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....since Merkel
Lunch time~~ :3
since 1918
have a nice paella womp
lol tim
Someone who lost is now the Eurofuhrer
why on earth is the kotlin sponsored logo an android
jumping on the bandwagon with murat
Oh fuhrer is leader
well highest gdp in EU
also highest population i suppose if we leave russia
Q: Who is the sponsor of the Generics tag?

NikolasThere are some of the tags with an icon and as stated in the answer of the question How can I set an icon on a tag?: The icons are sponsorships; you need to contact the Stack Exchange sales team to sponsor a tag; it is one of the ways Stack Exchange makes money from the site. The icon is prov...

@TimCastelijns Cause Android helped Kotlin to make it's debut? Idk
> And I want the list of names in the list of people

> what's the best way to do that withou looping and adding to another List?
he wants to add from a list to another list without looping
kotlin was already around for like 3 years before android supported it
Yeah but they can still sponsor it if they want i guess
is rome the series good?
Never watched it
Thanks for your input
You're very welcome Raghav, anytime
@TimCastelijns Fixed already
ok well boarding the flight and goodbye europe until next time and welcome awesome food again
Have a safe trip my prince
lol the edit
happy journey
For a world without auto play video on news websites
Back~~ :3
How was paella?
dunno, I had veggies today :D
and they were yummy
Poor veggies
Yay veggies are yummy
My prince, are you airborne already?
Lol no, no wifi in-flight
Indian government is considering a proposal to allow wifi in flight so probably we will wifi on board
Good thing you considered this option to us peasants, my prince
Lol only valid for India, Brazil allow wifi on board right?
Where are the pictures of your trip
On fb
It allows it, yes
I don't know why it was not allowed in India till yet must be the Congress fault
They are close buddys now
Only Zucky can see the Prince's pics
crappy internet
got sent in reverse :P
selling pics 50eu each
is it normal that firebase analytics doesn't work on onCreate but does work on onResume
Imagine leading such a boring life that you need to speak through a bot to make things interesting
Lol raghav
But... onResume is always called after onCreate
@TimCastelijns I remember I had a similar issue with retrieving data from Firebase in a javascript app. At OnComputed nothing was there
@RaghavSood not really
I'm not retrieving data and javascript has no similar lifecycle events
Then I can't help
> The class name can optionally be overridden by calling this function in the onResume callback of your Activity
Onresume is also called after onpause when you resume
Yes, but if onCreate is called, and your activity stays alive, then onResume will always be called
Never said that that is the only time onResume is called
Ocus back from.. where were you?
@TimCastelijns I'm still alive.
Hiya Ocus!!!!!! :D
Oh wow ocus is alive
I took some time off of room15.
good! I want to do that
We thought you were defeated
I fled before I defeated myself.
I should be a little less toxic now :)
Btw do you live nearby paris ocus?
I live like 1 km away from Paris
Why do you ask?
Well I visited Paris just few days back
TIL CF owns Paris
I remember trying to find you on fb to ping you not sure why I didn't possibly I got distracted
Why are you not like this
Did you fall in the Eiffel tower trap? :$
Good thing you came after I am done ranting about Paris: D
@MuratKaragöz finally I found a usecase for BigInteger. Counting the times this guy skipped leg day
About Paris or about the parisians? ^^
Paris experience was bad I don't know why authorities and police don't do anything
Bro his legs are there
it's hard to see them
He seems like a nice guy
@MuratKaragöz that guy is giant
I think I'd rather be Jeff Seid than him though
Yeah, why is our Tim not like thim
@TimCastelijns I have another use for it. The number of times @codeMagic said he would quit smoking
Nov 14 at 23:37, by Carl Anderson
dude it's been over 3 years... just effin quit already
@ColdFire What happened?
@MuratKaragöz How many houres a week do you work out
My horses workout 8 hours/day - That's how they stay fit
At the company I'm doing my minor-internship my supervisor had some delayed payments from companies. So he went to the company to ask where his money is. "We are stretching" was the answer lol
Which means the company decided not to pay anybody untill the 1st of January
So the yearly numbers will still look good
@ColdFire That's also another usecase for BigInteger. Counting the times someone made this lazy unimaginative joke :)
They told him this with a smile like "so deal with it" that is insane right?
Thieves roaming freely, gambling games on road, dirty, very unsafe at night have to check every 20 min if your wallet is still there, people openly dodging the metro to not pay
@OcuS lol that wasn't supposed to be imaginative, also lol that late reply
Sorry, scrolling back through history, writing down every time someone said something bad about me.
Haha that wasn't bad lol
Hiya W0MP
OK. I'm up to date now
Wait there's one more thing man
I managed to get a new laptop these days :)
@MwBakker atleast 4 times a week x 2hrs
No freakin' way!
You can combine this being a software dev?
I barely make it to 3 times a week 1 hour
sure, after work
Are you going to stay or vanish again?
@MuratKaragöz So you pack your gym stuff along with your day?
Yes I have everything with me, even my shake bottles
Also got the benz?
And you eat afterwards?
I'll probably vanish again. I don't want R15 to be as time consuming as it was once before...
Where is your benz bro?
So you leave work at around 5'ish, work out till 7, eat at 8 and have to get up at .. ?
Btw I got to know yesterday that ajax players all drive mercedes due to contract
My normal day looks like waking up at 7, idling till 8 and going to work between 9-10, then 8hrs work - 2 hrs gym - meeting with friends / eating or going home
@OcuS : ( doesn't look like you are active on fb either?
@MuratKaragöz I think that straight out of work gym routine is a good one
@ColdFire Sorry my prince, I'll fix that ping
Sometimes I don't go right after work
but then just later in the day around midnight
Well take off time
@MuratKaragöz That last part, if you meet up with friends, if I do that it gets around 0:00 or 00:30 before I sleep. How do you combine this?
what's your commute murat
@ColdFire FB is dead to me ; I only use it to keep in touch with some people... I only go there once or twice a week
To work it's 20min, from work to gym another 20 and home another 20 ~ 1hour daily
Oh that is more frequently than me I guess lol
You get at least 7 houres of sleep daily Murat?
1hr seems okayish
Yes I do, I am also fine with less
but I feel like a zombie every day... there is that 😅
How come?
I have 2 hours commute, 8 hours work, 8 hours sleep, 6 hours for cooking/eating/cleaning/take care of pets/do nothing because no energy
@MwBakker It's damn exhausting
No commute for me so time saved
@TimCastelijns sounds tight
Also well taking off
@MuratKaragöz Maybe 1.5 hour working out could make a slight difference in that
taking off for what
To india
Maybe, but I don' want to. I am fine being a zombie
taking time off doesn't fix zombying anyway
There is always time for stuff, you have to decide if it's worth it for you or not and make some sacrifices
