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00:00 - 14:0014:00 - 23:00

Hey cM! <3
How are you doing, Tristan?
Well, yourself?
stressed but surviving
@DaveS @MehdiB. (?) My aws issue was not related to creds at all. It had something to do with the way I was trying to pass back a list :/
Work stress?
mostly, yes
But once I get done with my current ticket (barring more nonsense build/runtime errors) it should go a little smoother
@codeMagic That's me right now, minus the surviving
Well, you're still able to type so I'd say you're surviving :)
I built last night (twice) before leaving work. Came in this morning to build errors due to missing packages
The cleaning crew was in last night so I have to imagine it must have been them who took the packages
I'll have to deliver my thesis soon
So this week has been rough
posted on August 09, 2018 by Android Developers

Posted by Vineet Tanwar, Business Development Manager, Google Play In June, we announced the Indie Games Accelerator, a new four month program to help indie game startups from India, Pakistan and Southeast Asia supercharge their growth on Android. We have been truly impressed by the overwhelming responses we have received, and the creativity that indie game developers from these region

2 hours later…
posted on August 09, 2018 by Android Developers

Posted by Purnima Kochikar, Director, Google Play, Apps & Games On Monday we released Android 9 Pie. As we continue to push the Android platform forward, we're always looking to provide new ways to distribute your apps efficiently, help people discover and engage with your work, and improve the overall security of our ecosystem. Google Play has had a busy year so far with some big milestone

2 hours later…
When someone doesn't use options menu --^
1 hour later…
morning everyone
New avatar?
the old one was broken so i changed the thing with the one on gravatar
Tfw you have to change your face because imgur broke
I have acquired noodles
With sausages
it's like 8 am in the morning
is it midnight there?
where? its 12:12 afternoon here
It's 1844
Oh fuck, I'm soooo sleeeppyy
dima what is that lib you made a PR for yesterday
Dumb useless buttons
@W0MP3R /reset
the goooooood morning bot doesn't work anymore!
I found someone advertising his lib on reddit that looks almost the same, also has chinese readme
I saw that post too in reddit.
I don't know why I look at the android reddit. 90% are shit posts
r/learnprogramming has good content at least for me
the only good cs related subreddit is cscareerquestions
/r/netsec is usually half decent
/r/ReverseEngineering also tends to have pretty decent posts
netsec is nice too
Thank you for the reply. I'll update my question to be more specific. — HighPredator 35 secs ago
... oh shit
I think you misunderstood the question Murat
it is not about instantiation but generics
I want to design a single generic method that can accept any class derived from Base
Pass Base as method argument while base is abstract seems like a solution to me
but he doesnt want Base as parameter itself.
> not Base itself.
That's why its abstract
ohh yes.
no, generics types do not care about abstract or not
T<? extends Base> works with base
he asks for T<? extends Base but not Base itself>
murat is saying there won't be a Base to pass
Again: Generics do not care. See List<?> as an example. How do you define a type for List which is A, B, C but not Base?
In his class hierarchy setup it is not possible
murat is suggesting not to provide a boundary but to prevent a Base from being passed to the method
Either A, B and C are having the same interface or another abstract parent
I am just translating from one german to another, don't shoot me
I always shoot you. You should know that
but his sample is now clearer for me.
He never said that it is passed as a parameter but the new sample works
yes it took me some time to realize as well
You guys should shift to go
No generics
yeah, write for android in go, what a great idea
generics are not complex, it's people trying to do weird shit that makes it complex
@DimaRostopira You can, actually
You can instantiate an abstract class, you'll just need to implement the methods that are abstract — azro 12 mins ago
aka all methods
I would slap my junior for that statement
There are a few apps which build the entire logic side in go and then just stitch on a UI for Android and iOS
I don't think it's a good idea anyway
Spotify does something similar, but with cpp
The core music service across all platforms is a single C++ codebase
Just UI wrappers on it for various systems
Working in there must be horrible for juniors..
jk jk
Spotify does Go?
Also it would be pretty new for me to exclude certain types in java with generics
2 mins ago, by Raghav Sood
The core music service across all platforms is a single C++ codebase
They probably do some go, somewhere
But not for that bit
yeah they have a section in the readme "Why not to use go" and then a snippet of ugly go code
Link or it didn't happen
They should add upvotes/downvotes to chat
chat gets no love
looks at 1987 UI
cries in designer
I like the UI
It's efficient, not animation heavy, fast, reasonably lightweight
10/10, would use again
I dislike the Discord design e.g.
I wish Discord/Slack would do proper native clients that don't take a decade to load
We are using Mattermost at work
I can probably convince people to switch at work, but I don't see a reasonable enough payoff
Also my answer got butchered with random comments
If someone is aspiring to be a mod, it's a field day for comment flags
I don't know anyone with such ambitions
I no longer aim to mod SO
I don't spend enough time there for it
I don't know anyone with such ambitions
I might stand for one of the crypto sites eventually
nice message posted twice
@MuratK. same
didn't know that they can be this big
@TimCastelijns lol
Thursday 9th August, 2018
Q: Stack Exchange bots, created by a moderator, are creepy and violate the CoC

