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@Mauker This isn't really true. You can get n-key roll over on membrane keyboards too
And a lot of the cheaper mechanicals will only offer anti ghosting for common gaming keys likes WASD
It's also rarely a function of better chips or buses, both kinds will use the USB HID protocol at the end
It's mostly just circuit design
@RaghavSood precisely
But most ordinary keyboards don't take that into account
And AFAIK most, if not all mechanical keyboards do
sigh every new version of android gives more headache then it solves
new crashes just adds to the misery
android 4.x users: "what does new version mean?"
> Fatal Exception: android.app.RemoteServiceException: Context.startForegroundService() did not then call Service.startForeground()
i specially hate this 8.0 change :/
This laptop has vPro
@TimCastelijns "wait there's apps out there that wont go on my phone cause it's too old?!"
That also prevents you from getting customers, tho
Unless the customer exists on another device, and can't download it to their own secondary devices
In which case they can absolutely give you a bad review
Anyone using a USB C dock
Yeah but the amount of customers using 4.x is so small now compared to the bulk which use 5.x and newer
can you imagine iOS devs having to support iOS 4
no, you can't
iOS 11 and 10 "sure", iOS 9 "lol u crazy"
I support iOS 11 and Android 5+, honestly I'd rather support Android 4.4 than iOS :P
Alright well I'm gonna present at a meetup next Wednesday but the problem is I have plans every day from now until then so who knows when I'm gonna make the slides LOL
what presentation is for'
"Why Native Mobile App Development Isn't Dead Yet" and basically presenting the case for continuing to develop in native vs hybrid
just give the work to tristan
are you taking feedback on the title
the meetup organizer hasn't responded yet so
wait no I'm not falling for this again
you insinuate that it won't be long before it's dead
it could be long
Here's the description
Description: In this talk we'll go over the differences between native mobile app development and hybrid approaches. After discussing a few of the cross platform development options, we will work through the benefits that they provide along with the drawbacks that still exist. At the end, you’ll leave with an understanding of why people are being drawn to these cross platform tools, but why native mobile app development is still king (for now).
@AdamMc331 "points to the many flaws in hybrid while trying to hide the flaws in native"
I put (for now) in parens because I want it to be ambiguous on purpose
and people who attend the talk will understand the differences and form predictions on their own? idk if I want to take a firm stance that hybrid will replace it, or never replace it, or present that it might which is what I'm going for.
that's not what ambiguous means 🤭
you should definitely talk shit about hybrid, make sure nobody will use it over native
I will sponsor you
hey hey hey
okay fixt
Title: Why Native Mobile App Development Isn't Dead

