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Thank you Tim & Jon for granting the permission to access this chat room.
i just took a glance at your question and it looks pretty unclear to me
> Requirements 1. Spinner1 change as per edittext change 2. I should be able to click the Spinner1 and see the items.
what does this mean?
imo there's too much code in that question, shorten it by the 3/4 if you want to attract people
especially the error lol
Yes.. I would like to use single spinner for multiple result.
lots of unnecessary code lol
You simply can't
i think if you have read how spinner works you could have figured it out by now
you'll just attach multiple adapters when needed to change or 1 Adapter and change the data and notify it
I tried with multiple adapter but one user advised me to try with single adapter for multiple purpose so then i tried..
then what happened?
lmao that mp4 was long warren
this video cringed me so hard tho
@WarrenFaith It's a big deal man if you make a sandwich with great care and then that happens - day ruined
In that case. i am able to see spinner inside contents which is my second requirement but whereas search event was not working fully
search event in spinner?
@MuratK. I had this 1 week ago after finishing cooking my famous spaghetti
Yes using textwatcher
Made my plate flip on the carpet
spinner change as per edittext input.
That also happened to me once I was on the verge of crying
Well i wasnt crying but I was full of rage
i think what you need is a AutoCompleteTextView
are you sure you need a spinner?
yes. there is a reason behind is.
Nvm had to re-read the question
@Jordy reasons to not have a carpet.
1) jordy's spaguetti.
2) eric's paella.
3) jordy's kapsalon
4) weed
wait weed why
imagine dropping your paper full of weed
on a carpet
There is a trend on youtube where people are asked how much of worth they are wearing - there was one guy who said 10k€ +
in clothes or what?
probably not a developer :D
Honestly my jaw dropped, I never would have guessed that
there are T-Shirts for 200€
Expensive cloths don't make a man, frikandelbroodjes do.
hmm... 4,5€ the shirt, 2€ the inner T-shirt, 14€ the pants, 14€ the shoes. i'm a dinner out worth.
wait what 4.5 euro for a shit?
that sounds very cheap
And here I am sitting with my limited 450 euro Nike Air Max 1's
Only brand I give a damn about: Shoes
i'm happy with my 14€ decathlon trekking boots. 2 years lasting so far
and my last shoes were 6€ runner shoes from decathlon too, lasted 5 years
I just love nike shoes, my parents gave me my first pair as a baby. Always stayed at nike.
I want these
for training
@CptEric that is actually cheaper than what we get her e:(
@netpork those are nice ^^
could be, dunno.
i'm not an expert on marketing strategies of big brands of clothing
i just know i have to get new clothing atleast once a year
and i want it to be as unexpensive as possible
oh nice
primark :(
atleast Nike lies about using kids for their products
@MuratK. the funny thing is that they look exactly like the ones costing 20€ :D asked once someone they told me they purchase these over expensive clothes because the thought of wearing something that costly makes them happy XD
I can get behind the idea that it makes you feel better
but man that's a lot of money
i don't know how an expensive clothing item can make you feel better
unless it's got an auto warmer inside or built in air freshener
@CptEric garmentquarter.com/index.php/… There you go, special air freshener shirt
Anybody watching Black Mirror here?
I watched the first season of Black Mirror
The name has a deeper meaning
@Raghunandan They will be! It will take some time for the organizers to upload them to youtube.
Creator says Black Mirror was called Black Mirror because when you look at your phone or computer screen after it's turned off you see your reflection on the black screen
So in your opinion which is better, Mr. Robot or Black Mirror?
Do you want Skynet to win or lose?
apples and oranges
I'm more of a Fruit superclass person
Whether skynet wins or loses, humans die
The only question is how
@RaghavSood That is kinda hard to answer. I mean yeah AI should develop drastically, but AI taking over; nah passing on that
composition over inheritance noob
Mr. Robot is more realistic than BM i think, cuz BM takes dark tech to a whole new level
skynet will lose
@RaghavSood happy birthday, old man
@ColdFire But AI is becoming increasingly powerful. So what's stopping it from annihilating humans once it becomes all mighty?
imo, what's threatening is if AI takes place as a major actor in critical decisions, instead of playing the role of an advisor
we're pretty far for an "all mighty" AI
i don't support AI as decision maker for the same reason i don't trust 'our best experts', who gets to pick it as a good decision maker?
let's not pretend any of us know anything about it, even though we watched terminator
we've had enough examples about how wrong an AI could go, be it by books or cinema
@WarrenFaith I laughed so hard at that
every moral dilemma behind a movie / show / book is not to be taken as a joke just because it's not a direct literal example of a technological implementation
AI could get it wrong but surely it couldn't get it more wrong than Donald Trump
well it certainly could
or, like my favourite protest/demonstrator sign says: "1984 was meant to be a warning, not a guide, you dumbfucks!"
