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@AdamMc331 What about all the dreams you've crush of people who never got a chance to meet their soulmate?
listen here
5 hours ago, by AdamMc331
but I hate Raghav every day
Think about the children Adam
Stop spreading your hate to others, mate
all the unborn children you are killing
@AdamMc331 Oh wow that was only 5 hours ago?
I thought it was yesterday
I think about that every time I you know what I'll keep it SFW
he reposts it daily
smh I'm going back to work. Thanks for all the emotional support. :|
Try not to kill any more unborn babies by adding bugs
why would you do that adam
He doesn't want to be stuck with Tristan forever
That's his ulterior motive for joining okc
1 hour later…
@saketkumar95 you have write access. Please read the room rules before proceeding room-15.github.io
How's it going, Dave?
not bad, busy with work and life, real adulting stuff
Ah, those things. They are rough
2 more months and i'll be making some real good (bad) jokes
:D can't wait for you to join us
still doing "not Android" development?
"kind of"
Working on my next Android release that should be my 200th last update
Hello there
Office is closed tomorrow so I'll be working from home! \o/
I was hoping to hear back from this place about a Xamarin gig but nothing yet since I turned in my project :/
Why are you closed tomorrow?
You also looking for a new role?
Oh, that's a good excuse
Have been for awhile
Red weather warning here
"risk of death" etc
That sounds bad
It's the UK, we don't know how to deal with the gripping coldness when the snow covers our shoes over here
You'd probably laugh if you seen the state of the snow atm
This would be a good time for me to pull up some Indiana memes but I think I'm too tired
That's pretty much it
We named this "snow storm" The Beast From The East
I wish I could say I'm joking lol
this stuff doesn't make itself up
lol I've seen more snow in Phoenix and it's snowed twice here in 30 years
makes for pretty good comical value though
and a day off
sort of
Well considering I haven't got React Native Maps to work within a React Native component it'll look like I've done nothing tomorrow (unless I get it working)
if you get it working early tomorrow you could totally draw that one out
Hope you are keeping well @codeMagic
It's been pretty mentally draining lol
Not the best but pretty acurate
Looks bad!
That's not even a real bad day
I'll see if it'll be any worse tomorrow (red alert until 10am I think)
@MarkO'Sullivan Will be once I get out of this shithole or people here figure things out
But this has been us over the last week...
50's today then snow again tomorrow. Make up your fucking mind, mother nature
sudo rm -rf MicrosoftVisualStudio*
When I eventually do get React Native Maps working, I'll do a blog post plus publish a GitHub project with it working
I don't want anyone to go through the same shite I have
Damn, took my joke. lol
Great minds and all that
That bad, huh?
Yep lol
on the plus side, I made two commits to the official docs within a couple of days at looking at the React Native stuff
because their docs were wrong / outdated
... maybe that isn't a plus :D
On the plus side you're giving me plenty of ammunition to justify to the jr devs why I don't want to pivot to react native for app development without some internal projects to develop some work experience in it.
It seems to be fine if you're going fully RN
Just seems a bit more of a pain / have less resources if you're integrating some RN components into existing Android apps
I see
Check out Flutter
I would have preferred to hear "It sucks, stick with native and never learn new things"
It's nice and if you use Angular you can even have logic shared between web app and mobile apps
It sucks, stick with native and never learn new things
i'll keep an eye on flutter
I'm being taught how to drag and drop form elements
Someone save me
pay close attention
This is gonna be a long two hours
Just subtly troll it
ask what happens if you let go of the mouse button before you're done dragging
or wait until it's half way over and ask what a form is

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