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00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

it's been a while since you've given us any worthy drama bb, is everything ok?
I can inspire him :D
Well I'm currently trying to get rid of my car after it got the death sentence
That's about the majority of my drama currently
I caught a waitress on Friday at the bar I always go to giving me the looks so I asked her for her number, but she has a boyfriend LOL
@ballBreaker how is your face this monday? :D
she's like "we've been dating for 6 years....recently split up and got back together..." lol
So now I just wait for them to split up
wtf hahaha XD
hahahha I mean, realistically if she wasn't interested she wouldn't have added the last bit
she genuinely seemed a little butthurt about it lol
But other than that no real drama in my lifes
she wasn't wearing her beer goggles was she?
she was working
oh right
@SnakeException nothing in that is anywhere close to my musical taste :D
I know that
I wonder if they can actually sing
It's just Zoe here that likes BTS too
hard to tell with all the autotune
@ballBreaker :(
No autotune, they do tours
And sing their songs
you can hear the auto tune in the song lol
even that autotune sounds like it's autotuned itself
you can auto tune live btw
yeah lol it's like way auto tuned, T pain style
<T> Pain
I really regret saying that now, mehdi move it to the trash
Also bb they have 4 singers, must be why it sounds like there is autotune
I am familiar with each voice and can tell you it isn't autotune
lol no it sounds like it's autotuned because it's clearly autotuned
at least in the song you put in
why do you wanna trash it, Snake? don't let us change your tastes
Won't happen
But bb is just gonna harass me every time I mention it
what if you caught them live when the autotune crashes
@SnakeException no harassment, he's just kidding, let's move on
huh? I'm not harassing anyone, I'm just stating a fact
The high notes are done by a singer named Jimin, FYI and he can hit high notes
No autotune, seriously
It's fine if you want to think that, there is nothing wrong with being autotuned, like 99% of pop songs are auto tuned
it's clearly audible
It's not something to get upset about dude, relax
It's just a style choice in the song
These guys are like Savage Garden but Korean
savage garden is like savage garden, but korean?
Two of the members doing a cover
You have to admit, it's good
didn't watch but I don't like it
@SnakeException if you don't want to get "harassed" then don't make statements like this.
@SnakeException I'll admit that music is subjective and some might find it good
@CarlAnderson Mehdi asked if there was any drama from bb so I decided to get some outta him
@ballBreaker They did a cover, the music isn't theirs
You're really just getting drama from yourself though
It is not a style of music that I would pursue
Well, what am I supposed to say now? hahaha I actaully hate these guys?
hate is a strong word :D
something like "well I understand you guys don't like it, but I still do" is enough
@MehdiB. There are only two kind of people in my expierience: they hate bts or love it, imo
that's very indifferent towards those who identify as people who hate nor love bts
you have no idea
I don't hate BTS
yeah Tim, you have no idea
and I definitely don't love them
^ = hate
do you think I am hiding something?
If I don't love them, I hate them?
Tim yes, I checked your github activity, and I see a lot of Kotlin
@ballBreaker I just base this on previous msgs regarding bts
I don't hate them at all, I just don't like them
If someone forced me to listen to them as torture, then I'd hate them
@SnakeException Hate <- dislike <- indifferent -> like -> love - marco polo on why I hated the ocean
dee dee mega doo doo
@ballBreaker pretty obvious that that can't be true since lovesBTS is defined as a boolean
can I please be null then
@CarlAnderson well that would technically be correct, you either love something or don't :D
AKA never created in the first place
sorry bro primitive boolean defaults to false
unborn me bro
bb = null; System.gc();
(still not guaranteed it'd work)
any of you ever played anno 1404?
im playing 1800
Tim you might like Stellaris
Stellaris is the kind of game that will give you room to expand your army, but then quickly destroy your ego because there is always someone better than you
my friend asked to play 1404 with me so i bought it, just checking it out now. It was on sale for 3.75 for the deluxe lol
Guys, what's your take on Coil?
got no use for it
Tim, I got something you might like
I didn't write this piece of code
You think I like to puke
I don't understand people who prefer to hardcode a string instead of writing "MyClass.class.getSimpleName()"
Google engineers wrote that code
I understand, but the class is really small...
which is part of a huge system :D
I actually don't understand the issue with the Handler, what is it?
It's the naming convention, they encoded 'm' with the variables
ah, yeah the android sdk is known for this... probably made sense before IDEs were a thing
@TaseerAhmad I bought stellaris, almost done with my first playthrough, fun game
@DaveS Do you find it hard? Because I sure do find this game hard to play. Playing against computer is hard
Creating army takes so many resources when you manage to create a decent amount with 20K+ firepower and then some computer-controlled faction got like 60K+ firepower
Needless to say, when starting out, those space shards are so tempting to shoot at but they end up wrecking half of your army
@TaseerAhmad I almost got wrecked mid game by a great khan but was able to hire mercenary raiders to fight them off
Now I'm the most powerful faction, built tall and teched up
but playing on easy difficulty, Ensign
will take up the difficulty next game
how did you survive the end game?
Haven't gotten to it yet but I have 3 100k fleets and a federation fleet built by my allies
and tons of citadels to use as choke points
thats nothing :P
I just took out a fallen empire
Oh well, I was never able to do that
once i consolidate the fallen empire I just took gonna build a 4th fleet
Everytime I tried, they attacked my planets and at the end I had to give up those planets
The end game or end crisis is going to be hard af
I grouped my 3 at a choke point and took their fleets out 1 at a time, then used the colossus with neuron sweep to wipe out their 3k defending armies
I'll just have to keep throwing battleships at them then
Did you destroy the rogue mega ship?
haven't seen one of those yet
Is it the standard game or have you bought DLCs?
I have the DLCs but I think the empire needs to awaken first
and I killed this one before they awakened
What faction did you choose?
not sure what you're talking about the events are randomized to an extent
Lokken mechanists
then I made everyone synthetic
next playthrough is going to be a biological super swarm or something
think Zerg from starcraft
Well, you might find weird things somewhere in the galaxy
I won't spoil
yeah, thanks :)
I always go with synthetics
biologicals are cheaper on energy but they unfortunately die with all the skills/experience accumulated
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