Jalapeno NachosA moderator has various bots that capture a bunch of comments, and these comments land up in various rooms that are in plain view of the community. I think this tactic is creepy surveillance and violates the CoC; it's not nice to keep everyone's comments on record, and then let other people (esp...

where are we headed
allright this is next level i.imgur.com/cc6ba25.gif
Building a software application is like driving at night; you can only see 2ft ahead of you, but you'll get there eventually.
Or you'll crash and the machine will die
that's more in production, so like arriving but crashing while parking :D
or if you release a hotfix which also crashes, it's like crashing into something else while trying to park in the second attempt
second attempt? Just park the car m8
that was so cringy
@DixitPanchal welcome, please read the rules and confirm you have read them before saying anything else
@DixitPanchal welcome
Aha, first reward from the smartnode
If this keeps up, I can make $1.5 or so every two days
Which covers hosting
And profits
Nice one Raghav!
Soon, I shall make $10 a month
And then watch it go to zero because it's all crypto
@RaghavSood "Drive instructor: Allrighty lets start with the license test, park it out"
this Q is the meme of the morning
who is upvoting there
Fellow humans, of course
people have so much free time in their hands...
^by the logic applied there .. Raghav Sood is black
I'm actually dark grey
Seems to be standard issue for rack servers
The lighting was bad when the photo was taken
we have another
Jul 6 at 10:38, by Tim Castelijns
user image
> I'll make sure to accept answer when I work it out
he was never seen again
I find that all of the time with RN solutions or else people post the dumbest solutions ever
"Oh yeah I solved this by creating a new RN project and copying all my files over"
"Yeah this was an easy fix, just npm install"
@RaghavSood I felt that loneliness when trying to alter the ast nodes in java, exceptions with 0 or 1 useless result in google :D
this is a pretty useful repo github.com/jtablesaw/tablesaw
@MehdiB. Why are you altering AST nodes?
I was*
Why were you altering AST nodes?
Fairly unusual task
it was for a multi-tenant development environment, as a primitive static analysis, to prevent infinite loops etc...
Ah yes, I too casually solve subsets of the halting problem on occasion
in which cases?
(I don't)
anyway, it wasn't fun, and it was at that moment I realized static analysis is not fun nor straightforward at all
Static analysis is quite fun
we definitely have different definitions of fun :D
That's alright
You can be wrong sometimes
100% Valid XD
@RaghavSood I swear I was expecting a crash
@MateuszKonieczny Welcome! Please read, confirm reading, and follow the room rules before you do anything else: room-15.github.io
I have read and understood the rules
Posted as required by room-15.github.io
Welcome to r15!
Apple AirPods. 160$. Bluetooth 4.0
Chinese copy. 20$. Bluetooth 4.2
I have something to say about that Dima
May 31 at 15:04, by Mauker
user image
@DimaRostopira luckily (for apple) most people don't think like you, otherwise not sure Apple would've reached 1T$ valuation :D
Yeah, most people think, that small headphones can produce decent sound
Most people just don't care
As long as it works reasonably well, comes from a company they like, they're good
If you are listening to pop music, you shouldn't care at all
I got a bose, I listen to the Aztecs And Mayans music, the sound of the bass is important
@RaghavSood That's how dr. dre got rich
richer* :D
true, true
Q: What is the meaning of a dollar sign before an Android resource id

