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01:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

Ribbit ribbit
1 hour later…
what is a Migic?
3 hours later…
Good Morning !
sup peeps
@IvanMilisavljevic I was thinking about that chat wrapper idea. If it was a website instead of an app, wouldn't CORS be a problem?
am currently looking for open source android projects to contribute on my free time
yeah probably
i guess SO has really restricting policy
if we could create a wrapper around the API and expose it as a library, that would be awesome
but that requieres A LOT of work
@IvanMilisavljevic wdym?
Scarp the chat, wrap it in the API
Yeah. That could work. However we couldn't do sending (without forcing users to provide their u&p).
oh yeah, true
what do you think about the proxy website
something like MITM
we have our own website,
we intercept the entire trafick
I just don't know how to do it without breaking CORS or forcing users to send u&p
but if you know how that would work great
unless we make a user script that will literally build the website on top of SO chat
that's something im aiming for
interesting idea. I mean that should work right?
i have no idea, in theory yes :D
i have 0 knowledge with html/js stuff
rlemon has a dark theme css file, this would work the same but a bit more intricate
well if you did something like a dark theme, we could rebuild the entire ui
yeah in that case thats going to work
I'll go talk to rlemon and ask if he wants to help (I doubt it, but its worth a shot)
night for now \o
lol i just came to the office
gn gn
hai o.0/
In disgust because of MediaPlayer, I stopped working on one of my app module, I will resume it at the last iteration
what up cf
how is the startup
what up B-dog
Can anyone here help me with Jetpack compose?
Q: How to load Image from drawable in Jetpack compose?

MaddyI have tried below code but it reflects nothing in the UI, I'm missing anything here? class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() { override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) setContent { loadUi() } } @Co...

