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@eski glad to hear that I wasn't imagining things. I remember when your handle was "eskimo apps"
@Code-Apprentice Or maybe he only said that so you won't feel bad about your memory
Now you'll never know
1 hour later…
@RaghavSood well, rip. Onto the next project
But I'm still working on it :(
Although I've had to take a slight detour to try and make sure I don't fail the stats exam tomorrow
Can I specify that items under a layer-list tag must be of same height?
I am drawing a seekbar thumb: layerlist has thumb's background shape and a bitmap-png above it
item with bitmap-png expands the thumb height-wise
the bitmap-png is a 9patch, maybe there's a default size to it.
Goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood Morning Fellow Citizens of Room 15!!!!!!! :D
@KaranChunara You need at least 80 rep to get access here
Hiya Rupin, Suraj, Raghav, Warren, Ahmad, CF, Tim, Mehdi!!!!!! :D
hey W0mp3r
@KaranChunara sorry but you need at least 80 reputation to join this chat. More details can be found here: room-15.github.io
ah damn, sorry I missed that Raghav was faster
sorry for the double ping Karan
@CptEric Yeah I know and the greedy thing is that you can not combine the coupons, but you can also just jump over the entrance no one cares
@karanChunara u need 80 reps to c h a t
Hiya Netpork, Murat, Reno, Mark!!!!! :D
Hellolo androids!
How y'all doin?
Wow just a big update! The description changed!!
that is so yesterday
hey abhi
Hey CF! How's his Highness doing?
we've reached room15 v3.4
that's why we needed a description update
just a made up number :}
Were the rules updated too?
Damn it.. makes a meta post about unchanged rules
What changed in the room?
RN 0.56.0 released yesterday
@carl wouldn't tell me
I thought only I lived under a rock. Hey Mark!
and I was busy in meetings all day to figure it out :s
refactoring legacy code is an adventure fraught with danger
Hiya Abhi, Bhargav!!!! :D
v3.5 should add a rule saying the rules cannot be questioned or recommended for updates
Then we shall truly be a dictatorship
Hey womp!
I thought Raghav was a belief for those who wanted freedom from tyranny
Jun 4 at 8:16, by Raghav Sood
All those who seek to end tyranny and support freedom are Raghav
For one to be free, one must rule
There is no freedom greater than the oppression of the universe
Nature gif of the morning i.imgur.com/DW2YSpX.gif
wtf? thats brutal
omg why
anyone experiencing issues with AS 3.1.x in the form of R becoming unresolved for no reason every now and then, requiring rebuild?
not I sorry :s
sounds like maybe it's some dependency issue
mostly interested in responses from android devs, ahmad
it is most certainly not a dependency issue
it works fine most of the time, but sometimes when you look away and then look back, everything R related is unresolved
@TimCastelijns w o wrip m8
public call outs like that are prohibited by the geneva convention
they are not
I have actually read it, and it does not mention public call outs
dodged my bluff like a pro
you fell for mine like a noob
@TimCastelijns well looks similar kind of issue of R.java not getting rebuild every now and then
double betrayal
this is turning into house of cards
I don't think anyone ever read that convention. Reading is for nerds
I just tried to open up the pdf
and tried to find something that I could use
but then I was like no dude this thing is way too long
Tim ain't so dim, a sudden whim may make the situation for Ahmad real grim
nice rhymes 2pac abhi
googles how to handle fame
He actually met with the supreme leader
we didn't meet
The maniac and the rocket man
(Did I?!). Yeah bois I met the supreme leader.
I am the supreme leader
⃖ as seen by the italics
so... there are more than one supreme leader??
there are more than 1 supreme leaders?
CF is highly triggered
oooooh high five CF!!
lol the timing
high five womp o/\o
looks like a sad bird face
^^did that emoji work?
yep 👌
Canary 18 bitches
Woah so many cool features
> The default .gitignore didn't ignore .idea/caches/build_file_checksums.ser.
Praise be the Google lords
nice one
personally I can't wait for canary 20. It will be a major canary release, wondering what they have in stock for us
is there a schedule date for stable release of 3.2?
how many canaries must die before stable?
Aha, just one more major feature left for the explorer and then we are good for the beta version
Even now, it's as functional as all the others
The best bit is what will set it apart
Soon, I shall be rich
Probably not tbh
Beta version? What you making?
Looks cool!
Yeah, surprisingly functional for around 9 hours of work
But I think I'm going to have to finish it tomorrow, need to study for an exam first
Just need to add search and index the actions inside transactions
@KarimElziny You need at least 20 rep to talk in chat, and 80 for this room
wow nice
They have their own SE in beta as well eosio.stackexchange.com
Yeah, I saw
do you know of any good hosting site that it's not too expensive??
my digital ocean coupon expired and i'm searching for something else T^T
Supposed to be good: heroku.com
what are you hosting?
some laravel projects
Heroku is decent for basic hosting
Although, a $5 VPS at Digital Ocean is pretty nice too
and right now i'm trying to do a python api so... if i could put that there too it would be nice
Heroku lets you create multiple projects, shouldn't be too much of an issue
you can host python api's for free on google app engine, although you have to use their infrastructure
Same for AWS lambda, it's not easy to cross the 1M req/month free limit
All I know is that Heroku is good for hosting small projects for free
> Hey Martin,

Hope you are well.