Greg HolstIn the accepted answer of the following post(Android custom numeric keyboard) I found a syntax that I don't understand: $(R.id.t9_key_0).setOnClickListener(this); What does the dollar sign mean in front? Is it specifically related to Android resource ids or is more a general Java syntax? Sear...

upvotes seem to be free today, wtf
watch this be featured in the hot questions email this week
and get 100 upvotes
wtf why would you name a method $
such a js jqery thing to do
Android didn't have enough jquery
I think there used to be a lib that tried to be the jquery of android
@TimCastelijns wow didnt knew this
@Ahmad last issue opened in "Sep 18, 2017" XD
you can use symbols and shit to name variables and methods in java, it's nothing new
I hate UI
@RaghavSood UI <3
I can draw all the blocks and chains using canvas Raghav
I need to have enough money to just throw side project UIs at a designer
I hate UI work
flagged for being unwelcoming towards $ symbols
This is a jQuery revolution
@TimCastelijns it got removed
cancelling my meta post then
Hiya Michigan Adam
@MehdiB. still no invitation to become mod :(
you want to become mod?
you gotta write that meta post Tim
Look at this shit
How am I supposed to make good UIs out of hex?
Do I look like a wizard to you all?
are you 30? Then yes
what if he is 29?
whats going on ?
no you can only become a wizard at 30
@Mehdi can you check a regex for me? XD
sure :D
is it possible to create app like google assistant by using google API or any other same that kind of things ?
Google did it
So can you
Believe in yourself
yes i am
but want i search on google then the not that this is in python only not for other language
@MehdiB. simpleEmailRegex = Regex("[\\w\\-_+%\".]+@\\w+\\.[\\w.]+") for light weight clientside validation
@Ninja yeah and if you think about it seriously, you'll see how easy the concept is without AI - and much powerful and easier with AI
I don't want to accidentally rule out some valid chars
An email without a . in the host is valid
You can have emails directly on TLDs
It's rare
But it's valid
the most complete email regex is like 2m long
we just need to filter out the most obvious garbage in the app, backend does full check
Mehdi B. can explain little bit brief ?
i am confused that its possible in android or not because i haven't worked on that kind of things ?
> (?:[a-z0-9!#$%&'+/=?^_{|}~-]+(?:\.[a-z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_{|}~-]+)*|"(?:[\x01-\x0‌​8\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x1f\x21\x23-\x5b\x5d-\x7f]|\[\x01-\x09\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x7f])")@(?:(?‌​:[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?\.)+[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?|[(?:(?:25[0-‌​5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?|[a-‌​z0-9-]*[a-z0-9]:(?:[\x01-\x08\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x1f\x21-\x5a\x53-\x7f]|\[\x01-\x09\x0b‌​\x0c\x0e-\x7f])+)])
That's it for Java, apparently, Tim
Seems straightforward enough
You just see if it starts with an alphanumeric character, and then summon a demon
Hmm, markdown tried to interpret some of it as formatting
I prefer to use a regex of which I know what it does :)
1 min ago, by Raghav Sood
You just see if it starts with an alphanumeric character, and then summon a demon
I just told you what it does
@TimCastelijns step1: made it on the format I understand
no moving to the \w notation :D
@Ninja yes it is, this is pure programming
Mehdi B. ?
But what about ze numbers mehdi?
how ? i there any link where i can read it and try that things?
yeah sorry, I translated \w to letter.... updating it with numbers
But the local parts of emails can contain many special chars
It's why addresses like [email protected] work
An email address identifies an email box to which email messages are delivered. A wide variety of formats were used in early email systems, but only a single format is used today, following the standards developed for Internet mail systems since the 1980s. This article uses the term email address to refer to the addr-spec defined in RFC 5322, not to the address that is commonly used; the difference is that an address may contain a display name, a comment, or both. An email address such as [email protected] is made up of a local-part, an @ symbol, then a case-insensitive domain. Although the...
I am definitely excluding a whole lot of valid chars
we did include the the "+"
Really, though
Do proper validation server side
I'll just use this for now Regex(".+@.+\\..+")
On the client, just check if there is an @ with text on either side
Many backend frameworks have email validation utils
You may be able to use one of those
00:00 - 14:0014:00 - 23:00

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