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3:00 PM
these things matter bro
I don't want you embarrassing yourself in front of Tim
So when do you stop embarrassing yourself?
I'm incapable of embarrassment because I have no shame
Apparently there is a HandlerThread in Android
Why are those things hidden
Just because you didn't feel embarrassed doesn't mean you didn't embarrass yourself :(?
I think they want to encourage people to use higher level APIs murat
3:07 PM
@Jordy I think you're just vicariously embarrassed
okay, lots of fine word s
Anyone here play any fun video games lately? I'm currently looking for something new to play
@Graeme was it you that mentioned that sebastian author? He released Queenslayer the fifth(?) book in that spellbinder series
Sebastien Castelle?
Yes, was me
And yes he did - I devoured it like a day after it was released :)
Oh - I should mention, his books come out in England first and I have Google accounts on both sides of the pond
Who was the guy you suggested I read again?
Ahhhhhh okay
I picked it up two weeks ago but haven't read it yet
They're quickies :) Very easy to consume
Did you read 1-4?
3:16 PM
Yeah definitely, would get that one done in a day for sure
@ballBreaker you know what I play br0. It's kind of boring but it fills the void
Just haven't had time
Yep 😀
and I can't remember who I told you to read.... maybe Guy Gavriel Kay? or Joe Abercrombie ?
I read Roman Elizarov, good writer, interesting material
ew haha
My boss thought it would be a good idea opening all the windows + doors last friday because it was pretty hot inside. Now I'm getting attacked by an army of flies that are making me MAXIMUM MAD. I'm at the point where I'm about to bash my screens in.
3:28 PM
@Jordy there was a giant fly (the big disgusting ones) stuck to the plants near me the entire afternoon, and it just kept getting on my nerves until I lost my cool and smacked her with a notebook, but it only knocked her off for 10min or so
what if she is pregnant
Double kill
yeah now that poor fly is going to have a miscarriage
think of the emotional damage
I love this chat 😂😂😂
3:38 PM
Also, I forgot to tell you that I passed my probation period ~2 weeks ago and just got a positive feedback from my boss
There was a guy with assburgers aspergers at the first company I worked for, and he would spend like 20 minutes a day trying to kill flies
he's determined, some of us have purposes in life bb
his sole purpose was to annoy me with his existence
I'd hire him
3:42 PM
Is it against the r15 rules to advocate for eugenics
@ballBreaker anything you come up with that triggers you questioning if it's allowed or not, is probably not :D
Fair enough
pls don't take this as an implied censorship
Are you all implying things again?
I'm not haha dw
I'm really fun at parties
3:54 PM
@Jordy a year ago I would have asked if you're talking about yourself but now we have a couple of candidates in this room
@MarkO'Sullivan savage XD
yeah I could think of a top 3. Not 4 though
@TimCastelijns yeah same I'm thinking of 3
Obviously it's Taseer, Raymond and Jordy
3:56 PM
@ballBreaker taseer?
the parrot guy
lovin the gif-game
your gif game is strong, masta
Yah the dude who licks parrots
oh THAT guy
okay so maybe 4
3:59 PM
@MarkO'Sullivan I'm at 3.5 really, 3 constant ones, and 2 people fighting for the 0.5
@ballBreaker this is what you get when I appear in the chat
I have much to learn
So my work unblocked spotify from the wifi, so I've been just absolutely crushing their bandwidth through album downloads. that'll teach em.
Yes... that will teach them
hiya mark
4:14 PM
If I was born a parrot, I would be doing like this all day
indenting sql is hard
lool yeah it's a major pain
also I don't understand how people write sql keywords in lower case... how do you even read this
        BuLgIeWuLgIe is null
What about that Mehdi, is that readable enough?
what do UwU / oWo mean?
4:29 PM
@ballBreaker FiTE mE bRUh uwu
(/-_-)/︵ ┻━┻
Yo sick trick, is that a kickflip?
dabbing and doing a kickflip at the same time, super neat
... that's a table
being flipped
lol i did
thanks for your honesty
there is 3 people in the group who heard about Roman, the god of design patterns
5:26 PM
Not sure if I was included in that group
but my ew was in response to Tim's comment
Oh... wow... okay.. so this app actually does data sanitization checks, was really not expecting that
expected CICS response of 307, was given 318
TFW something good breaks your UAT deployment
6:22 PM
posted on June 11, 2019 by Android Developers