Description: In this talk we'll go over the differences between native mobile app development and hybrid approaches. After discussing a few of the cross platform development options, we will work through the benefits that they provide along with the drawbacks that still exist. At the end, you’ll leave with an understanding of why people are being drawn to these cross platform tools, but why native mobile app development is still king.
i'll sponsor you for talking shit about native as long as it focuses on bluetooth
Bluetooth is satanic, not native
Source: This thinkpad's bluetooth stays on even after you turn it off via the hardware switch
To be fair, so does the wifi, so I think there's a short in the switch
there's probably a built in inner bluetooth device incase you want to turn it off
> "i can't allow you to do that raghav"
how about "Why people who think hybrid means half the cost for the same result are dumb fucks who should have stayed with native"
tim stahp i have to work with hybrid and that hurts my feelings
@TimCastelijns I'll save that for a slide.
tbh it's actually 2/3ds of the cost in both time and cash
and half the performance
so you prefer hybrid?
i like them both
How about "People who think hybrid dev is a good idea please form a line over by the garbage disposal for easy clean up"
I like it raghav
depends on the app the performance is the same
sometimes faster on lower gamma phones
I prefer native, but I don't want to shit on hybrid entirely because I don't want to ruin people, I just want them to see the downfalls of it and why it might not be the best tool to spend their resources learning righ tnow.
on my pixel i see no difference in eprformance so far
I'm okay with ruining people
there is a performance hit.
but then again you won't notice it much as a end user
some native apps behave shit, others are fast as fuck. same happens on hybrid
the only thing i miss doing hybrid is Realm
@TimCastelijns +1
adam for president
native ftw
@AdamMc331 there's cases where hybrid will make complete financial sense over native
Some cases have a lot more pros for going hybrid than cons
right right
Btw more than welcome to use my rants about RN
@AdamMc331 you gotta be willing to kill those who would kill you
or resource/time wise. sometimes it's just not worth it to spend 80h more on doing the same shit on IOS it takes you 40h on android
lmao true
@AdamMc331 not worth the time and money
I've done basically nothing outside of work in a month or two now
Miss doing Flutter stuff :(
I'm having to move back in with my parents back in Northern Ireland, decided to try and do that just before I start my new job, so it's left me with a lot to organise. Last day here is 7th sept, first day in the new job is 10th.
I was told shortly after I accepted the job that my flat mate wanted my room as a spare room (he recently bought the flat) and so it was either accept paying a really expensive flat / apartment in Edinburgh for 1 year or move back in with my parents for 10 months or so until my gf has graduated uni and gets a job somewhere (I can easily move there if I'm living in my parents house, wouldn't be able to break a 1 year contract if I had a new place in Edinburgh)
Though I'm away on holiday on Monday for a week which is nice
Mark's life, Chapter III: Home again
i implemented my lrucache and used file name as the key (LinkedHashMap) and i got a feedback that names are bad for cache keys ( this was for a assignment). What would you use instead?
I lived with my parents for my final year of uni, less distractions but horrible 1.5 hr journey there and back
@MarkO'Sullivan doesnt sound so good
@ColdFire it's really frustrating because I love Edinburgh and I know quite a lot of people here after 2 years and 3 months
@Raghunandan The hash of the name
sounds good. why would file name be of any problem if file names are unique?
@ZohaibAkhtar You need 80 reputation to chat here.
In general, key based lookups (lrus, hashmaps, etc) work better if the key is well distributed
Hashes are
Whereas files might have badly distributed names (a lot of files may start with the same letter, etc)
to prevent collision!.
But their hashes will be completely different
Not really
If your filenames already have a collision, the hashes will also collide
Moreover, you can actually get collisions in Java's hashcode functions quite easily
It's not a crypto hash function, so collision resistance isn't a required feature
But it's still fairly well distributed, so it helps with memory management and look up time
perfect hashing.
Most hashtables work something like this: Use key to look up the bucket, if a bucket contains multiple elements, treat it as a linked list
So if you have a lot of files starting with F, their bucket have a long linked list, which will have an O(n) lookup time
But even if all your files start with F, their hashes will not
So your buckets will have smaller linked lists
@Raghunandan url
@MarkO'Sullivan true it is always frustrating to leave your living place
@Huzo This room requires a higher Answer/Question ratio. Contribute some more answers and request again in the future: room-15.github.io
That's actually a pretty solid rule Adam, I didn't know that was the policy
@ColdFire so where do you live? with your parents?
@IsrayaneNayara This room requires 80 reputation for access: room-15.github.io
That's the third dream I've crushed today. I hope I make Carl proud.
Carl crushes the crusher tho
@Raghunandan yes
@BenjaminGruenbaum it's mentioned in the rule
Bark bark
posted on August 23, 2018 by Joshua Baxter

Android Studio 3.3 Canary 7 is now available in the Canary and Dev channels. If you have Android Studio set to receive updates on the Canary or Dev channel, you can get the update by choosing Help > Check for Updates (Android Studio > Check for Updates on Mac). Otherwise, you can download it here. This update includes the following new features and changes in behavior: You can no