Tim can
Baghdad is at 50°
@TimCastelijns work in progress
I'm not touching compose until it's stable
CF you started your company?
rg255 requested access. Rep: 1380 - Questions: 32 - Answers: 92 (ratio 4:11.5)
@rg255 welcome. Please start by reading the rules and confirm you have read them before saying anything else.
any reason why state list drawable is not working for fabs?
not sure. State list drawable is one of the 14569 things in android I'm not really familiar with
this fucking sucks
@rg255 your access has been revoked because you did not respond
how is everybody doing?
This was the most starred message last year on this day:
So I made a website for a shoemaker, but it took me a loooot of time because I also had my studies back then. I did not make any deal with him about time
But as I said, it took quite a while. I am not sure what I should charge since I mostly did it just for experience and having something online helpfull to a company
is it online?
you did not agree on a price beforehand?
nope, at that time I had school projects that after finishing dissapeared into the void
I just wanted something up and running
didn't care about the money, but he says "tell me a price and we'll surely be good"
I have, must warn you the images are quite large in pixels still
tell him one hundred million dollars
It's an informative website
not worth hundred millions dollars by change. Maybe his liver though
> It looks like you're using the development build of the Firebase JS SDK.
When deploying Firebase apps to production, it is advisable to only import
the individual SDK components you intend to use.
tell him you did it for the exposure
@MuratKaragöz I have followed the instructions on deployment from Vue docs themselves, guess I'll need to have a look on that
@TimCastelijns on what specifically?
what does that mean, "for the exposure" ?
Tell him you want a shoe
exposure is a currency
some people will say they can't pay you in money, but you'll get lots of exposure
I see what you mean
@MuratKaragöz one shoe? Why?
As a trophy
or two if you want to wear them
or ask him if he has a daughter
that took a weird turn
We ruined Tim
@MuratKaragöz I like this idea
But so not worth to mention any money at all then in your opinion?
what does this guy charge for car keys? They are 160eu at peugeot dealer
He didn't give me specific prices
we really can't tell you what the value of your work is, you have to decide this
I would probably print business cards and give him a a pack
when people are waiting for their stuff to get done
they will see your card
and they will call you
after they opened the same shop across the street
and you make another website
and give your card
My previous internship wanted me to register myself as a one person's business so they could hire me. But I first need to focus on graduation
Same unfortunatly for the card idea
Just like this app for my employer I will prob go too far, or spend more time than available which would could me my graduation (or currently, 4 months of extra school.. )
oh yeah if he gives you money, you will have to pay taxes
It's my handicap, and it worries me for the future
spread your business card
after you graduate you start doing real business
and people will call you
That is what I'd wish for, yet it's my biggest fear as well
Software is never fully 'finished'
What if I go on for too long, costing the time of other projects?
it is when you agree on the definition of 'finished' before starting the work
I've seen what can happen with my studies due to this, but as a student I can still make such errors. In real life though
You should look into functional specification document
True, but even with such document I can be too stubborn sometimes. Fixing or adding things or focussing on best practise too much. Usually at cost of other important things. It's a real issue, which I way I think an agency is my safe way, perhaps
How do you guys put hold on yourself on such things?
this thing you're doing right now where the client says "just make an app it doesn't matter what it ends up being" doesn't happen in real life
You agree on specs, you do the specs, you are done
@MuratKaragöz what if you encounter new best practises or such along the road where the app is already half done?
I couldn't care less
Next Project you do that
may sound weird, but you never had something telling you if you make project 2 like that, why not project 1 as well?
I literally can't continue if I encounter such thing, which is where my biggest fear comes from.. Never ending development on software and fights with a boss not being productive due to this
You can do that, but if I agreed to pay X hours of work I will not pay for additional hours because you encountered a better way
Ofc, which is logical
@TimCastelijns what was the yikes about?
@MuratKaragöz what does it have to do with, if not with typescript, kindly respond? — Vladimir Despotovic 47 secs ago
@MwBakker the fb sdk that you're probably not even using
@MwBakker this is hard, im maintaining some apps for 3+ years now, and this is such a pain, client won't pay for improvements, refactors and stuff like that
ivan, can you pass args to a nested graph?
@TimCastelijns I am using the FB SDK on the FB link below
@TimCastelijns si
firebase, not facebook
oh I found it now, thanks
@IvanMilisavljevic I wonder sometimes, do for example constructors go through the same issues? Like they build a house but halfway realize it needs updates and want to perform those etc
@TimCastelijns Firebase is used to retrieve the openingtimes currently, and soon all of the text (now just some)
i dont think so, updates in the sdk and tools come way more often than those kinds of upgrades in counstructions
He is able to edit the texts, I removed that function temporarly though
i always try to abstract everything, and make all peaces of the platform as flexible as it is possible
nice. Tell him any edits are 10eu each
but after some time, its not feasible anymore, also maintaining that code is real pain the ass
i mean some stuff you would usually do in couple of hours with modern tools, i need like 3 days with those legacy projects
and when it comes to pricing always charge:
* your time
* your skill
* time you took to gain those skills
hmm the args don't arrive in the fragment of the nested graph
maybe because of this modal set up
I left for more money. Was it unprofessional? Answer: No. 5 0 0 U P V O T E S link
@TimCastelijns hm, how do you launch that fragment? with navigation? or custom transition?
@MuratKaragöz The original question is clearly not asking what an initialisation block is. That's the answer. — Tom Hawtin - tackline 42 secs ago
130k reps and farms on duplicates
yes with SafeArgs
@TimCastelijns xD
@IvanMilisavljevic you're right on that
it should be there
@MuratKaragöz how do you think they get 130k
If only I knew..
also have you seen navArgs delegate for SafeArgs?
yes I use it
the nested graph has a separate nav controller, does that not matter?
So you pass the args with direction
but the nested graph is not receiving those args
@TimCastelijns time to start the flame war
I predict he will play the "I am here for 11 years and have 10x more rep than you so I know better" card
lets see
@IvanMilisavljevic I aim for that too, but still learning
Time to find the most upvoted questions, rephrase it and farm reps?
Vasko Vasilev requested access. Rep: 91 - Questions: 15 - Answers: 4 (ratio 4:1.1)
better stop closing "why does my program crash, btw here is a stacktrace that shows a NPE" as dupes then
@IvanMilisavljevic yes, seems so
Required argument "x" is missing and does not have an android:defaultValue, while I do pass it to the direction (I must pass it or compile error)
I think the base modal fragment that hosts the 'new' navhostfragment has to pass the args to the startdestination
fuck I don't wanna do that
Missed @W0MP3R as in tradition :(
@TimCastelijns Yeah correct, arguments are going to land in that fragment (that modal fragment which is hosting nested graph)
@Jordy I missed you at the lake last sunday
Define lake
That's not a lake
Peter Pancake
that area has several lakes
It's close yes but it's not Wanneperveen/Giethoorn nor Beulakewiede nor Belterwiede
Giethoorn was too busy
Doesnt surprise me
plus if we go there we want to dress like pirates and raise a somalian flag. Eventually it will reach the paper "somalian pirates harras Giethoorn lakes"
which would be hilarious
A lot of foriegn tourists there, they would have no idea what is going on
o/ bb
How's it goin' man?
I'm alright, it's quiet in my house now, my polish friend left yesterday
Plus some of my friends will graduate soon, kinda downer on my side
Yeah I had a friend stay with me for 3 days
then I got horribly sick for the past 2 and a half
I got a migraine attack at the hotel, great timing
got out of it 2 houres later and then all the restaurants but McDonalds were closed
BusyCoder requested access. Rep: 21 - Questions: 5 - Answers: 1 (ratio 4:0.8)
Ooof shit dude that sucks
Still dk what triggers that attack, perhaps it was heat
how are you bb?
@BusyCoder you currently do not meet the requirements to chat here. You can find our requirements in the rules.
Better than the past two days but still not great
Here for just the first half of the day today, then doctors appt and work from home
ough, too bad
@IvanMilisavljevic unwrapping the navargs and then passing them on as regular bundle during the transition is not really nice
It's kind of Phishing??
yikes nsfw ads
That would be a scraper
you can report this site to SO, check the SO site footer, there is a link
A: What should I do about a clone service scraping Stack Exchange sites for content?

