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@Mauker Oh..RE: updating a forked repo...note that you can also just make a PR from the original repo to your own fork. In fact, this really seems like a good use of PRs.
@Code-Apprentice that’s really a good idea
7 hours later…
Ashvin solanki requested access. Rep: 874 - Questions: 6 - Answers: 68 (ratio 4:45.3)
4 hours later…
just how deep is the web frontend stack? adding support for SCSS...
Stats for Mauker -- Rep: 7530 - Questions: 29 - Answers: 185 (ratio 4:25.5)
Ganesh requested access. Rep: 794 - Questions: 42 - Answers: 19 (ratio 4:1.8)
2 hours later…
The AndroidX namespace for Jetpack libraries is now stable! This brings together all the unbundled libraries in the same namespace. Read the release notes here ↓ http://bit.ly/2xImKv9
does it still require to add those two lines on gradle?
does this mean I have to update my dependencies to androidx.room:room-runtime instead of android.arch.persistence.room:runtime?
@Mauker which two lines?
2 hours later…
Hanging with Tristan IRL right now.
The lake is far enough away that I feel comfortable.
Tempting fate like that is how you get drowned in Soylent
@AdamMc331 Nice
That groups' description really hit home
They should have made it public for people who don't have a fb account :D
Hah, perhaps
It's mostly dead though
A post every few months
Big Corporations containing Mehdis
1 hour later…
@W0MP3R Happy Birthday!
@Mauker I have never seen those in any documentation. Just lines to add to your dependencies.
@RaghavSood πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
hope it's not gonna be for long :D
Notice how there are no follow up gifs involving that specific baby
Never seen again
Packed and shipped off into another cubicle
damn Raghav XD
I'll be on r15 daily, that will be my way to keeping the box open
@RaghavSood savage
seriously though, I left my 4th failed startup last sunday, time to change the team
The only way to be truly free is to move to NZ and raise sheep
If you grow your own food, no one can come after you
Although, I suspect few people want to socializing with the weirdo who raises sheep anyways
the weirdo who raises sheep and spends the day on his laptop
It's a hard life
Especially since I don't have a dock yet so I can only connect one monitor
that's like scarlet red flag
even the town will put a sign near your land "Danger - do not cross, weirdo behind the fence."
No fences here
Couldn't let them dig to put the fenceposts
makes the conquests easier
Also keeps the totally-plant-seed-wrapped-in-plastic-bags stuff hidden
You're starting a startup yet or waiting for your classmates to learn OOP first?
I'm happy working with the exchange for now
They're happy enough to let me work on side projects as much as I want
It's a nice relationship
Fairly stress free, except for the time we push any major updates to prod because of that nagging voice that says you screwed something in the blockchain code up and all your crypto is going to be irreversibly destroyed
So far so good, though
I stopped with my client last friday
Did you fire him
they want to put me on a new project, but not sure I'm interested in working with them anymore
so thought I'd take a normal job to re set my priorities straight, then try to build a team and create a startup that's gonna fail 1y later XD
and for some reason 6 invoices are on hold, not sure if that's a coincidence XD
Would be a shame if your final deliverables went on hold too
I gave them access to the repo in the first day
git reset --hard $(git rev-list --max-parents=0 --abbrev-commit HEAD); git push origin master --force
I'll just whisper to one of their business guys, "blockchain is super easy, yet it's the future"
and let them swim on it for a year XD
Just email them the second last panel
that went from 0 to 100 in a sec
xkcd has a way of making a point very clear
I'll start following them
that last panel was pretty elaborate :D
It's just one guy
You haven't heard of xkcd?
I have but just one comic here and there, never really took the time to dig into their stuff
It's great, definitely worth binge reading over a few days
pretty cool it's just 1 guy
Also a great way to argue against conspiracy theorists
"Do you really think if NASA is a massive coverup organisation, Randall would have left to make comics?"
Alex Jones got kicked out of Paypal πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
Oh no
I'm out of milk
No cereal today
Might have to settle for ramen. Or grapes
LWChris requested access. Rep: 890 - Questions: 22 - Answers: 29 (ratio 4:5.3)
!accept LWChris
@LWChris welcome. Please start by reading the rules and confirm you have read them before saying anything else.
Hello :) I have read and understood the rules.
Hello & welcome!
So, how long's it been since you talked about Android? xD
a few weeks probably XD
Hehe. Nice :D Very productive room
we usually only talk about android when someone asks a question πŸ˜‚
Oh maybe it's time... I have one.
Is there any way to find out what the external SD card path is for my device? Apparently, there's no universal way to get the path to the SD card, but I don't even need that, since I'm developing a DevOps app for our own smartphone, so it's just that one model. I have it here, but I have no SD card at hand...
I tried looking into the FileExplorer with DDMS but I think it's not listed there unless there's actually a mounted card
It's a Samsung Galaxy J5 2017...
hmm, seems there's no direct way to do that stackoverflow.com/questions/23123461/… and the path of samsung differs from other manufacturers
Yeah, I'm already through a lot of different questions about that
have you tried Genymotion?
Biggest problem is that most answers are from 2014 and earlier, and those older versions seem to follow different methods of mounting and organizing mount data files and making those accessible
Ah it seems like I have to set that up. Well, in that case I'll just buy another SD card on Monday and check where it's mounted. I had hopes there was something like a know lookup table for where default mount points are hidden somewhere on the device
I find it weird Android refuses to give developers control over whether to store a file on the built-in flash or the removable SD card storage... People are trying to circumvent this limitation for 7 years now. Maybe it's time to realize that sometimes programmers know best where to store data.
Like I already know we are going to need to move the data onto the SD card because we need to transfer them to a PC, so it makes sense to store it on the SD in the first place. But no... I only get lousy getExternalStorageDir() which is not really the SD card even if it was mounted sigh
Q: How to get SD_Card path in android6.0 programmatically

