
Never played online
Guess I am about to buy it ^^
Is online worth it tho?
not much
never played the online personally
but it's better at killing time than fallout 76
That's not saying much lol
@IvanMilisavljevic did you like it? We got it some time ago and I played it for like 30 mins in total
@TimCastelijns It was pretty good
Tons and tons of content
it takes ages to maky any reasonable amount of cash to buy weapons, clothes or vehicles, and heists/crimes are downpaid compared to story mode
Well its a good game, but its huge and if you want to clear the entire map 100% it gets boring
I don't care about completionist anymore, I just rush through the story usually
I feel that, not enough time in the day to complete something 100% these days
i'd prefer if there were shorter, more compact stories
How to make free money on steam? 1- Join giveaway groups, 2 - activate games, 3 - turn on idlemaster, 4 - mine cards, 5 - collect them in bulk, 6- Sell them 7- ??? Profit
Ac origins have a tour mode, where they give you like a virtual tour of old egipt, which is totally awesome
I actually made $5 free from that method
miss the hidden blade though
i don't even lift a finger for 5$
angry noises
yeah was gunna say
maybe a pinkie.
I'll pick a fiver off the ground but other than that
i'd write a hello world html/css for 5$
@ballBreaker yeah plus all games are the same these days
did any of you play the latest Ghost recon?
playing spiderman now and then but man it's just assassins creed but you sling around instead of horseback riding
first 20 minutes are awesome. kill a thug, rob a truck, blow a plane. then it's just the same for 60km2 and 12 regions.
but but
the feels man
they hit me like a train
spiderman's story is awesome
spiderman's side content is subpar
i'd prefer to take pictures of shit as peter parker than swing bombs in the air again and again
side content as map filler things, not the cool side quest branches like catwoman or wathever's called in marvel.
exactly that eric. I play on highest difficulty but you just dodge, counter, attack, repeat and you never die
that's why i loved so much Detroit
nice you unlocked a tower. Here do it 50 more times
@CptEric Blackcat
detroit doesn't lie to you. it's just a main story. but a hell damn of a branched one
replayed thrice, seen new scenes each time
Carlos is still wondering how you ended our playthrough so early
I keep finding myself replaying the same games lol
being chaotic neutral makes things easy.
I do that too Tim
i replayed it with same choices except connor's last 10 minutes just to see what would have happened if i hadn't been so keen on shooting people up
I have a lot of new games to play
@CptEric the russian one?
hm? rainbox six is made by ubisoft texas afaik
There's a new project called FiveM for Gta V, anyone played it yet?
and yet, I go to DA: Origins or the ME triology
or Titan Quest
i just wish andromeda was bigger ;_;
still haven't finished that one
such a great universe. such small planet choice.
I should get on with it
@W0MP3R i will not even open the editor for 5$
i have finished it twice already
but i don't remember a thing
strange the rainbow 6 i have is in russian :(
hahahaha CF
screw it
@IvanMilisavljevic you listen to the new TOOL yet?
and I would have to start it again (and i don't want the feels to hit me once more)
reminds me of a guy who wanted a whatsapp app for 1k$ i said i can get you to the mental hospital for 1k$ surely
andromeda isn't much feely.
wait no, it is.
just not as much as other bioware's.
i think
damn so many games you guys have played
i have not played most of the game discussed
18 hours ;_;
internet speed?
My stupid ISP did not upgrade my speed :|
I am getting 1 MB/s even though I should be getting 2 MB/s
@ballBreaker no, i forgot, il start right now :)
the hell are those speeds? do you get your internet by hamster power?
AC odyssey is 50% off
about 22$ hmm
@W0MP3R Dragon age storywriter and lead dev is now lead of SWTOR since january
gotta download it again it seems
@IvanMilisavljevic it's a 15/10
yeah shit this is really god
hey hey
there is no hay to be had here, citizen. move along
anyone getting some regular workout routines going?
finger workouts don't count.
train rugby 3x a week, gym 5x a week, fitness 1x week
unless the first leaves me so brushed i can't even lift a pencil
like this week's.
that's big
what's your motivation?
still do it anyway
not possible!
nice eric
yea I just workout after work for like 45 mins in my gym condo
he has to get jacked for his historic battle reenactments
typically 3x-5x a week
@CptEric wow with 0 motivation
eski would just take a swim in the ocean for workout
to me it sounds like the motivation is the rugby
I'm on that lumberjack/farmer workout plan nowadays
what is that?
I have a wood chopping obsession
it's just the manual labor of trying to start a farm
if anyone wants to play gta with me you can add me trickypotato111
you have a farm??
Yeah, I got a bunch of trees for you chop down as well
selling rune axe
:( java.time only API 26+?
xD Tim
why is your text not flashing pink and waving?
pink:flash:wave2: selling rune axe 20k
those were the days
grand exchange burned it all to hell
why all of this is ringing a bell??
agh think brain think
anyone want to join me on a trip to defeat the kalphite queen?
aww yes we can get dragon chain and be rich for the rest of our lives
awwww yeahhhhh
@W0MP3R runecape wompy
posted on September 03, 2019 by lfy

Emulator 29.1.12 is now available in all channels. Changes versus previous stable, 29.0.11: Major features: Support for Multi-DisplayRemote streaming emulators (manually hosted) are now possible via WebRTC. We now also provide Android Emulator Container Scripts to facilitate setup. We would very much welcome feedback on this aspect and running emulators in containers in general.We've

@ColdFire is there any problem with using Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK?
what kind of?
idk but here they say it's a last resort stackoverflow.com/a/3918838/1843331
yeah you in general its something you want to avoid
02:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

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