Fish Below the IceIf you spot a site using Stack Overflow (or other Stack Exchange) content without appropriate attribution, use the "contact us" form linked to at the bottom of every page, and select the "Stack Exchange content is being reproduced without attribution" option. Include: the URL of the copied post...

@TimCastelijns yeah, a bit of hacking, but what can you do
nothing probably
@TimCastelijns Can't find it.
actually can't even make it work like this
click contact us in the footer, then click contact us on top of the page
okay tim. noted
be sure to read zoe's link
1 message moved to Trash can
more i use navigation controller and stuff, more i want to revert back to those godawful fragment transactions
same, same
I don't even know how to pass the args manually. I thought onAttach would be called, but no
i have a solution for you
give me a sec
@MwBakker yeah I'm lucky I got in. I was supposed to change my fuel pump over the weekend but after my birthday celebrations friday I got a major flu so I haven't gotten around to it
` findNavController(R.id.nav_host_fragment).setGraph(R.navigation.navigation_account_setup, intent.extras)
I can feeeeeel it failing in my car.. luckily I have the replacement in the back seat lol I gotta get it down less than 1/2 tank of gas though
and it's at like ... 6/10ths
where are you calling that?
inside modal dialog
oh yeah d'oh
remove nav graf declaration from xml
from NavHostFragment
and set the graph manually
@ballBreaker any room for groceries left though?
you can pass the bundle as second param (thats the initial args for first fragment in the graph)
I am already setting the graph manually, that was needed for the modal implementation
@MwBakker I just walk to my grocery store!
It's less than 2 minutes away :D
Hello, guys!
hello guy
My plan was to drive my car around country roads on the weekend until I hit 1/4 tank which is when it totally fails
Should I upgrade these guys:
The following packages have been kept back:
linux-generic-hwe-18.04 linux-headers-generic-hwe-18.04 linux-image-generic-hwe-18.04
@TimCastelijns right, so just pass the bundle
shit it actually works
I was doing val args: NavArgs? by navArgs() and casting it to concrete class, but you have to provide the concrete type when using by navArgs()
@TimCastelijns done. site is same as SO. precisely copied from SO.
My list in my adapter gets updated, but it's not a LiveData list
how is this
Wait, got it
The fields in my objects of the list are observables
Because the user has the ability to instant edit the object in the list, after longpress
fields are bound to the EditText element
Do you guys have a male doctor, or a female one?
fields as in row? Or actual properties in the object?
properties in object
lmao brutal
@MwBakker People will judge me for thinking this is funny. Judge me all you want - it shows our clownsworld in 1 picture
seems innocent :P
would have been better if cropped to not show it's a fb post
Everytime I read that I cry out of laughter xD
damn can you give a tldr?
OH I remember this post lmao
So good
Kevin stole another student's Iphone....and tried to sell it back to them.
Well played
I wouldn't even be mad
Just read the post
> I thought this was the rule when I was teaching until I met Kevin. Kevin isn't his real name, but it doesn't matter because he can't spell it anyway.
"Kevin spit on a girl and said "You should get out of those wet clothes". The girl was the Spanish Student Teacher."
Kevin is BB ?
I bet this Kevin kid must be dead by now
pulling antics like that
But imagine the life he had
Kevin say the N-word a lot. Kevin was white. The highschool was 84% black. Kevin got beat up a lot. xD
> I decided to meet with him, his guidance counselor, his parents, and another teacher to see what was really going on. This is where it all became clear. It was by some incredible fluke that his family hadn't been wiped off the face of the Earth years ago.
10/10 would share beer with
He would have some hilarious stories
but would be a liability and a half
> So here's a list of events that made it abundantly clear that god exists and he's laughing uncontrollably:
I think this might take the cake
> Kevin finished his first semester with a 3% average. He tried to bribe me with $11.
best school life for his classroom mates
Yeah hahaha that would be endless entertainment
I dunno if I would want to be his friend, but being in his class would be awesome
Kevin and his parents took a trip to Nassau (how the fuck did they even get airline tickets?) and forgot all their luggage at home. I didn't believe him when he told me until I talked to him mom, who told me 1st thing when I saw her at the bi-weekly meeting.
>Works as a English teacher
>Talks about intelligence
Pick one
I had an incredibly smart english teacher in highschool
She was my favourite teacher tbh though, she did it for the right reasons
Like genuinely wanted to make a difference in kids' lives
But yeah, typically you're right
Let's say in 95% of the cases
Yeah sounds about right
I hated having a teacher and knowing you were smarter than them at like 1/2 or 1/3 of their age
I have that with 99.999999999999% of the people on this planet
counts the number of users in this room
...the math checks out
We made our English teacher start smoking again
poor woman was also our mentor
@Jordy .> implying greentexting works in android chat
I'm heading out guys, cya tomorrow!
cya bb
memo to self: it doesn't matter on what view you call setSystemUiVisibility, it gets propagated up to the window automatically
how are you?
Hi btw
Hi graeme...I am fine
what are you doing?
I am fine but fighting with android
Nothing. thinking about going and getting an eyepatch because I have a sty and I look disgusting
when you draw under the status bar, how do you handle the status bar tint while scrolling through content with different contrast?
Keep your own scrim under the status bar too?
Hey Carl
any IOT guys! ?
none that I'm aware of
amm :(
anyone have worked on GPS hardware?
not me. What do you do?
not aware about one flow, how dedicated GPS devices communicate with server
posted on June 26, 2019 by Bradley Allen