@CptEric That's where I think Mr. Robot does justice. Not AI yeah, but it got the tech right
terminator isn't meant to be more than entertainment, but the moral background written in the shoul of the saga surely lights a lightbulb about how wrong an AI could go and the reasons why.
also that travelling to the past won't change the future but rather tangentially modify a reality into a new timeline.
or as my favourite time travel paradox-ish show says: "wibley-wobley timey-whimey stuff".
@CptEric This reminds me, have y'all watched Primer?
Kubrick speculated on big surface touch computers. now we got tablets.
r15 speculated on me getting paella once, and today i ate paella for lunch.
well color me purple
had to google that
speculation might lead to a future. it's our job to not let distopic armagedonnic speculations come to life
and that starts by not giving nuke buttons to orange blobs and / or self learning AI
let's not forget the last time we left a self learning AI alone on the internet ( twitter ), in less than 24h it became a nazi racist asshole.
> Twitter taught Microsoft’s AI chatbot to be a racist asshole in less than a day
are you till referring to trump?
i might be.
yup microsoft built trump 100% sure.
it's a failed AI experiment
terminator gone rogue.
and the last time google built a self learning AI to test security and ciphering, pair based on entropy and generated input, the AI machines created their own cryptographic system and cyphered their conversations.
mix both AI's and we have end to end uncrackable conversations about exterminating humans.
@CptEric pics or it didn't happen
it's already in my tummy
any fan of The Wire?
@CptEric by definition an experiment can't fail. You always gain insights. So if you are looking for something and you found nothing, you still have shown that there is nothing. Science works that way, always
you can fail the conditions, but you will still get output
I saw most of S1 of the wire
if your experiment was tasked to deliver X apples and you got a purple orange, it's failed on the output, but still, provides a purple orange.
the guy behind the show is gonna make a tv show about the unit i reenact on the spanish civil war
"The dry run", the history of the Abraham lincoln brigade.
@CptEric I've been educating myself lately about what are the steps to do to refine a model in case it doesn't behave as expected, and it's a big loop of training testing failing tuning training... it's not easy but pretty cool
nice :D
oh @WarrenFaith i found that your country had it's own brigade too. pretty cool tbh, is it known in germany that ~3000 germans fought side-to-side with the republic against it's own government & it's allies?
nice card game, take 6
@CptEric yes, season 1
but not fan
series is bad
it is one of the top series on IMDB
still bad
til, since android O, html video tags are blocked from autoplaying in webviews
they aren't on my phone
on chrome or within an apps webview?
what I get and from my reading is that videos now require an explicit "click" from the user to be played
care to share what your video tag looks like?
video #player loop muted playsinline webkit-playsinline
the important tags
alongside autoplay
Hmmm. I think that works because of the mute attribute (from this googlechrome.github.io/samples/muted-autoplay)
thanks, gonna take a look
o/ everyone
o/ hi adam
Back at the office after ChicagoRoboto. That was a ton of fun. :)
Great news adammc
adam, is your presentation recorded
Yeah they recorded the audio. They'll be posted whenever the organizers have time. I'm not sure when.
just the audio?
how will we know that you did make the presentation then?
I'd rather have just the video
It's the audio and slides haha
And trust me, my voice is unique. You'll know it's me.
Audio, buuuuuh
I know, no one was filming. I can share a picture from it though!
you should have a presentation camera
and call it okCamera.
so JW actually accepts to be a speaker in a conference where they don't film?
Nice, Adam is the only certified android dev here
JW Seal of approval
wow, look at them all fawning over you
@AdamMc331 you are the one ,on the dais ?
