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I once made a CLI app in java as a joke that calculated the number of fucks given. xD I think I have a screen cap laying around somewhere.
How many stars you give? That doesn't make sense. /s
My first major program was a windows CLI address book, this was before I had a cell phone and I was starting college, so I used it to keep track of new friends for the first year
I dont know the official ruling on foul language in chat so I censored it out... xD
foul language is ok
You can say whatever the fuck you want
Dave, now that is pretty cool.
In fact it's been said almost 4,000 fucking times.
There all better. Murica.
Just watch how it's used. "fuck you" is likely to be frowned upon still unless it's clearly lighthearted.
fuck that
@DaveS fuck you
see that's light hearted
reported for RO abuse
What are you gonna do? Send Timothy after me?
No, he'd send Carl
I'll tell rlemon that you were being mean, and he'll do nothing about it
he'll apologize in adam's stead
Carrrrrrlll That kills people.
Actually I think I'll prop Raghav up as a puppet moderator
then we'll see who's mean to me
No... I refuse to engage in this kind of trolling as its triggers me... I need a free covfefe and a safe space.... >.> -- JK
JK Rowling said that?
Once upon a moon.
quality dad joke Tristan
This was clearly before she was a writer and her spelling was not something that made her millions.
Alright now that I have my fucking shit sorted out... Kotlin is kinda... fun.
And I am not even doing anything with it. :P
Your name is: Alex
Your age is: 26
Next year you will be: 27 How depressing
I should make a set of sayings for after the next age thing that based on your age comes out with a different sarcastic response.
add an easter egg, if name == "Carl Anderson" { age = Integer.MAX_INT;}
MAX_INT isn't large enough
Anyone have a recommendation to browsing your SQLite DB while debugging?
Preferably from Android Studio
Your name is: Carl Anderson
Your age is: 9000
Next year you will be: 9001 ITS OVER 9000!!!!!!!?!?!?!
Once I get good at Programming I want to see if I can re-make that address book. If for no other reason than the novelty of it.
use stetho, or maybe look for a AS plugin but I don't know of any
Trying Stetho now
TIL platform fragments will be deprecated in next #Android version. Support lib fragments will live on. https://github.com/android/android-ktx/pull/161#issuecomment-363270555 #AndroidDev
so ahmad knew that 6h ago and he didn't care to share it with us
but this just means that android.app.fragment will be deprecated in favor of support.v4.fragment?
hopefully paving the way for them to be removed entirely?
although we still need something to put into a viewpager
Yes, Tim. No, Carl.
I'm not sure I ever used the platform version
Fragments are wonderful. And now that cM is hardly around, they will reign over this room.
good thing I only ever use support fragments
has removed AdamMc311 from the list of room owners
I'll take his spot Carl
I also only use support AlertDialog and DialogFragments. I wonder if this means those platform ones will be deprecated too.
I use support everything unless there isn't a support version
I'll take his spot! :D
Never work alone. https://t.co/bix82nFrWP
@TimCastelijns I had an epiphany and figured out my rxjava problem
big problem with the google samples is that they do a getUIModel on scheduler.computation() which in my case does an actual network call and throws network call on the main thread error. Took me lots of time to realise that in my fragment calling susbcribe does the work on the Flowable.fromCallable at the end of the call chain, which happens to be super long and pretty confusing without a proper explanation.
Confirmed! The #FalconHeavy #CenterCore turned into a sperm whale and a bowl of petunias on the way down. @SpaceX #ohnonotagain #dontpanic
@MarcinDeszczynski that's great. We can talk about scheduling tomorrow if you want

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