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@W0MP3R lol
5 hours ago, by Tim Castelijns
btw you can get veggie frikandel
Hmm i doubt it's actually vegetarian
when you see an item in the store and it's labeled "vegetarian" do you doubt it?
In Europe yes
Fixed my issue I was having yesterday - stackoverflow.com/a/53503768/3131147
@ColdFire wat
@ColdFire racist
Us Europeans aren't good enough for you :'(
@AdamMc331 wow stole my rep
Dude in Europe even 🐥 is passed as veg
You mean quorn chicken?
@AdamMc331 I will upload a pic on fb you will understand
@TimCastelijns You have 3x as many as me lol
@AdamMc331 thief
@MarkO'Sullivan met some British in the bar yesterday: D
@ColdFire I feel sorry for you. Are you okay?
Wait sorry for what?
They were absolutely good people
For the traumatic experience of having to encounter British people
lol i was just kidding
Haha lol
Meet any Irish? If you did, let me guess it was in the pub? Or in a store selling potatoes / Irish whiskey
Tbh indians dont hold any grudges against the British
Can't really blame the current gen of British for that
@MarkO'Sullivan lol not really
I met one from Manchester
Not sure where is Manchester in uk
It's in the UK
Yes but in which country of uk
The island one
Ah well then no Irish yet
are you by yourself?
Currently yes meeting a friend 2-3 hours
carrying any money? where are you?
Got enough battery in your phone?
I have money no issues lol and yeah battery too
Nice, where are you?
GPS coords are fine
Also please describe what you are wearing
Lol skynet
I know a cool dark alley, you should totally check it out. You get the best experience if there is nobody else there
Well ping me the address on fb
For some reason I see Indian restaurant everywhere when I am done eating -_-
@MarkO'Sullivan I have no idea what that is
Vegetarian chicken
I'll send it after midnight when it's really dark outside and people have gone home
Dude I am not in Amsterdam till midnight
@MarkO'Sullivan somehow that sounds very creepy
it's because of the vegetarian part
If you have a pub recommendation I will like to hear it
Did you try that rock bar I recommended?
What was the ice bar like?
Cold Fire felt right at home
Time to go~~
That is where I met the British folks
Cya later people!!! :D
Cya womp
8ish month count down to android quesadilla
puerto rico isn't exactly a large country to adopt this
I mean france's funny pastries names are probably more widely known
Do any of them start with Q?
Quindim doesn't have the same acoustic appeal as Quesito
Android Quit Unexpectedly
Quindim sounds like a Chinese Quidditch knock off
Goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood Afternoon Everyone!!!!! :D
They could make it a minor release which would be weird but wouldn't make the name to important
o/ Womper
its going to be even more fun in 20ish years from now android has cycled through the alphabet and has to come up with alternatives again
We'll just move onto new Alphabets
@Raghunandan I never bothered about CoroutineScopes, now I'm dealing with new problems, Correctly handling exceptions is a bit tricky but now I get it all
Suisse requested access. Rep: 1267 - Questions: 74 - Answers: 28 (ratio 4:1.5)
@Suisse welcome. Please start by reading the rules and confirm you have read them before saying anything else.
The ratio is just shy but I'm feeling generous and optimistic.
posted on November 27, 2018 by Android Developers

Posted by Seang Chau (VP Engineering) Last year we announced Fast Pair, a set of specs that make it easier to connect Bluetooth headsets and speakers to Android devices. Today, we're making it easier for people to connect Fast Pair compatible accessories to devices associated with the same Google Account. Fast Pair will connect accessories to a user's current and future Android phone

I'm wondering if there will be a better opportunity to buy BTC...
probably not
Seen a guy predicting the worse it'll go will be $3k
is there a reason why it dropped
@AdamMc331 Adam pays 50% of his bill "It's just shy of the total but I think you can make an exception" smiles
I do think the 4:3 ratio should be dropped after some minimum n answers + rep to show quality
yeah that's what lead me to not be so nitpicky
I think we should raise the ratio jk :D
I think it should be 122:7
or else you lose access effective immediately
@WilliamA I heard Satoshi sneezed
last time the chain grinded to a halt and then people started pulling out money
it still is really slow either way
@AdamMc331 no reply. Well well well
@Suisse I've revoked access for not replying. Feel free to request again in the future.
Hide the pain, Harold Suisse.
you let them request again? Weak!
Make Room 15 Great Again, build a paywall
@AdamMc331 lol
@DaveS running for mod next election ;)
I should run for mod on a smaller site and make "Make **** great again" my tag line
What does "effin"means?
the f word
why is that?
do you mean "what is that?"
why effin means that?
is effin a cross word too?
because fin is taken in english
so they added the pronunciation characters
anyways its a cuss word I wouldn't spend to much time on it
it's a censored way of saying fucking
because you pronounce "F" as eff
so F'ing is effing
that is another way to write it
Now I get it
The correct way would be effing...??
its slang
And it is contracted to effin
there's not a "correct" way
there is likely no correct way
it's just a way
okok, I get it now
people would say "what the f?"
so they decided to add in/ing to the word
I don't want to learn more about that please...
so you speak spanish?
mjm = yep
lol I took it in high school don't know much
easiest foreign language to learn probably for an english speaker
did you take english as a foreign in high school or college?