That is me. :)
All speakers:
These folks, right here. So awesome. #chicagoroboto
I see some Indian faces
did you make any jokes?
Yes, two Indian speakers. :) They were wonderful people I met both of them.
@eski I did. I only made one outside of the title I think
but I was talking about how we architect our apps with MVP/MVC/MVWTF (which isn't even an original joke) but the crowd liked it
you should have made more jokes
That was the only joke I made, but I did try to say other things that people chuckled at.
I think it went well.
I went kinda fast, at least I thought, but everyone else told me my timing was perfect.
the best presentations are short and concise, so people don't lose attention and don't get bored
@AdamMc331 I'm very disappointed you didn't use MOS as example
also who is the guy bottom row grey shirt? Looks familiar
mark allison ok thanks
@AdamMc331 oh nice
@AdamMc331 right in the middle
Not a real reflection of coders :(
Where is the video of you speaking Adam
It is not up yet lmao
Shitty internet in mmmurica?
dont know why but actually i noticed it too no blondes in that pic
don't be so condescending jordy. It's not easy to go to the website, select a file and click the upload button
@eski nice! bookmarking it
@AdamMc331 I think I will play amen break in the background of your presentation audio just to spice it up a little bit more
The conference organizers have a million other things to do and their own lives to deal with. They can't upload videos instantly. If we wanted to see me talk right away you should have bought a conference ticket. sips tea
I bet all of the good talks were uploaded already
scenes from 145th st/broadway. @NYCTSubway @MTA @NY1 #justalittlerain https://t.co/vUYed8Se6g
@TimCastelijns WOW
If you wanna see a recap, including a summary of my talk, check this out:
@AdamMc331 Yeah I would definitely buy a ticket + 800 euro for airplane just to hear you talk for like 30-60 minutes. Worth the money.
it's also raining a lot in spain
While I can also watch a video
Thanks Jordy, I think so too.
I mean, the message is the same on video
Maybe if you give a lecture in The Netherlands, more interesting
casually ignoring my roast. You're a bigger man than I am
that was not me calling you fat btw
but yeah adam. we can't afford a plane + a ticket just to year you. :(
come to europe goddamit
Tim is back on Savage mode :D
you're a rich okGuy now, you can afford it
I need a passport first lmao
get one! it shouldn't be hard
you're of the right ethnicity and linguistic main tongue to get one easily, as per your current gov.
anyone here using RxLifecycle?
you dont have a passport adam?
maybe they won't let him have one
maybe his real name is Ádam Sanchez McNeilly, from Tijuana
so his nationality is undecided?
well americans don't have any kind of national ID as far as i know
maybe the social security number but as per movies and newspapers that's easy to fake
@AdamMc331 am i wrong?
Idk how easy it is to fake a SSN card, but no we don't have a nationwide ID they're issued per state
we don't have one in the uk either
just passport and drivers license
But they're recognized by each other. I can use my NY driver's license to buy beer in another state for example.
but uk drivers license is national
yeah true
so it's like an id
every country should issue useable national ID's.
I just heard a potential 3-5 weeks before vids are up
they're more comfortable than passports, and can hold valuable information
i think in europe we can travel on our drivers license too, no need to take a passport
please relay our discontent
useable national ID = not just a cardboard
america is behind on a million things though
just add it to the list
mine comes with my own personal signing certificate, i just gotta plug it in to a nfc / card / infra / magnet reader and i can do taxes, request grants, wathever.
@TimCastelijns Will do
mvp folks, on the MVP-clean google samples, they instantiate a presenter from the view by passing domain objects, shouldn't the creation of domain objects be done on the presenter side?
time to go home
often domain objects rely on a context which the presenter does not know about
good point, but shouldn't the view, conceptually at least, ignore anything else besides the presenter? (I understand now, that it's the only way the domain objects can have access to the context)
What are "domain objects"
it's basically where your business logic goes
And passing stuff into the presenter sounds like dependency injection, which makes sense and can also make your presenter more testable
So you think it's antipattern for the view to pass a repository into a presenter, rather than have the presenter create its own repository?
If yes, see the message above that one.