Android Studio 3.5 Beta 5 is now available in the Beta channel. If you have Android Studio set up to receive updates on the Beta channel, you can get the update by choosing Help > Check for Updates (Android Studio > Check for Updates on macOS). Otherwise, you can download it here. Fixed issues with predefined Android code styling We fixed the underlying issues a

posted on June 26, 2019 by Bradley Allen

Android Studio 3.6 Canary 4 is now available in the Canary and Dev channels. If you have Android Studio set to receive updates on the Canary or Dev channel, you can get the update by choosing Help > Check for Updates (Android Studio > Check for Updates on macOS). Otherwise, you can download it here. General fixes This update includes fixes for the following publ

@TimCastelijns bro, may you share your learning list for android application dev.
the list is endless. Anything specific?
share current state of your android learning path
@Graeme what's the definition of scrim in this context? I see the word left and right
A semi transparent colour
my learning path is all over the place, depends on the current task every day I learn something new. Today working with nested graphs in navigation component
So.. put a 24dp View at the top of your page which has a non-opaque colour than you can fade in and out as needed
hmmm what good will fading in/out that view do?
@TimCastelijns a simple list boss if you have anything like it...nothing else :/ I am distracted...there is so many things pop-up in 2018-2019 can't catch those things up.
Well no matter the color under the scrim, you will still have contrast
do you have a visual example? I'm misunderstanding I think
or just too dumb to grasp the concept
posted on June 26, 2019 by Android Developers

Posted by Oscar Rodriguez, Developer Advocate When designing and developing an app or game, at some point you may ask yourself if you want to monetize it. If you choose to do so by selling products via Google Play, you will most likely have a store screen that shows available items for sale, and use the Google Play Billing Library to display dialogs that allow your users to complete

er... so you know an online drawing tool we could use?
I thought maybe you had a screenshot or a google image or something
@bluetoothfx I can check tomorrow, am already at home
!remindme 13h
Ok, I will remind you at 06:44 on 27 June 2019 (UTC)
Oh, no, please. I'm not useful
And I'm definitely not a boy scout - they kicked me out
Ok brother @TimCastelijns
Thanks iVan
How do you guys protect your apps from decompliation?
01:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

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