There are native Spanish people who doesn't speak well yet after 20+ years
mostly self instructed
same in English
I'm willing to bet they are better then in Chinese after 20+ yeras
good documentation about software development is mostly written in English
so... I had no option
all of programming and IT is basically in english
I imagine spanish might make a comeback somewhat because it is so widely used. Chinese isn't really an ideal language for software development for a bunch of reasons
For almost an infinite number of Chinese people it is
the input mechanism and character searching and replacing
its really not
they haven't even finished added their entire language yet
I mean documentation
sure I guess
I wish spanish characters were part of original ASCII
it would have made spanish/espanol more vital and usable in the earlier days
eren't them?
oh you mean dieresis, accents and stuff...
no they are part of unicode but the ñ and accent
and the dieresis?... nobody seems to use it any more...
yeah never learned about that
didn't know that was part of the language
pingüino, camagüey, etc
only used for the u character
never new about that
it means that U is not mute
and you should "speak" it
we don't have any of those in english as you know
so I kinda just ignore them most of the time
Thanks god for that
what country are you in
en que país estas?
ah bien
no.... bad, really bad
bien means good
yes I know what it means
you must say mal->bad
I wanted to say good
ahh ok
I was joking
SO.com 16,826,590 questions
es.SO.com 75,058 preguntas
it might take you a while to catch up lol
Using es.SO probably means you are a bad developer
or that you will maybe never get an answer...
not necessarily just that you don't speak english
very well
If you don't speak english.... you are probably not a good developer
unless you are Japanese
even then, since I think every high school student in Japan takes English
in that case, you can probably invent a whole new programming language and write the documentation in Japanese, so you can laugh on people who don't speak Japanese
I think Dave is mostly right
uff, I'm getting an exception, but the main activity is getting restarted and the log cleared -_-
Japanese effectively has to learn = Japanese Hiragana + Japanese Katakana + parts of Chinese + English
mjm, most of the today's japanese language is based on english words
like puraschiku, pinku, orengi, etc
It just clicked that mjm = mhm
Sorry, I didn't knew you have an equivalent for mjm
mhm is like mmmhmmm or uh huh
just like jajajaja = hahahaha
sorry... mhm
@RaymondArteaga is this the layout you use cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0810/3669/files/…
I have a fascination with keyborad layouts
I type on Dvorak so its fun to see the other layouts for different countries
Well, that layout is almost unused among developers
so you use the english international?
sorry... mhm
It will take a while to update mjm->mhm
why do you use the US international?
most of the keys are in the same place it seems
nop, they aren't... the ' and "
and you have to press shift to write ";"
if you use C++ it will get your pinky finger tired
so you type on ANSI like the US and not ISO?
ANSI and ISO? Nononono.... I type at my keyboard
I don't have any ANSIs nor ISOs...
just joking, I didn't understand you
I'm running out of internet... change and over...
ANSI(American) or ISO(European)
I'm using ISO
Now good bye... I only have 20- minutes of internet left :(
Hello, Android!
o/ CA
Did somebody said Spanish hola
How are you today Eric?
i am.
best i can say
hi again
May I ask... What are the internet prices on your respective locations?
Ok... I though here was expensive... But I was wrong
basic plans are more like $45/mo
but for video streaming/gaming yeah, thats the price
This is US though
I pay 10USD month plus 1USD/hour
at 60KBps
oh yeah that is expensive for that
I pay $90/month for unlimited 100Mb/s
Anyway... 90/month is a way too expensive for me... so I guess I'm happy like this :P
What does "a way" means in my last sentence? It only came out of my fingers and I don't know why....
nothing. You might have meant "way too expensive"
I just read it as "is way too expensive"
which just means "is too expensive" with extra emphasis
And what does "way" means there?
oh, I see
it comes from distance, there is, "far", "too far" and "way too far"
> Informal used to emphasize degree or separation, especially in space or time:
After the third lap, she was way behind the other runners.
She spends way too much money on clothes.
carry on wayward son
I haz a git question
has anyone ran into the error message this is not a git repository...?
The answer is 42
When it's been set up and working for some time
and has the .git folder?
@nil I saw that kochava found a bunch of ad fraud going on buzzfeednews.com/article/craigsilverman/…
a wild moderator appears
I guess they somehow add their referral ID to the play store install intent
@codeMagic no, whenever I have repo issues I re-init or re-clone
I'm probably going to reclone. I think that's what I've done before
But this has happened several times on our server and I'm having trouble figuring out what is causing it
maybe you're on Santa's naughty list and he sent his elves
that's quite possible
this isn't supposed to be my problem anyway. I've been trying to stay away from this legacy system but...here I am
Anyway, going to leave the office.
Ping me when you get the solution
Cya magicman
> there are 10 kinds of people in this world, those who understand binary, those who don't, and those who didn't expect this joke to be in base 3.
Guess who's baaaack?? Go ahead, guess
Congrats @MehdiB.!
I think
@codeMagic Ahmad
o/ Ahmad
o/ Ahmad. Welcome back!
ahmad was gone?
when did that happen? and for how long?
approx 14 hours ago
14 hours ago, by Ahmad
thought he'd never come back
20 mins ago, by Ahmad
this looks like less than that...
that's a different wave
but then I haven't been on in the ensuing 14 hours...or really much of the last week
In fact my SO activity reset to "2 consecutive days". That's what happens when you visit family.
if only families didn't get in the way of SO logon streaks
how inconsiderate is that?
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