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05:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

@DaveS btw i forget is the gun/bomb kills people a liberal argument?
Disturbs mind a lot. can't think properly while working... sometimes thinking FOR WHAT?

Anyone working on flutter?
#/properties/flutter/properties/assets: type: wanted [array] got -images/ic_info_share.png
Please correct the pubspec.yaml file at E:\Flutter projects\flutter_app\pubspec.yaml
I get this error when added an image namely ic_infor_share.png in images folder
Try adding a space after -
Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo‌​ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood Morning Everyone!!!!!!!! :D
okay trying
I feel like W0MP3R's life would be a lot simpler if she stopped murdering people
Think of all the time you'd save on cleaning shovels
Thanks @RaghavSood, it worked perfectly
But cleaning is the fun part!! :D
Do you know if it's possible to fetch browser push ups and use them as pushup notifications for your app?
I'm using Retrofit and RxJava to consume an API. I want to check the internet connection and display something if there is no internet. I googled and I found that you can use a Retrofit client (as I remember), a method with RxJava or I can simply use the errors returned by RxJava. Which one is the best approach?
depends on your requirement grrig
my requirement? :D
I just want to show the user that there is no internet connection
do you want to show this before or after the act?
@W0MP3R lol sounds like made exactly for you :D
before or after the request to the API?
err whups
mfa usb key?
wow how do you know?
because I have the same and it happened to me twice already XD
I accidentally touched my yubi key
yubi key ?
shit man I have never used this
tbh neither have i
I just have it
I use them all the time
They're great
So much more secure than SMS 2fa
can you break sms 2fa?
@ColdFire I did have a good laugh when i saw it xD
I use google authenticator for my personal AWS account
it's very convenient
What is yubi key?
@W0MP3R true , when I saw it just reminded me of you and then i saw it was posted by you xD
Have you guys worked with The Movie database?
I can't manage to log a user in using the API :(
Well, I don't really undestand the documentation, the steps I have to follow to ask user for permission
developers.themoviedb.org/3/authentication/… is the step I am stuck at, I manage to get to the https://www.themoviedb.org/authenticate/{REQUEST_TOKEN} address, but I don't know how to redirect back into my app
with the redirect_to param
but how... how can I redirect the use to an activity using that?
provide a url that routes to your activity
ok, I'll google that. thank you :)
What's my Application URL? that com.example.etc
you can specify a custom scheme in the manifest, so your app will be opened when someone links to grrigsapp://custom/path?with=data
not sure if it will solve your issue, but it might
user1047504 requested access. Rep: 142 - Questions: 8 - Answers: 7 (ratio 4:3.5)
@user1047504 welcome. Please start by reading the rules and confirm you have read them before saying anything else.
I have read and understood the rules
Anyone use firebase crashlytics? please help. stackoverflow.com/questions/54707667
@TimCastelijns solved it with onPageFinished as I am using a webview
Booked holiday to Canada :D
Who can I visit
@Jordy graeme
Is it possible to get on the mobile device a push notifiction with the text (of a container in a webpage)?
If your server is able to read that webpage and parse it, sure
@Graeme Prepare yourself
the room has known quieter fridays
Time to go~~
Cya later people!!!!! :D
have a nice weekend, womper!
See ya wompah!
If the companys server already sends push notification to a browser, is there a easy way to fetch themand display the also in android app?
It should be possible without making any server side changes right?
Depends on how they're sending the notification.
But most likely you'll have to make server side modifications
the server doesn't know if the recipient is a browser or an app
Okay, because I read though some tutorials they didn't help me much. I have no access to the server, I only know the send browser push notifs, and well on this 2 last hours of the internship they asked me them to display also as app push notif
@TimCastelijns does that mean, it's also no difference If a web page or app fetches it?
2 hours is not enough
That's a pity.. Well I could also do it by myself at home, if I DON'T need any server access but I guess that's surely the case
internship is ending, it's not really your problem. They could have thought of this before
Anybody into urban exploring here?
That's true. But I really want to implement it huh, It's a cool feature imo
It is a cool feature, but you don't have neither the time or all the information you need to do it now.
Good morning everyone!
Good everyone, morning!
I'm the goodest
Ain't that true bro
sup ball?
Thanks for the Info, but there is still an unanswered question: What kind of changes are there to do on the server (have to give an extra explanation to the time why I didn't implement it )
It depends on how the server is sending the notification
It's using FCM? Is it using one signal? Sockets? Something else?
It really depends on that.
Thanks @Mauker
@Mauker In a big external proposal right now lol sitting at the back and hiding.. going to be here for the next 3 ish hours
Proposal? Are you avoiding marriage?