Posted by Sam Lin, Product Manager, Android With Project Marble, the Android Studio team focused our efforts on making the fundamental features and flows of the Integrated Development Environment (IDE) rock-solid. Performance is an underlying tenant to delivering a high quality IDE. To this end, we are sharpening our product focus and we will only support 64-bit operating systems going fo

@TimCastelijns no u
6:37 PM
@MehdiB. Thanks for demonstrating what a piston engine looks like, but that's not the point here.
it's pronounced "U bar" aka "U negated", you'll probably learn it in a couple of years in high school :D
@MehdiB. I know what it is, but that's not "U bar", that's a U with an endless line over it.
it's called a segment, because it's finite, you'll learn the difference between a line and a segment next year probably :D
Who's got a flat earth profile picture and an AWS solutions architect certification? <--- This guy
congrats! :D
which one did you get?
6:48 PM
solutions architect associate, may get the professional later
nice! was it difficult?
not too bad but I work with it quite a bit and took third party course
not sure what my score is yet
they just tell you pass or fail, then you get the score later
congrats flat earther
@DaveS gonna need tips on the review materials when I wanna do it :D
acloud.guru is a good course
thats what everyone in the office uses and we've all passed first try so far
6:52 PM
@MehdiB. ... or you could just draw the line slightly shorter c:
@DaveS the price is reasonable, 20-30$ / month
yeah we all share the account
seems cheap
Congrats nerd
7:12 PM
@IvanMilisavljevic bro didn't get architectural diagram yet :D
@bluetoothfx there are tons of those online
Dan Pena, is probably the most f**ed up millionaire I have come across on the internet
7:29 PM
what about Donald Trump
What about cheetos?
@DaveS that's actually savage XD
(since he claims to be a billionaire)
Dave good to see you. I wanted to ask you something.
Regarding that login method using Firebase Auth with username and pass if you remember
7:32 PM
I mean, does he really has to swear a lot?
In his every talk, he can't live without swearing
What if the user wants to reset the password. The email will be sent to email@domain.com, right?
And that email doesn't exist, I should somehow redirect the email to user's email
7:34 PM
@TaseerAhmad delete this
why don't you just send firebase the users email in the first place?
Taseer - why do I have to keep telling you what to not write?
@MehdiB. I did censored it tho
@DaveS Set the email of the user to the user's email not using @domain?
7:36 PM
The accounts are generated and it was supposed to be a security solution
Okay, without me swearing(no irony intended), I don't think I would ever trust a millionaires words
then you'll need to implement custom auth and your own password reset flow
manage tokens yourself etc
Well, I need a 'general' help regarding online databases
I don't see much harm in using the user's email for their account
Or manage to connect the @domain email with the user's email
7:38 PM
if you want more security I would use MFA
you could but that doesn't really add anything
it's just an extra layer of complication
Yes, that's right
all you really succeed in doing is hiding the user's email from your firebase account
The thing is that I need to be sure that the email the user inserts belongs to the user
7:39 PM
the typical flow for that is activation
they get the email and they need to click it to confirm
I'm almost certain firebase supports that. It would be insane if they don't
Moreover, can I still use the username password auth?
They do
yes using the previous solution, it's just a wrapper for email auth
is this a personal project or a paid one?
i.e. do you have funding for server infrastructure?
it's for my thesis
7:42 PM
what is the goal?
so it's more like a personal project
a system for the blood donation centers
and the guys at the donation center should generate accounts for the donors
what's wrong with asking the user for their email to get an account?
Grrr, blood donation centers :/
you could postpone account creation until they input the email then do everything automatically
well I don't know, it just seemed less safe
@Graeme o/
7:44 PM
maybe require an email address when I generate the account
Me and blood donation have beef because they hate my blood
that's what I would do
there's a reason every other mainstream service does it that way ;)
security is added via other means like MFA, password policies etc
So I think I'll stick to this
@Graeme Is it because of the contagious gay?
7:52 PM
Thank you
@MwBakker You go boy. Nice story
Aren't they aware that they can just pray it away?!
It's because it's not human blood it's demon/bear blood
Thank you @DaveS
np grrigore
Oh the scariest of blood, demonmanbear
7:53 PM
True story, can't use demonmanpolarbear blood
8:15 PM
@TaseerAhmad it wasn't about the word you censored
@TimCastelijns Resetting a machine's key will not affect your access, as long as your public key is still in the authorized_keys file
@IvanMilisavljevic Overkill
does the public key not change?