@MuratKaragöz So what about your food, you sure you get all vitmaines you need?
Gym days I am mostly eating out
Hmm well cya have a good day/evening all
@ColdFire Have a good trip CF!
@MuratKaragöz You gave me an idea though, I will now also hit the gym right after work. Thanks for all your info
And for the zombie thing, you could your intake of food to see if you get all vitamines. With eating out a shortage on x is plausible
You will get that zombie feeling when you work full time and sell your soul
look at tim
basically a shell of himself
I work 6 days a week, but my issue is not enough sleep.. +- 6 houres average
oh ok thought you are interning
@MuratKaragöz Haha you guys ever meet up? Sounds like the script of a sitcom
I am afraid of him
For you all:
@MuratKaragöz Yes, but it's 8 houres a day here. I just happen to do a lot of research though so it's a little less pressure than the other internship
@Jordy Ban vote for Jordy 1/10
I always want to do as much as possible after work to prevent becoming 30 and 'beat out of life' which I see a lot at my gasoline-station sidejob in the weekend
PHP is better than Java!!!
Ban 2/10?
my issue is I have no money for anything except essentials
Hanging out with friends is costless, hanging out with broke friends even less lol
it's mentally draining
Yeah in cooperate gym sessions, you can relief stress there and actually get a good body. Later in life you might not be able to do it anymore
@TimCastelijns Yet you have a macbook :d
it's not mine
@MuratKaragöz cooperate gym sessions?
my friends don't live nearby. It's not cheap to visit :P
That sucks then
Do as I do: do not have friends, it's cheaper.
looks like it will be a repeat of today tomorrow as well. Wait and wait. hopefully i will have my first interview with the client tomo.
@MwBakker incorporate
So what about 1 day work out and 1 day rest?
@OcuS Changing your attitude is free aswell
That's the standard
Not the optimal?
perfectly fine
...but.... ?
Some people go 6 times a week
depends on how many times you want to do
@Jordy Hmmm, it's not free, it just doesn't cost money :)
No I mean, I heared if you give your muscles a rest in between they can maxx out better on the 'next round'
Yeah that's true you don't want to hit the same muscle group back to back
@TimCastelijns bro 😨
I put my gym membership on hold because I need the money
cries in thin arms
Is it that expensive there?
@MuratKaragöz I think the most I've ever went was like 5 times a week
Mine is 32.5 a month :(
Yeah my max was also 5 times a week
I've went twice this week, hopefully get again Saturday and maybe sunday
@MwBakker I do this
@OcuS That's the exact definition
My focus now is on vitamiens. Tomorrow I have an unexpected day off and going on the hunt for them
Banana, apple, berries
Not rocket science bro
Not rocket science bro
I don't eat those enough
So I need supplements in those, and then it gets tricky. The world of supplements is worse than the world of Mercedes Benz dealers
There are Multivitamin pills, but yeah natural source is always better
Fortunatly I have a farmacy in my town with somebody working there coming from hospital-pharmacy. So my 'hunt' is not that long
hey guys i have some doubts...
Why are you not writing in capslock?
Ha Ha..
i am using content provider to read files that are stored in my App's Data folder
the problem is whenever i write some files..the provider. But the same works if i restarts the app...any help..?
@MuratKaragöz it's not too bad, I think 55eu per month per person. But there is more important stuff that also costs money
It's 20€ here
or you go caveman gym for 10€
but on nights where we go (went) to the gym, there's no time left to do anything else. I prefer to play some games or chill in the little time I have
@TimCastelijns It doesn't have to be little time. It's combinable like Murat does, or like I do (although I lack sleep)
I have little time in general
if I use it to go to the gym, I can't do anything else
Ivandro Ismael requested access. Rep: 637 - Questions: 12 - Answers: 15 (ratio 4:5)
@IvandroIsmael welcome. Please start by reading the rules and confirm you have read them before saying anything else.
@TimCastelijns That sucks then
@TimCastelijns that's why I go during the day
During my lunch, come back, eat some lunch while working when I get back
@TimCastelijns Bro, there is always time. Don't say no time, just say you don't want to make sacrifice on something else in favor of the gym. It's perfectly fine
Only works if you work near your gym though
> just say you don't want to make sacrifice on something else in favor of the gym
I said that
You are lucky I am not living near your place
or else I would drag you with me
1 message moved to Trash can
> Please start by reading the rules and confirm you have read them before saying anything else.
Maybe we should implement the quiz
raise the requirements
Raising the requirements does not guarantee quality
Making them pass a sphinx-esque quiz might
I think having to pass a quiz will severely discourage people from requesting access.. let's do it
We'll probably end up on meta again if we do it, though
"Can chat rooms do this?!?!?!"
that's fine
Jon said we can more or less do whatever we want in regards to accepting users or not
Maybe instead of an outright quiz, make them go through the rules with each rule on a full page slide so it's super large and readable, bolding specific words
Then at the end, "By entering your SO user ID, you confirm reading and will abide by the given rules"
Once they enter the ID, the bot lets them in
might be too complex
They'll have to enter the ID at some point
The bot can only link them to a quiz, we need some way to identify the user once it is done
Ideally, when a user requests access, the bot replies with a link to the quiz, and adds the user ID to a "pending quiz" list. The user completes the quiz, enters their ID, bot grants access
If the user enters an ID not in the pending list, it doesn't grant access
Should prevent random people from adding random people, unless they have requested access already
@RaghavSood Or get the bot to check
@ColdFire I am in kalimpong...
Bot checking the first message is hard, since it's not always posted word for word. Maybe a hamming distance or something
@IvandroIsmael access revoked because you didn't do as asked
@CF i am loving with MOMO
Hey Bluetooth
I just made my recyclerView adapter shrink half a page of code due to binding
TIL holding the app icon to view the quick actions triggers Application#onCreate
Wow great
you can shrink it further if you place { on the line above
I have made a generic one...you just need to put collection and view ref to init. The adapter..rest of the work will be done by the adapter
@TimCastelijns That's awesome, imagine how much sketchy code you could execute without the user realizing
@bluetoothfx I thought about that too, but I take one step at a time
This is the result of one of the adapters
I am on mobile..
Now the ViewHolder could be static to prevent possible memory leak, but it bloats the code passing around refs
you should create the inflater in the constructor, not in onCreateViewholder
@RaghavSood our app starts tries to start a service in App#onCreate to monitor some global stuff
instead of making something static to prevent leaks, you should fix the code that can cause leaks
@TimCastelijns why is that?\
"Today only, purchase any phone and travel on us! Mix and match your choice of gift card(s)* equal to the phone value.

