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you found the link on the aws java sdk official docs while working hard on your project, right Dave?
happens to me all the time as well (y)
@Mauker how about a meme app which features all mauker memes?
10:47 PM
You guys should play that if you haven't
yo cM
and gn
good night
11:02 PM
would you consider an AsyncTask to be a wrapped Thread?
it doesn't literally wrap a thread, it instead uses a Thread provided by a ThreadPool, but for all intents and purposes it's "wrapping" a background thread
I would say you could loosely say that
yea idk why this guy is calling me out for a 6yr old comment lol
It's kind of like an object that wraps scheduling a task, asynchronously, on a background thread.
an AsyncTask if you will
Though, you might get a better response from someone who has done android within the last 6 months :(
11:07 PM
I haven't done Android in 2 years lol
but yes that's accurateish, just giving you a hard time
lol dave
Ya, if you said it to me directly I would probably say "not technically but sure"
I definitely wouldn't bother harassing someone in a post about it
What do you do, trevor? I didn't realize you weren't doing Android
iOS + Swift
still keep tabs on Android land
just haven't written any code
same here except not iOS, fortunately
I've been doing Android the last 6 months or so, but the 6 months before that was web dev
11:11 PM
iOS dev is pretty nice tbh
the APIs make so much more sense
Apple is very good at that
the core technology iOS is built on however, isn't very good imo
Dave, I thought you did it all all of the time
Our company has grown enough that I now have a Sr and 3 Jrs
so now I do what the other 4 can't + project management
It's a cM, Dave, and trevor?
11:24 PM
How do you do?
that depends on what I'm doing at the time
11:39 PM
Look at it
It's so cute
TristanBot Summoned

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