Android Canonicals

To create and maintain a list of canonical android posts.
if anyone is interested in closing dupes, I'm happy to use the mod powers to help out.
8:29 PM
I close a couple per week, don't really have any motivation anymore
@TimCastelijns no, unless you want to replace your current pair, it's usually always a pair private+public
yes, I thought I replaced it, deleted the .ssh folder and created a new key
@TimCastelijns yeh I understand
also, if you want an extra layer of security, in case someone gets your key, you can add a passphrase
so did I not replace it?
8:34 PM
and rotate your keys: change your key / passphrase every 3 months or so
@TimCastelijns As long as your private key (id_rsa in your local machine's .ssh folder) does not change, the key that all your servers need to have to let you in will not change
Did you delete the .ssh folder on the server, or your own computer?
my comp
That should have changed it
that means the server is not secure, correct?
Not necessarily - it is possible your key exists outside the .ssh folder, and is managed by ssh-agent
Can you run ssh-agent -l
8:36 PM
I never did any of that nerd stuff
Ah, ssh-add -l, my bad
You should get something like 2048 SHA256:byGTNnyUMXkzdJsN3yyxn21St1y/71XXrqmNwcwCSKQ /home/raghavsood/.ssh/id_rsa (RSA), which will tell you where the key file is
where bro
On your computer
oh yea they are all in ~/.ssh
Hmm, then deleting it should have resulted in new keys
Assuming you used ssh-keygen to create them
8:38 PM
actually I know it did, because I was having issues on GH because they were "already added" and that's how I 'fixed' it
But if it is still working, you are likely on a password auth, or somehow managed to update your keys on the server without noticing
is it not possible there is just no security set up?
That would require an extraordinary amount of configuration changes on the server
You should have a password login at the bare minimum
I'm not even sure if sshd allows logging in without any auth whatsoever
If you add -vvvv to the end of your ssh command, you should be able to see the exact auth type used
8:39 PM
DO by default sets up a password login
It defaults to keys if you provide a key when setting up the instance
shit man I have no clue
@TimCastelijns if you're interested puddingonline.com/~dave/publications/SSH-with-Keys-HOWTO/… it's very easy to follow and quite instructive
When you currently ssh into the server, does it ask you for a password?
8:43 PM
no. Also when I ssh'd into it right after creating a new key, it didn't ask for anything other than the ssh pw
actually yes it asks for my ssh pw
can you type in the command you use? (omit the IP)
Right, you are likely on a password auth then
sure bro it's just "ssh root@ip"
so no key path
so pwd auth
local$ cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
# copy the output
# ssh into server
server# echo "thing you copied" >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
server# ctrl+d
# ssh again
8:45 PM
maybe I think it's asking for my ssh pw but actually it's asking for the root pw? They might be the same
it's the root pwd
@MehdiB. You could technically not need a keypath if it is in your ssh-agent, or if you specified it for that host in the ssh config file
But I'd be surprised if that's the case here
true, but he probably hasn't
Tim, try the commands, then log in again
It should not ask you for a password
You might need to run ssh-add on your computer (within the same terminal) to actually add the key to ssh-agent
don't tell me what to do
8:47 PM
@RaghavSood I actually enjoy typing the whole thing, gives me 30sec of rest
sudo !!
You'll rediscover the wonders of ~/.ssh/config once you get into jump hosts and forwarded agents
what does "sudo !!" do?
I was reading some about it today
Rexec the previous command with sudo
nice !!
8:50 PM
> nice nice
bash: command not found: nice
@RaghavSood I think you should move back to singapore, this way we get to learn from you during the day :D
actually nice is a command :thonk:
Really? nice is part of GNU coreutils
Yes, my reply to mehdi is the output of running nice, followed by nice !!
nice lets you read/modify the "niceness" of a program
@RaghavSood I read about nice in OS course
8:51 PM
Or how many resources you want it to hog, basically
why don't you go to my server and set it all up for me?
I could, but then how would you learn?
We must make Tim the very best sysadmin Tim can be
Trial by fire is the best way to learn this stuff
I made peace with the fact that I can't learn everything. I recognize things I don't really find interesting and then take them for granted
@MehdiB. I'll be there towards the end of the month
8:53 PM
lol fuck
@TimCastelijns the flow is: create a pair of keys, you add the public key on the authorized file of your server (the echo raghav wrote), you ssh from your local machine into your server using the private key you kept locally: ssh -i path_to_key root@ip
@RaghavSood vacations or back indefinitely?
May 28 at 20:09, by Ahmad
I'm not reading that u nerd
@MehdiB. Just for a few days, for the break between semesters
8:58 PM
when do you graduate?
Either end of this year, or about halfway through next year
@RaghavSood and then? you'll buy a farm in NZ or you'll go back to SG?

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