My company is doing a massive IT restructure.. basically upgrading every single aspect of our software platform. I'm the only developer here so we're hiring on a systems integrator to do this 5 year long project
It's basically the entire executive team, then me in this meeting along with an external company doing the proposal
@Mauker ps as you asked they use github.com/web-push-libs/web-push-php
@ballBreaker 5y... Looks like Raghav Tim Murat and I should bid for this project
@MehdiB. hmmm do you have a team?
lmao there's currently 15 people in here rn
(from the bidder)
@MehdiB. 👀
whats going on over there?
@Mauker you were included by default :D
@ballBreaker given the obvious size of the project, not only do I have a team, but I have whatever your management asks for 😂😂😂
@MehdiB. bahahahaha
how much do you know about IBM HOST/mainframe
I know IBM, is that enough?
fun fact, I worked at IBM for +3.5y, but never heard of IBM Host
IBM is huge tho
hahah yeah it's massive
ah the mainframe, never touched that stuff
Yeah it's super fricken old
I sshed and deployed an API into an AIX server though 😂😂
bahahaha super old as well
Why are you two talking the Carl language?
yesterday, by Tim Castelijns
ok, lots of fine words
because he's working with those technologies, and I need to show him that I sympathise and that I know these fine words to sign the deal Mauker
you'd be a terrible sales rep
@MehdiB. :(
Feb 11 at 20:39, by Dave S
Supposed to be funny, not soul crushing
I have yet to find a developer getting complimented by: "what a good sales rep" :D
@MehdiB. they don't stay as developers for very long haha
they become salespers
@ballBreaker "I wanted more from my life - I've always been good with people - I wanted to challenge myself and being exposed to the world as opposed to being constantly hidden behind a screen" AKA "I want those juicy bonuses and stop being easily accountable" :D
heh yeah that's the plan
50% of me wants to become a manager and 50% of me doesn't want that responsibility
I'm torn
I'm scared of management, because I don't want to lose my software dev skills, it's a craftmanship
the kind of craftmanship that you could rely on to start over if you hit a low in the future
It's like riding a bike though
you'll get those skills back in no time
@MehdiB. LOL
I think I'd be bored of management tbh. Meetings all day, travelling, having the responsibility of people doing shit. IDK
Coding is more fun
what i want tbh is coding then maybe management in my own company, because then it's worth it
I'd be fine being a system architect or something along those lines
or lead of a team
but the management with all the meetings idk
and document writing <_<
Owning a company would be cool though, but it would depend what kind
document writing?? delegate bb, delegate, stop micromanaging already and have all your tasks done by your resources
Really depends on the size of the company
I'd like to make enough money to just become a professional landlord lol
Would be the easiest job
Just hire building managers, boom
then stop offering apartments for a year and lobbying to bringing IT investments until creating a bubble, then start renting a few apartments at 5x the initial accepted rate
mmmmm maybe, depends where haha
you'd go bankrupt in toronto
you should go to the townhall offices of many smaller town and see the future incoming projects
depending on which you'll target one of those cities :D
Yeah there is probably about 2 choices in Ontario haha
Only think I want to know about Ontario / Toronto is where I should buy my weed
Legal weed <3
When are you coming again?
ah yes Jordy, bb is in Canada :D
13th of April
I don't think any of the physical stores will be open at that point and to buy it online you need an address
so buy it illegally lmao
Not open? How come?
it's been a rolling out process
so many people bought it that they sold out of legal weed within a week or sometihng
just from online
so they're trying to do it slowly
The thing is, is that when you buy it illegally, it's not illegal for you, really. Just illegal for the people selling it
> Altitude investment management raises 100M$ for cannabis fund
If ballBreaker buys a gun, will you call it a BB Gun?
@ballBreaker Same thing in brazil
It's not illegal to buy drugs, it's illegal to sell them
That is, up to a point
if you own more than some arbitrary X grams of the thing, it's considered illegal.
@Mauker this logic..
tbh it makes sense
Normally who buys those things are addicted to them, you can't easily control an addiction like that. It's not really their fault. Now you can easily stop selling the thing.
when you have something under a certain quantity, it's just yours, so if you wanna do this to yourself cool
but when you sell them, you actually "do that" to many people, so more on a macro level
So it's cool to do some drugs?
Yeah Canada was like that too for weed
but for other drugs, no
Same logic applies for how much you can have on you
If you're an user, it's on to have a few grams of the stuff
But if they find a few kilos on your car, you're most likely selling it.
@grrigore no, what I meant by "cool" means "you're an adult, you know what's good and bad, you still wanna do this to yourself that's on you"
Yeah it's been proven that jailing addicts doesn't solve anything, and only burdens prison systems
@ballBreaker I'm not 100% sure if this goes for all drugs in here tho. I know that's valid for weed and cocain.
Makes sense
@MehdiB. I got that. But still doesn't make sense for me
@MehdiB. I think that's fine, but only if these people get excluded from welfare and universal health care, otherwise they're a burden on society and the tax system
Of course there will be people selling as long as there are buyers.. cut the buyers and you'll end the selling process
@grrigore No
Not that simple kiddo
There's always going to be more buyers than sellers
And there aren't jails big enough to handle all the addicted folks
@grrigore if 1 seller = 1000 buyers
Cutting one seller could cut off 50 buyers
who's heavier in the equation?