How passionate are you regarding Android?

Do you prefer Java or Android SDK and why?

How to win the Award "I have no clue what I am talking about"
i'll try the free tier of heroku and let's see how it goes :D
thanks everyone :3
> Hello Cameron,

you just won the "How to show that I have no idea what I am talking about in one sentence?"-Award with "Do you prefer Java or Android SDK and why?"
It is as wrong as it can get.

You as a recruitment professional should have some basic understanding of your potential targets and their work. Otherwise your contact message will end up as a joke in a #fun slack channel.

Nonetheless I wish you better luck with someone else.

Have a nice week.
oh... it runs with postgreSQL D:
@MatF welcome back. Please just check for changes in the room rules: room-15.github.io
sometimes I'm wondering - why the fuck my phone has octa-core cpu but my laptop has only quad-core?
more cores != more power
-_- obviously
because your phone is optimized to do many small tasks in parallel, while your laptop is optimized to do a couple of larger tasks in parallel
but, why the fuck phone needs 8 core?
the main reason is the temperature
also your CPU probably has HT or similar tech which an ARM hasn't
and 8 cores can do the same as 4 cores but with less Mhz and therefore less temperature
never really understood, what hyper-threading is
active vs passive cooling
@WarrenFaith I prefer none
reply with that
HT just utilize the time a CPU is waiting for IO stuff to happen with giving the processing power to another task
So in theory when you have a task calculating 1sec and writing the result to the storage for 1sec, you can speed it up by 100% by calculating the next iteration when the first task writes to storage
the result is a cpu always calculating and a storage always writing
meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/369342/… someone's imagination is getting running amok
it's not his imagination. China is going black mirror
Please give me something of the stuff you're smoking. If so many people complain that they don't understand you, you can't claim it's all about them. If there were such a thing as a social credit system in China, then why would it be linked to your reputation on Stack Overflow, a site ran from the USA? What is your rationale for linking the two? That's something you will have to explain if you want to start a discussion. Otherwise the response will just be "What?", as you've discovered. — CodeCaster 12 mins ago
'then it just proves my point!' ...what point? You didn't make any points, just asked about irrelevant social noise. This is all just a waste of disk space and network bandwidth. — Martin James 3 hours ago
How do i disable the ugly left nav there
@TimCastelijns I get that part. But how did OP connect it to SO rep?
I hardly understood, why that question was downvoted
because its unclear
@MuratK. profile, settings, preferences, left bar
thx fam
also OP's first revision had this:
> BTW. you can vote the question down, but if that is your only reaction, then it just proves my point!
Kinda pushing people to downvote there
I'm kinda feeling bad for that man. SCS sucks
textbook troll
@MuratK. more annoyance ? you have to set separately for main and meta
main doesn't have it
i do have it on main
I don't have it, guess I am lucky
was only on meta
Lunch time!!!! :D
Hiya Mauker!!!!!! :D
Hiya wompah!!!!!!! :D
CF o/
@MilanPansuriya @RutvikBhatt you have access. Start by reading the rules and confirm you have read them before saying anything else
thanks @TimCastelijns
Rules: room-15.github.io
"and confirm you have read them before saying anything else"
Come on Milan, we trust you in this
it is too difficult. Is typing the same as speaking?
grabs popcorn
reaches for Cold Fires popcorn
reaches for stolen popcorn on marks's hand
realizes this is too inefficient
@TimCastelijns i had read rules
sit on the other side and reaches for CF's popcorn
how many rules did you see?
Tim's being patient today
9 out of 9
is this a popcorn party??
May 4 at 8:59, by Tim Castelijns
I am not a savage anymore. I am a zen guru with unlimited patience
@MilanPansuriya did you also see number 6
what does it say
I have read and understood the rules
Your first message must be “I have read and understood the rules”.
well then why not post it?
welcome rutvik
distributes popcorn to mark mauker and womp
Welcome both
and milan
welcome rutvik and milan
Welcome Rutvik and Milan!!!!!!!!:D
Thank you
have any of you tried kotlin coroutines yet?
I think PHP is better than Kotlin
I believe tristan has
@Jordy well then that's Jordy's insanity confirmed
I thought you're so liberal
it matters indeed. We need it to distinguish noobs from non-noobs
@Mauker in what capacity? Actually I haven't spoken to him in months. I can't always find the words in between the cats
@Jordy #FakeNews
@TimCastelijns I'm not sure. But I also think it would be good to ask adam about this subject
adam knows nothing about it
Oh, now I remember where I saw Tristan use it
ChatSE that is
We couldn’t find any code matching 'coroutines' in room-15/ChatSE
Then I must have been mistaken, sorry Tim
@Jordy @AdamMc331
@MarkO'Sullivan XD
I haven't updated just yet
I don't know how I have resisted the update
Gradle sync failed: Already disposed! (18 s 771 ms)
Anyone ever had that issue?
should be fixed in canary 19
@ColdFire any solution which isn't restarting Android Studio / invalidating cache?
i am not sure how i solved but i try to look at logs if any and fix whatever is said in logs
never restarted AS for that
@Mauker I was afk for 10 minutes, wtf is going on xD
follow the response
I have returned
I have noticed
I have not cared
I have starred
I have lol'ed
I remain
I weep
Simple solution, Tim, just stop introspecting
H I womp
@Ahmad Vistara
Who the hell pinned Jordy's message?!
he deserves the same shame treatment as womp was given
AdamMc331, Brooklyn, NY, USA
11k 7 39 89
looks at top tags
look who's talking, mr in top 5
shots fired
At least that's part of my Android history
I should start tackling the Kotlin tag
I come from a darker time
I used Eclipse for Android once. Once.
Warren, I recall you teaching me Android back in the eclipse days :D
raghav didn't see light until optic fibre cables were invented
Those shots come right back at you
That's a good one, not gonna lie
lmao tim
@RaghavSood where can you find that?
Like how can I view my own?
Double marks
*Double marks
Removed mark
Django? HA
I haven't touched that in years
do me
do yourself
Reno, Probably crowd surfing on unicorns
30.2k 9 75 96
Ahmad has started a trend
Reno, Probably crowd surfing on unicorns
30.2k 9 75 96
What's that php scum is doing on my profile? deletes answers
its your main profile page
feels good
idk how to generate it
mr. maps guy
Just paste the profile link here
Or look at the tags section of your profile
What sort of witchcraft is this
SO oneboxes certain urls
urls from the own domain most notably, but also twitter and others
Q: How does oneboxing work?