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*Options include: Airbnb, Delta Air Lines, Hotels.com and Southwest Airlines"

Also. Plz use my referral if you sign up Y2C1E3 ❤️
Hello, Android!
anyone notice that the icon on the android tag changed?
Yes it did!
It's now sponsored
ohh I reached 7,7k \o/
@codeMagic any updates on your plans?
how's it going Tristan
and all of the soundtracks are so good it is hard to pick a best one
I hate it when layouts don't do what I expect them to do
Doing what you don't expect them to do is the expected behavior
android layouts are a dark art
I love that there's match_parent and wrap_contents but then another hidden third option of layout_height=0dp combined with layout_weight=1 that doesn't something different
C'mon android, just detect my pinch gesture
@CarlAnderson Constraint Layout solves all these problems
come on over to the CL Side
I'm setting those values on a CL, so that I can put it in a LL so that I can get BottomNav to show on the bottom of the layout
@CarlAnderson we've moved to the later parts of the pre-planning phase
do you have a target start date for launch yet, cM?
Just put the BottomNav in the CL
Wait, why do you need all of that Carl?
Still TBD
or do <CL><CL/><BottomNav/></CL>
@codeMagic not good enough.
@DaveS if I put the BottomNav in the CL it doesn't show up.
The guy who built all of this was laid off last month and nobody else has worked on BottomNav since then
Ohhh, the scrollview was messing with me
@CarlAnderson Use spread chain
@CarlAnderson it should, might be messed up constraints, if you want to gist it, I can look

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