You can't cut them down, too many.
Even if you could, it would be like sending sick people to jail.
You can try that by making buying stuff illegal
"Oh, you have depression? Jail time then"
@grrigore Yeah, the US tried that with booze, look where it led them...
This whole "war on drugs" thing is bullshit.
@grrigore and that's when the "addiction" parameter gets in play :/
@Mauker I disagree, the war on drugs is necessary to cut down the supply and make that shit harder to reach to the citizen lambda
Rehab for the addiciton
Making something illegal won't make people stop buying it. You'll just create a new type of provider, illegal ones, and possibly cartels and mafias.
@MehdiB. That's not what I meant Mehdi
@Mauker This is real, so why not try to scare buyers? Not the addicted, the ones that want to give it a shot.
Meaning: It would be easier to make some of the stuff legal (like weed), rather than spending hundreds of thousands of $$$ on a war that already took way too many lives.
@grrigore You think jail or the cops don't scare them? It's not that simple grr
We are curious by nature.
And we are also manipulated
If a groups of friends show up and tell you to try something, you'll be curious to do it, or at least have a peer pressure to do so.
that highly depends on your personality
Some of those things only need to be taken once for the addiction to kick in
@MehdiB. And age
It's way easier to make that happen if you're young
I had the chance and I said no as I wasn't curious
Also, drugs aren't all "recreational"
Lots of ppl take them to escape reality
To avoid the shit storm that are their lives.
Many of those live a hard, difficult life, and the drugs do help them with that.
That's something most people try to avoid saying
Drugs are fun in a sense, otherwise no one would use them
The problem is, they take a HUGE toll in the body and mind
And once the body gets used to it, it'll require more and more to have the same effect
@grrigore I also had the chance many times in my life. Hell, even now if I wanted I could find it. I just don't want to.
But you can't blame someone who has depression, or is facing a really tough time on their lives if they choose to give it a try
Given a hard enough hit, even the strongest can get down on their knees. We are made of flesh, we are not machines.
I agree with that but this escape is fake
And please don't take me wrong. I do think that's an issue and it really needs to be solved urgently. But it's not as simple as "take out the buyers" or "war on drugs"
@grrigore Not for the ones taking the drugs, no.
For them it's real.
And it eases the pain.
Also, take away the buyers, there will always be new ones to replace them
they don't want to take away the buyers
that's the point
I was talking about this:
13 mins ago, by grrigore
Of course there will be people selling as long as there are buyers.. cut the buyers and you'll end the selling process
Sup graeme von word
We are in 2019 and can take out some big dealers? I don't think so
@Mehdi I'd like to hear your thoughts on that ^
It's not 1900
On all that :p
If anyone needs help with drug addiction, let me know
lol why?
@grrigore Dude, this drug thing exists for milenia
and with that cya o/
It's a really old problem
drugs and alcohol date back to us being monkeys
It's older than civilization as we know it
Even other animals do drugs
Yes, it is. But the cocaine is not made in the backyard of a 50 year old granny
It's imported
We have a shit ton of legal drugs too
So you can avoid being imported
alcohol being one of them
SO Chat
@MehdiB. kicks in when you got stuff to do
Sugar, coffee, alcohol, medications, etc
@MehdiB. 😂😂😂😂😂
I think someone pinged me earlier but I missed it
I did, I solved the problem I had
I was a drug addicts for several years so I have some experience
Let's just be like the phillipines or wherever that is and kill all the addicts /s
problem solved <_<
@Graeme probably wanna remove that, public chat
@Graeme I wasn't aware of that. Sorry about it graeme
I don't mind that it's public. I'm not ashamed.
Doesn't make you a bad person because you were a drug addict
Also, thanks for bringing that up, I know it's not easy
Unfortunately that hits way too close to home.
Nah, super easy, not being a drug addict any more is worth celebrating :P
I was never a user, but I'm close to some who are/were
Let me know if you need to chat about it
@Graeme Hahaha No, no I mean, not easy to remember the pain.
Luckily (?) I remember very very little
I got your email, mind if I send you a message about it then?
Sure no problem
My memory is pretty much shot
Cause of the drugs?
Or it's just how it is?
@Graeme woah glad you came out of it
You da man :P

You guys into rap?
ok, guys, I got it... :(
I'm into underground rap
not any of that top 40 bullshit
in other words, 99% of the time I'm asked that question, the answer is no
Mauker - Because of drugs :P
Oh well - I'm sure they are mostly rubbish memories anyway XD
Hey Carl
How's your life?
Kinda meh. How about you?
(I'm actually angry but that's part of the meh)
I'm okay, started playing a game on Steam last week and it's really grabbed my attention
which one?
yes, do tell
05:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

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