Your presenter shouldn't really care about how the "repository" is instantiated, it just knows it will need to interract with one.
it is an antipattern for the view to decide this, but you have few options
dagger to the rescue
Sure, but if you're not using dagger, :man-shrugging:
I've seen google samples using their own DI (static methods)
repositories can usually be singletons, but that does not work for all dependencies
so this anti pattern comes with the limitations of Android not allowing the context to be accessible from anywhere else - and the fact that presenters should be android-agnostic?
Understood, Thanks
this is only 1 man's opinion tho
Two men's opinions. I'm with Tim here
I actually tried to picture all the other possible ways, looks impossible with the context indeed
@TimCastelijns what do you mean?
you don't really need a di lib to inject traveling non singleton objects
if your repo is a singleton, you don't need to instantiate it and thus your view doesn't have to pass it
but if you have a dependency that is not a singleton, you do
aaah, yeah makes sense
ohhh MVP discussion
@AdamMc331 Adam, plz. Come to Brazil
no bring brazil here
Good morning! Getting started on #ChicagoRoboto session recordings… stay tuned :)
it is incredible what room#15 push can achieve
sup mauker
why the XXL flag tho
Adam said: Bring Brazil here
Mauker is Brazil
Yesterday I went to another Indoor championship, and I broke my personal record
oh nice
how many instructors you killed?
I made 258 points out of 300
lol eric
I'll need you to defend my castle
Good, found a job :D
@ColdFire -sama, quick, make a counter offer to Mauker
Now that Obama’s poll numbers are in tailspin – watch for him to launch a strike in Libya or Iran. He is desperate.
@AdamMc331 ^
It's Newton's third law of politics. For every Trump action, there's an equal and opposite tweet against Obama.
tailspin — there's an utility in macOS with this name
just needed to use it recently
I'd forgotten about that show until now
I sort of remember it
recently I watched all the "Zack Morris is Trash" videos
do they play any american sitcoms in india?
posted on April 16, 2018 by Android Developers

Posted by Dave Smith, Developer Advocate for IoT Earlier this year at CES, we showcased consumer products powered by Android Things from partners like Lenovo, LG, JBL, iHome, and Sony. We are excited to see Android Things enable the wider developer ecosystem as well. Today we are announcing the final preview release of Android Things, Developer Preview 8, before the upcoming stable relea

@AdamMc331 lol
@eski naah
@MehdiB. 1cent for every flies killed
Someone started talking about Talespin and I was summoned.
yo graeme
Talespin followed by duck tales, it was a tale of a time
also o/
yeah both were epic
those days :(
is there a place where you can download and watch duck tales. i remember i used to watch on the only channel we had at that time DD 10AM on sundays.
I'd try the internet
i tried to find it on imdb. anyway this is off topic
lol when do we talk ontopic anyway?
on-topic is off-topic for the room
^ true
There's on-topic, and there's degrees of off-topic that are great for a room to have a sense of community - and then there's off-topic stuff where flags arrive... first two are great... the later not :p
the genie appears absent flags
he must like us :D
this one was one of my favorites, until I was 11 I think
@TimCastelijns nah... I just get to claim your souls after N many flags is all :p
N being equal to? :D
val N = ∞
@TimCastelijns perfect timing
mehdi tried mvvm?
not yet, gonna implement MVP first, in a new project and see how I like it :D
what's the pattern you're currently using?
with mvvm you have viewmodel and androidviewmodel ( you get applicationcontext) . the repository is mostly singleton. mvp or mvvm depending on the client
@eski There are many american sitcoms played in India
posted on April 16, 2018 by Saurabh Chaudhary

Android Studio 3.2 Canary 11 is now available in the Canary and Dev channels. Record a method trace during app startup You can now record a method during app startup. Enable the feature by selecting Run > Edit Configurations from the main menu and, under the Profile tab of your desired run configuration, checking the box next to Start recording a method trace on startup. After that

interesting! and do you get to choose yourself? or does it usually comes imposed by the client?
@TimCastelijns i just remembered the conversion you had with warren on view being dumb. what would you do if you had to say check for google play services availablity.? ( goes into view or presenter)
mostly choosen my project managers and sometimes client already has a code base so its just a case of continuing with what they have
some people in one of our slack meetup group had similar questions on what goes into view in the new aac.

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