PalanivelraghulI am trying to check whether device having external storage or not by using external storage path like this given below if (new File("/ext_card/").exists()) { specialPath = "/ext_card/"; } else if (new File("/mnt/sdcard/external_sd/").exists()) { specialPath = "/mnt/sdcard/e...

> Here's my solution, which is guaranteed to work till Android 7.0 Nougat.
Yeah, that code...
I mean, look at the code in the question and the answers
why do people need to do stuff like grepping command line output to get stuff done that should be available through the OS API? It's really scary xD
it's like there was some sort of competition on who's gonna write the ugliest code XD
it maybe subjective but I don't trust their answer
This isn't working on a Samsung Galaxy Tab E with an encrypted microSD card inserted. The path that it finds (/mnt/secure/asec) exists but is not readable by the application. After a bit of digging, it appears the card is accessible through /storage/6435-3633 (I have no idea what those numbers mean or where they came from.) — Nathan Osman Feb 1 at 6:55
no, my bad, that was from a different question
Well, the numbers are the volume id
I think I will try a combination of getExternalFilesDirs with Environment.isExternalStorageRemovable and then maybe an additional check whether it's writable. This seems reasonable for my case. I'm really happy I don't need to make that work on every device except ours. And we don't do shenannigans like encrypted SD cards or whatever
Good luck!
If everything fails I will find out the path on that particular device model and hard-code it lol
spoken like a true android developer πŸ˜‚
Yes, I do already have that attitude of opting into bad practice out of desperation while finding to a universal solution for something that Android just doesn't provide. You meant that, right?
the project I "finished" last week had at least 5 major hacks due to broken android APIs
Android dev can be painful
You can try skipping the Android side of the equation
Run df in a shell via your app
It will list all the mounted drives and their paths
It should exist on most, if not all devices
Then, you just need to filter out internal vs external storage
For that, you should be able to get the internal storage path via regular APIs
And then look for a large mounted path that doesn't match the same prefixes
So you think "external = all - internal"
Not necessarily
You will see a lot more mounts, such as dev, cache etc.
But there should only be two very large volumes
10+ gb
One will be internal storage, the other will be external
Ah, that's what you meant by "large"
i thought "large path" as in a long path
that makes more sense now
um, can I test the output of "df" in the Android Monitor somehow?
You should be able to via adb shell
I haven't worked a lot with console on Android
Doesn't need sudo
Another option might be lsblk
That will list block devices
You might run into an issue of only seeing one device though, if both the internal and external storage are partitions on the same physical storage device
Is the ADB Shell a standalone tool or a view? I can download it but maybe I have it already somewhere if I have Android Studio?
adb should be bundled with your android sdk install
Just find the path to it, and run adb shell there
You might have it already accessible in the AS terminal, not sure
I've been away from Android too long, maybe someone else in here knows
I have adb.exe
Yup, that's the one
That's the current output. But I have no SD card mounted atm so it won't be in there I guess
Well, yes, it only lists what's mounted
Try lsblk for unmounted devices as well
But remember, device != filesystem
/system/bin/sh: lsblk: not found aw :(

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