Octavian DamieanI'm wondering how oneboxing on chat works. Do you fetch the data from an API of a site for which oneboxing is implemented or do you scrape the content of that page and extract the desired data?

A: Which links and sites are handled specially in chat?

Juha SyrjäläThe current list of integrated (we call this onebox, or oneboxing, ala search engines) sites is: Stack Exchange sites: Questions / Answers / Users / Comments Stack Exchange Chat: Messages / Rooms / Bookmarked conversations Area 51 proposals Posts from the Stack Overflow blog and the Server Faul...

So if certain URLs are posted in here then SO does voodoo / black magic and produces cool shit?
I see
I had my only published Android app removed for failing to comply with Google Play policy :(
@MarkO'Sullivan lol did you notice php is one of my top tags and I've never even used it? It's only because I've answered so many SQL questions also tagged with it.
what did you do to get kicked out of play store?
I have a score of 5 for Django and 14 for Flutter ¬_¬
@AdamMc331 Nice coverup
@SurajRao idk stopped checking it, probably failed to agree to updated policy terms or something. I lost the keystore years ago when I was a noob, so stopped caring about it
@MarkO'Sullivan what kind of violation?
You know, before it was taken down, you could've just downloaded your APK
@ColdFire he probably failed to agree to updated policy terms or something
Sorry meant keystore
@AdamMc331 That's like being friends with someone who is also best friends with a murderer.
another keystore victim folks
eski :D lol
Adam, you have company
Yes... Adam is not the only one lol. I said this when I first joined
lmao eski
If it makes both of you feel better, I've lost a bitcoin key in the past
in mempool on The Stack Exchange Network Chat, May 29 at 3:44, by Raghav Sood
I actually ended up losing 0.001 BTC in that, because I left one of the printer wallets next to a window, and the sunlight burnt the receipt paper so the QR code was no longer accessible
You guys should join and make a boy band. The lost keystores
wow omg Mark I knew there was a reason we were friends
Adam lost it once, I lost it twice. Second time I lost the entire project (including the keystore)
Adam spent this entire time thinking he was the last of his kind
Pretty sure my PC was corrupted and I must have deleted backups (was moving from Dropbox to version control at the time)
Now he's not alone anymore
You know, I just realized. A lot of the initial keystores that were valid for 10 years would be expiring around now
Mine were valid for 25
what would happen them?
mine too
@MarkO'Sullivan I was also serious about the integrating Flutter to a native project thing. I'd like to get through the udacity course first, but once I finish I'll reach out.
they wont be able to sign with that keystore i guess
what happens to the app?
@AdamMc331 all for that. If you've got an existing project, let me know what one otherwise we can create a Kotlin app
cant update i guess
We are sorry to inform you that this app won't be updated again, ever
@MarkO'Sullivan We could add something to Cash Caretaker? :)
@AdamMc331 absolutely fine by me
@MarkO'Sullivan that's why you put the keystore in vcs
It's technically still version control if you delete it
It's just that the version is never going up
@TimCastelijns yep! I think what happened was it was on my Dropbox, I didn't realise it was gone until looking for my source code months later, just happened to be one month later than the maximum time you can recover files on Dropbox premium

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