Slow down
3.2 is not even out of beta
I'm ok with Dream Crushing delegation
It's only through a divide and conquer strategy that all dreams will be crushed
@Ravi while other chat rooms let you talk with only 20 rep, our requirements are that you have 80. You can see the list of requirements here: room-15.github.io
Anyone is familiar with FirebaseAuth.IdTokenListener ?
@CptEric lol
@AdamMc331 glad to see you finally taking your RO responsibilities seriously
g'morning Dave
o/ dave carl
@payne I've sadly never used Firebase.
Adam, I was reading an article this morning about the 50 year old guy vs 18 year old girl and noticed it was your company behind the data
@CarlAnderson it sped up production a lot, but certain things really lack documentation
generally, though, I've enjoyed it so far
how do I have a simple "Confirm Dialog" type of Preference for my SharedPreference xml ?
(Fragment Preference)
I'm using a hack with a ListPreference of a single-item-dialog... but it's ugly
> Donald Trump warns stock market will 'crash' if he is impeached as White House battles legal chaos
Dudes and dudettes! My thesis defense was a success 😃 I'm a master now!
nice work
Thanks :)
@AdamMc331 did a cute little pupper walk across your keyboard?
awesome mauker
@Mauker congrats
how do I tell Android to wait for the response of an asynchronous method ?
this still returns "null" for "myUser[0]"
I wouldn't multi-thread like that in Android
look at Volley or AsyncTask
Volley is what I would recommend for you and your experience level
Volley vs EventBus = ?
my other retarded idea was something like this (untested):
Volley is specifically designed to make handling HTTP requests easy for you
If you're using Threads directly in Android you're most likely wrong
why is it so wrong to use Threads in Android%
unless you have YEAAAAARS of experience in multithreading and you're doing your own thing
because You have tons of different asynchronous options with robust controls and safety measures
so Volley would be easier than AsyncTask?
Threads are super primitive and complicated
yes, typically
the other dev in charge of Server Requests implement AsyncTask ,but it's half-working and there's still this bug where we can't ask to wait for the response..
AsyncTask will help you do non standard things in the background
what is "non standard" in this context?
I, for the most part, only want to wait for the String response
Volley will be fine
and what about EventBus ?
I've never used it, haven't had a need for it
All you want to do is execute the request and perform some action on response
Volley is perfect for that
I which I could do functional programming right there, so that I could inject the method that should execute once the Response is obtained
that's exactly what Volley does
would SpringForAndroid provide something similar?
(we're about to hit the damned MultiDex limit... )
start with volley
you don't need spring
Volley is still around and people use it? o_0
it's the android developer reference default for performing simple network requests
for a student I figure it's a good place to start
@DaveS just did a few small tests. It's indeed pretty easy to use.
how is volley still alive
it was made by google Ahmad
it was an awful move of google to release that thing
for a beginner it's fine
are you feeling attacked
look at the code he was running before
are you a volley fanboi
a lil
I don't use it personally
shame 🛎
Last app I wrapped Amazon SDK calls in an extended AsyncTask
but seriously Ahmad look
2 hours ago, by payne
user image
what would you use instead of Volley Ahmad?
the dev working on NetworkRequests says he wants to try to use NetworkFragment. Good idea?
he somewhats refuses to use Volley, somehow..
Is that the guy who was scraping HTML instead of using JSON?
@DaveS dude, that was me trying to work around things :(
@DaveS that's the girl. We're 3 on the project.
lol I needed to show Ahmad which direction you were headed
Network fragment is overkill
it's for showing progress indicators on long downloads
I also suggested her to use JSON file, but she thought HTML was fine (I can't remember the argument)
Is there an option in Volley to use the JSON reply and construct automagically the Java Object it relates to?
You'll want to use GSON together with Volley for that
that's what I had read, alright
I'd go that way, but I ain't the one working on this thing. The best I can do is recommend it (which I've already done).
for now, I've no idea how I'm supposed to work around the "No Network connection allowed on Main thread" exception while still properly recovering the asynchronous response from the API Request
that's what volley/async task does
he's using Async Task right now
I just don't know how I use the "onCompleted" or something
the request itself isn't extending AsyncTask
you need to call runOnUIThread to perform UI updates
and you need to perform the network call in the doInBackground method
but seriously for simple HTTP requests
where is that "doInBackground", though?
Volley is just doing that for you
you need to create your own AsyncTask and implement it
You're basically being handed a bicycle and saying no thanks I think I need to make my own wheels
That's not me, that's the other dude
well you can tell him I called him stupidly stubborn
I too would probably initially try to avoid having to undo everything I would have spent many hours working on and debugging, to end up working many other hours to implement a new thing. But yeah..
Network Fragment would be even worse though
like way worse than Volley
and Fragments are awful, avoid them when possible
@DaveS that'S what I figured when I tried to make a "PreferenceFragment" and communicate with the Activity, as was suggested by the documentation
yeah they really pushed Fragments but they don't work very well
the idea is interesting, though
posted on August 23, 2018 by Todd Kopriva

Android Studio 3.2 Release Candidate 1 (RC1) is now available in the Beta channel. If you have Android Studio set up to receive updates on the Beta channel, you can get the update by choosing Help > Check for Updates (Android Studio > Check for Updates on Mac). Otherwise, you can download it here. This update includes fixes for the following bugs: Method minification with R8 di

1 hour later…
7 hours ago, by Tim Castelijns
3.2 is not even out of beta
I take it back
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